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Muhammad Dedi Irawan
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International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28280644     DOI : -
Focus and Scope 1. Computer Sciences, 2. Information Systems and Technology, 3. Mathematics and Its Applications, 4. Biology and Biotechnology, 5. Physics and Applied Physics, 6. Chemistry And Chemical Technology, 7. Architecture and Urban Planning, 8. Industrial Technology, 9. Electrical Engineering
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 53 Documents
Challenges in Quality of Education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan Zohaib Hassan Sain
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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The purpose of this study is based on exploratory research to identify “Challenges in Quality of Education in HEIs of Pakistan”. Exploratory research approach is used to achieve the objectives of the study in less time and inexpensive means. From the last few years, Pakistan is facing a lot of challenges in education sector such as curriculum, less training institutions, corruption in education, teacher’s behavior, less research work. Emerging issues in education sector are less training institutions and trend towards research work which is essential to follow for the growth and strength of any economy. The purpose of our research is to identify the major challenges in educational sector in Pakistan which the educational sector is suffering from last few years. The researcher used triangulation in order to carry the reliability and validity of the data for results. So, to conduct this triangulation the researcher used survey poll for the students, questionnaire for the teachers and interviews of the management. . In this regard primary data was collected from the focused group of students using a sample of 100 questionnaires for each university were filled by the students of the selected five universities. This attempt of conducting the research will play an important role in the development of Pakistan. In this research Curriculum, Corruption in education, less training institutions, Teacher’s behavior and less research work are independent variables and Quality of Education is dependent variable. In future, we will research on the solution of these problems. To increase the literacy rate, the Govt. of Pakistan has announced that the education is compulsory for sixteen years old for every citizen.
Baby Diaper Recommendation Decision Support System Using SAW Method Rima Aprilia; Muhammad Dedi Irawan; Novica Irawati; Aidillia Adha Hasibuan; Salsabila Isnain Nuha
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 1st ICoSDTech 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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The selection of baby diapers is very important for housewives which aims to avoid things that are not desirable, in the process of this decision support system there are several comparison criteria that will be a reference in the selection of baby diapers. In the process of the decision support system for choosing baby diapers using the SAW method, it aims to provide recommendations in giving baby diapers. This baby diaper decision support system is designed using a MySQL database system to test and find out the ranking of several available alternatives. The decision support system produced in this study can display the ranking of the results of SAW calculations to make housewives' considerations in choosing baby diapers
Optimization Of Bread Distribution Transportation Costs At Ud Bakery Garden Using The MDMA Method (Maximum Divide Minimum Alloment) Putri Rizky Febrianti; Sajaratud Dur; Rima Aprilia
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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This study aims to optimize distribution transportation costs using a transportation model. The transportation model is a model that aims to determine the number of goods that must be sent from source to destination so that total transportation costs can be optimized. The transportation model used in this study is the Maximum Divide Minimum Aloment (MDMA) method. Data collection is in progress using Maximum Divide Minimum Aloment (MDMA), namely data on fixed costs, variable costs, demand and capacity of goods. The results of optimization research using the Maximum Divide Minimum Aloment (MDMA) method were obtained at Rp. 24,541,890 and has a difference with the costs incurred by the company of Rp. 3,449,660. Therefore, the MDMA (Maximum Divide Minimum Aloment) method can solve problems or can be used to minimize transportation costs.
Strategy Management: Community Participation in the Implementation of Economy Political Regional Development of Binjai City Bachtiar Ahmad Fani Rangkuti; Muhammad Ramadhan; Habibina Menatri; Alvira Wiabda Sari Tambunan
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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The purpose of this journal is to find out the extent of the role of community participation in the implementation of the Economy Political of regional development in the City of Binjai as a form of community responsibility as an embodiment of strategic management through the potential that exists in the City of Binjai. The qualitative research method was chosen by researchers in this study, using a descriptive analysis approach. The research location used is the City of Binjai. The results of this study indicate that the management strategy on community participation in the implementation of the Economy Political of the development of the Binjai City area has not gone well apart from due to budget constraints so that the implementation of development is not optimal, also because the level of community participation in each sector can be said to be low, this is due to the emergence public apathy to participate in every stage of development. 
Gold Price Prediction Using the Fuzzy Time Series Saxena-Easo Method Anjas Fernando; Riri Syafitri Lubis; Hendra Cipta
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 1st ICoSDTech 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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Gold is an investment that has the smallest risk compared to other investment methods, but every time the price of gold always fluctuates. This fluctuation will make it difficult for investors, the government, or those who need gold price data to see how the prospects for gold investment are going forward. To overcome this, a prediction or forecast is made. One of the forecasting methods developed with fuzzy theory is the Saxena-Easo fuzzy time series method. In this study, this method will be used to predict gold prices in the period 17 August 2021 to 31 December 2021. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of gold prices for the period 17 August 2021 to 31 December 2021 and to determine the accuracy of the fuzzy time series method. Saxena Easo. While the parameter used to measure forecasting accuracy is MAPE, if this parameter is in the range of 10% to 20% then the forecasting result is good, and if the parameter is below 10% then the forecast result is very good. The results of forecasting gold prices in the period 17 August – 31 December 2021 have a value that tends to increase and the MAPE obtained is 0.024277%. Therefore, it can be said that the prediction results for certain parameters are very good.
Graduation Profile Mapping: A Study of Bibliometric Analysis of the Curriculum Muhammad Dedi Irawan
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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Mapping is very necessary in making the right decision based on the scientific mapping of each. This is very useful in mapping graduate profile relationships. The aim of the study was to map elective courses in the curriculum of the Information Systems Study Program at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra based on bibliometric analysis. The research process is carried out by analyzing graduate profiles, then the analysis process uses the publish or perish application with google scholar study sources. The results of the analysis are then processed using the Mendeley application to filter the details of each source and finally using the VoS Viewer application to visualize the mapping results.
Comparison of the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method and the Simple Additive Weighting Method in the Selection of the Best Fiction Books in the 1990s Armansyah Armansyah; Yustria Handika Siregar; Muhammad Dedi Irawan; Cici Armayani; Maulana Habib
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 1st ICoSDTech 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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A fiction book is a story book written based on the imagination of an author, the stories contained in fiction books are stories that entertain readers. In the era of the 1990s fiction books were books that had a lot of interest among the people at that time. This study aims to determine the feasibility of fiction books to be categorized as the best fiction books. The problem of this research is in the assessment process which only judges from reader reviews, it is not effective for making a selection of fiction books, so to solve this problem, a decision support system will be implemented using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. system with multi-attribute decision making. In this study, the criteria for copies with a value of 35% will be used as a benchmark for assessing the selection of fiction books. Then the results issued by the system using the AHP method will show the transparency of the assessment with each value and have a certain weight according to the priority and the final results of ranking the two AHP and SAW methods will produce the same alternative with the highest alternative value which will be recommended as a fiction book that has the right to be the best fiction book in the 1990s era.
Earth Resistance and Earth Construction To Interference Currents On Swamp Land Dian Eka Putra; Zainuddin Nawawi; Muhammad Irfan Jambak
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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To protect electrical power installation equipment, especially that in open areas where it is particularly vulnerable to both technical and non-technical disturbances, such as those frequently brought on by lightning surge currents that result in large fault currents, it is crucial to build a grounding installation. A good and trustworthy grounding system is required to flow this significant fault current, both in terms of a low grounding resistance value and the grounding system's design. There are several high voltage transmission towers or electrical power installation tools in open spaces, and they are built on a variety of soil types, including 150 kV transmission towers built on swamp land. The measurements on the shampooing marsh terrain yielded the maximum and minimum values, with the maximum value occurring at a depth of 1 meter and a earth resistance value of 25.70 Ω and the minimum occurring at a depth of 2 meters and a earth resistance value of 12.10 Ω, respectively. Based on the findings of these measurements, a grounding grid construction employing four electrode rods of two distinct types copper-coated iron rods and galvanized iron rods each measuring 3.5 meters in length was designed using the CYMGRD application. Through the CYMGRD application, a different Ground Potential Rise (GPR) is obtained; with the same fault current of 10234.6 Ampere, the GPR value for the copper-coated rod construction is 54.7871 volts as opposed to the galvanized rod construction's 55.0625 volts.
Analysis of Contraceptive Use Rates on Fertility Rates Using the Chaid Method (Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection) Hari Muliawan; Riri Syafitri Lubis; Rina Widyasari
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 1st ICoSDTech 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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Fertility is the result of real reproduction (live-born babies) from a woman or a group of women or the number of children that will be born by a woman during her reproductive period. Children born to a woman have 2 categories in the BKKBN, namely the number of children > 2 and the number of children 2. The fertility/birth rate by the number of children > 2 reaches 60.9%, so it is not following the BKKBN target because the target birth rate > 30% is included in the category tall. One of the efforts to control the fertility rate is by using contraception. A contraceptive device is a tool or method to prevent pregnancy. The existence of contraceptives but the fertility rate is still high So it is necessary to do targeting (targeting) with the CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection) method. This method is used for targeting and knowing which contraceptives are the most significant, effective, and have the strongest influence on fertility levels to launch BKKBN targeting efforts in seeking population control. The result of the largest Chi-square test is female sterilization, which is 28.624. From the data, it can be concluded that the fertility rate/number of children 2 or >2 is mostly affected by the use of female sterilization contraceptives, and female sterilization is the most effective contraceptive method. This tool can help BKKBN in achieving the target.
Human Resources Readiness for Policies Electronic Government Online Licensing Services at the Investment Service and One-Door Integrated Services (DPMTSP) East Luwu District Haerullah Haerullah; Fatmawati Fatmawati; Lukman Hakim; Muhlis Madani
International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology The 2nd ICoSDTech 2022
Publisher : International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology

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Reform of public services with a new mechanism of interaction between the government and society with changes in the service system that involve the public in decision- making. The purpose of this study is to analyze the readiness of human resource development in electronic government-based licensing services, constraints in their application, and find an electronic government development model in order to improve the quality of licensing services at the East Luwu Eats Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Office, using descriptive. Qualitative research methods. The results showed that the policy model for developing electronic government-based licensing services at DPMPTSP Eats Luwu Timur is at the transaction level, even though it is at the transaction level, but the support of service users in developing e-government-based services is still low, therefore, there is a need for collaboration and integration between the government, the community and related stakeholders in developing and optimizing the use of electronic government in East Luwu district government environment by developing a government-based electronic service model, people can be active participate in the policy formulation process, without being limited by time and space.