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Journal contains information about Mechatronics, Electronics Engineering, and Software Engineering. The Journal J-Innovation is a journal that is published twice a year, in June and December. Focus and Scope: 1. Robotics 2. Electrical and electronic 3. Energy convertion 4. Sensor technology 5. Control system 6. Manufacture 7. Software computer 8. Information and technology multimedia 9. Other relevant multidisciplinary science
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation" : 6 Documents clear
Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengering Kulit Pohon Kina Menggunakan Kontrol Pid Berbasis Mikrokontroler Guido Dias Kalandro; Dodi Setiabudi; Ali Rizal Chaidir
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.132


Kina in plants there are several kinds of plant parts that can be taken advantage but in this case, the author will discuss the special problems of cinchona bark between 0.5 meters and 0.5 meters from the bottom and top of the plant kina. Because the bark of cinchona was the producers took to be resold to the pharmaceutical industry. During this time many of the manufacturers of leather kina kina dry the skin by way menjemuran directly in the sun. In this process the skin needs time producers such as 5-6 days if no disruption of nature such as rain, clouds, etc.. For example, if there is rain then the drying process can take up to 2 weeks up to maximum water levels dropped to 60% - 55%. With the above problems the writer needs to design a device where the temperature can be controlled and not influenced by disruption of natural factors.
Analisis Tingkat Penyebaran Suhu Inkubator Bayi Dengan Sensor DS18B20 Eko Arianto; Agus Siswoyo
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.144


A baby incubator is a special device used by newborns that is used to keep the baby's temperature warm. The temperature in the baby incubator can be adjusted according to the baby's needs. Babies who need the most incubators are babies born prematurely and babies born with low weight. A good baby incubator is one that can maintain the required temperature stably and evenly throughout the room. In this study, we will focus on observing the temperature distribution in the baby incubator. Tests in this study will use a lab-scale baby incubator. The baby incubator will be set at 32℃ then the DS18B20 temperature sensors will be placed on four sides in the baby incubator room. Then measurements will be made for 30 minutes and timed data is taken every 2 minutes. The baby incubator temperature analyzer prototype was successfully made and tested in comparison with several other temperature sensors, the result is that the DS18B20 is stable and can indeed be a good choice of temperature sensor. The results of testing the level of heat distribution in the baby incubator, there is an uneven temperature at each sensor point with a difference of 0.15 ~ 0.29℃. When compared to the Krisbow Environment meter, the Environment measurement results tend to be lower. The results of this analysis indicate that there is an uneven distribution of heat in the incubator <0.30℃. It is necessary to do a more detailed analysis on each incubator temperature setting, namely at a temperature of 32~37℃ in another study.
Sistem Monitoring Daya Output Photovoltaic Berbasis IoT Rouhillah; Rachmad Ikhsan; Furqan Farih
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.151


Solar panel monitoring systems are generally only through tools installed on the solar panel unit and carried out manually so that the parameters and data obtained are limited, and information cannot be obtained at any time. The purpose of this final project is to create a system that can monitor the performance of solar panels so that the utilization of solar panels becomes more effective, because through this monitoring system the early symptoms of damage can be detected early by humans. This tool is equipped with an INA219 sensor as a voltage and current detector, then the data will be processed by the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller and then sent to the firebase. The data from the sensor readings will be displayed on the smartphone and can be viewed through the MIT APP application. This tool will also apply IoT technology as a monitoring method so that the data received will be displayed on the smartphone in real-time.
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.156


Quadcopter technology is currently growing rapidly and is widely used in various needs, both in the fields of education, military, multimedia, health and others. In the quadcopter flight phase at a certain altitude critical phases often occur such as shocks and instability due to external influences such as wind. These problems make research to control the quadcopter in maintaining a stable altitude and movement with roll, pitch and yaw positions. Quadcopter control to produce stability is set using a PID control system with these parameter values processed into the CC3D Flight Controller as well as error feedback from the gyroscope and accelerometer sensors. The results of the study show that a quadcopter using the CC3D flight controller can maintain a flight altitude of 15 meters with a value of KP = 0.0030, Ki = 0.000050 and Kd = 0.0030.
Implementasi gerakan omnidirectional pada robot rugby Agus Siswoyo; Eko Arianto
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.143


Robots in the KRAI competition (Indonesian ABU Robot Contest) are required to be able to maneuver and move well, efficiently and quickly in order to be able to carry out the task of picking up and kicking rugby balls. In order for the robot to move quickly and precisely, a wheel that can move dynamically is needed. The wheel used is the Omniwheel. This wheel has a small wheel located on the outer side of the main wheel, so that the movement of the rugby robot can run smoother when changing positions. With dynamic and efficient maneuvers and displacement of the rugby robot, the robot can move more agile and can stop in the desired position.
J-Innovation Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v11i2.157


Traffic signs as a symbol of road discipline are usually found on every street corner which functions for order and convenience for road users. Traffic signs are made to be obeyed by road users, but most elementary school students do not understand the meaning of each symbol of the existing traffic signs. So students need to be given learning about the introduction of existing traffic signs. To make students enthusiastic and happy in learning to recognize the rules of traffic signs, an interactive animation application was created as a learning medium which contains the distribution of traffic signs, the meaning of the symbol for each sign, an animated video of the application of road signs, as well as practice questions with the support of interactive buttons, interesting pictures and audio to increase students' learning absorption of the content of learning material

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