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Articles 18 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice" : 18 Documents clear
The Concept of Family Education According to Q.S Lukman: 13-19 Elfan Fanhas Fatwa Khomaeny
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.599 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1427


Human Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses and minds as tools to be able in receiving knowledge, and also established the concepts and norms which forms the basis of educational process. The occurrence of moral decadence in Indonesian young generation is always associated with the bad education system used, so it is need a systematic and comprehensive effort to understand the nature of human beings and how to educate them based on the references from Allah as the creator. Al-Qur'an gives many examples of good educational process, such as contained in Q.S. Lukman: 13-19. To understand about the educational process can be used a bayani method which includes: identifying the nash of al-qur`an to be studied, identifying the corresponding Nash of Al Qur’an, and understanding the Nash of Al Qur’an textually and contextually. By using Bayani method, the concept of family education based on Q.S Lukman: 13-19, as follows: introducing Allah as a creator and the origin of human being, teaching science as the basis of argumentation, introducing the law of causality (Cognitive aspect), training and making habitual on praying and Amar maruf nahi munkar (Psychomotor aspect), training the patience, caring for others, humble, modest life, and politeness (Affective aspect). The affective aspect in the concept of family education based on Q.S Lukman: 13-19 is dominant about 45.46%, if this concept is used by parents in educating their children, the problem of moral decadence in this country can be minimized.
The Effect of Music On The Emotional Intelligence Development Of Early Childhood Evie Destiana
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.375 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1428


Childhood is the most amazing moment, all the fundamentals of growth developed during this time. Music for children can act as a vehicle that can complement each other's thoughts and feelings. The child's ability in advanced thoughts through tone, emotion (feeling) and motion can be developed through music. According to John M. Ortiz, music can be a healthy and safe stimulant. In addition, music and other sounds that can help reduce anxiety and stress. Learning music is a positive activity for children, because this activity is able to hone the physical ability, mental as well as the emotional sensitivity of a child in a balanced and important parents in developing the basic skills of music in children.
The Experience of Mature Malaysian Postgraduates in a university in England: Learning Challenges Faizahani Ab Rahman
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (614.005 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1429


To date, the increasing number of research on international students in higher institutions in the United Kingdom has generally focused on the experiences of mainly the undergraduates coming from various countries. Research that explores the experiences of international postgraduates has recently concentrated on Chinese students as they comprise a high percentage of international students’ population in England. This paper, in contrast, draws on the experiences of a group of mature Malaysian postgraduates in a university in the south-west England and focuses on their learning experiences. The qualitative feasibility study of 16 Malaysian postgraduates suggests that their learning challenges are exclusively to them being mature students such as challenges in managing time and roles, international students in terms of language barriers and racial discrimination and postgraduates, such as meeting the expectations of their supervisors and other parties and meeting the demands of research work and ethics. This leads to suggestions on the types of support that mature Malaysian postgraduates studying abroad would need to help with the completion of their PhDs.
Influence Of Motivation And Organizational Commitment On Work Satisfaction And Employee Performance Ferum Mahendra Pranita
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.93 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1431


This study aims to determine the effect of motivation on job satisfaction between permanent employees and outsourcing in the period 2013-2015. Motivational influence on the performance of the jobholder and outsourcing. The influence of organizational commitment on job satisfaction among permanent employees and outsourcing. The influence of commitment organizational to employee performance between permanent employees and outsourcing by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. A sample of 60 respondents ie 55 permanent employees and five employees of outsourcing from year 2013 to 2015, then the authors examine the influence of motivation and organizational commitment to job satisfaction and employee performance, as for data collection techniques used by the researcher is a questionnaire is a technique of data collection in research by using a questionnaire that contains a list of questions to the respondent. Analytical techniques used in this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) PLS operated by AMOS program 21.0. The results showed that there is a positive and significant influence between Motivation (X1) to Job Satisfaction (Y1), there is a positive and significant influence between Motivation (X1) on Performance (Y2), there is a positive and significant influence between Organizational Commitment (X2) on Job Satisfaction (Y1), exists a positive and significant influence between a positive and significant influence between Organizational Commitment (X2) to Performance (Y2), there is a positive and significant influence between Job Satisfaction (Y1) on Performance (Y2).
Women of Three Nations in Indonesian Resurrection: a Feminist Approach on “Jejak Langkah - Rumah Kaca” Joko Susilo; Niko Fediyanto; Muhammad Junaedi
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.495 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1432


"Jejak Langkah - Rumah Kaca" is the final part in the tetralogy of Pulau Buru by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The story is about the beginning of the nations unity movement in Indonesia. Started with human consciousness of Indonesia about equality of rights, it then build the power to compete, competing with the European community. It was the beginning of the 20th century that was called as the beginning of the rise of the Indonesian. This article discusses about three female characters in the story " Jejak Langkah - Rumah Kaca", namely Ang san Mei, Princes van Kasiruta, and Siti Soendari. They came from three different nations, namely Tionghoa, Ambon and Java. The characters are analyzed using Feminist theory. The result shows the appearance in power of behavior and thinking of the three female characters from different nationalities and religions to arouse nationalism in the society. The character of each different character confuses the Gubermen (Government of the Dutch East Indies).
The Anxiety of PGSD’s Student In The Teaching of Mathemathics Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana; Mohammad Faizal Amir
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.534 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1433


Mathematics is a subject that has characteristics which different from other subjects. Mathematics subject mostly always splurging on numbers. This causes not all university students like this subject. Many university students are anxious when meeting or even more when teaching these subject. To find out more about the anxiety of students on mathematics, the researchers conducted a research to determine the anxiety that existed in the students while teaching mathematics subject. The method used in this research is qualitative, where in qualitative research is intended to explore the information that will be the basis of the design and detailed the specificity that exists in a unique context. The results of this study tells us if most PGSD student experience mathemathical anxiety when first teaching math.
Women Issues In Indie Work Nor Hasimah Ismail; Melor Fauzita binti Md. Yusoff; Rafizah Mohd Rawian; Mohamad Syawal Narawi
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.894 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1434


The novel creation has been growing since ancient times until now. Indie's work is the latest masterpiece of the novel. This work is rather free and relaxed, even loaded with implicit and explicit elements. This study will examine the novel of Seronok on the issues and create conflicts. The problems that Rozilla had to do were to differentiate between desires, disagreements, inconsistencies and a sense of discontent that created action. The resulting conflict is a manifestation of dissatisfaction when an opinion to uphold justice is not accepted. However, the help of fellow human beings has solved the problems.
The Walfare of Local Farmers, Rice Price Policy, and Distribution Process in Improving Food Nuzul Rahayu Nita
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.681 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1435


Food security is an integrated food economy system consisting of various subsystems (Suryana, 2003). Food security contains at least two basic elements, namely the availability of adequate food and the accessibility of the community to adequate food, where both elements are absolutely fulfilled in order to achieve the health and welfare of society. This paper presents a review of grain price policy and distribution access in analyzing the welfare of local farmers and their impact on food security in Tanggulangin, Indonesia. This research uses descriptive method approach. Using interview with source from food security departement. The results of the analysis indicate that the food welfare factors do not have a significant effect on food security in the surplus food sub-district. While access factor and also policy of food price policy give significant influence to food security and welfare of farmers in subdistrict with surplus of food in 2014. The result of this study are important to see the developtment food security in surplus food security areas.
Factors Affecting The Company's Value Through Sustainability Reports In The Indonesia Stock Exchange Pratiwi Dwi Karjati; Eva Winarto
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.153 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1436


The company's financial performance that demonstrates the success of the company is a matter of interest to the public. While the Sustainability Report is a non-financial report that is beginning to draw public attention today. This study aims to examine how the influence of financial performance on corporate value through Sustainability Report that can be used as a Reference for User Financial Statements in the decision of the right decision. The sample of this study are Companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015 - 2016. Independent variables in this research are Profitability Variables, Liquidity Variables, Leverage Variables measured using Financial Ratios, Mediation Variables in this study is Sustainability Report measured by using Index Disclosures derived from the Global Initiative Reporting (GRI) and Dependent Variables are Corporate Values measured using Tobins'Q. This study uses secondary data obtained at Indonesia Stock Exchange.The results of this study indicate that net profit margin, current ratio and leverage (X) have no significant effect on both sustainability reporting (Z) and the dependent variable of firm value (Y). The results of this study also proves that only the sustainability reporting (Z) Intervening variable has significant effect on the dependent variable of firm value (Y).
Improving Quality of Small and Medium Entreprises Products (SMEs) through Training Product Legality on Science and Technology Program for Entrepreneurship at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo Wiwik Sulistiyowati; Ida Agustina Saidi; Nihlatul Qudus SN
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Science for Social Welfare and Justice
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.133 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v1i2.1437


The legality of a product is the most important thing to measure the quality indicator of a product. Through Science and Technology for Entrepreneurship Program, SMEs disabled participants are given socialization about the importance of product legality e.g. Household Food Industry (PIRT), brand, logo and halal. The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of SME products through product legality training. The method used is quantitatif method with experiment approach. For training method used PALS (Participatory Action Learning Center) methods. The PALS method approach emphasizes on the transformation of existing activities cultivated in the changes towards the improvement of the conditions of SMEs. Stages of the PALS method approach are the awareness stage, the process of capturing product quality and accompaniment. The result is that there is an increasing number of business actors who take care of PIRT, logos and brands. It can be seen from the significance value of paired t-test results, this is at pretest condition (before taking product legality training) and posttest when tenant has attended product legality training. With a significance value of 0.000 smaller than the critical value of 0.005, then Ho (initial hypothesis) is processed, so that there are significant differences of tenant who have followed the product legality training to improve the ability of tenant in preparing documents of PIRT, brand and logo for his business

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