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Yen Efawati
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International Journal Administration, Business & Organization
ISSN : 27215652     EISSN : 27215652     DOI :
International Journal Administration Business and Organization (IJABO) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access, publishing high quality conceptual and measure development articles in the areas of management, business administration, and related disciplines. IJABO publishing interesting articles in a highly readable format in English or Indonesian (bilingual). First published in 2020 for an online version and receive original research articles and any review papers. The aims of IJABO are disseminate research results and to improve the productivity of scientific publications for worldwide audience . IJABO is published four monthly (3 issues per year) with the scope and focus of the research areas that covers a wide variety of topics in management (but not limited to): Business Administration, Organization and Behavior, Marketing, Retail, Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Management Finance, Public Administration, Education Administration, Public Policy, and Organization.
Articles 78 Documents
Analisis Rasio Keuangan dan Kaitannya dengan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Abdi Maliki; Ruhiat
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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The aim of this study is to determine the effects of financial ratio analysis in assessing the performance of transportation companies. The samples of this study are the transportation companies of the 2010-2012 period that are registered on Indonesia’s stock exchange. The data are analyzed using multiple linear regression. The result of the study shows that variable changes in financial ratios Debt to Assets Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio have a significant effect on changes in ROE. However, changes in financial ratios current ratio, total asset turn ratio, return on investment, and earnings per share have no significant effect on changes in earnings After Tax.
Analisis Biaya Pemeliharaan Mesin Produksi Terhadap Hasil Produksi Supiandi; Maman Setiawan
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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In printing company, the production process is often disrupted by the high amount of damage resulting in the expenditure for maintenance costs. The engines that are often damaged affects the printing products that will be produced. Due to the high amount of downtime, company profits will decrease because of the overrun of costs for maintenance. The problem raised in this study is whether the variable cost of engine maintenance with the corrective method and preventive method simultaneously and partially has a significant effect on increasing production results. Another problem that is raised is which variable has a relatively more dominant effect in increasing production results. The aim of this study is to analyze the engine maintenance cost with the methods already mentioned to increase production results. The results of the analysis show that partially, both corrective and preventive methods of engine maintenance cost have no effect in increasing production results. There is no dominant method. However, if both methods are done simultaneously, it will have a significant effect on the increase of production results.
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Produk, dan Harga pada Loyalitas Konsumen Nano Store Harmon Chaniago
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 1 No 2 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This study aims to analyze the factors that influence nano store customer loyalty in a small and densely populated city, namely Cimahi City, Indonesia. Respondents come from nano store consumers. The total sample of the study was 130 respondents. This research used a quantitative descriptive method and the data were analyzed by multiple regression. The results showed that simultaneously service quality, product quality, and price affect consumer loyalty. However, partial testing only affects service quality and product quality that affects customer loyalty. Meanwhile, price is not proven to be influential in increasing customer loyalty. This indicates that consumers are more focused on paying attention to product quality and service quality when shopping at nano stores.
Peran Keterlibatan Pekerjaan sebagai Intervensi Efikasi Diri dan Komitmen Profesional Nancy Yusnita
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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Many of research on professional commitment had generated findings that professional commitment is considered to predict individual performance. The objective of this study is to examine factors that have an effect to professional commitment namely selfefficacy and job involvement. Respondents consisted of lecturers at 4 different private universities in the city of Bogor, Indonesia. The sample for the study consisted of 252 permanent lecturers derived randomly from its population. The study mainly utilized quantitative data (from questionnaires). Regression and correlational analysis were used to find out the relationship among variables. In general, this study aims to find efforts that can be made to increase professional commitment. The results showed that there was a positive effect of self-efficacy and job involvement on professional commitment, there was a positive effect of self-efficacy to job involvement, and there was a positive effect of selfefficacy to professional commitment through job involvement.
Pengaruh Kondisi Kerja, Kemampuan Kerja dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Yen Efawati
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This research analyzes the effect of work conditions, workability, and leadership on employees’ performance. The issue of this research is raised because of the decrease in employees’ performance caused by several aspects such as uncomfortable work conditions, poor employees’ workabilities, and incompetent leadership. Based on those aspects mentioned, this research will discuss the way to increase employees’ performance. The proportional stratified random sampling is used for 72 respondents in the fashion industry at Bandung city. The data are analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. This study shows that the level of workability and employees’ performance is closely related. Also, the relationship between leadership and employees’ performance is very strong. Moreover, the dominant factor that affects employees’ performance is the leadership aspect.
Peranan Pemerintah Kota dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan di Lingkungan Kota Ahmad Rohili
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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Many development policies, one of which is development in the health sector. The community has the right to obtain the same degree of health and is obliged to participate in health businesses run by the government. In order to obtain these, various efforts are needed to fulfill the basic needs of the Indonesian people, which are essentially fulfilled clothing, food, shelter, health and education. The role of local government in improving environmental health is outreach, coordination with related elements, approaches to community leaders. The factors that support the role of the government are informal leaders and social institutions. By carrying out the role and support of all parties, it is hoped that environmental health will be achieved for all communities.
Pengaruh Pengembangan Produk dan Promosi terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Pada Perusahaan Konveksi “Mentari“ di Klaten, Indonesia Toni Prastowohadi
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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Every company is required to continue to improve the quality of its products by gradually improving its marketing strategies so that the products produced are known to the wider community, including distribution so that they reach consumers easily. This study intends to examine the effect of product development and sales promotion on increasing sales volume. The research method used is quantitative data and uses multiple regression analysis. The results showed that product development and promotion affected the sales volume of convection products. However, an increase in product development costs contributes more to an increase in sales volume than an increase in promotional costs. Competition in the field of convection faces many challenges both internally and externally, but if we are open to change and use the right strategy, the company will be able to survive and have a competitive edge for business sustainability in the future.
Investigasi Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja pada Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Luluh Abdilah Kurniawan
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This investigation is to prove the effectiveness of the working environment for the employees. The object of this research is the employees of a trading company. The total population is the same as the total sample. This research uses a descriptive method with multiple regression analysis. The result of the study shows that a safe, comfortable, and neatly organized working environment affect the employees’ work productivity. Air circulation, air temperature, workspace, room layout are the dimensions that greatly affect the employees’ work productivity.
Evaluasi Faktor yang Berpengaruh pada Kinerja Karyawan Harmon Chaniago
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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This research was conducted at companies whose employee performance was decreasing. This is evidenced by the number of employees who can only work individually and do not want to work as a team. The results of the initial observations show the influence of several factors on employee performance. This study aims to investigate these factors, such as: job stress, work conflict, satisfaction, work comfort and its associated with employee performance. The research method uses an explanatory survey. The number of samples used was 120 property company employees in West Bandung Regency, Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that job stress, work conflict, job satisfaction and work comfort have an effect on improving employee performance, while the most dominant factor affecting employee performance is work comfort.
Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Food Delivery Services Terhadap Penjualan UKM Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi Pada Kota Bandung) Alinda Devi Sofia; Septhara Adhityo Rohman; Harmon Chaniago
International Journal Administration Business and Organization Vol 2 No 1 (2021): IJABO
Publisher : Asosiasi Ahli Administrasi Indonesia

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ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic that is currently striking has forced some businesses to reduce their business activities and some even have to close their businesses. One of the businesses that is directly affected is the culinary field of Small and Medium Enterprises. However, the application of food delivery services is like an oasis for business people, people still use this service to fulfil their needs. The purpose of this study was to see how much influence the use of food delivery services applications for Small and Medium Enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in simple linear regression analysis. Keywords: SMEs, Food Delivery Services Application, Sales Increase