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Asian Journal of Community Services (AJCS)
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Asian Journal of Community Services (AJCS) is an international platform for publishing the results of community service practices that carried out by researchers, academics, and the wider community. The AJCS Journal aims to explore problems and solutions that focus on practices related to community service. The AJCS Journal is an online journal dedicated to the publication of high impact of community service articles that focus on improving and developing communities. The AJCS Journal publishes articles monthly.
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Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024" : 9 Documents clear
Optimizing Agricultural Cultivation, Fisheries, Processed Products and Marketing in Mugarsari Urban Village of Tasikmalaya City through Innovative and Sustainable Approaches Suhardjadinata Suhardjadinata; Ade Hilman Juhaeni; Gilang Vaza Benatar; Rudhiana Salam
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.6744


The optimalisation of agricultural cultivation, fisheries, processed products, and marketing in Mugarsari urban village of Tasikmalaya city aims to increase productivity, quality, and marketability of agricultural and fishery products in Mugarsari village through innovative and sustainable approaches. Innovative approaches include the application of new technologies and methods in agricultural cultivation and fisheries, while sustainable approaches involve the use of environmentally friendly technologies and resource management. The results of this optimization process are expected to be increased productivity and quality of agricultural and fishery products in Mugarsari village, as well as increased income for local farmers and fishers through improved marketing. Additionally, this optimization process is expected to have a positive impact on the environment through the application of environmentally friendly technologies and resource management.
Empowering Local Tailors with E-Catalog Creation and Digital Marketing: a Case Study from SMEs at Demak Katiya Nahda; Alldila Nadhira Ayu Setyaning
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.7672


This program is designed to boost the digital prowess of tailors in the Semarang-Demak toll area, mentored by PT PPSD. Focused on e-catalog creation and digital marketing, it aims to sharpen their online marketing and cataloging skills. The goal is to widen their market presence, increase sales, and adapt to evolving digital trends. The initiative includes foundational training in e-catalog tools and digital marketing tactics, along with practical social media promotion strategies. Interactive workshops and mentorship sessions further reinforce this learning. By fostering collaboration between PT PPSD, the tailors, and our support team, we are not just driving immediate sales growth; we are equipping these artisans with enduring skills to thrive in today's competitive marketplace.
Socialization of Making Job Application Letters, Curriculum Vitae and Interview Preparation and Understanding Psychological Testing for High School Students: Human Resource Devi Marlita; Sinai Handayani; Erni Pratiwi Perwitasari
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.7971


In order to carry out the tri dharma of higher education and As an effort to improve the quality of prospective senior high school graduates, the Trisakti Transportation and Logistics Institute research lecturer team was called upon to carry out this. Community Service by holding events whose topics are tailored to the needs of students as basic knowledge and preparation before entering the world of work. For this reason, educational institutions also pay special attention to prospective high school graduates who are expected to be ready and more confident when they enter the work industry. The method presented in the program above is through offline outreach and education, and the implementation of the activities will be carried out at State High Schools.
Socialization of Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) Certification Obligations for Smallholders Palm Oil Plantation in West Pasaman District Nova Novita
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8021


This socialization aims to socialize the obligation of ISPO certification for independent oil palm farmers. This socialization activity was attended by Supervisors, Management, and representatives of the Heads of Farmer Groups of three Palm Oil Plantation Cooperatives in West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The results of the socialization showed that most participants agreed to take part in certification as long as the government provided price guarantees and technical and financial support. The socialization results also show that with the current conditions, oil palm farmers in the three cooperatives still need to meet ISPO requirements. The concern of local governments and relevant palm oil organizations in providing technical and financial support will influence the achievement of the ISPO certification program targets, improve Indonesia's welfare, and enhance the image of Indonesia's sustainable palm oil.
Utilizing Waste from the Natural Resources of Harapan Island to Become Kitchen/Pantry Decoration Elements in Residential Homes Ulinata Ulinata; Jessica Miracella; Yolanda Napitupulu
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8033


Lecturers and students of the Architecture Study Program at the Christian University of Indonesia together in partnership with Antheia and Fempire once again held a Community Service on Harapan Island by raising the title "Utilizing Waste from the Natural Resources of Harapan Island to Become Kitchen/Pantry Decoration Elements in Residential Homes.” This is the fourth Community Service activity on Harapan Island where the method that were used involved conducting socialization with the Harapan island’s housewives as participants with the approach involved providing instructional material from the speaker and then guiding the participants in practicing the material presented. The results showed that almost all participants were able to complete the products in form of table decorations for the pantry/kitchen as well as used bottles with shell ornaments added to them.
Assistance in the Expansion of Neighboring Community Institutions to Accelerate Welfare in Bumiayu Village, Malang City Marsudi Dedi Putra; Mukhammad Soleh; Himawan Estu Bagijo; Aghniya Ariza Sa'adah; Nabilah Ayudita
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8043


At the beginning of 2023 in RT 03, Bumiayu Village, Malang City, the number of heads of families reached 198 heads of families (KK). The compulsory expansion from 1 (one) RT to 2 (two) or more RTs is only carried out when the RTs exceed the number of 50 (fifty) households. Therefore, this community service aims to accompany the expansion of the Rukun Neighbor institution to accelerate welfare in RT 03 Bumiayu Village, Malang City. Implementation methods include (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), (2) Assistance in the expansion of RT 03 Bumiayu Village Malang City, and (3) Media use from the results of the RT 03 expansion assistance team, Bumiayu Village, Malang City.
Socialization of Safety Factors for Passengers of Traditional Ship Crossing Transport at Muara Angke Port Jakarta Primadi Candra Susanto; Thamrin Thamrin; Robiha Yasin; Prasadja Ricardianto; Yosi Pahala; Irwan Chairudin
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8076


The orderliness of service and operation of facilities and infrastructure is relatively low, and many factors contribute to it, such as the weak awareness of ship owners and companies in implementing an effective and implementable safety system in the field, the seaworthiness of ships that are more oriented towards certification which in fact is not supported by careful inspection, as well as supervision carried out by the government on the implementation (drilling) of shipping safety requirements is inconsistent.  The purpose of socialization to passengers who use traditional wooden ships is "Socialization of Safety Factors for Passengers of Traditional Ship Crossing Transport at Muara Angke Port Jakarta" the purpose of socialization is to prevent opportunities for violations in shipping not using Ring Life Buoys, Life Jackets and unethical behavior of ships passengers.
Socialization Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and ATS Curriculum Vitae for ITL Trisakti and General Students Devi Marlita; Sri Handayani; Erni Pratiwi Perwitasari; Muhammad Ridwan Azis; Yosua Hamonangan
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8080


The method used for the program is through socialization and knowledge sharing about the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) in the form of case examples and tips online because the implementation of the events was still in the PPKM period. The Implementation of the activity was centered at ITL Trisakti, East Jakarta and participants could take part online. The purpose of the socialization is to prepare basic knowledge for students and the general public about ATS and its derivative applications. As a result of these activities, participants understand more about ATS. And start updating their profiles and curriculum vitae using ATS so that it is more accessible to recruiters of companies that need employees to fill the required positions.
Social Media Education in Marketing Debog Banana Chips Products to She Yuha Snack MSMEs in Rengas Pulau Village, Marelan Medan Revita Sari; Idhamsyah Muhammad
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): February 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v3i2.8219


The community service program was implemented in Rengas Pulau Village, Medan Marelan District, Medan City Regency targeting the local community. The program implemented with this target is an educational program on the importance of social media. With the targets and programs that have been designed, it is hoped that it will be able to increase understanding for MSME players. The aim of implementing this community service program is to solve various problems that exist in the She Yuha Snacks She Yuha Chips Debog Banana MSME which is the focus of the activity by utilizing social media. The method used in implementing this activity is the observation method, namely observing the problems in Rengas Pulau Island Village as the target of the activities to be carried out and documentation, namely documenting the photos or videos required for each activity.

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