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Lux et Sal
ISSN : 27752399     EISSN : 28071328     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion,
Lux et Sal berarti terang dan garam. Metafora terang dan garam digunakan oleh Yesus untuk menggambarkan tugas dan perutusan para murid-Nya (bdk. Mat 5:13-16). Para murid yang telah menerima terang firman Allah dipanggil untuk memancarkannya kepada lingkungan sekitarnya. Dan sebagaimana garam “membantu” makanan menjadi lezat, demikianlah para murid Yesus senantiasa membantu orang lain. Jurnal Lux et Sal merupakan salah satu upaya Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum untuk memenuhi panggilan sebagai terang dan garam dunia itu. Mereka yang “melihat terang” dan “menerima garam” berkat penelitian dalam bidang teologi, seperti teologi sumber, teologi sistematis, dan teologi praktis, mencoba membagikan terang itu dalam rupa refleksi teologis dalam jurnal ini.
Articles 41 Documents
Seksualitas Sebagai Ciri Martabat Manusia Dalam Teologi Tubuh Setiawan, Kristoforus Krisna
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.393 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.63


This study entitled “Sexuality as a Characteristic of Human Dignity According to John Paul II in the Theology of the Body” was prepared with the background of the author's concern for the understanding of sexuality which has been understood only at the biological level. So, this study presents a review of Pope John Paul II's thoughts on the theology of the body in order to straighten the understanding of sexuality. As a phenomenologicalpersonalistic philosopher and theologian, Pope John Paul II initiated the theology of the body with the foundation of Christian anthropology in order to straighten out the understanding of sexuality that had been considered too reductive. In fact, sexuality actually reveals the characteristics of human dignity as the image of God in its entirety. Sexuality is also an attempt to express the supernatural dimension in humans. This is because sexuality in body theology is also understood from the perspective of creation and salvation theology. Through the framework of this understanding, the noble value of sexuality is increasingly displayed in human life, including through sexual union which is an expression of true love. Through sexuality, the human body is also understood as a sacrament that expresses the divine mystery, thereby further acknowledging that sexuality is not just a biological reality. Based on these descriptions, sexuality is a feature of high human dignity as desired by God since the beginning of creation.
Pre-eksistensi Putra Allah: Studi atas Surat Paulus Prayidno, Iswadi
Lux et Sal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Keilahian Yesus dan Maknanya dalam Hidup Umat Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v3i1.84


The deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has been being the object of contemplation for the faithful since the beginning of Christianity. One of the reflected points is the pre-existence of the Son of God. The Church Fathers, especially around the Council of Nicaea, tussled a lot with this issue. They used philosophical terms which were quite complicated in their time. Strangely, long before that, Paul as a radical monotheist, who later became a follower of Christ, seemed to speak about the pre-existence of this Son effortlessly. This fact is interesting to be observed. Therefore, this article is intended to discuss Paul's views regarding the divinity of Jesus Christ.
“Dilahirkan, Bukan Dijadikan (‘γεννηθέντα οὐ ποιηθέντα’)”: Kelahiran Sang Putera dari Bapa Menurut Konsili Nikea Febrianto, Paulus
Lux et Sal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Keilahian Yesus dan Maknanya dalam Hidup Umat Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v3i1.85


The revelation of the Christian faith is not always apparent at first glance. This revelation is being contemplated constantly, especially when dealing with the challenges of the new era. One thing that cannot be spared from challenges is the understanding of faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ. One of the most significant periods occurred before the Council of Nicaea. The church had to face tough challenges that was coming from Arius. Therefore, how did the Fathers of the Council respond? This paper is aimed to review this theme.
The Christocentric Life Facing Death of St. Francis Laksito, Petrus Canisius Edi
Lux et Sal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Keilahian Yesus dan Maknanya dalam Hidup Umat Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v3i1.87


Kematian merupakan persoalan eksistensial paling gelap dan sukar diterangkan, apalagi diterima, oleh manusia dalam hidupnya di dunia. Makalah ini ingin membahas persoalan tersebut dengan mendalami pandangan St. Fransiskus Asisi tentang kematian dan riwayat hidupnya sendiri yang berujung dengan kematian. Kekhasan Fransiskus adalah kehidupannya yang berpusat pada Kristus, dan kehidupan yang berpusat pada Kristus ini ternyata mempengaruhi pandangan dan sikap hidupnya terhadap kematian, termasuk ketika ia menghadapi kematiannya sendiri. Dari sisi ini, kematian yang dihadapi dengan pandangan dan sikap hidup Kristiani seperti terlihat pada St. Fansiskus Asisi menjadi suatu jawaban eksistensial atas persoalan kematian.
Kontrasepsi dan Jawaban Gereja dalam Membangun Keluarga Kristiani dari Casti Connubi sampai Amoris Laetitia Suwito, Benny
Lux et Sal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Keilahian Yesus dan Maknanya dalam Hidup Umat Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v3i1.88


As a follower of Christ, the life of Christians must reflect on their daily reality. However, it is not always easy to achieve. Often, Christian families live in an environment that does not support them living their faith. Contraception and contraceptive mentality are flourished robustly in the society. In such situations, the Church gives directions to the faithful through its official teachings. Everything is returned to the divine plan that Christ has revealed to the Church. Documents from Casti Connubi to Amoris Laetitia show this thing.
Menilik Neuroteologi dalam Perspektif Fides et Ratio Susanto, Christine
Lux et Sal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Keilahian Yesus dan Maknanya dalam Hidup Umat Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v3i1.89


For millenia the knowledge of God has become one of the most fundamental quest of the human soul. Man feels God’s calling to search for Him in his innermost being and he responds to it by faith. Through his reason man continously seek to unveil the mystery of God as revealed to him through religion. In today’s world where knowledge is dominated by science and conclusions are reached through positivism, neurotheology emerged as a new way to answer the reality on the existence of God and of the human soul. It uses the scientific findings of neuroscience experiments to conclude that God and the human soul do not exist, that their existence is merely caused by the structures and functions of the human brain. This paper attempts to analyse neurotheology according to the perspective of John Paul II in Fides et Ratio to answer the question of how should the faithful respond to neurotheology which has increasingly become a threat to faith. An underlying error on the rejection of the existence of metaphysics is discussed and a two-winged attitude of critical thinking and openness to faith is proposed to the Christian faithful.
Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya dalam Terang Seruan Apostolik Christus Vivit Widyawan Louis, Aloysius
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Kristus dalam Hidup Orang Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i1.94


The Surabaya Diocese Students Cadreization Program (Program Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya) is a response to the Church's solicitude for the condition of Catholic students who need to apprehend and face the challenges of the times in the light of their creed. In a particular way, this program focuses on cultivating the Church cadres who are discerning, reflective, perceptive, and in solidarity with all the problems of life around them, both on their campus and in their community, based on the spirituality and values of the Catholic Social Teachings. During the evaluation and reflection process of the program, which has been ongoing for five years (2019-2023), the team of facilitators came across Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation entitled “Christus Vivit” which was promulgated on March 25, 2019. In this document, the Pope listens to young Catholics throughout the world, draws inspiration from sources of faith, and sets the basic guidance for the integral formation of the Catholic youth that should always be contextual to the current times. This article provides a clear reflection on The Surabaya Diocese Students Cadreization Program (Program Kaderisasi Mahasiswa Keuskupan Surabaya) in light of the spirit and values called for by Pope Francis in "Christus Vivit." As such, this document should be considered as an important reference for developing the program because it is truly able to clarify, strengthen, emphasize several important accentuations, and provide inspiration for the program.
The Epiphany of Jesus as King in the Gospel of John Laksito, Petrus Canisius Edi
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Kristus dalam Hidup Orang Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i1.96


Yesus datang ke dunia untuk mewartakan Kerajaan Allah. Pesan itu dengan jelas diungkapkan oleh para penginjil Sinoptik. Sementara dalam Injil Yohanes, meskipun pesan tentang Kerajaan Allah itu disampaikan, tetapi wacana yang ditonjolkan lebih kuat adalah tentang martabat Yesus sebagai raja. Warta ini menjadi ciri khas Injil Yohanes dalam diskursus para penginjil tentang “Kerajaan Allah”. Status rajawi Yesus menjadi bingkai para murid dalam memahami jati diri Yesus, menjadi cara orang banyak memandang Yesus yang menghadirkan mukjizat, dan pada akhirnya, berkat desakan kebencian para imam kepala yang tak dapat dibendung oleh Pilatus sebagai pembawa otoritas Romawi, menjadi jalan Yesus menuju kematian sebagai Mesias, “Raja orang Yahudi.” Tulisan ini ingin menampilkan gambaran tentang status rajawi Yesus, berpuncak pada penegasan bahwa kerajaan Yesus “berasal dari atas”, berazas “kebenaran”.
Perlindungan Rahasia Dosa Peniten dalam Sakramen Tobat: Sebuah Tinjauan Kanonis Suwito, Benny
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Kristus dalam Hidup Orang Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i1.97


Catholic Church will always maintain the secret of the confession because confession is sacred and a priest has no right to reveal the contents of the confession to anyone. In order to understand properly why a priest cannot reveal the sins of the penitent or must protect the content of the confession, the writer is intended to review it through the lens of Canon Law and start by looking back at the meaning of Sacrament of Penance as the Church’s foundation to provide guarantees to penitents, even if they have serious sins such as sexual abuse. The writer expects that this article will open up an understanding that the confession of sins gets the right place so that the readers understand why priests must always keep the secret even if they would be punished for doing so.
Pemberdayaan Umat untuk Membangun Paroki Masa Depan Pratama, Alvarado Putra Adi
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Kristus dalam Hidup Orang Beriman
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i1.98


The complexity of the community structure in the context of the parish Church impacts the parish life and poses a challenge for every component of the Church. In light on this, the researcher intends to find a strategy to empower parishes in order to build the future parish. In the pursuit of empowerment, leaders play a vital role. In a parish, the role of a leader is typically assumed by the parish priests. An expected leader is one who practices servant leadership. Servant leadership can influence extra-role behavior so that it can encourage people to be actively involved in building Church services. Following the establishment of a leader with servant leadership, the question that arises now is how to empower the community. First, it is essential to develop a clear vision and mission for the parish which will provide it with a sense of direction and purpose. Next, the key elements of a parish that is poised to progress and develop are the empowerment of its human resources through the cultivation of friendship, care, trustworthiness, and openness to diversity. Some of these elements are essential for empowering the people in the light of the complexity of the times that need to be addressed through people empowerment. This empowerment is a long-term strategic program to strengthen parishes.