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Lux et Sal
ISSN : 27752399     EISSN : 28071328     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion,
Lux et Sal berarti terang dan garam. Metafora terang dan garam digunakan oleh Yesus untuk menggambarkan tugas dan perutusan para murid-Nya (bdk. Mat 5:13-16). Para murid yang telah menerima terang firman Allah dipanggil untuk memancarkannya kepada lingkungan sekitarnya. Dan sebagaimana garam “membantu” makanan menjadi lezat, demikianlah para murid Yesus senantiasa membantu orang lain. Jurnal Lux et Sal merupakan salah satu upaya Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum untuk memenuhi panggilan sebagai terang dan garam dunia itu. Mereka yang “melihat terang” dan “menerima garam” berkat penelitian dalam bidang teologi, seperti teologi sumber, teologi sistematis, dan teologi praktis, mencoba membagikan terang itu dalam rupa refleksi teologis dalam jurnal ini.
Articles 41 Documents
"Engkaulah Imam Selama-lamanya menurut Melkisedek": Kristologi Imam Agung Surat Ibrani Prayidno, Iswadi
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MENGENAL YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.208 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i1.1


Letter to the Hebrews is one of the most difficult and, at the same time, intriguing writings in the New Testament. Its author is responding to a particular crisis of the christian community. His theology is based on the basic christian teachings but then is developed as a response to the congregation’s need. One of his original ideas is the high priestly of Christ. It is significant because Jesus did not come from the line of the High Priests of Israel. This paper intends to understand why the author of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as a High Priest according to Melchizedek and to see the significance of this Christology in responding to the current crisis.
Yesus Auto-Komunikasi Allah: Tentang Wahyu Terakhir Allah Winarto, Heribertus
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MENGENAL YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.288 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i1.9


Catholic theology admits private revelation. Sometimes such revelation is confusing. In this situation, it must be asserted that the Christian faith is based on God's public revelation. He communicates himself to human beings and shows the secrets of his will. This plan of salvation has been established from the very beginning. He spoke to our ancestors in various ways by the prophets. However, in these last days, he has spoken to us by a Son, that is, Jesus Christ (Heb 1:1-2). Whatever Jesus says and does reveal God's plan and will. Whoever sees him sees the Father (John 14:9). Therefore, this paper aims to show that Jesus Christ is the climax of God's revelation. He is the final revelation.
Dari Anathema ke Dialog Ekumenis: Perumusan Iman akan Kristus dalam Sejarah dan Aktualitas Laksito, Petrus Canisius Edi
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MENGENAL YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.952 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i1.10


The formulation of the Christian faith regarding the divinity of the person of Jesus Christ is based on the kerygma of the New Testament, which clearly proclaims his preexistence, his exaltation as the Lord after his resurrection, and his parousia. Entering into the new ambience of the hellenistic culture under the Roman Empire, this faith, rooted in a jewish soil, had to be formulated in a theological language to keep it from any speculative distortion. This effort ended in the Council of Chalcedon in 451, but with some schismatic problems as regards the position of the Egyptian, Armenian and Syriac Churches. This paper wants to examine the history of this formulation in the past, and the ecumenical dialogue after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, and also with the above Churches, regarding this fundamental faith on the same Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Perjumpaan dengan Kristus melalui Hati Nurani bersama dengan Magisterium: Sebuah Studi Pemahaman Hati Nurani Orang Beriman yang Selaras dengan Ajaran Magisterium Suwito, Benny
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MENGENAL YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.826 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i1.11


Encountering with Christ as Christians brings Christian acts as Christ’s acts because Christians’ acts are always act of faith. This cannot be separated from the role of conscience in human heart which relates to Magisterium. However, some Christians and theologians thought that Christians, in some of their human acts, do not need Magisterium because of the conscience in human heart that God has given show them to do good and avoid evil directly. Indeed, this opinion is not true. Christians always need Magisterium to act properly as the followers of Christ. Conscience is not individual truth but conscience is the voice of God which exists in human heart with Christian faith. Thus, Christians when they act something with their faith, they need Magisterium because knowing Christ is never knowing an idea of Christ but a personal faith experience to encounter with Christ. That’s why Christians have a relationship with Magisterium though conscience carries them to Jesus.
Evangelisasi: Peran SEP dan KEP sebagai Salah Satu Wadah Pengembangan Iman Umat Jelantik, Yohanes Padmono Hapsara
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MENGENAL YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.373 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i1.12


Evangelization is the natural obligation of the Catholic Church. The apostolic exhortation of Pope Paul VI" Evangelii Nuntiandi" demands the Church, both hierarchy and laity, to be continuously evangelized. The mission-evangelization center is one of the lay movement groups in the Diocese of Surabaya. It makes many evangelization courses in many parishes under the control of the Diocese. Its members concern about bringing Jesus into their everyday life experience. The goal of this program is to build Christian faith to be more and more qualified. This paper intends to examine the evangelization course in the Diocese of Surabaya and its role in deepening the people's faith.
"Supaya Mereka Semua Menjadi Satu": (Refleksi Teologis Yoh 17:20-23) Prayidno, Iswadi
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): PANGGILAN GEREJA
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.52 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i2.13


The disciples of Jesus are called to be salt and light of the world (Mat. 5:13-16). Unfortunately, it is not always easy to fulfill this vocation, because on several occasions, their energy seems to run out due to the division between them. In such a situation, Jesus’ prayer (John 17) reminds them of the importance of the unity. The prayer that appears at the end of the farewell discourse shows that the true source of the disciples' unity comes from God himself; unity cultivated in a worldly way is often very fragile. Even so, the disciples still had a duty to prove in living together that true unity. This vocation has a missionary impact, for only then will everyone see that God really lives among his people. That is what drives the Catholic Church today to build ecumenical dialogue.
Ekaristi: Perjamuan Paskah Yesus, Akar Yahudi dan Kebaruan Kristianinya Laksito, Petrus Canisius Edi
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): PANGGILAN GEREJA
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.946 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i2.15


The Eucharist, which we celebrate today, has various aspects of spiritual richness worth to study. For an in-depth study on the Eucharist, the historical-biblical approach would be helpful, since such an approach would hopefully reveal its essential dimensions seen from a Christian perspective, namely, as a sign of grace which confers the grace it signifies. This study, using such a historical-biblical approach, tends to reveals the essential dimensions of the Eucharist starting precisely from its origin, namely, Jesus’ Last Supper arranged before his passion, death and burial. Rooted deeply in Jewish tradition, it shows its proper character as a Christian rite of salvation having Jesus’ sacrificial self-giving as its essential novelty.
Perubahan Paradigma Misi dan Kesaksian Keluarga Kristiani di Tengah Fenomena Misi Inter Gentes Sriwahyuni, Teresa Lina
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): PANGGILAN GEREJA
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.665 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i2.16


The Second Vatican Council certainly let some fresh air into the Church. One of the most important points is the new paradigm of the Church mission. There is a fundamental shift from the mission of the Church (missio ecclesiae) to the mission of God (missio Dei). Furhermore, the switch of the paradigm is accompanied by the change of the mssion context, from the mission to the nations (ad gentes) to the mission among nations (inter gentes). In this new perspective, mission is not only about going to a far away country, but also to our closest environment. Therefore, everyone, including the family, is called to be a missionary.
Perkawinan Campur dan Beda Agama: Sikap dan Kebijakan Gereja Joko, Antonius Padua Dwi
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): PANGGILAN GEREJA
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.827 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i2.17


In marriage, husband and wife together strive to realize the community of life and love in all its aspects and dimensions: personal-human and spiritualreligious dimensions. In order for such a fellowship to be attained more easily, the Church wants the people to choose a partner who is of the same faith, bearing in mind that faith has a very strong influence on the inner and outer unity of husband and wife, the education of children and the welfare of the family. Out of respect for other religions, recognition of the right of every person to marry (cf. Can. 219), and various social realities, it is possible in the Catholic Church to have mixed marriage (mixta religio) or interfaith marriage (disparitas cultus). After all, mixed marriages and interfaith marriages can be a problem that continues to arise, in the midst of a pluralistic society. A lot of young Catholics at some point in their lives have to face this problem and seek information and assistance to determine attitudes and make concrete choices that must be accounted for. Moreover, some mixed marriages and interfaith marriages ofen need assistance in the journey of their married life. Renewal of the Church's position and policy towards these problems is a Church concern that can provide relief to the people. However, with the existing policies and guidelines, personal problems are not automatically resolved. It is the duty of the pastors of souls to continue to develop the ministry of mixed marriage and interfaith marriage, so that Catholics counterparts in such marriages are still able to witness the power of God's word and assist their children to grow in the Catholic faith.
Pengembangan Pastoral Katekese Paroki Suwito, Benny
Lux et Sal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): PANGGILAN GEREJA
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (532.238 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v1i2.18


Catechesis is the soul of the Church. Every priest has a responsibility to secure his faithful to get to know well about his faith. A priest not only celebrates the sacraments but also teaches the truth of christian faith. Therefore, priests as “the catechesist of catechesists” must develop the pastoral of catechesis in their parishes. But, it is not easy to develop it without a good planning. Priests need to know which subjects and also how this duty can be indicated well. In order to estabilish that, priests have to look at all oppurtunities in their parishes until they find the posibility to indicate a good pastoral of catechesis.