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MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Tentang Jurnal MEDIOVA: Jurnal Kajian Media Islam merupakan jurnal yang fokus pada kajian media dan berbagai isu Islam di masyarakat. Ruang lingkup kajian media ini terkait dengan kajian media seputar isu-isu seperti: Kegunaan dan Kepuasan Media Massa dan Jurnalisme di Seluruh Negara Islam: bidang ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kegiatan jurnalistik dan produksi media yang meliputi media cetak, radio, televisi, dan internet di seluruh negeri Islam. Media baru dan teknologi komunikasi : Bidang studi komunikasi baru yang terus berkembang seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi dan kebutuhan masyarakat, bidang ini meliputi media digital, jurnalisme data, jurnalisme kecerdasan buatan (AI), interaktif, hipertekstual dan jejaring, dll. Film dan periklanan : bidang ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengaruh komunikasi visual pada film dan kampanye periklanan apapun yang berdampak pada masyarakat, khususnya yang dikeluarkan untuk masyarakat islam. Gender, etika dan regulasi media : Bidang ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengkaji isu gender, kode etik jurnalistik, dan regulasi media di negara Islam manapun. Hubungan masyarakat (Public relations) baik pemerintah maupun non pemerintah dengan nilai-nilai sosial dan Islam yang berorientasi pada keberlanjutan global (global sustainability).
Articles 29 Documents
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2022): SECOND EDITION - NO 2
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1508.085 KB) | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v2i2.2697


The research departs from the fact that the level of knowledge and skills of students in dealing with the earthquake in Lombok is low. Meanwhile, social science learning in schools does not contribute to the formation of students' knowledge and skills in dealing with earthquakes. In fact, the island of Lombok is an area with a high level of vulnerability to earthquake disasters in Indonesia. Thus, in this study, the main objective is to develop earthquake mitigation media sourced from the Sasak indigenous people themselves and allotment for schools in Lombok. The research method used is a research and development approach. From the research and development process, several results were obtained including: First, the more effective the learning process for teachers and students because they used earthquake mitigation media based on values ​​that existed in the Sasak community themselves; Second, the results of both quantitative and qualitative analysis show that earthquake mitigation media based on the value of the bale beleq architecture are able to improve the school's mitigation capability against earthquake disasters. So with the architectural value-based mitigation media that exists in the Sasak community itself, teachers and students are more effective and efficient in order to improve the ability of earthquake disaster mitigation in schools. Keywords: Media, Knowledge, Mitigation, Architecture.
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2022): SECOND EDITION - NO 2
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1212.743 KB) | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v2i2.2742


This study aims to determine the representation of anti-drug messages in the lyrics of the song "Linting Daun". The song as a literary work is often used as a medium of communication to convey a certain message which usually has a correlation between the lyrics of the song and the reality that is happening. This research uses semiotic analysis from Ferdinand de Saussure. In this analysis, there are several stages carried out, namely: (1) determining the sign from the lyrics of the song "“Linting Daun”" as the object of research, (2) writing a signifier or physical form, namely the lyrics of the song "“Linting Daun”", (3) write a sign (signified), (4) see between signs, sign forms, and sign concepts with social reality in the form of references or external reality. This study explains how the anti-drug message is voiced through a song with a beautiful tone notation so that not only the meaning can be taken, but the beautiful song can also entertain everyone who listens to it so that the anti-drug message to be conveyed is more easily accepted by various groups.
The Analysis of Impoliteness Strategies on Ice Cube's Songs Ananta Oka Sugawa; Diana Anggraeni; Dini Wulansari
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.2717


This study analyzes impoliteness strategies, specifically identifying the types and functions of impoliteness strategies contained in the lyrics of rap songs from Ice Cube. The total rap songs used in this study amounted to 10 rap songs. This research uses descriptive qualitative as a research method. There are 53 lines of stanza in lyrics taken and after being identified the data related to the type and function of Jonathan Culpeper's impolite strategy theory. The results of the analysis indicate that most used impoliteness strategy appears in the lyrics of rap songs from Ice Cube is Positive Impoliteness with 24 data. In the lyrics of the song, Ice Cube uses a lot of taboo words, unfamiliar words, and improper identity changes. In addition, the function Affective Impoliteness is the most used in the lyrics with 20 data. In addition, this study also describes the representation of the African-American race described by Ice Cube through the lyrics of the rap song. What can be found is the use of terms that refer to the African-American race, the way that the police treat the African-American race, and also the representation of the injustices that the African-American race gets.
An Analysis of Metaphorical Expressions in Joe Biden's Speeches: Inauguration Speech Sinthya Nur Aini Ning Tiyas; Diana Anggraeni; Dini Wulansari
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.2726


Penelitian ini membahas tentang Ungkapan Metafora di Dalam Pidato Peresmian Joe Biden pada tahun 2021, yang berfokus pada pemilihan kata yang digunakan dalam pidatonya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini aalah (1) mengklasifikasikan tipe-tipe dari metafora, dan (2) menjelaskan tentang karakteristik emosi yang terdapat di dalam pidato Joe Biden. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat empat jenis tipe-tipe metafora dari pidato Joe Biden, sesuai dengan teori Leech, dan (2) terdapat tujuh karakteristik emosi dari pidato Joe Biden berdasarkan teori Kovecses. Jenis tipe metafora dengan jumlah data yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah konkritif metafora, karena di dalam pidato Joe Biden cenderung menggunakan perpindahan kalimat yang konkret ke abstrak atau sebaliknya. Sedangkan, karakteristik emosi yang paling dominan ditemukan adalah rasa bangga. Karena, Joe Biden cenderung mengacu kepada kalimat yang membanggakan atau mengapresiasi suatu tindakan dari rakyat Amerika. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan dari fokus permasalahan yang ada adalah, metafora merupakan suatu penggunaan kata yang bukan dengan arti sebenarnya. Oleh sebab itu, suatu pidato tidak dapat dipisahkan dari subjek pesan itu sendiri tanpa mempertimbangkan konteks dan situasinya.
Taboo Words Analysis in Fast and Furious 8 Movie by F. Gary Gray Narti Septia
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.2889


This study analyzes the taboo words in Fast and Furious 8 movie by F. Gary Gray. Taboo words occur not only in everyday life but also in the movie. This study aims to investigate the types of taboo words using the theory of Jay (1992) and the functions of taboo words using Wardhaugh's theory (2006). This study employed a descriptive qualitative as a research method. The result of this study shows there are seven types of taboo words, namely cursing 17 data, profanity 9 data, obscenity 1 data, epithet 15 data, vulgarity 14 data, insult and slur 7 data, and scatology 6 data. Then, there are four functions of taboo words, namely to draw attention 42 data, to show contempt 16 data, to be provocative 10 data, and to mock authority 1 data. Based on the analysis results, the word hell appears to be the second most taboo word used in this movie and has become the most dominant type of taboo word, namely cursing. This is because they use cursing to express their feelings, such as anger, annoyance, or shock, and to emphasize something in an utterance. Furthermore, all the words hell in this movie have the function as to draw attention. To draw attention appears as the most dominant function in Fast and Furious 8 movie because it can represent the character's intention of using taboo words.
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.3206


The political party information system (SIPOL) is a special application used by the Indonesian KPU to verify data on political parties participating in elections, which also aims to help political parties manage and update data on administrators and membership at every level. The theory used in this research is 12 principles of the use of information system technology in elections. The research method used is direct observation, documentation and literature. The aim of this study is for evaluating the KPU's development and improvements to the SIPOL application. The research analysis uses inductive qualitative analysis, namely research analysis based on the data obtained and then supported by reference materials. The results in this study are that SIPOL is effective in assisting KPU performance in verifying political party membership data. As well as being efficient, transparent, easy to use, flexible, and accurate in helping Political Parties manage and update Management and Membership data at every level. The design of SIPOL is not only intended to provide services to political parties to fill in management and membership data and assist the KPU in conducting administrative and factual verification, but also to encourage accountability, transparency, and public participation in controlling the work of the KPU in conducting the verification process of political parties.
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.3235


This paper aims to describe the role of teachers in providing protection to children from the point of view of drug law policy by formulating the problem of how the protection is by teachers children who abuse drugs. This study uses a qualitative research methodology. This type of research is under the umbrella of library research, namely research conducted through library research. The findings of this study are used to guide efforts to transfer children from the formal criminal justice system to non-formal criminal justice systems in order to keep them from becoming addicted to drugs. One of the distinctive aspects of this diversion technique is the participation of multiple stakeholders. Diversion differs from mediation in that it involves more than just the parties to the conflict; that mediation only involves conflicting parties, diversion also involves other parties such as community leaders, parents (children of perpetrators), religious leaders, law enforcement officers, and teachers. But among all those involved, the instructor was the one who had a significant impact. Because teachers function as surrogate parents, have more time with children than other adults, and help shape children's personalities.
The Symbol of the Spider in Spider-Man Film: Cultural Implications and Ideological Dimensions Lazrak Yassir; El Harraki Badia; ISKANDI ISKANDI
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.3325


Considering their specific form, comics are types of visual art and culture that transmit a message in a more straightforward and impressive way than other types of art. For instance, films that include comics often become successful, popular and develop a cult following. In connection with this point, Spider-Man, the American superhero film, is based on comics and maintains their distinctive characteristics. The film is a true cultural reflection, revealing some of dominating values and ideologies of the American society. Basically, besides the various themes and representations of ideologies in the film, the symbol of the spider, the eight- legged arachnid along with its web, is also a crucial aspect of the film’s ideological meaning. The symbol of the spider in Spider-Man film communicates a lot of different things as it is tremendously common in Native American culture and appears in a number of myths and traditions. By adopting a semiotic analysis method, the present article seeks to demonstrate the hidden cultural implications and ideological dimensions that the spider conveys in the film Spider-Man.
Anxiety and Self-Defense Mechanism of the Characters in Maleficent Movie Rinda Dwi Andini
MEDIOVA: Journal of Islamic Media Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2023): THIRD EDITION - NO 1
Publisher : Prodi Jurnalistik Islam IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/medio.v3i1.3489


Literature is an art that uses imagination even based on experiences, thoughts, and feelings and uses beautiful language style. This study analyzes anxiety and self-defense mechanisms in two characters in the Maleficent movie, Maleficent and Stefan. This study aims to describe the types of anxiety experienced by the characters and also to explain the self-defense mechanisms used by the characters in dealing with anxiety. This study uses psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud and qualitative descriptive methods to analyze the anxiety and self-defense mechanisms experienced by the characters. The results of the analysis of this study found that Maleficent has one type of anxiety that is realistic anxiety and uses three types of self-defense mechanisms that are displacement, sublimation, and reaction formation. On the other hand, Stefan has two types of anxiety that is realistic anxiety and neurotic anxiety and uses two types of self-defense mechanisms that is displacement and projection. Anxiety and self-defense mechanisms that occur in Maleficent are due to pressure and danger carried out by King Stefan, while anxiety and self-defense mechanisms that occur in King Stefan are due to resistance or attacks and threats of danger by Maleficent

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