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Poli-Teknologi Journal is a journal, which began publication in 2002, published by the Research and community service Unit of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. It starts from Volume 1 Number 1 in January 2022 for printed version; ISSN (print) 1412-2782 and ISSN (online) 2407-9103. Poli-Teknologi Journal is a series of scientific publications in applied science and technology area from the perspective of a multi and interdisciplinary studies and it is published 3 times in year.
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Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v21i3.3790


The use of bleed size in the book production process greatly affects the quality of the product. Bleed size serves as a measure of tolerance given when placing the book layout on 1 sheet of katern so that the size of the finished product is met. Reducing the size of the bleed will result in the resulting page fold (katern) being rejected. However, if the size of the bleed is too large, it will result in high paper costs. This will also result in losses for the company. The aim of this research is to get the optimal bleed size that produces the least reject products. The results showed that the optimal size of the bleed on matt paper (120 gsm) paper was 8 mm. Because this measure produces the least amount of damaged material that is close to the standard, namely 20% of the production circulation. The paper requirement for 8 mm bleed is 18.92 reams or 635.3 kg with a paper size of 61x92 cm.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v21i3.4428


The growth of the business world is currently growing rapidly, so the use of energy is also getting higher and the costs are not small. This study aims to carry out load analysis and PV planning towards energy efficient buildings at PT PSI. The method used in this research is survey method, documentation and literature study. Primary data is obtained from the 2020 Electricity Bill. The primary data is used to calculate the load requirement of the bending tool. The results showed that the power requirement of the bending tool was 7.4 kw/day or 59,888 kw per month with 47 PV designs with a capacity of 385 wp/unit producing 18.06 kw/day or 542 kw/month. Electrical energy savings per month is IDR 891,048 or IDR 10,692,576 per year with 47 units of 385 wp PV capacity.
PEMANFAATAN REFLEKTOR UNTUK PENINGKATAN DAYA LUARAN PANEL SURYA Isdawimah; Nuha Nadhiroh; Muchlishah; Dezetty Monika; Arum Kusuma Wardhany; Ajeng Bening Kusumaningtyas
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v21i3.4723


The Government of Indonesia has committed to support the development of solar power plant, while the efficiency of solar panels still around 5-16%. There are several methods to increase the output power of solar panel, but mostly consume a big portion of energy from solar power plant. The objective is to identify an off-grid solar power plant optimization method with smaller power consumption. The proposed optimization method is to add a reflector that can be positioned to direct sunlight so that it always hits the solar panel, so that the solar panel is able to produce electrical power optimally. This method can save the use of electrical power, because the weight of the reflector is much lighter than solar panels. The position of the reflector can be adjusted automatically based on feedback from the monitoring system. Off Grid solar system consisting of solar panels, batteries, solar charge controller (SCC), inverters, safety against overloads, short circuits and lightning strikes and mounted reflectors that can be adjusted in position, so that a lot of sunlight hits the solar panels so that the solar panel output power increase. In choosing the type of reflector, several things need to be considered, namely weight, refractive index, size, shading effect and the reflector's resistance to wind, impact and shock. Data retrieval is carried out automatically with a monitoring system to measure and store data when testing solar power system without reflectors and with reflectors in various positions. Data retrieval is based on IEC Standard 61724, while data processing is based on IEA-PVPS T2-01, 2000. Installing reflectors on solar panels is proven to increase the output power of solar panels, where aluminum reflectors and flat mirrors produce the greatest output power at an angle of 83°. Flat mirror reflectors produce a greater increase in solar panel output power compared to flat aluminum reflectors
Analisis Stabilitas Dinding Penahan Tanah Pada Pembangunan Jalan Inspeksi Waduk Brigif Muhammad Rifqi Aryadi; Yelvi
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v21i3.5043


The construction of the inspection road located in the Brigif retention pond was directly crossed by the Krukut River. For safety and comfortable road traffic against sliding, it would need a redesign of the slope of road in order to produce a safety factor (SF) ≥ 1,25 for static condition and SF ≥ 1,10 for dynamic condition. Slope conditions are considered when High Water Level (HWL) and Low Water Level (LWL) conditions. This analysis was carried out by using of manually calculations and SLOPE/W. Both assessment using the Simplified Bishop Method. The results shows that when HWL in static conditions is 3,20 for manual calculations and 2,48 for SLOPE/W. Then, when HWL conditions with the dynamic condition is 1,88 for manual calculations and 1,72 for SLOPE/W. In LWL of static conditions is obtained of 3,13 for manual calculations and 2,58 for SLOPE/W. The results of the analysis of SF LWL with dynamic conditions is 2,20 for manual calculations and 1,79 for SLOPE/W. It can be concluded partially that the slope condition is stable. Furthermore, to prevent the scouring effect on retaining walls on the slopes is used gabion. Stability safety factor (SF) for overturning is 4,25 ≥ 2; for sliding is 1,59 ≥ 1,5; and for the bearing capacity is 825,31 kN/m ≥ 378 kN/m. Overall stability analysis is shown that the slope with the reinforced with gabion system is able to retain the overturning, sliding and bearing capacity.
MESIN PENGERING GABAH MODEL BAK MENGGUNAKAN BAHAN BAKAR LPG Rudy Yulianto; Sukardi; Faqihudin; Meika Syahbana Rusli; Dianta Mustofa K.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v21i3.5081


Pengeringan konvensional yang mengandalkan sinar matahari memiliki sejumlah kelemahan. Dari segi produktivitas, pengeringan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, misalnya dua sampai tiga hari untuk hari yang cerah atau empat sampai lima hari untuk cuaca yang mendung. Perancangan mesin pengering gabah berbahan bakar gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) sebagai alternatif dalam menjemur gabah tidak tergantung pada kondisi cuaca, baik pada musim hujan maupun musim kemarau. Mesin pengering ini menggunakan pendistribusian udara panas dalam pipa yang berfungsi untuk menghilangkan penguapan air dari bahan yang dikeringkan. Sirkulasi udara panas di dalam ruangan sangat penting untuk menghasilkan drainase di dalam ruang pengering. Sirkulasi panas pada ruang pengering dapat berlangsung secara alami atau paksa dengan menggunakan kipas ke dalam tabung ekstruder. Blower sentrifugal berfungsi untuk menyedot atau membuang udara panas dalam suatu ruangan. Drum pemanas udara kering berfungsi sebagai alat pengering dimana uap panas ditempatkan ke dalam drum. Tungku memiliki fungsi sebagai alat untuk pemanasan. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelembapan pada ruang pengering 0,1875 kg air/kg udara, massa udara pengering 26,4915 kg, kebutuhan bahan bakar selama proses pengeringan adalah 3 kg bahan bakar, waktu yang diperlukan untuk pengeringan adalah 5,1623 - 11,6023 jam, suhu pengeringan gabah adalah 40oC, 45oC, dan 50oC. Tebal tumpukan gabah 100 mm dan 200 mm, massa gabah kering 50 kg dan 100 kg, dan efisiensi pengeringan gabah antara 52,67% - 58,41%.

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