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Yen Efawati
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International Journal Administration, Business & Organization
ISSN : 27215652     EISSN : 27215652     DOI :
International Journal Administration Business and Organization (IJABO) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access, publishing high quality conceptual and measure development articles in the areas of management, business administration, and related disciplines. IJABO publishing interesting articles in a highly readable format in English or Indonesian (bilingual). First published in 2020 for an online version and receive original research articles and any review papers. The aims of IJABO are disseminate research results and to improve the productivity of scientific publications for worldwide audience . IJABO is published four monthly (3 issues per year) with the scope and focus of the research areas that covers a wide variety of topics in management (but not limited to): Business Administration, Organization and Behavior, Marketing, Retail, Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Management Finance, Public Administration, Education Administration, Public Policy, and Organization.
Articles 78 Documents
Investigasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Kerja Abdi Maliki; Hidayat
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The purpose of this study is to find out the determinants to increase employees' motivation to work, as well as how much salary, informal communication, and organizational commitment affect employees' work motivation. This type of research is a survey. The total sample of the total population, namely 70 employees. Data are analyzed using multiple regression. The results of the study indicate that salary, informal communication, and organizational communication have an effect on increasing employees' work motivation. However, only organization commitment that influence work motivation partially.
Faktor-faktor yang Menentukan Loyalitas Pelanggan Ahmad; Umar Syarif
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The purpose of this study is to test the determinant factors that affect consumer loyalty. The independent variables used are the concept of product quality, service quality, and price. For this research, 98 consumers are used as samples. The data are gathered through questionnaires and survey methods. The researched data are processed using a mean test and multiple regression. The result of this study shows that product quality, service quality, and price partially affect consumer loyalty. Each research variable partially proves a very strong influence on consumer loyalty. The dominant factor influencing customer loyalty is price.
Identifikasi Biaya Operasional dan Resiko Kredit Pada Penjualan Aludin; Mery Amelia
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of operating cost and credit risks in the sale of X company. This research uses the descriptive method. The data are analyzed using multiple linear regression. The population of this research is financial statements from 2008 to 2015. The reports used as samples are administration fee reports, marketing costs report, and all bad loans in PT X from 2008 to 2015. The results of the study show that operational costs variable have a positive effect on sales, while credit risk as measured by Non Performing Loans has a negative effect on sales. This means that if credit risk increases, the number of sales will increase. On the other hand, if credit risk decreases, profitability will decrease.
Identifikasi Brand Loyalty : (Studi Pada Motor Honda Merek Mega Pro) Aris Munandar; Yen Efawati
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The increase in market competition between two-wheeled vehicle manufacturers demands them to issue a variety of brands to suit consumer tastes. One of the brands is the Mega Pro brand which is made by Honda manufacturers. This research identifies consumers' loyalty to certain brands. The objects of this research are users of the Mega Pro, a brand of two-wheeled vehicles. There are a total of 100 respondents. The research data are analyzed using multiple regression, and the method that is used in this research is the survey method. The results of the study show that opposition brand loyalty, sharing brand stories, and helping in brand use are the factors that determine brand loyalty.
Evaluasi Pelatihan, Motivasi, Insentif dan Pengaruhnya pada Kinerja Karyawan Dadan Akhmad Muharam; Burhan Nurdin
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of training, intensive and motivation on work productivity. The data are collected through surveys, observation, and data collection. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis through the SPSS program. The employees of the company, with a total of 110 people are used as the population of the study, and 86 of them are used as the sample. The results of the study show that partially, training and motivation do not affect employees’ work productivity, while incentives have a positive and significant effect. Simultaneously, training, intensive and motivation have a positive and significant effect on employees’ work productivity
Urgensi Kualitas Pelayanan Bagi Penumpang Transportasi Rachmat; Nanang Juhandi
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This research analyzes the effect of service quality on passengers' satisfaction. The method used in this research is the sampling incidental method. The total sample of this research is 150 people. Quantitative data analysis methods are used to discuss the problems. The object of this research is a transportation company. This research will discuss the effect of service quality on satisfaction received by the passengers. It should be said that the company has provided a fairly good service quality to passengers so that they feel quite satisfied with the quality provided. However, the company will continue to strive to be better in improving service quality so that passengers' satisfaction is met properly.
Indentifikasi Segmentasi Produk, Demografi, Psikografis dan Dampaknya pada Keputusan Pembelian Farida Sartika; Luluh Abdillah
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Ijabo
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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Human daily needs are never separated from the consideration of their fulfillment. The basis for these considerations differs from one another based on needs, quality, price, prestige, place of purchase, and whether or not the item is well-known. The aims of this study are to determine the effect of demographic and psychographic factors on consumer purchasing decisions and to uncover the right combination of marketing strategies for target segments and target markets for retailers. The psychographic profile of the target addressed is also needed by business people. This factor will provide data such as motives, attitudes, and interests that affect the lifestyle and personality of humans. The result of the study shows that the demographic segmentation variable (X1) has a regression coefficient of 0.323 (positive sign) to the purchase decision (Y) and the calculated t value = 4.577, while psychographic segmentation variable (X2) has a regression coefficient of 0.285 (positive sign) to the purchase decision (Y) t value = 3,560. Adjusted R square value can be seen that the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 0.743. This means that for Lux, Dove and Dettol brand soap products, 74.3% of purchasing decisions are influenced by demographic and psychographic segmentation, while the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Komitmen Penyuluhan Pertanian Pada Tanaman Padi Organik di Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Bandung (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Ciparay) Hidayat; Tita Meirina Djuwita; Yani Hendrayani
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The commitment of agricultural extension to organic rice crops (oryza sativa) in Ciparay sub-district still has not contributed to the development /progress of organic rice farmers. This research is intended to know and analyze information about the situation and conditions about the effect of agricultural extension commitment on organic rice crops (oryza sativa) in the Agriculture Services Bandung Regency. This research method used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods because they wanted to clearly describe and interpret the data or symptoms obtained during the research. The data collection techniques in this research used observations, interviews, library studies and other data sources that support the research. The results showed that the commitment of agricultural extension to organic rice crops (oryza sativa) in Agriculture Services Bandung Regency is quite high despite some constraints, this is due to factors that have not been optimal to effectiveness, both in terms of ability to adjust, job satisfaction and resource achievement. The success of organic rice farming can be seen from the high commitment aspect of the implementation of organic cultivation counseling in rice fields, namely: continuous commitment, understanding, feeling and obeying the regulations of the implementation of counseling programs, communication and implementation precisely on targets and objectives as corrective action materials in order to minimize the irregularities that will occur in future extension programs.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru pada SMA Plus Pariwisata Bandung Dewi Endah Fajariana; Luluh Abdilah Kurniawan
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The Effect of Work Environment on Kinarja Teachers at SMA Plus Tourism Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the work environment at SMA Plus Tourism Bandung, to determine the performance of teachers at SMA Plus Tourism Bandung and to find out how the work environment influences the performance of teachers at SMA Plus Tourism Bandung. The sample in this study were all 32 teachers, so the technique used was the census technique. The research method used is descriptive analysis method and associative analysis. In this study using primary data, namely by making observations, and distributing questionnaires. To test the hypothesis, it is carried out using Rank Spearman correlation analysis, besides that, it is also carried out by testing the validity and reliability. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between the work environment on the performance of teacher employees at SMA Plus Pariwisata Bandung. coefficient 41.99 and the remaining 58.01% influenced by other variables not examined by the author which can affect teacher performance achievement such as motivation, work discipline, compensation, service and so on.
Memahami Tren “Atribut Produk”: Tinjauan Perilaku Konsumen dalam Memilih Produk Minuman dan Implikasinya Terhadap Industri Yen Efawati; Nanang Juhandi Hermawan
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This study aims to analyze the product attributes that influence consumer purchasing decisions. Study phenomena are limited to attributes of healthy drink products. The approach uses the quantitative in a total of 84 respondents from STIE Al-Anwar students in the 2011-2012 school year who consume Mizone products. Sampling using with simple random sampling method and regression analysis approach was applied to test the research model. The results of the analysis show that brand and quality have a significant influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions, while labels and packaging do not have a significant effect. However, simultaneously, brands, labels, quality, and packaging influences on purchasing decisions that are equal to 84.9%. The rest is influenced by other variables outside the product attributes variable. This research highlights the product attributes which are the most important elements in the marketing process because they can add value to consumers. This shows that product attributes need to be paid attention to and improved to be competitive with similar products.