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The Effect Of Aromatherapy Massage on Anxiety Levels in Postpartum Women Erinda Nur Pratiwi; Siti Nurjanah; Ajeng Maharani Pratiwi; Aris Prastyoningsih; Atiek Murharyati; Hanugrah Ardya Crisdian Saraswati
Journal of Midwifery Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Published on Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jom.5.2.1-4.2020


Anxiety is an affective disorder characterized by deep and ongoing feelings of fear or worry. Research in Germany found 16.2% of 6-week postpartum mothers with pure anxiety disorder control (phobias, panic, acute adjustment disorder with anxiety). On the first day of the postpartum period, 82% were diagnosed with phobias. Miller et al showed that 10% of women experienced symptoms of anxiety and controls from 6 weeks to 6 months after delivery. Aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological strategy for anxiety management developed to reduce anxiety in patients. Aromatherapy can be used as an emotional therapy, thereby enhancing relaxation. Besides aromatherapy, aromatherapy massage can be used for stress management for individual health, and has often been used as a therapy to control pain and reduce psychological stress, such as anxiety. The results of a study conducted by Winai in 2003 explained that jasmine oil has a stimulating effect on nervous system function, by inhaling jasmine oil it can affect brain wave activity, increase positive emotions including feelings of happiness, prosperity, activity, freshness and romance and improve mood. The mood or mood that is often erratic in postpartum mothers can get better by inhaling jasmine oil. One of the types of complementary therapy according to Permenkes Number 15 of 2018 is aromatherapy, which is a popular therapy for mothers and midwives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aromatherapy massage on anxiety levels in postpartum mothers. The benefit of this research is that it can be a complementary therapy, especially for postpartum mothers who experience anxiety so that they are comfortable living as a new mother in their life. The research design used a Quasi Experimental design, which is a study that does not have strict restrictions on randomization with the Non-Randomized Control Group Pretest and Posttest Design, the grouping of samples in the treatment group and the control group is not done randomly.
PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN PADA IBU NIFAS MEMPERLANCAR PRODUKSI ASI Ernawati Ernawati; Siti Nurjanah; Desi Widyastutik; Erinda Nur P
PENA ABDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.176 KB)


Malnutrition in infants is caused by the increasing nutritional needs of infants. Breast engorgement is influenced by the frequency of the mother to breastfeed, the duration of breastfeeding, the initiation of early breastfeeding, static breastfeeding, the initial experience of breastfeeding. Breast engorgement is often experienced by the mother due to sore or sore nipples. Approximately 57% of breastfeeding mothers reported having experienced blisters on their nipples (Soetjiningsih, 2012). To prevent breast engorgement due to breast milk damages and accelerate the lactation process, breast care can be carried out. In addition, there are non-pharmacological drugs, namely the provision of purslane leaves for the smooth production of breast milk. With the provision of purslane leaves, it is a suitable means of partnering problems. In the end, it is hoped that it can help improve the understanding of postpartum mothers in overcoming problems in overcoming smooth production to prevent breast engorgement. Keyword : purslane leaves, breast care, smooth milk production.
Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Pemberian Daun Krokot (Portulaca Oleracea, L) dan Perawatan Payudara pada Ibu Nifas Memperlancar Produksi ASI Ernawati Ernawati; Siti Nurjanah; Desi Widyastutik; Erinda Nur P
Jurnal ABDIMAS-HIP Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ABDIMAS-HIP Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Akbid Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.195 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/abdimaship.vol3.iss2.136


The provision of purslane leaves, it is a suitable means of partnering problems. In the end, it is hoped that it can help improve the understanding of postpartum mothers in overcoming problems in overcoming smooth production to prevent breast engorgementMalnutrition in infants is caused by the increasing nutritional needs of infants. Breast engorgement is influenced by the frequency of the mother to breastfeed, the duration of breastfeeding, the initiation of early breastfeeding, static breastfeeding, the initial experience of breastfeeding. Breast engorgement is often experienced by the mother due to sore or sore nipples. Approximately 57% of breastfeeding mothers reported having experienced blisters on their nipples (Sukhee, 2011). To prevent breast engorgement due to breast milk damages and accelerate the lactation process, breast care can be carried out. In addition, there are non-pharmacological drugs, namely the provision of purslane leaves for the smooth production of breast milk.
Edukasi dengan Media Video Animasi Fisiologi Menyusui Terhadap Persepsi Produksi Asi pada Ibu Nifas yang Dirawat Di Rumah Sakit Siti Nurjanah; Retno Wulandari; Erinda Nur Pratiwi; Budi Prasetyo
Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36990/hijp.v14i2.562


Maternal perceptions of low breast milk adequacy are the most common reasons for the immediate cessation of early breastfeeding in the puerperium and up to 6 months. The initial introduction of infant formula will result in a decrease in breast milk production, which in turn interferes with the breastfeeding process. Education using animated videos is considered more effective to change the perception of breastfeeding mothers. The purpose of the study was to analyze the Effect of Breastfeeding Physiology Animation Video Education on the Perception of Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers at Karanganyar Regional Hospital. This research method was carried out in February-May 2022 at Karanganyar Regional Hospital. The study design uses a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group design model. The population in this study was all postpartum mothers at Karanganyar Regional Hospital. The study sample was 66 puerperal mothers. Before providing education using animated videos of breastfeeding physiology, pretests are carried out and after the intervention is carried out postest. Data analysis using paired T-tests and independent T-tests. The results of the analysis using the T-Test to determine the effect of breastfeeding physiology animation video education on the perception of breast milk production obtained a p value of 0.000 (p<0.05) meaning that there is an Educational Video Animation of Breastfeeding Physiology on the Perception of Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers. The conclusion in this study is that there is an influence of Breastfeeding Physiology Animation Video Education on the Perception of Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers.
The Effect of Counseling on Family Planning Acceptors in Decision Making on Contraceptive Devices during the Postpartum Period Ernawati; Siti Nurjanah; Nadya Puspita Adriana; Erinda Nur Pratiwi; Arista Apriani
Formosa Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjst.v1i5.1277


Indonesia is one of the developing countries in the world, which is ranked 4th with the largest population in the world. Indonesia has policies to control population growth, including through the Family Planning (KB) program. Family planning is an effort made by humans to intentionally regulate pregnancy in the family not against the laws and morals of Pancasila for the welfare of the family. Through the family planning program there will be control of population growth so that it can increase the level of health and welfare for the family. The current method is a one group pretest posttest design. The population of prospective family planning acceptors at PMB Mira Haryati Bangsalan Teras Boyolali. Data were taken using a family planning counseling questionnaire. The results show that the effect of giving intervention on decision making is Z -4.723, and the effect is significant, which is indicated by ap value of 0.000.
Menyusui Setelah Kembali Bekerja: Sistematik Review Siti Nurjanah; Riadini Wahyu Utami
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.217


ABSTRACT The work of the mother is cited as a major potential obstacle in exclusive breastfeeding and is a factor that can reduce the duration of breastfeeding. The time the mother returns to work has an impact on the duration of breastfeeding. This study used systematic review where a systematic review was conducted following a combination of preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA). The database uses ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, CINAHL, ProQuest, SAGE journals, and PubMed). Based on the results of the article search, 15 selected articles related to breastfeeding mothers returning to work were obtained. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 75.7%. Have a short period of maternity leave (AOR 9.3; 95%CI 3.8, 23), be a full-time employee (AOR 3.5;95% CI 1,7,11), be a private employee (AOR 2.1), less flexible working time (AOR 3.0 95% CI 1.2) do not pump breast milk (AOR 4.3 95%CI 1.7, 11), lack of breastfeeding rest rest (AOR 6.7;95% CI 3,14,5) and a workplace away from her child (AOR 3.1;95% CI 3.1, 6.3) significantly associated with the cessation of EBF among working mother. The conclusion of this research is That maintaining breastfeeding requires time and commitment from the mother, as well as a supportive workplace or learning environment. Keywords: breastfeeding, work, systematic review
Menyusui Setelah Kembali Bekerja: Sistematik Review Siti Nurjanah; Riadini Wahyu Utami
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.217


ABSTRACT The work of the mother is cited as a major potential obstacle in exclusive breastfeeding and is a factor that can reduce the duration of breastfeeding. The time the mother returns to work has an impact on the duration of breastfeeding. This study used systematic review where a systematic review was conducted following a combination of preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA). The database uses ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, CINAHL, ProQuest, SAGE journals, and PubMed). Based on the results of the article search, 15 selected articles related to breastfeeding mothers returning to work were obtained. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 75.7%. Have a short period of maternity leave (AOR 9.3; 95%CI 3.8, 23), be a full-time employee (AOR 3.5;95% CI 1,7,11), be a private employee (AOR 2.1), less flexible working time (AOR 3.0 95% CI 1.2) do not pump breast milk (AOR 4.3 95%CI 1.7, 11), lack of breastfeeding rest rest (AOR 6.7;95% CI 3,14,5) and a workplace away from her child (AOR 3.1;95% CI 3.1, 6.3) significantly associated with the cessation of EBF among working mother. The conclusion of this research is That maintaining breastfeeding requires time and commitment from the mother, as well as a supportive workplace or learning environment. Keywords: breastfeeding, work, systematic review
OVUM : Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): OVUM : Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.653 KB) | DOI: 10.47701/ovum.v1i1.1350


WHO noted that cervical cancer ranks top among various types of cancer that cause death in women in the world. In Indonesia, every year more than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer and about 8000 cases of which end in death. Preliminary study at SMAN 1 Nguter of 10 respondents who only knew about cervical cancer 3, and 7 female students who did not know anything about cervical cancer. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of female students about cervical cancer at SMAN 1 Nguter Sukoharjo. The type of research methodology used is descriptive quantitative, where the population is all students of SMAN 1 Nguter Sukoharjo and there are 100 respondents with probability sampling technique by simple random sampling, the research instrument using a closed questionnaire. The results of the research that has been carried out on students of SMAN 1 Nguter Sukoharjo can be seen that the knowledge of SMAN 1 Nguter students about cervical cancer, shows the results of good knowledge as many as 15 respondents (15%), sufficient knowledge as many as 63 respondents (63%), and lack of knowledge as many as 22 respondents (22%). Conclusion: The level of knowledge of female students about cervical cancer at SMAN 1 Nguter Sukoharjo is mostly in the sufficient category.
Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist) Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED Periode Januari - April 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.28 KB) | DOI: 10.36911/pannmed.v16i1.1038


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia are higher than the other Southeast Asia countries. To solve these problems, the utilization of an appropriate educational model for postnatal women is required with involving the family as social support. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the implementation of the FCMC model on postpartum mothers' attitude in the puerperium care in the Public Health Center of Gambirsari Surakarta. The length of this study was approximately one year from January to Desember 2020. Wilcoxon test was used as the data was not normally distributed (p-value 0,000). There is an effect in the implementation of FCMC model on postpartum mother's attitude in postpartum perineal care. There is an effect in the implementation of FCMC model on postpartum mother's attitude in postpartum homecare.