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ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
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ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman adalah terbitan berkala nasional yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Penelitian dan Pengembangan Persatuan Guru Nahdlatul Ulama (Pergunu) Jawa Barat. Jurnal Pembelajar juga merupakan media publikasi untuk mendiseminasikan hasil-hasil penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapannya di bidang pendidikan
Articles 27 Documents
Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru PAI Terhadap Akhlak Siswa Wiwin Winarti Wiwin
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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The Effect of PAI Teacher Competence on Student Morals at SMP 6 Cibeber and SMP 3 Cibeber. This research is motivated by the problem of less significant changes in student morals for the better in the community environment, which hurts the social environment, both in terms of processes and learning outcomes. PAI Teacher Competence is an important thing that can affect changes in student morals. So that students can apply PAI learning to the real lives of students and encourage students to apply it in their daily lives. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method and uses descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques were applied through interviews, document studies and observation (observation)., and documentation studies and observation (observation). The theories and concepts that underlie this research are the learning process, the concept of learning quality and Islamic education. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the influence of PAI teachers' competence on improving students' moral quality. Activities, 1) Planning the learning process to improve the quality of PAI learning, 2) Implementation of Islamic Islamic Studies learning activities to improve the moral quality of students, and 3) activities for assessing the influence of PAI teacher competence to improve students' moral quality, 4) Supporting factors in Islamic Islamic learning to improve quality PAI learning at SMP 6 Cibeber and SMP 3 Cibeber, namely: 1) There is a shared vision, mission, willingness and support from the school principal and all PAI teachers at SMP 6 Cibeber and SMP 3 Cibeber to make every effort to improve the quality of PAI learning at all levels, 2) teacher factor; teachers must have broad insight so that in the management of PAI learning they can create an effective learning atmosphere, 3) The student factor is having an interest in learning, 4). The media factor is having adequate facilities for students. While the inhibiting factors in learning PAI to improve the quality of learning PAI in SMP 6 Cibeber and SMP 3 Cibeber are: The teacher factor, namely, the teacher lacks skills in Islamic education; the student factor, namely students who are less interested in the subject matter, Media factor, namely the lack of utilizing available media or facilities.
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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ABSTRAC This study aims to determine the planning character education carried out by the head of the madrasa to improve the quality of teachers in MTs. Nurul Iman Cibaduyut, to find out the form of the organization carried out by the head of the Madrasah MTs Nurul Iman Cibaduyut in fostering teacher performance, to find out the implementation of character education to improve the quality of teachers carried out by the head of the Madrasah MTs Nurul Iman Bandung, to determine the supervision of improving the quality of teachers carried out by the head Madrasah, MTs Nurul Iman, Cibaduyut, Bandung. The approach and method of this research are qualitative, namely research that focuses on empirical phenomena naturally and analyzed using scientific logic of thinking. The data collection techniques in this study were obtained through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis was carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and verifying data, and then formulating conclusions from the results of the research conducted Keywords: Management, character education, madrasa principals, teacher quality
Diklat PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN KOPERASI DALAM MEMBINA KEWIRAUSAHAAN SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN : Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Koperasi Dalam Membina Kewirausahaan Santri Di Pondok Pesantren ening Supriatin
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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Abstraksi Pendidikan dan pelatihan mempunyai peranan penting dalam mendukung Peningkatan pelaksanaan pekerjaan termasuk masalah koperasi, maka pengurus, karyawan maupun anggota akan menyadari secara benar tentang cara pengelolaan koperasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang pendidikan dan pelatihan koperasi dalam membina kewirausahaan Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Basyariyah 3 Arjasari Kabupaten Bandung. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori diklat, koperasi, dan wirausaha. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendidikan dan pelatihan koperasi dalam membina kewirausahaan Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Basyariyah 3 Arjasari, tentang perencanaan, pelaksanaan, faktor pendukung dan penghambat, kendala, dan solusi di pesantren Al-Basyariyah 3 Arjasari, secara kualitatif hasilnya cukup baik, yakni aspek pengelolaan koperasi, walaupun terdapat beberapa kelemahan (kekuarangan), misalnya aspek manajemen, biaya, sarana dan prasarana, serta infrastruktur. Secara umum, hasil pendidikan dan pelatihan koperasi dalam membina kewirausahaan Santri di pondok pesantren Al-Basyariyah 3 Arjasari, sebagai berikut: Pertama, perencanaan cukup baik. Kedua, pelaksanaan cukup epektif, yakni dilaksanakanya pendidikan dan pelatihan koperasi pada tiga bulan sekali. Ketiga, kendala dapat diatasi dengan sangat baik. Keempat, solusi dengan mengembangkan dan meningkatkan manajemen, biaya, sarana dan prasarana, serta infrastruktur secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Koperasi, Pesantren
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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Ilmu tasawuf memberi pemahaman kepada kita agar memahami sepenuhnya kedudukan seorang hamba di hadapan Allah untuk hidup bahagia di dunia dan akhirat atau menuju kebahagiaan abadi. Tasawuf memiliki kedudukan, peran dan manfaat yang besar dalam mengatasi permasalahan rohani yang dialami setiap orang. Sebab tasawuf ibarat pancaran cahaya yang bersinar, yang dapat membersihkan jiwa dari kotoran, mengangkat martabat manusia ke puncak kemenangan. Terutama dizaman revolusi industry sekarang ini disaat krisis social mulai terjadi dimana interaksi social mulai menipis dan banyak remaja yang menghabiskan waktunya hanya dengan smartphone. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan yang sangat besar dan membutuhkan sebuah solusi yang tepat sehingga kita tidak mengalami kemelut dalam kerohanian. Tasawuf merupakan dimensi esoterik dan sebagai inti ajaran Islam dikatakan mampu menawarkan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Dengan demikian tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut mengenai peranan tasawuf al gazali dalam menghadapi zaman milenial. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Dalam metode ini, penulis merujuk pada literatur yang berbeda dan mengkaji berbagai isu kontemporer dengan pendekatan multidisiplin atau interdisipliner, menekankan pendekatan normatif-teologis, psikologis dan sosiokultural. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa masalah yang mendasar manusia di era milenial ini adanya kekosongan spiritual yang berujung pada krisis moral. Sehingga Tasawuf berperan penting dalam membimbing manusia untuk menemukan Tuhannya, menghilangkan rasa hampa yang dialami manusia dizaman milenial ini, mengembalikan nilai-nilai spiritual yang hilang.
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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  This research examines the implementation of spiritual intelligence in building religious values among students at MA NU Assalafie in Ciwaringin, Cirebon. Good personality traits, such as morality, manners, and etiquette, indicate a person's religious values in their heart. The approach used in this study is qualitative descriptive with a field research method. Data sources were selected through purposive and snowball sampling. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed using a descriptive approach. The research findings indicate that implementing spiritual intelligence in building religious values is well-executed and compelling at MA NU Assalafie. Practices such as greeting with salam, handshakes, exhibiting politeness, and showing mutual respect with teachers and fellow students are part of developing religious character. Additionally, the integration of the 2013 curriculum and Islamic boarding school practices, such as the Santri Bakti Masyarakat (Community Service for Students), mid-morning prayer (sholat duha), tahfidz (Qur'an memorization) classes, as well as exemplary behavior and discipline demonstrated by the entire school community, contribute to building religious values in students. The process of students' experiences in developing religious values is evaluated through attitude assessments and monitoring attitude development and through the execution of religious practices. This helps monitor and measure students' progress in strengthening religious values within themselves. This research provides an overview of the significant role of implementing spiritual intelligence in building religious character among students at MA NU Assalafie. The habituation of religious values and good manners in the school environment and during the learning process contributes to shaping students' personalities with integrity and strong religious values
Upaya meningkatkan Karakter Religus Siswa melalui metode Inquiry di TPQ Asaqwa sawangan depok Abdi Prayudi
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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This research aims to enhance the religious character of students at TPQ Asaqwa through the implementation of the inquiry method. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach was used with students actively participating. The inquiry method was adopted as a learning approach involving students in the processes of investigation, problem-solving, and self-reflection on religious values. The research findings indicated a significant improvement in the religious character of students after applying the inquiry method in research cycles. In cycles 1 and 2, involving 10 students, there were 6 students who had not yet reached the set target. However, after implementing the inquiry method, students demonstrated a better understanding of religious values. Furthermore, in the subsequent cycles, there was a notable increase of 30% in students' religious character. Within the range of cycles 40%-70%, students exhibited a better understanding of religious values, active engagement in religious activities, and increased self-awareness of the importance of practicing religious teachings in their daily lives following the implementation of the inquiry method in research cycles. These results highlight the effectiveness of the inquiry method in enhancing the religious character of students at TPQ Asaqwa.
Relevansi Profil Pelajar Pancasila dengan Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Aswaja Awaluddin Awal
ASWAJA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Aswaja: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Pergunu Jawa Barat

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Indonesia has the most prominent Islamic majority in the world, with a significant 86.7% of its population adhering to the Muslim faith. This demographic composition underscores the substantial role that Muslims in Indonesia play within the nation. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the most prominent Islamic organization, boasts the highest number of members, encompassing approximately 75% of Muslims in Indonesia, ranging from 60 to 120 million individuals. Thus, examining this prominent Islamic organization's approach to shaping its constituents' quality becomes imperative. The teachings of Aswaja (Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama'a) constitute the foundational values imparted through instruction within the NU community. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education and Culture has introduced the Pancasila Student Profile as a framework for cultivating the character of learners. As a result, a question emerges: Does the Pancasila Student Profile align with the educational values of Aswaja, and does it contribute to enhancing the quality of Muslim individuals in Indonesia? This research scrutinizes the interrelation between these two frameworks, given that education remains a potent instrument for human development. This study is conducted through a comprehensive literature review using a qualitative research approach. In essence, the findings of this study demonstrate a substantive correlation between the Pancasila Student Profile and the values inherent in Aswaja teachings

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