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Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
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Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra (Journal of Literary Education) accepts submissions of original articles that have not been published elsewhere nor being considered or processed for publication anywhere, and demonstrate no plagiarism whatsoever. The prerequisites, standards, and format of the manuscript are listed in the author guidelines and templates. Any accepted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees. Authors are free of charge throughout the whole process comprising article submission, review and editing process, and publication.
Articles 54 Documents
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.592 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.3


Alhamdulillah. Puji syukur ya Tuhan, akhirnya lahir juga bayi yang diimpikan oleh banyak pihak itu. Bayi itu diberi nama Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra. Sudah melewati satu dasa warsa yang lalu jurnal ini direkomendasikan oleh para peserta Konferensi Internasional HISKI XIX di Batu tahun 2008 untuk diterbitkan oleh HISKI Komisariat Malang. Usulan rekomendasi tersebut selaras dengan tema besar konfeferensi waktu itu: Pentingnya Pembelajaran Sastra dalam Pengembangan Karakter Bangsa.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.588 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.5


Makalah ringkas ini memaparkan fungsi sastra sebagai wadah, dan wahana pembelajaran moral dan karakter. Meskipun bukan merupakan kitab moral dan karakter, cipta sastra bisa fungsional dan baik sebagai wahana pembelajaran moral dan karakter. Sikap hati-hati dan cermat serta proporsional sangat diperlukan pada waktu memfungsikan sastra sebagai wahana pembelajaran moral dan karakter. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar hakikat cipta sastra sebagai karya seni tidak tereduksi menjadi kitab moral dan karakter di samping agar harapan yang berlebihan tidak ditumpukan kepada sastra sebagai wahana pembelajaran moral dan karakter. Dengan sikap hati-hati, dan proporsional, maka sastra niscaya dapat menjadi pintu masuk memberikan pengalaman etis dan moral bagi para pelajar. Lebih lanjut, hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa sastra dapat diharapkan sebagai salah satu wahana penanaman moral dan karakter kepada pelajar. Sayang, hal ini dilupakan atau minimal dipinggirkan dalam Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.682 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.9


Penyampaian pengetahuan tentang kuliner nusantara kepada anak sangatlah penting di tengah paparan konsumtif kuliner modern yang jauh dari citarasa tradisi. Oleh karena itu, dongeng mengenai kuliner nusantara pada buku cetakan dapat dijadikan sebagai media dan sumber pengetahuan bagi anak-anak untuk lebih mengenal dan berlanjut menikmati sajian kuliner tradisional. Buku-buku pengetahuan tersebut di era digital ini telah dibuat dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai moda interaktif selain tulisan. Moda-moda interaktif tersebut bisa berupa variasi jenis huruf, penambahan bingkai hias, pengelompokkan informasi dalam bingkai khusus, dan berbagai gambar menarik. Moda-moda interaktif tersebut dapat berfungsi untuk meningkatkan motivasi membaca dan membantu menjelaskan informasi yang disampaikan pada tulisan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis teks multimodal untuk mengidentifikasi moda-moda penyampaian informasi kuliner pada dogeng populer masyarakat Jawa Tengah, Timun Mas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, teks dongeng menggunakan moda tulisan, bingkai hias, kotak berisi informasi khusus, dan gambar-gambar. Moda-moda tersebut dapat berfungsi bagi anak-anak sebagai pembaca buku untuk melakukan elaborasi, ekstensifikasi, dan peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai ragam makanan nusantara. Penyampaian pengetahuan tentang kuliner nusantara kepada anak sangatlah penting di tengah paparan konsumtif kuliner modern yang jauh dari citarasa tradisi. Oleh karena itu, dongeng mengenai kuliner nusantara pada buku cetakan dapat dijadikan sebagai media dan sumber pengetahuan bagi anak-anak untuk lebih mengenal dan berlanjut menikmati sajian kuliner tradisional. Buku-buku pengetahuan tersebut di era digital ini telah dibuat dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai moda interaktif selain tulisan. Moda-moda interaktif tersebut bisa berupa variasi jenis huruf, penambahan bingkai hias, pengelompokkan informasi dalam bingkai khusus, dan berbagai gambar menarik. Moda-moda interaktif tersebut dapat berfungsi untuk meningkatkan motivasi membaca dan membantu menjelaskan informasi yang disampaikan pada tulisan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis teks multimodal untuk mengidentifikasi moda-moda penyampaian informasi kuliner pada dogeng populer masyarakat Jawa Tengah, Timun Mas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, teks dongeng menggunakan moda tulisan, bingkai hias, kotak berisi informasi khusus, dan gambar-gambar. Moda-moda tersebut dapat berfungsi bagi anak-anak sebagai pembaca buku untuk melakukan elaborasi, ekstensifikasi, dan peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai ragam makanan nusantara.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.248 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.10


Penelitian ini didasari oleh kencendurangan menguatnya karakter global akibat koneksi internet. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan adaptasi Borg & Gall. Sumber data mahasiswa PBSI IKIP Budi Utomo Angkatan 2016. Hasil yang diperoleh (1) koneksi internet dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber dan media eksprasi hasil belajar menulis kreatif, dengan kontrol pendidik dalam bentuk tugas terstruktur; (2) cerita kreatif yang dihasilkan berisi spirit nilai kearifan lokal dan spirit penguatan mental untuk maju, kretaif, produktif sesuai dengan kekinian; (3) pembelajaran menulis cerita kreatif dapat dilakukan dengan mengombinasikan dongeng lokal dan kisah inspiratif menjadi cerita baru; dan (4) pembelajaran menulis kreatif dengan heutagogi, menempatkan guru sebagai partner belajar, pemantik, dan fasilitator agar peserta didik dapat menemukan strategi belajar menulis kreatif yang efektif bagi dirinya.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.408 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.11


Poetry as a genre of literature is required subject for students of English Language and Literature in Higher Education in general. However, compared to other genres such as drama and prose, poetry is often found as the most challenging subject to teach and to learn. Even though English poetry has been taught in many non-native countries for many years, traditional approach which is textual has dominated the teaching of poetry in classroom. Based on the experience and knowledge, the writers found that the problem of learning English poetry for foreign language students is due to its complex language and infamous interest amongst the students as well as the teachers. Therefore, the teaching of poetry should enliven the learning atmosphere and envision the figure of speech of the poem, which are commonly found to be difficult to be done by the students. According to D.H. Kehl, there is somehow interconnection between poetry and visual arts. Poetry and visual arts have almost the same characteristic in conveying arts. Poetry use verbal imagery while painting use visual imagery. Considering the existing connection of the two aspects, this library research study proposes the use of visual arts in order to enhance students’ comprehension of poetry given in classroom.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i1.13


Following a careful search by the Editorial Board of Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra, this article has been retracted due to violation to our ethical policies. Setelah melalui proses pemeriksaan yang saksama, Dewan Editor Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra memutuskan menarik artikel ini karena telah melanggar kebijakan etis kami.
A Soldier’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Kevin Power’s The Yellow Birds
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 2 No 01 (2020): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.832 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v2i01.20


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops in some individuals who have real-life experience with psychological problems such as shocking, scary, or dangerous events (Davison, 2006). This paper aims at uncovering PTSD in Kevin Powers' The Yellow Birds novel that underlies the behavior of the main characters, Private John Bartle. In the context of war, soldiers often face deadly situations in the middle of warfare. This experience is a kind of horrible death, such as the worst experiences that can be made these people vulnerable and psychologically affected, such as psychosis. This research discusses the causes, symptoms, and the impact of PTSD that occur to the Private John Bartle, the main character. The researcher uses the theory of post-traumatic stress disorder development by Gerald C Davison. The results of the analysis show that: (1) The main cause of post-traumatic stress disorder suffered by Bartle is the tragic death of his best friend on the battlefield, the adverse effects of the war occurred recently; (2) The process of re-experiencing the symptoms experienced by the main character of the novel The Yellow Birds began when Bartle finished his service as a service member who served in the Iraq war; (3) The effect of post-traumatic stress disorder was finally found after the post-traumatic stress disorder suffered by Private John Bartle ended his deployment in the Iraq war. For further studies, it is suggested a comprehensive viewpoint in implementing this approach for the new researcher who has been engaging in related fields of post-traumatic stress disorder. The Yellow Birds novel by Kevin Powers can be used as an illustration of how a post-war soldier struggling with his post-traumatic stress disorder when he comes home.
Mitos Gugon Tuhon pada Serat Centhini 1 Gubahan Agus Wahyudi
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 2 No 01 (2020): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.36 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v2i01.22


Many people do not understand the various myths that live in society, including those that are explored in literary works. Serat Centhini I explores the myth of the gugon tuhon that still leaves questions. The purpose of this research is to explain the delivery of the myth of gugon tuhon in Serat Centhini 1 composed by Agus Wahyudi which includes (1) oral delivery and (2) delivery through reminders. This study uses a literary anthropological approach, an approach that reveals the cultural issues of gugon tuhon in Serat Centini I. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, which explores the narrative stories related to the myth of gugon tuhon. The source of data in this study is Serat Centhini 1 by Agus Wahyudi. The data in this study is textual unit related to the form of conveying the myth of gugon tuhon. Data analysis is carried out by understanding in depth analyzing critically, interpreting the available data. The results showed that in Serat Centhini 1 composed by Agus Wahyudi, there is a form of conveying the myth of gugon tuhon through oral and reminder. Both of these tools are important in building public belief and trust in something that must be understood
Alif’s Adolescence Crises in Ahmad Fuadi’s The Land of Five Towers
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 2 No 01 (2020): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.177 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v2i01.23


This study aims to describe the crisis of adolescents in the main character in Ahmad Fuadi's The Land of Five Towers. This research shows the adolescence crises that occurred on the main character in the novel The Land of Five Towers and the efforts made by the main character to overcome the adolescence crises. This research is categorized into literary criticism. The objective is to analyze a literary work using literary theories. The object of this study is novel The Land of Five Towers by Ahmad Fuadi. This research focuses on adolescence crises that occur in the main character psychosocially. The researcher uses the theory of psychosocial development by Erik H. Erikson but focus only on the adolescence stage. The data in this study are taken from quotes in the novel in the form of author's explanation of the main character and dialogue between characters. The results showed the following things. First, the form of adolescent crisis experienced by the main character, Alif, in the form of an identity crisis and role confusion. The identity crisis experienced by Alif is shown by finding a different personality with others, the emergence of feelings of doubt and worry, and the emergence of feelings of jealousy and envy. While role confusion experienced by Alif was shown by low self-esteem when dealing with people who were different from him, feeling confusion to adjust to be accepted by society or community, and feeling confused when he wanted to determine or give his role in a society. or community. Second, the efforts made by Alif in overcoming the adolescent crisis are diverse. In overcoming his identity crisis, Alif motivated himself, being optimistic, and showing his identity. Then Alif's efforts in overcoming role confusion are by accepting his identity and the environmental situation, accepting the role given by others, and accepting messages or advice of others. These efforts are obtained from within themselves and the support of others.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pembelajaran Sastra
Publisher : Hiski Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.216 KB) | DOI: 10.51543/hiskimalang.v1i2.26


Pembelajaran sastra di era milenial memang diperlukan perspektif terbaru. Di antara perspektif yang mulai berkembang yaitu pembelajaran botani sastra. Botani sastra adalah selukd beluk belajar sastra tentang tumbuhan. Oleh karena karya sastra di era milenial itu serba digital,maka pembelajaran sastra diarahkan ke empat aspek yaitu: Pertama, digitalogi botani sastra. Digitalogi botani sastra lebih menekankan pada aspek sastra digital tentang tumbuhan. Kedua, pembelajaran sastra terfokus pada aspek psikomemori botani sastra. Pembelajaran semacam ini berupaya mengungkap memori tentang apa saja yang menggunakan ekspresi tumbuhan. Memori sastra boleh tentang hal-hal tragis, membahagiakan, historis, dan sebagainya. Ketiga, hoaxologi botani sastra merupakan wuju belajar sastra yang memanfaatkan realita “hoax”. Dalam belajar sastra “hoax” tidak selalu jelek, tergantung cara menyikapinya. Keempat, belajar sastra yang terfokus pada milenialogi botani sastra. Maksudnya, focus belajar sastra pada fenomena milenial tentang tumbuhan. Kelima, siberologi gastrobotani sastra berarti belajar sastra dengan menekankan pada karya-karya sastra cyber yang melukiskan tentang makanan. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa belajar sastra tentang botani di era milenial membutuhkan perspektif yang mengikuti perkembangan sastra.