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Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology
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Wen Chuang Journal is published by the Chinese Language Education Study Program, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Languages and Letters, Makassar State University. It is a research journal that publishes various research reports, literature studies and scientific writings with the object of foreign language studies, both language education, linguistics, literatures, cultures, and sinology. It is published regularly twice a year in August and February. Every article published in Wen Chuang will undergo an assessment process by a peer reviewer.
Articles 10 Documents
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Penerapan Metode Estafet Writing dalam Keterampilan Menulis 汉字 (hànzì) Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Frater Makassar Jumria Febrianti; Ambo Dalle
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.36824


This study aims to improve the writing skills of (hànzì) class VIII students at SMP Frater Makassar through the application of Estafet Writing method. The subjects of this study were the 30 students of class VIII E SMP Frater Makassar. This research is classroom action research which consists of two cycles. This research data consists of two types, namely: qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data was obtained through observation, while quantitative data was obtained through writing skills tests in cycles I and II. The results showed that the writing skill (hànzì) with the average score of the writing skill test (hànzì) obtained by students from 69.43% with sufficient category in the first cycle increased to 78.1% with the good category in the second cycle. These results indicate that the application of Estafet Writing method can improve the writing skills of (hànzì) class VIII E students at SMP Frater Makassar. Keywords: Estafet Writing, Writing Skills, (hànzì), Chinese Language
The Effectiveness of Role Play in Improving Students’ Speaking Skills at Private Junior High School in Makassar Mir'ah Azizah
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.40591


ABSTRACT This study aims to improve the ability to speak Mandarin in private junior high school students in Makassar. This study used the Mandarin speaking training method using the Role Play by involving 20 respondents or training participants. From the results of this research, it was found that the Mandarin language training method with the mentoring approach, role playing technique training and drama practice entitled "The Three Little Pigs" had a positive impact on students' confidence and self-comfort in speaking Mandarin in public. Keywords: Role Play, Speaking, Skills, Mandarin language.
Pengembangan Kemampuan Berbahasa dengan Teknik Pembelajaran Berkelompok Misnah Mannahali; Misnawaty Usman
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.38887


Pembelajaran bahasa dapat dikembangkan dengan  berbagai teknik.  Salah satu teknik di antaranya adalah teknik pembelajaran berkelompok. Fungsi pembelajaran kelompok dapat  dipandang dari dua paradigma yaitu paradigma psikologi dan paradigma sosial. Dari segi paradigma psikologi, pembelajar dapat merasa diakui, diterima dan dihargai dalam bekerja dengan orang lain lain dalam kelompoknya.  Sedangkan  aspek  paradigma sosial dapat menyebabkan terciptanya aktifitas yang produktif karena terpeliharanya hubungan sosial yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap anggota kelompok. Pengajar berperan dalam pembelajaran tersebut sebagai pengamat,  motivator,  dan fasilitator. Langkah – langkah dalam pembelajaran tersebut adalah tahap pembentukan kelompok dan tahap penyajian. Tahap penyajian ini meliputi persiapan dan penyusunan unit-unit pembelajaran (planungsphase), pelaksanaan (Durchfuhrungsphase), penyajian pelajaran yang telah disusun dalam unit-unit pelajaran, dan perangkuman atau umpan balik. Kata kunci : kemampuan berbahasa, pembelajaran berkelompok
THE VALUES OF HUMANISM IN CONFUCIANISM Mir'ah Azizah; Arga Maulana Pasanrangi
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.40719


Confucianism is the name of one of the schools of Chinese philosophy. The founder of Confucianism was named Confucius. In an age when division, turmoil and constant wars are rampant, Confucius wants to restore the order of heaven (Tianming) so as to unify China and bring peace and prosperity to the people. The humanistic teachings of Confucianism developed into one of the most important things in Chinese civilization. Confucius' most profound teachings lay in his emphasis on self- development or self-civilization, moral example and the ability to make well-trained decisions rather than knowledge of natural laws. His ethics then, is more of a benevolent ethic. The concepts of humanism introduced in Confucianism are: Zhengming (justification, upholding one's name), Yi (virtue), Ren (human kindness), Xiao (respect), Li (ritual), Tianming (sky order). In Chinese terms, Confucianism refers to two meanings: Ju Chiao which refers to religious teachings and Ju Chia which refers to philosophical schools. As Ju Chiao in the religious field the term T'ien or Tian is the main spiritual factor. In the Confucian teachings about Tianming or the orders of the sky, the content is that T'ien gives the power of a country to people he chooses, namely those who are deemed capable of leading a country. Keywords: Humanism, Confucianism, Confucius
Fungsi dan Makna Fengshui Bagi Kehidupan Masyarakat Tionghoa di Kota Makassar dalam Pembelajaran Pengetahuan Lintas Budaya Erviera Hendri Rezky; Muhammad Anwar; Misnawaty Usman
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.36821


This study aims to examine the function and meaning of feng shui for the Chinese community in Makassar City. This research is an ethnographic study. Research data were obtained through interviews. The informants of this study were selected from Chinese residents in Makassar City. The results showed that feng shui means to harmonize, balance, and harmonize between humans and the universe. Meanwhile, the function of feng shui is as a benchmark to organize and arrange buildings to create good and balanced energy to bring good luck. The learning of knowledge across feng shui cultures is a stage so that the Chinese community is aware of their own culture and the local community respects the existence of cultural diversity.Keywords: Fengshui, Chinese Society, Makassar City, Cross-Cultural Knowledge
Budaya Konsumtif Masyarakat Terhadap Minuman Xing Fu Tang di Kota Medan Syahpitri Surbakti; Rudiansyah Rudiansyah
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.38890


The culture of consuming boba drinks has become a trend and lifestyle of the people, especially in Medan city. The emergence of drinks that are considered interesting to taste and the high consumptive spirit of the community are the reasons. Xing Fu Tang is a type of boba drink originating from Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to find out the reason why Xing Fu Tang is one of the trend drinks for the people of Medan. The object of research is the people who live in Medan city. This study utilizes the theory of Johann Heinrichk Lambert related to phenomenology, in order to find out the deepest nature of the phenomena that occur in everyday life. Using qualitative methods, by utilizing library resources, as well as surveys of 30 people who became the object of study. The findings of this study are that the Xing Fu Tang boba drink has become a trending drink of choice for the community, because of its attractive packaging and well-known brand. The boba texture, distinctive taste and aroma are also the reasons why it is easy to accept and demand. So it was found that the Taiwanese drink culture was able to be accepted by the Indonesian people, especially in Medan city, and even became one of the current trend drink choices.Keyword: xing fu tang; consumer culture; drink; boba; taiwan-indonesia.  ABSTRAKBudaya konsumsi minuman boba telah menjadi tren dan gaya hidup masyarakat, khususnya kota Medan. Munculnya minuman yang dianggap menarik untuk dicicipi dan tingginya jiwa konsumtif masyarakat menjadi alasannya. Xing Fu Tang merupakan salah satu jenis minuman boba yang berasal dari Taiwan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui alasan minuman Xing Fu Tang menjadi salah satu minuman tren masyarakat kota Medan. Objek penelitian adalah kalangan masyarakat yang berdomisili di kota Medan. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teori dari Johann Heinrichk Lambert terkait fenomenologi, demi mengetahui hakikat terdalam dari fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan memanfaatkan sumber pustaka, serta survey terhadap 30 masyarakat yang menjadi objek kajian. Temuan dari penelitian ini yaitu, bahwa minuman boba Xing Fu Tang menjadi pilihan minuman tren masyarakat, sebab kemasannya yang menarik, brend yang telah terkenal. Tekstur boba, rasa dan aroma yang khas juga menjadi alasan mudah diterima dan diminati. Sehingga didapati bahwa budaya minuman Taiwan ini mampu diterima oleh masyarakat Indonesai, khususnya kota Medan, bahkan menjadi salah satu pilihan minuman tren masa kini.Kata Kunci: xing fu tang; budaya konsumtif; minuman; boba; taiwan-indonesia.
Analisis Kesalahan Penulisan Kalimat Tanya Bahasa Mandarin Siswa Kelas VI SD Frater Thamrin Makassar Thirsa Indah Permatasari; Misnawaty Usman; Arini Junaeny
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.36822


This research is a qualitative descriptive study aimed at obtaining data about the error rate and forms of errors in writing Chinese interrogative sentences for the sixth-grade students of SD Frater Thamrin Makassar. The population in this study were all students of class VI SD Frater Thamrin Makassar with a total of 28 students. The sampling technique was carried out using total sampling, so that the entire population was used as the research sample, namely 28 people. The research data was obtained by giving a sentence writing test and a sentence composing test. Data analysis techniques using percentages. The results showed that there were 33 errors in preparing interrogative sentences with a percentage of 14.3% and errors in writing interrogative sentences as many as 39 errors with a percentage of 16.9%. The total errors in writing interrogative sentences are 72 items, including in the category of Fairly High with a percentage of 31.3%. There are three forms of errors in this study, namely the form of errors in the use of vocabulary, the form of errors in sentence structure, and the forms of errors in the use of question words. Keywords: Error Analysis, Writing, Introgative Sentences, Chinese
Analisis Komperatif Pelaksanaan Cheng Beng di Medan, Sumatera Utara dan Bengkalis, Riau Tiara Veronica; Rudiansyah Rudiansyah; Julina Julina
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.38888


Penelitian dengan judul Analisis Komperatif Pelaksanaan Cheng Beng di Medan, Sumatera Utara dan Bengkalis, Riau ditulis guna menjelaskan perbedaan tradisi masyarakat Tionghoa yang sama dari kota yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metedologi penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan  melakukan observasi dan wawancara. Dari data yang terkumpul, penulis mendapatkan data mengenai tradisi Cheng Beng.  Cheng Beng adalah tradisi upacara yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka menghormati leluhur yang telah meninggal dunia dengan mengunjungi makam leluhur. Upacara ini dilakukan untuk mengenang leluhur dan sebagai simbol penghormatan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara membersihkan makam, mendoakan leluhur dan memberikan persembahan berupa makanan, buah-buahan, kertas emas dan kertas perak yang dipercaya melambangkan uang akhirat, pakaian dan sepatu dalam bentuk kertas, hingga rumah dari kertas yang akan dibakar di tempat pembakaran. Namun, karena menyebarnya virus Covid-19 maka pelaksanaan tradisi ini sangat dibatasi dan membuat perbedaan dengan pelaksanaan di tahun-tahun yang lalu.Kata Kunci: Cheng Beng; Tradisi; Masyarakat Tionghoa; Medan-Riau.
Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Mandarin Siswa Kelas X SMAS Celebes Global School Makassar Tri Mega Utami; Ambo Dalle; Arini Junaeny
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.36823


This study is a quantitative descriptive study that aims to determine the mastery of Chinese vocabulary and the factors that influence the mastery of Chinese vocabulary in class X SMAS Celebes School Makassar. The population in this study was class X SMAS Celebes School Makassar which amounted to 10 students. The sampling technique was carried out using total sampling, so the sample of this study was 10 students of class X SMAS Celebes School Makassar. The data of this study were obtained from a vocabulary mastery test, while to find out the factors that influence students' mastery of Chinese vocabulary, a questionnaire was used. Data analysis using percentage technique. The results showed that the student's mastery of Chinese vocabulary was in a good category (82.4%). From the results of the questionnaire data analysis obtained 1) Supporting factors, namely because of the interest of students who are interested in learning Mandarin, because of the encouragement of a good relationship between teachers and students, and supported by the use of interesting learning media. 2) The inhibiting factors based on student statements are; that Chinese vocabulary is difficult to learn, students only have Chinese books from school and students have never studied Mandarin other than at school. Keywords: Mastery, Vocabulary, Mandarin language. 
使用蛇梯游戏为提高 SD FRATER MAKASSAR 五年级学生的汉语词汇的效果 Icha Nanda; Ambo Dalle; Arini Junaeny
Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Vol 2, No 2 (August 2022) WENCHUANG
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/wenchuang.v2i2.38892


本研究是一个实验设计问题,旨在确定使用蛇和梯子游戏对 SD Frater Makassar 五年级学生掌握汉语词汇的有效性。本研究中的自变量是蛇梯游戏的使用情况,而本研究中的因变量是汉语词汇的掌握程度。本研究以SD Frater Makassar的五年级学生为对象,共40名学生,而本次研究的样本为20名学生作为实验班,共20名学生作为对照班,共20名学生。在显着性水平0.05的t检验计算结果得到tcount 7.62 > ttable 2.03,因此可以得出结论,使用蛇梯游戏对SD Frater Makassar 五年级学生掌握汉语词汇是有效的。关键词 : 有效的, 蛇与梯子, 词汇 , 汉语

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