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Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Published by Ikatan Dai Indonesia
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Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies is a scientific journal published by Ikatan Dai Indonesia (IKADI) in collaboration with Intelectual Association for Islamic Studies (IAFORIS) . This journal contains scientific papers from academics, researchers and practitioners in Islamic studies, law, politics, dakwah, cultures, history, and Islamic literacy, and others related issues. E-ISSN 2962231X.
Articles 34 Documents
Concept of Spiritual Education:  A Perspective of  Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Makmudi Makmudi
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1029.975 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i1.11


Man consists of two elements, namely body and spirit, so that human beings are jasiman and ruhiyah at once. Hummans are also part of one element of the elements that exist in an educational process. Three element include the soul, the mind, the heart, and the human body. Humman and education, can not be separated from each other. Both are an interconnected entity, human as the perpetrator and education as a syistem in the process to achieve the goal of education itself. Mental health education requires alignment and harmony in various stages and sectors as well as attention to the three elements that exist in the human self that is the physical element (psychomotor) which includes body building, skill (skill) and sexual education, the spiritual element (affective) which includes the formation of faith, and iradah (the will), the element of reason (cognitive) which includes the coaching of intelligence and the provision of knowledge. The purpose of writing this research is to know and analyze thoughts about the concept of life education perspective Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. Soul education is considered successful, if one's soul has reached the degree of nafs muthmainnah, which has three main characteristics that mutually reinforce one another, namely; (1) a faithful soul to God, (2) a patient soul, (3) a soul that is self-serving to Allah (tawakal). Through the process of mental education which includes: the foundation of theology, the purpose of mental education, integrated curriculum / manhaj at-takamul, appropriate methods and applicable according to its stages, such as: takhliyah stages, tahliyah stages, muhasabah an-nafs, dzikrullah, and tahqiq 'ubudiyah. So that from the process will give birth ihsan attitude, and will increase the piety in worship, both related to God and those related to humans and the surrounding natural environment. Because, the essence of ihsan attitude itself is upholding 'ubudiyah. Keywords: education, soul, the concept of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
Perlindungan Hukum Harta Bawaan Debitur Pasca Perceraian Puspa Fitriyah
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1016.257 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i1.12


The problem of debt is included in the field of personal status, where marriages are carried out between spouses, which as a result of the law of debt become a burden to be borne together from marriage agreements between citizens, especially related to the distribution of joint assets. How is the legal liability of debtors to creditors in the final period of marriage? and How is the legal protection for the debtor's innate property? Regarding the marriage agreement, it is regulated in Article 29 of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. This is because of the agreement made between the husband and wife both regarding joint property after marriage and the child's guardianship rights as well as the citizenship status of the child and each party. The method used in this research is normative juridical and empirical juridical research which is analyzed using legal certainty theory and legal liability theory. From the results of the research. Events that often occur in the field of debt, debt repayments that must be paid by the debtor are often not as agreed. In the legal certainty of customer credit guarantees on objects of land and building mortgages, there is a decrease in the appraisal value by the bank, but the binding of credit guarantees with mortgages is carried out if a customer or debtor obtains credit facilities from the bank. Divorce is an abolition of marriage accompanied by a judge's decision. or at the will of one of the parties, both husband and wife, through the submission of a claim by one of the parties to the marriage. Keywords: Legal Liability, Debt, Creditors, Wife.
Eksistensi dan Revitalisasi Pesantren di Era 4.0 Ani Rindiani
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1277.594 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i1.13


Pesantren is the oldest traditional Islamic educational institution in Indonesia. The rapid development of the current of globalization requires pesantren to make changes and developments in order to maintain their existence in society. This study aims to examine the revitalization of the existence of Islamic boarding schools in the 4.0 era by using the library research method, namely research conducted through data collection that is library in nature. The results of this study indicate that the existence of Islamic boarding schools still exists in the midst of globalization, which can be seen from several indicators, namely (1) Moral values ​​remain the guide and reference in all activities and become the main point of the education system developed in it. (2) as a functional educational institution, Islamic boarding schools are able to provide answers to various problems faced by the community. (3) the pesantren education system is quite anticipatory to the needs of the community, (4) Islamic boarding schools always modernize their education system by not only teaching religious sciences, but also teaching general subjects in the national education system. (5) modern pesantren education does not exclude technology education. (6) Islamic boarding school students are given lessons to solve problems in elegant and civilized ways. Efforts that can be developed in an effort to revitalize the existence of Islamic boarding schools include building digital literacy in Islamic boarding schools, and creating channels for Islamic studies. Keywords: revitalization, pesantren, era 4.0
The Effect of Improving Spiritual Quotient and Emotional Quotient on Mental Health  in Sya'ban Month at The Pandemic Covid 19 in Jakarta Ika Kartika
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1089.359 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i1.14


This study focuses on the effect of increasing spiritual quotient and emotional quotient on mental health during the month of Sya'ban during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study aims to determine and analyze the positive effects of the spiritual quotient on mental health in the month of Sya'ban. This research uses quantitative research methods. The sample was determined randomly amounting to 100 people. Data collection tools use instruments that are distributed to research respondents. Data were analyzed using the Path Analysis model, which is to analyze the positive effects of spiritual quotient and mental health. The results of this study indicate that the spiritual quotient has a positive effect on mental health during the month of Sya'ban during the Covid 19 pandemic. To improve mental health, it is necessary to increase intelligence and spirituality as a strategic effort to improve the quality of piety. Keywords: Spiritual Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Mental Health, Covid 19
Metode Riyadhotun Nafs Menuju Mardhatilah Dalam Perspektif Para Sufah Siti Julaeha
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1357.423 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i1.15


Happiness is the hope and dream of every human being as the ultimate goal of everything, happiness and safety are the ideals in every life. But where can we find happiness? Some people argue that the source of happiness is abundant wealth, high positions, or a lot of knowledge so that mistakes in perspective make the human paradigm deviate from achieving life goals. For people who believe, they will know that the true source of happiness lies not in abundant wealth, high positions, or a lot of knowledge, but lies in the pleasure of Allah SWT. Therefore, the ultimate goal of a believer is to reach the pleasure of Allah SWT (mardhotillah), in achieving it to get mardhotollah is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand riyadhotun nafs method is one method in achieving mardhotillah, stages and lifestyles that are carried out consistently doing riyadhoh In Sufism it is called maqomat, while maqomat is the inner level in doing soul training towards the kholiq, Dusi expression (2015: 196) Keywords: mardhotillah, riyadhotun nafs, maqoma
Konsep Karakter Kepemimpinan Nabi Ibrahim AS Dalam Membentuk SDM Unggulan Perspektif Al-Qur’an Hidayatullah Hidayatullah
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1407.709 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i2.25


This article describes the concept of the leadership character of Prophet Ibrahim as the superior character of leaders and a reference for empowering Human Resources (HR) in the perspective of the Qur'an. The research was conducted using a library research approach with the maudhu'i interpretation method (thematic interpretation). Among the leadership characters of Prophet Ibrahim in this study are mastering interpersonal communication skills, strategists, argumentative, exemplary, religious, peace-loving, and responsibility. These characters are obtained based on historical studies between Prophet Ibrahim and his father, his people, King Namrudz, Prophet Lut, King of Egypt, mysterious guests and his son (Ismail) which were adapted from his story in the Qur'an. These leadership characters are expected to serve as role models for today's leaders in implementing their leadership according to Ibrahim's prophetic leadership guidelines in the contemporary context in Indonesia. Be it in the context of personal relationships with individual families, local communities, community leaders and so on. Thus, this research is expected to contribute to the development of the concept of prophetic character for office holders at all levels of life. Keywords: Character; Leadership; Human Resources
Pembiasaan Shalat Berjamaah dan Kedisiplinan Siswa di MTs  Daarul Mustaqiem Bogor Eda Laelasari
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1298.549 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i2.33


The research, entitled Habituation of Congregational Prayer and Student Discipline at MTs Daarul Mustaqiem Pamijahan, Bogor Regency (Correlational Studies) was a survey research with an associative type of quantitative approach. The research aims to: 1) obtain data on the habit of praying in congregation at MTs Daarul Mustaqiem Pamijahan, Bogor Regency; 2) obtaining student discipline data at MTs Daarul Mustaqiem Pamijahan, Bogor Regency; 3) find out the correlation between the habit of praying in congregation with student discipline at MTs Daarul Mustaqiem Pamijahan, Bogor Regency. This research was conducted at MTs Daarul Mustaqiem Pamijahan, Bogor Regency. The total research population is 481 people. Samples were taken using a simple random sample technique as many as 30 respondents. The research approach uses quantitative methods. The technique of returning data is using a questionnaire. The research instrument used a questionnaire for the habit of praying together and student discipline. Instrument testing with validity test and reliability test. Data analysis technique, to determine the correlation of variable X (congregational prayer habit) with variable Y (student discipline) using Pearson Product Moment correlation test technique. The calculated r index is 0.649, which is greater than r table = 0.361, which is significant. This means that the habit of praying in congregation has a correlation with student discipline. The KD index (Coefficient of Determinant) was obtained 42.12% which indicates that the variable X (habitual prayer in congregation) contributes as much as 42.12% of variable Y (student discipline), and the rest is about 57.88% determined by other factors. Keywords: habituation, congregational prayer, discipline
Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dalam Al-Qur’an Surat Lukman Ajun Rois
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1618.178 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i2.34


This qualitative research with the aim of: 1) To know understanding, the principles of Islamic education methods and materials about the concept of Islamic education 2) To express a review of the concept of Islamic education, the sources of study based on Al-Qur'an and As-Sunah are both is a guide for Muslims to reach mardlotillah (Ridho Allah). The research uses a qualitative approach of type of literature research method (Librari Research) and the steps taken are 1) Reviewing the books of science education, Islamic education, the books relevant to the discussion 2) Sorting (reduction) 3) Data grouping 4) Check the validity of the data. The process of data interpretation is done after the examination phase of the data. Interpretation of data and writing of research results by using inductive descriptive analysis. Based on document analysis, the research results show that the authors prepare the materials to be discussed from the books and books relevant to the issues to be discussed, both primary and secondary. Primary sources are books or books that deal with education, both in general education and religious education. The secondary sources are books or books that do not specifically address education but have something to do with the discussion. That Islam is a plenary religion that regulates all aspects of human life including in it religious education in children should follow the concepts that are shown by Allah and His Messenger that is through the holy book (Al-Qur'an) and the Sunnah of His Apostle, in this case means making the Messenger of Allah as the ideal model in an effort to realize the concepts that exist in the Qur'an. Although the Qur'an and As-Sunna have been so firmly obliged to follow it but still there are among Muslim parents who have not made the Qur'an and As-Sunah as a guide in educating their children. Problems arise how our efforts to the concept of Islamic education must be implemented in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Keywords: Concept, Islamic Education, Child Education, Qs. Lukman 12-
Peran Keluarga Dalam Membangun Karakter Anak Usia Dini Ery Subaeri Ahmad
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1135.867 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i2.35


Character education is a way to make Indonesian children and society have commendable and civilized moral behavior. Therefore, the discourse of character education continues to be activated in every school to build the noble character of students. But in reality, there are still school children who do not have noble character. One of the contributing factors is the lack of basic morals instilled by parents in the child's self and soul. Building character in children, especially early childhood is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. We must be very careful because early childhood is a critical period in character education. The behaviors that children acquire and learn at this age will be difficult to change and will continue to carry over until the child grows up. The role of parents is very necessary in this case. Because parents are the first to interact with children as well as the main educators for children who are at an early age. The things that parents teach at an early age will form the basis of the child's character and will continue to carry over until he grows up. Therefore, parents must teach good things to their children and provide a strong basis for character and morality to their children. Keywords: character education, early childhood
Metode Sorogan Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Al-Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren Chaerul Anwar
Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Al-Wasathiyah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Ikatan Da'i Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1176.644 KB) | DOI: 10.56672/alwasathiyah.v1i2.36


This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of reading the Qur'an using the sorogan method at the Al-Falah Lulut Islamic Boarding School and the factors that support and hinder the application of the method. With this research, it is hoped that it can provide new input to all parties involved in the art of reading the Qur'an in general and in particular the Al-Falah Lulut Islamic Boarding School as the place of this research. This research is a qualitative research, taking the background of Al-Falah Lulut Islamic Boarding School. Data collection is done by conducting interviews, observations, documentation, and literature review. The data analysis used is qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is used to analyze data that is not in the form of numbers, namely the deductive method. The results showed: The results of learning to read the Qur'an using the sorogan method for categories level one, two, and three are quite effective, in the learning process the children are very happy, but in the application of the sorogan method, it is largely determined by the abilities and skills of the tutor ustadz , because the sorogan system in teaching is the most difficult system of the entire Islamic education system. Keywords: Srorogan Method, Read Al-Qur'an, Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School

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