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Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun, setiap bulan April dan September yang berisi hasil penelitian (lapangan atau studi pustaka) kajian teoretis maupun kajian kritis. Jurnal ini merupakan salah satu media publikasi bagi penelitian dengan kajian terkini dalam bidang sejarah dan pendidikan sejarah yang meliputi ranah sejarah dan pembelajaran sejarah itu sendiri. Dalam penelitian sejarah teoritis dan kritis mencakup sejarah dunia, sejarah Indonesia, dan sejarah lokal sedangkan pada bidang pendidikan sejarah mencakup strategi pembelajaran sejarah, metode pembelajaran sejarah, evaluasi pembelajaran sejarah, dan hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan sejarah.
Articles 120 Documents
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 4, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.383 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v4i1.82


AbstractThis research is motivated by the number of students who do not understand the values of history because the subject of history is still not emphasizing learning in the affective domain and teachers are still using Conventional learning models, so that the overall goal of learning history is not maximally achieved. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an influence of the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) model in the learning of history to the understanding of the historical values of the XI grade students of Al-Falah Jambi Islamic High School. This research is a quantitative descriptive experimental research type. The technique of data analysis is by conducting the prerequisite test first, the prerequisite test is the normality and homogeneity test.Keywords: Value Clarification Technique, Historical ValuesAbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya siswa yang kurang memahami nilai-nilai sejarah dikarenakan guru mata pelajaran sejarah masih kurang menekankan pembelajaran pada ranah afektif dan guru masih menggunakan model pembelajaran Konvensional, sehingga tujuan keseluruhan dari pembelajaran sejarah tidak maksimal tercapai.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh model Value Clarification Technique (VCT) dalam pembelajaran sejarah terhadap pemahaman nilai-nilai sejarah siswa kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Falah Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif jenis eksperimen. Tenik analisis data dengan melakukan uji prasyarat terlebih dahulu, uji prasyaratnya yaitu uji normalitas dan homogenitas.Kata kunci: Value Clarification Techqnique, Nilai-nilai Sejarah
PASAR MAYANG SARI KOTA JAMBI (1985-2013) Eka Novita Sari, Ferry Yanto
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 5, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.328 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v5i1.103


AbstrakPasar mayang sari sama halnya dengan  pasar lainnya  yang mana pada dasarnya pasar adalah suatu tempat dimana masyarakat dapat memperoleh atau meniru kebutuhan (dalam hal ini disebut dengan konsumen adalah petani). Barang yang diperdagangkan adalah barang kebutuhan sehari-hari. Barang yang diperdagangkan adalah bahan makanan (hasil Pertanian) dan hasil industri kerajinan rakyat. Pasar mayang sari pada tahun 1985 menjadi salah satu pasar  primadona bagi para masyarakat Jambi khususnya untuk  berwisata kuliner,  banyaknya pilihan makanan ataupun minuman menjadi salah satu ketertarikan masyarakat untuk mengunjungi pasar terebut, apa lagi letak pasar yang sangat strategis  berada di pusat perdagangan di Kota Jambi  sehingga pasar ini hampir setiap hari penuh dengan keramaian orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sejarah pasar Mayng Sari 1985-2013 dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana  kedidupan ekonomi pedagang pasar mayang sari kota jambi 1985-2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode penelitian sejarah. Metode penelitian sejarah adalah seperangkat prinsip-prinsip yang sistematis dari hasil-hasil yang di capai dalam bentuk tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Keberadaan pasar mayang sari mulai mengalami peralihan di tahun 2000 an yakni ketika  diterbitkannya peraturan daerah yang mana akan memindahkan lokasi pasar mayang sari dengan alasan  area yang ditempati pada saat itu akan beralih fungsi menjadi lahan parkir. Sebelumnya pemerintah telah menyedikan lahan untuk pemindahan lokasi pasar mayang sari ini yakni   terletak  tepatnya di depat terminal rawasari, semenjak perpindahan pasar ke area ini  pedagang yang tadinya menjual berbagai jenis makanan beralih fungsi menjadi penjual pakaian.Kata Kunci: Sejarah Pasar, Mayang Sari, Kota Jambi AbstractThe Mayang Sari market is the same as any other market, where basically the market is a place where people can obtain or imitate their needs (in this case the consumer is the farmer). Goods that are traded are daily necessities. Goods that are traded are foodstuffs (agricultural products) and handicraft industry products from the people. The Mayang Sari market in 1985 became one of the prima donna markets for Jambi people, especially for culinary tours, the large selection of food or drinks has become one of the people's interests to visit the market, what's more, the location of the market is very strategic in the center of trade in Jambi City so that This market is almost every day full of crowds of people. This study aims to determine how the history of Mayng Sari market 1985-2013 and to find out how the economic life of Mayang Sari market traders in Jambi City 1985-2013. The research method used in writing this thesis is a historical research method. The historical research method is a systematic set of principles from which results are achieved in written form. The results showed that the existence of the Mayang Sari market began to undergo a transition in the 2000s when the issuance of a regional regulation which would move the location of the Mayang Sari market on the grounds that the area occupied at that time would be converted into a parking lot. Previously, the government had provided land for the relocation of the Mayang Sari market, which is located precisely in front of the Rawasari terminal, since the market moved to this area, traders who had previously sold various types of food had switched functions to become clothing sellers.Keywords: Market History, Mayang Sari, Jambi City
Arsitektur Masjid Raya Magatsari Di Kota Jambi 1923- 1970 Ike Surya Kesuma
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 3, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.287 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v3i2.66


AbstractBasically the mosque implies submission and obedience, then the essence of the mosque is a place to do all activities related to obedience to Allah SWT, merely. Therefore, the mosque can be interpreted further, not just a place of prostration, purification, a place of prayer and tayamum, but also as a place to carry out all activities of Muslims relating to obedience to God. The method used in this research is the historical approach method, which is the process of collecting historical sources effectively, evaluating them critically and conveying the overall results with procedures achieved through several stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. This research can be concluded that the fine art of Islamic architecture in the Magatsari Grand Mosque is decorative and ornamental art. Decorative art is aimed at the form of domes, poles, arches and pulpits, while ornamental art is more on calligraphy and carving decoration.Keywords: Magatsari Grand Mosque, Acculturation, Architecture, Decorative, Ornament. AbstrakPada dasarnya masjid mengandung arti tunduk dan patuh, maka hakekat dari masjid adalah tempat melakukan segala aktivitas berkaitan dengan kepatuhan kepada Allah SWT, semata. Oleh karenah itu  masjid dapat diartikan lebih jauh, bukan hanya sekedar tempat bersujud, pensucian, tempat sholat dan bertayamum, namun juga sebagai tempat melaksanakan segala aktivitas kaum muslim berkaitan kepatuhan kepada tuhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan sejarah, yang merupakan proses pengumpulan sumber- sumber sejarah secara efektif, menilainya secara kritis dan menyampaikan hasil- hasil keseluruhan dengan prosedur yang dicapai melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa Seni rupa arsitektur Islam yang ada pada Masjid Raya Magatsari merupakan seni dekoratif dan seni ornamentik. Seni dekoratif ditujukan pada bentuk kubah, tiang, lengkungan dan mimbarnya, sementara seni ornamentik lebih kepada hiasan kaligrafi dan ukiran.Kata Kunci: Masjid Raya Magatsari, Akulturasi, Arsitektur, Dekoratif, Ornamentik.
BIOGRAFI BURHANUDIN MAHIR (1954-2016) Yogi Pratama, Abd Rahman
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 2, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.767 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v2i1.21


Abstract The puspose of the research to provide an overview of Burhanudin Mahir's Political Biography of 1954-2016. Starting from What is the background of education and socio-culture that affect the life of Burhanudin Mahir, to how the beginning of political career and the role of Burhanudin Mahir in building the area he leads. The method used in this research is a historical research method that systematically consists of four steps: heuristic, Criticism, Interpretation, Historiography.Research results obtained that Burhanudin Mahir was born in Jambi Kecil on 16 June 1954. He is the second of six brothers of the pair of Mahir Isaac and Arba'ah. He was raised in a religious, affluent and disciplined family because at that time his father was a Pasirah in Jambi Kecil village, Burhanudin Mahir could finish his education up to a bachelor degree at that time it was still very rare to find anyone who could get educational bench. He has held various important positions, starting from the position of chairman of the party, to the Chairman of the Batanghari District Legislative Council where he was the initiator of the Muaro Jambi regency, and his greatest momentum became the Regent of Muaro Jambi for two periods during which served as regent has many changes that he did from the field of Infrastructure, Education, Health, and Economics. Keywords: Biography Burhanudin Mahir (1954-2016), Political Career
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 4, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (774.92 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v4i2.93


AbstractThis research and development departs from the problems that occur in SMA N 8 in the city of Jambi where the learning is monotonous and less varied so that students get bored quickly. Learning media can be an alternative in solving problems that occur. This research aims to produce instructional media products, namely crossword puzzles and apply it to history lessons in class X IPA at SMA N 8, Jambi city. The research method used in this research is ADDIE developed by Lee and Owen which has five stages, namely; 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. In the implementation stage, the researcher adopted the Martin Tessmen model. The research was conducted at SMA N 8 Kota Jambi with research subjects of class X IPA students, amounting to 2 people for individual trials, 10 people for small group trials, and 34 people for large group trials. From the results of field trials, it was found that the results of individual trials, the total score an average percentage of 82.6% were included in the "good" category. The results of the small group skoe trial average percentage of 86.8% were included in the "very good" category, the results of the field test results for the average score of 90.74% were included in the "very good" category. For the use of learning media, this crossword puzzle is applied in learning history.Keywords: Media, learning, crossword puzzles AbstrakPeneltian dan pengembangan ini berangkat dari permasalahan yang terjadi di SMA N 8 kota jambi dimana pembelajaran yang dilakukan monoton dan kurang bervariasi sehingga siswa cepat bosan. Media pembelajaran dapat menjadi alternative dalam pemecahan masalah yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujaun untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran yaitu teka-teki silang dan menerapkannya pada pelajaran sejarah kelas X IPA di SMA N 8 kota jambi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ADDIE yang dikembangkan oleh Lee and owen yang memiliki lima tahap yaitu; 1) analisis,2) desain,3) pengembangan,4) implementasi, dan 5) evaluasi. Pada tahap implenrasi peneliti mengadopsi model martin tessmen. Penelitian dilakukan di SMA N 8 kota jambi denagn subjek penelitian siswa kelas X IPA yang berjumlah 2 orang untuk uji coba perorangan, 10 orang untuk uji coba kelompok kecil, dan 34 orang pada uji coba kelompok beasr. Dari hasil uji coba lapangan didapatkan hasil uji coba perorangan, jumlah skor rata-rata persentase 82,6% termasuk kedalam kategori “baik”. Hasil uji coba small group skoe rata-rata persentase 86,8% termasuk kedalam kategori “sangat baik”, hasil uji coba field tes skor rata-rata persentase 90,74% termasuk kedalam kategori “sangat baik”. Untuk penggunaan media pembelajaran teka-teki silang ini diterapkan dalam pembelajaran sejarah.Kata kunci: Media, pembelajaran,  teka-teki silang 
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 5, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.282 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v5i2.112


AbstrakPeneltian berawal dari fenomena non alam yang terjadi berupa virus covid-19 yang berdampak pada pendidikan untuk melaksanakan proses pembelajaran secara daring atau belajar dari rumah yang diterapkan pada setiap lembaga pendidikan termasuk di SMP Laboratorium Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujaun untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran IPS sudah efektif dan mengetahui strategi yang diterapkan guru dan pihak sekolah dalam mengatasi kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang dilaksanakan di SMP Laboratorium Kota Jambi. Subjek dalam  penelitian  ini adalah guru, siswa, dan kepala sekolah. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa, strategi yang digunakan guru IPS dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran memanfaatkan produk teknologi, strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu strategi ekspositori, Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri, dan strategi pengembangan berpikir. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi sekolah, dan adanya biaya anggaran tambahan yang harus dikeluarkan orang tua siswaKata Kunci: Pembelajaran Daring, Mata Pelajaran IPS. AbstractThe research started from a non-natural phenomenon that occurred in the form of the covid-19 virus which had an impact on education to carry out the online learning process or study from home which was applied to every educational institution, including the Jambi City Laboratory Junior High School. This study aims to find out the learning strategies applied in social studies learning have been effective and to find out the strategies applied by teachers and schools in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of learning. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which was carried out at the Jambi City Laboratory Junior High School. The subjects in this study were teachers, students, and school principals. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows that the strategies used by social studies teachers in implementing learning utilize technology products, the learning strategies used are expository strategies, inquiry learning strategies, and thinking development strategies. Lack of facilities and infrastructure caused by school economic factors, and additional budget costs that must be paid by parentsKeywords: Online Learning, Social Studies Subjects.
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (85.433 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v3i1.56


AbstractThis paper aims to describe the History of Coffee Plantation in Jangkat Subdistrict, Merangin District during the 1980-1990 period. This is because the existence of coffee plantations in the District of Jangkat has brought economic changes to the local community, where we can see these changes in terms of education, health, housing, income and aspects of the lives of the local community. The research method used is the historical method, including heuristic stages, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Historical sources used in the form of documents, books, through library research, and added to the results of interviews. The approach used is an economic approach, referring to the discussion of employment-oriented behavior and allocation of natural resources, and a sociological approach to see relationships or relationships formed between the parties involved, namely among peasants and scoping institutions, as supporting elements of plantations coffee in the District of Jangkat. Keywords: Arabica Coffee, Robusta Coffee, Farmers, District Jangkat, Merangin, Jambi Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan Sejarah Perkebunan Kopi di Kecamatan Jangkat, Kabupaten Merangin selama rentang waktu 1980-1990.Hal ini dikarenakan adanya perkebunan kopi di Kecamatan Jangkat telah membawa perubahan perekonomian masyarakat setempat, dimana perubahan ini dapat kita lihat dari segi pendidikan, kesehatan, pemukiman, penghasilan dan segi kehidupan masyarakat setempat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah, meliputi tahapan heuristik, kritik sumber, interprestasi, dan historiografi.Sumber sejarah yang digunakan berupa dokumen, buku-buku, lewat studi kepustakaan, serta ditambah dengan hasil wawancara. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan ekonomi, mengacu pada pembahasan perilaku yang berorientasi pada employment dan alokasi sumber daya alam, dan pendekatan sosiologi untuk melihat hubungan atau relasi yang terbentuk di antara pihak yang terlibat, yaitu antara sesama petani dengan institusi pelingkup, sebagai unsur pendukung dari perkebunan kopi di Kecamatan Jangkat. Kata Kunci:Kopi Arabika, Kopi Robusta, Petani, Kecamatan Jangkat, Merangin, Jambi.
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 1, No 1 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.532 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v1i1.7


AbstracThe purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the method of Number Head Together on the learning outcomes of students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri 4 Muara Jambi. The research method used is experimental method. This experimental research involves two classes, the experimental class using the method of Number Head Together and control class using conventional methods. The result of the research, the average score for the experimental class is 75,36 with the standard deviation of 12,98 and the controlreat class is 66,67 and with standard deviation 15,28. And the results of the hypothesis test obtained t count = 6.99 and ttabel = 2.00 so it can be concluded that method number head together affect student learning outcomes, student learning outcomes that use method number head together better than the results of learning using conventional methods in the class XI IPS semester 1 SMA Negeri 4 Muaro jambiKeywords: Method, Number Head Together, Learning Outcomes
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 6, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.978 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v6i2.148


In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is stated that teachers are required to have four competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personality, social and professional competence obtained through professional education. PPL is a special practice for students which includes teaching practice, administration, guidance and counseling competencies as well as co-curricular or extra-curricular activities that apply at school. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of Class XII Students towards PPL Students of History Education Study Program in the Learning Process at SMA N 3 Jambi City. The type of research applied is descriptive quantitative. The results of the research on the perception of class XII students of SMA Negeri 3 Jambi City towards PPL students of the Unbari History Education Study Program which consists of four competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence, and social competence. In the pedagogic competence the percentage of students' perceptions is 72.82% in the "Enough" category, in the personality competence the percentage of students' perceptions is 73.60% in the "Enough" category, in the social competence the percentage of students' perceptions is 70.29% in the "Enough" category, and professional the percentage of students' perceptions of 58.29% in the "Very Not Good" category. So overall regarding students' perceptions of PPL students of the History Education Study Program, it is in the "Enough" category with an average percentage of 69.42%.
TEATER ABDUL MULUK DESA SEMBUBUK 1930- 1990 Endang Mulyani, Ferry Yanto
Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Vol 4, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.284 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/istoria.v4i1.80


AbstractAbdul Muluk Theater is one of various types and forms of culture in Jambi, especially in Sembubuk Village. But after 1990 the arts no longer had a place in the midst of the community or suffered a setback and did not even appear again. However, on certain occasions this theater was asked to appear by officials of the cultural or tourism service in its form in performances of 17s, cultural or arts festivals. Indeed, its intensity is rarely because of losing paporite by soap operas, step on screens, single organs, or modern theater. Abdul Muluk Theater Sembubuk Village in its appearance underwent several changes, which were originally performed in the form of poems delivered by speaking or reciting until its development was made into a theater performance art performed using a play. Then in terms of place, initially performed at the hall, at home until performed at traditional ceremonies such as marriage ceremonies, circumcision, circumcision and other holidays including; at the 17s, the folk festival was held, and it was filled with TVRI programs.Key words: Change, Abdul Muluk Theater, Semubuk VillageAbstrakTeater  Abdul Muluk merupakan salah satu dari berbagai jenis serta bentuk budaya di Jambi, khususnya di Desa Sembubuk. Namun setelah tahun 1990 kesenian tidak lagi mendapat tempat ditengah-tengah masyarakat atau mengalami kemunduran bahkan tidak tampak lagi pertunjukkannya. Namun dalam kesempatan tertentu teater ini diminta untuk tampil oleh pejabat dinas kebudayaan atau pariwisata bentuknya dalam pertunjukan 17an, festival budaya atau kesenian. Memang intensitasnya sudah jarang karna kalah paporit oleh acara sinetron, layar tancap, organ tunggal, atau teater moderen. Teater Abdul Muluk Desa Sembubuk dalam penampilannya mengalami beberapa perubahan-perubahan yaitu awalnya dipertunjukkan berbentuk syair-syair disampaikan dengan cara bertutur atau berpantun hingga pada perkembangannya dijadikan seni pertunjukkan teater dipentaskan menggunakan lakon. Kemudian dari segi tempat, awalnya di pentaskan di balai, dirumah hingga dipertunjukkan pada upacara adat seperti upacara perkawinan, sunatan, khitanan serta perayaan hari besar lainnya diantaranya; pada acara 17an, pegelaran festival rakyat, dan mengisi pada programacara TVRI.Kata kunci: Perubahan, Teater Abdul Muluk Desa Semubuk 

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