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Jurnal Hukum Legalita
ISSN : 14122480     EISSN : 27767248     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Hukum Legalita (Legalita) (P-ISSN: 1412-2480 and E-ISSN: 2776-7248) is a journal that published since 2019 by the Department of Law in collaboration with LPPM, Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi. Legalita is intended to be the university’s journal for publishing articles reporting the results of the fields of criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, state administrative law, as well as discussing social phenomena that exist in society and building a culture of law awareness from the results of research. In addition, Legalita also includes a lot of research on law in a broader sense. The journal is published regularly (in July and December), and approved and ready-to-publish manuscripts will also be regularly published on the website (with an initial view). Journal Copyright Copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by the Journal Edukasi Lingua Sastra. Formal legal provisions to access digital articles of electronic journal are subject to the provision of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which means that the Journal Edukasi Lingua Sastra is rightful to keep, transfer media/format, manage in the form of databases, maintain, and publish articles. Published manuscripts both printed and electronic are open access for educational, research, and library purposes. Additionally, the editorial board is not responsible for any violations of copyright law.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 50 Documents
SANKSI PIDANA TERHADAP ANAK SEBAGAI PELAKU TINDAK PIDANA PELECEHAN SEKSUAL (Studi Perkara Nomor 4/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN Kbu) Kamilatun Kamilatun; Nisa Fadhilah
Legalita Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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Salah satu penerus cita-cita perjuangan bangsa ini adalah anak, yang memilik peranan dan ciri khusus dan seringkali dijadikan objek tindak kejahatan. Akan tetapi akhirakhir ini justru kejahatan pelecehan seksual tersebut dilakukan oleh anak. Akan tetapi meskipun kejatahan tersebut dilakukan oleh anak, kejahatan tersebut tetap mendapatkan sanksi atau hukuman sesuai dengan perbuatannya, namun demikian dalam pemberian hukumannya harus tetap memperhatikan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan di dalam undang-undang No. 35 tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang No. 23 tahun 2003 tentang Perlindungan Anak.
Legalita Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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Penggunaan senjata apiooleh aparat Kepolisian, haruslah melalui beberapa tahapan gyang ketat, guna untuk menghindari terjadinya kasus-kasus penyalahgunaan senjata api tersebut akibat terjadinya “kelalaian”. Yng menjadi permasalahan dalm penelitian ini adalahoBagaimanakah Pertanggungjawabano Anggota Kepolisian Ataso Kesalahan Penembakan Yang Menyebabkan Luka Berat dan Apa Saja Hambatan Terhadap Pertanggungjawaban Anggota Kepolisian Atas Kesalahan Penembakan Yng Menyebabkan Luka Berat. Pendekatn yang digunakn dalam penelitianoini adalah terdiri dari pendekatan normatifoadalah pendekatano hukum normatifo ,dalamm aksinya pada setiaap peristiwaohukum tertentu yang terjadi dalamosuatu masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahuii bahwa Pertanggungjawabano Anggota Kepolisian Atas Kesalahan Penembakan Yang Menyebabkan Luka Berat, Apa Akibat setelah dijatuhkan nya sangsi oleh hakim, pada sidang kode etik kepolisian kepada AKP Tri Handoko, SH bersama anggotannya yaitu Bripka Yuli Suryadi, Brigpol Lucki Atmaja, Brigpol Hardiyansyah, Brigpol Winci Kiki Saputra, dan Brigpol Destra Pahlevi, Bahwa Anggota tersebut “dikenakn ketentuan hukuman disiplin yaitu melanggar ketentuaan Pasal 4 huruf d dan Pasal 5 huruf a PPRI Nomor 2 tahun 2003 tentang Peraturan Disiplin Anggota KepolisianoRI dan Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2003 tentang Peraturan Disiplin Anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia, Pasal 4 huruf (d) mengatur tentang kehidupanobernegara dan bermasyarakat”, hukuman yang di jatuhkan terhadap AKP Tri Handoko, SH bersama anggotannya yaitu Bripka Yuli Suryadi, Brigpol Lucki Atmaja, Brigpol Hardiyansyah, Brigpol Winci Kiki Saputra, dan Brigpol Destra Pahlevi. “hukuman yang dijatuhkann terhadap para angota adalh terlalu ringan, karena tidak sebandng dengan perbuatannya” yang telah menyebabkn orang luka berat dan Hambatn teradp Pertanggungjawaban Anggota Kepolisian Atas Kesalahan Penembakan Yang Menyebabkan Luka Bert, antara lain: “pada sidang, seringotertunda karena kesibukan masing-masing dari anggota Komisi Kode Etik Polri yang mana ybs adalah pejabat utama di tingkat Satker Kepolisian Resor Lampung Utara. Kedua, Saksi yang dipanggil ada yang tidak memenuhi panggilan, dengn alasan takut kepada pihak yang dilaporkan”. Saran penulis ialah Agar setiap adaokasus yang di lakukan anggota secepatnya di proses sesuai undang undang yang berlaku.
Legalita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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The assimilation of prisoners must meet certain conditions first which are not regulated in the Correctional Law based on article 14 paragraph (2) which reads that the provisions regarding the requirements and procedures for the implementation of the rights of prisoners as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further regulated by regulation. The government. The problem in this research is how the assimilation of prisoners in the Class IIa Correctional Institution in Kotabumi is carried out and how is the responsibility of prisoners who receive assimilation. The approach used in this study is an empirical approach, which is an approach that is carried out by conducting direct research to collect all information related to this research, either by interviewing related parties, or by careful observation of the object of research. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the Implementation of Prisoners' Assimilation at the Class IIa Penitentiary in Kotabumi, the implementation of an assimilation program for prisoners is needed, looking at Article 7 of the Universal. The implementation of the assimilation program at the Class II a Kotabumi Penitentiary has been running according to applicable procedures and is legal according to law, and from several assimilation theories and the responsibility of prisoners who receive assimilation. According to Article 1 point 4 of the Correctional Law, the role of the Correctional Institution is responsible for all existing prisoner assimilation programs, both in terms of supervision, data collection, and social sanctions carried out by assimilation prisoners who act again within the community itself. The author's suggestion is to carry out assimilation with third parties, this is more effectively done than only in the prison environment. Prisoners who assimilate with third parties will meet more with the community, in contrast to assimilation in the prison environment which only meets visitors and the surrounding community. Assimilation with third parties can be done in Islamic boarding schools, to deepen religious knowledge.
Legalita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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Making Terms of Reference and implementing the supervision of the Lampung Province Inspectorate on the preparation of Budget Implementation Documents that have not been optimal is an interesting thing to study, how is the implementation of the Terms of Reference (TOR) in the preparation of the Budget Implementation Documents by the Regional Apparatus of Lampung Province; as well as how the supervision of the Lampung Provincial Inspectorate of the Budget Implementation Documents Preparation by the Lampung Provincial Apparatus. The purpose of this research is to 1) knowing that there is a TOR will make it easier for the supervisory apparatus to supervise and measure the performance of the implementation of an activity; 2) knowing the implementation of supervision by the Inspectorate of Lampung Province on the preparation of Budget Implementation Documents by the Regional Apparatus of Lampung Province.
TINDAK PIDANA PENGELAPAN MOBIL TREVEL (Studi Perkara Nomor 55/Pid.B/2019/PN Kbu) Agung Wahyudi
Legalita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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Indonesia is a developing country, the higher the economic needs of the community, the higher the risk of crime. Crime will not go away by itself, Cases of crime are getting increasingly common, and the most common is property crime, which includes embezzlement. of rental cars. There have been many cases of embezzlement of rental cars in big cities, one of which occurred in Kotabumi, North Lampung, embezzlement is a form of action that violates the provisions of Article 372 of the Criminal Code, therefore law enforcement against the crime of embezzlement of rental cars must be completed professionally by the authorities. law enforcers so that the case is revealed and can be completely resolved with justice, as well as for the creation of good and fair law enforcement before the law. Research objectives: 1). To find out how the law enforcement against the crime of embezzlement of rental cars. 2). To determine the elements that prevent law enforcement from enforcing the law. the crime of embezzlement of rental cars. The research method used in this study is normative and empirical and the data collection procedures used are: 1). Literature study by reading books, studying, citing, examining what is obtained from the book literature. 2). Field studies by interviewing resource persons. The results of the author's research are: 1). Law enforcement against the embezzlement of a rental car that it is true that the defendant committed a crime of embezzlement. With various considerations the judge in deciding the sentence for the defendant who then the judge decided a prison sentence of 2 years and 10 months. 2). The inhibiting factors in law enforcement against the crime of embezzlement of rental cars are statutory factors, economic factors.
Legalita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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A legal analysis of the Operational Assistance for the Implementation of Early Childhood Education (BOP PAUD) at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten, Bandar Putih Tua village, Anak Ratu Aji sub-district, Central Lampung district in 2020/2021 was conducted to determine whether the implementation process was in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's (PERMENDIKBUD) Number 20 of 2020 concerning amendments to the Regulatio Using a problem-solving strategy The research in this study employs an Empirical Approach, which entails gathering data and conducting direct field research to obtain clearer and more accurate data about the issues being addressed in the study.The analysis of the Implementation of Operational Assistance for the Implementation of Early Childhood Education (BOP PAUD) was carried out by focusing on the procurement of preventive goods from the Covid-19 Virus, as well as the process of reporting accountability for the use of BOP PAUD funds by carrying out accountability, according to the study's findings.the solution to the utilization of funds from the receipt and distribution procedure
Legalita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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The impact of epidemics of infectious diseases, such as Covid-19, on the lower middle class is very severe. Indeed, due to limited commercial activities, social and economic impacts have an impact on people's welfare, possibly increasing the number of poor people in Indonesia. In the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, one of the government's actions is to provide Direct Cash Assistance from the Village Fund (BLT-Dana Desa) to economically and socially underprivileged communities to meet their daily needs. The question raised in this study was how to distribute the BLT Village Fund to Cahaya Negeri Villages in order to help them overcome the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak and other challenges. The empirical approach, used in this work, is the next step. We used primary and secondary data from field studies and literature review. While the data analysis used is qualitative analysis, which explains the facts systematically, thoroughly, and structured so that conclusions are easier to draw from the existing problems. Based on the findings of this study, the Village BLT Fund was distributed in two waves in Cahaya Negeri Village. However, due to several inhibiting factors, such as delays in the implementation of distribution from a predetermined schedule, problems with nepotism or the family system, administrative errors and lack of transparency in the implementation of distribution, and potential errors due to lack of socialization. If done, it can be said that the distribution has not been optimal and is not in accordance with applicable regulations. According to the author, villages should be more fair and open in data collection and announcement of the list of potential KPM BLT Village Funds, and the Village Fund BLT program should be more socialized to all Cahaya Negeri Villages.
Legalita Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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This research discusses the Criminal Sanctions for the Crime of Persecution That Causes Injury (Case Study No. 62/ Pid.B/2021/ PN Kbu), In line with the improvement of science and technology in Lampung, economic activities have become more advanced, seen from the aspect of variety or intensity, more developed humans are also capable of carrying out criminal acts. A criminal act is an evil that everything has been determined in the Criminal Code (KUHP). A criminal act is a treatment that is prevented by a prohibition law, followed by threats or punishments in the form of certain crimes, for those who commit the violation. Questions that can be taken from all chapters in this thesis are: The judge's legal considerations when determining the criminal decision No.62/Pid.B/2021/PN Kbu, namely Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code regarding Persecution and its references are seen from the explanations of witnesses, explanations of the perpetrators and based on the facts that have been seen in the in the trial, and the judge's certainty, so the decision given in the case is imprisonment for 1 (one) year 8 (eight) months, determining the prison time that has been experienced by the suspect, all of which is due to the punishment given, determining that the perpetrator is still in prison. prisoner.
Legalita Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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This study discusses the JURIDIC ANALYSIS OF CRIMINAL ACTS ARTICLE 372 of the Criminal Code (study of Decision No.55/Pid.B/2019/PN.Kbu), Methodology has many meanings, such as (a) the logic of scientific research, (b) the study of scientific processes and concepts. , and 9c) science and processes and procedures. Based on this, it can be interpreted that science is a simple tool in improving science and technology as well as art. Therefore, the research aims to present the facts in a systematic, methodological and consistent manner. Based on the description in the previous article, it can be concluded: a. the application of unlawful materials for the combination of embezzlement violations, serial number 55/Pid.B/2019/PN.Kbu in the author's opinion is correct and in accordance with the law. , both testified about the terms and conditions of the accused. And the judge upheld the claim that the defendant had been jointly charged with being a defendant and was threatened with punishment under Article 372 of the Criminal Code, a statement of Article 55.1 of the Criminal Code.
Legalita Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Hukum Legalita
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

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This study discusses the Legal Review Analysis of the Use of Electronic Signatures (Digital Signature) in Electronic Agreements and Transactions (E-Commerce). In information gathering strategy, the writer uses a writing concentrate approach, which is the single technique used in standardizing halal exploration. Where the writer searches for and then researches, studies, analyzes, sorts, codes material or writing in the library and then turns it into the purpose of the examination to be discussed. The results of the research found that the position and legal power of electronic marks as evidence can be considered substantial with the assumption that the electronic mark uses an electronic structure that is in accordance with the laws and regulations in Indonesia. This refers to Article 11 of Government Regulation Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic and Information Trading. These guidelines state an endorsement that regardless of whether it is simply a code, an electronic mark has legal force and legal effect. The requirements as referred to in Article 11 of the ITE Guidelines are essential requirements that must be met for every electronic brand. Electronic evidence for this condition electronic alerts can have great power if the information is undeniable, representable, possible, and proven, further demonstrating what happened. Confirmation of the appearance of the power individual must have the option to provide information in his possession is from the beginning of the secret electrical framework