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Journal of Creative Student Research
ISSN : 29635942     EISSN : 29634776     DOI : 10.55606
Ilmu Sosial,Ilmu Ekonomi,Akuntansi,Manajemen,Kebudayaan,Pendidikan,Sejarah,Pariwisata,Gender,Humaniora,Seni Budaya Linguistik,Sastra,Filsafat,Studi Agama,Studi Media dan Komunikasi,Berbagai bidang penelitian yang relevan
Articles 259 Documents
Analisis Migrasi Tenaga Kerja Pada Sektor Perekonomian di Kabupaten Tulungagung Ahmad Zaky Muttaqien; Devi Ayu Widyaningrum; Anggoro Putranto
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2321


The phenomenon of migration is a phenomenon that is often found in people's lives as an alternative action to make a move for a specific purpose, including work. Migration is one of the causes of population movement between regions. The development gap between cities and villages continues to be a driving force for migration. It is inevitable that every human being would want to have a comfortable place to live with adequate facilities, for example there are places for entertainment, sports, education, and so on. The era of globalization has also removed barriers for everyone to migrate between countries and even continents. International migration of labor can be interpreted as the movement of individuals from one country to another with the aim of getting a job. Globalization also makes people to carry out mobility with various reasons they have. Problems with migration also do not include the problems of the destination (recipient) country, but also the country of origin, where after the immigrants return to their country of origin it becomes a problem that must be resolved. priority so that they have a high quality and level of competitiveness as well as gain an understanding of their rights as migrant workers. The results of this study are to obtain information about the number of people migrating out of the Tulungagung Regency area and its impact on the economic sector in the Tulungagung Regency area because migration greatly influences the opportunities and challenges in the region.
Proporsi Tepung Komposit Kacang Hijau (Vigna Ridiata) dan Sagu (Metroxylon Sagu) pada Pembuatan Cookies Cindy Edyningrum Akbar; Any Sutiadiningsih; Lilis Sulandari; Ila Huda Puspita Dewi
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2323


Mung bean and sago composite flour cookies are cookies made from the main raw material of wheat flour which is composited with mung bean and sago flour to reduce the use of wheat flour and to increase nutritional content. This experiment aims to determine 1) the sensory quality of mung bean and sago composite flour cookies including shape, color, aroma, crispness, crumb, and taste 2) chemical properties based on laboratory tests which include carbohydrates, protein, fat, ash, and fiber 3) the cost of raw materials for mung bean and sago composite flour cookies. This type of research is a factorial experiment. The independent variable was the proportion of mung bean composite flour (35%, 25%, and 15%) and sago (15%, 25%, and 35%) that had gone through the starch calculation stage. The dependent variable is sensory quality which includes shape, color, aroma, crispness, crumb, and taste. The control variables of this study include the type of materials and equipment. Observation data collection technique by means of sensory quality test conducted by 35 panelists. Data analysis used single anova test and continued with Duncan test. The results showed 1) there was an influence on the sensory quality of composite flour cookies which included aroma, crispness, crumb, and taste 2) there was no influence on sensory quality in shape and color 3) the best product had a raw material cost of Rp 8,473/250 grams.
Upaya Warga Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Melalui Usaha Ternak Bebek Pedaging Dusun Jigang Ririn Fitriani; Tutut Suryaningsih
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2324


The background of this research is because at this time the development of broiler ducks is actually not very popular in our ears, but in one of the business options in the livestock sector it turns out to be quite promising with quite large economic potential. The structure of the trade of broiler ducks is now starting to be more in demand by the public, because the taste of the meat is tasty and delicious. The purpose of this study was to find out what efforts were made by breeders in Jigang hamlet to increase household income through broiler duck farming. This study uses qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results of the study show that the efforts made by broiler duck breeders to increase their household income are by choosing quality seeds, this is intended to reduce the risk of death, then provide vaccines and vitamins, provide factory feed and alternative feed and pay attention to the condition of the cage after the harvest period. so that the cage is far from the virus and harvest at the age of the ducks 35-45 days. This is an effort that breeders can make to increase their household income. This duck livestock business is a means of making a living to change a more decent life.
Pengaruh Modal Usaha, Jam Kerja Dan Lama Usaha Terhadap Pendapatan UMKM Di Kecamatan Ngunut Riski Wulandari; Hari Subiyantoro
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2325


. The purpose of this study was to determine partially the effect of working hours and length of business capital on business income and to determine simultaneously the effect of working hours and business length of business capital on business income. This study uses a quantitative approach, in that the data collected in research activities is presented in the form of numbers and the analysis uses statistics. The number of samples is 70 SMEs in the district of Ngunut. The results of this study indicate that: partially, there is a significant influence of business capital on MSME income in Ngunut District, with a t count = 5.539 > t table = 1.668 and sig = 0.000 <0.05. Partially, there is a significant effect work on MSME income in Ngunut District, with tcount = 2.876 > ttable = 1.668 and sig = 0.004 <0.05. Partially, there is a significant effect between the length of business on MSME income in Ngunut District, with a tcount = 3.514> t table value of 1.668 and sig = 0.001 <0.05. Simultaneously there is a significant effect between business capital, working hours and length of business on MSME income in Ngunut District, with a Fcount value greater than Ftable (29.493> 2.74) and a significance value less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05).
Analisis Penerapan Shift Kerja Karyawan Pada Main Kitchen Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya Salfa Mei Dianawati; Lilis Sulandari; Sri Handajani; Niken Purwidiani
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2326


Shift work is a system for organizing human resource activities in a particular industry with the aim that the human resources in it can work according to a predetermined schedule. Main kitchen is the main kitchen section that handles a variety of sauces, stocks, and various main courses. This study aims to analyze the application of employee work shifts in the main kitchen of Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was done by field observation, interview with 1 sous chef, and giving questionnaires to 7 employees in the main kitchen. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively.The results showed: 1) The implementation of employee work shit in the main kitchen of Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya is in accordance with established company regulations and government regulations. The application in the main kitchen of Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya includes: working for 8 hours a day with a maximum break time of 1 hour; there is a difference in work limits between permanent and daily contract employees so that in making schedules it is always done in the middle of the month and the beginning of the month so that there is a regularity of schedules; there are 3 work shifts namely morning, afternoon and night with a pattern of 5 working days 1 day off in one week.
Analisis Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Pengolahan Makanan Banquet di Hot Kitchen Hotel Aria Centra Surabaya Orienta Zubaidah; I.F Romadhoni; Lilis Sulandari; Niken Purwidiani
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2327


The purpose of this research was to find out the analysis of the application of standard operating procedures (SOP) for food processing at the Aria Centra Hotel Surabaya which has a very important role in an industry, one of which is the hospitality industry as a guide or reference for staff to work consistently and with standards. The data collection technique used (1) interviews to find out the application of food processing procedures and the implementation of these procedures: and (2) documentation to find out the analysis of the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for banquet food processing at the Hot Kitchen Hotel Aria Centra Surabaya, an overview of the company and worker data. Data collection was carried out in July-December 2022. The results of this study were an analysis of the application of standard operating procedures (SOP) for banquet food processing at the Hot Kitchen Hotel Aria Centra Surabaya which included (1) standard operating procedures for handling banquets; (2) implementing a banquet menu; (3) material procurement system for banquet ordering needs; (4) standard operating procedures (SOP) for foodstuffs; (5) preparation of banquet materials and tools; (6) strategies to minimize errors in standard operating procedures (SOP) for handling banquets; (7) constraints and solutions in banquet handling. Based on these results it can be concluded that the analysis of standard operating procedures (SOP) for banquet food processing at the Hot Kitchen Hotel Aria centra Surabaya required various stages in handling it.
Inovasi Kue Lumpur Berbahan Dasar Pisang Ambon Dan Tepung Kacang Hijau Felia Rana Amanda; Any Sutiadiningsih; Asrul Bahar; Lilis Sulandari
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2328


This research is about mud cakes were made by proportioning the main ingredients, namely banana ambon puree and mung bean flour. This study aims to determine: 1) sensory quality of mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour, 2) nutritional content of mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour, 3) cost of raw materials needed to make mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour. This type of research is an experimental study of making mud cake made from ambon banana and mung bean flour with 3 treatments with proportions of 70%: 30%, 80%: 20%, 90%: 10%. Data collection was done by observation method through sensory test. The product was rated by 40 panelists. Data were analyzed using one way anova test, followed by Duncan's test. The results showed: 1) the best product based on the results of the analysis with sensory quality is obtained in mud cake with the treatment of 90% ambon banana puree and 10% mung bean flour, 2) the results of the best mud cake product criteria test show that it has a water content of 38.26%, fat 4.98%, protein 6.24%, carbohydrates 48.50%, and ash 1.24%, 3) the cost of raw materials needed in making mud cake made from ambon banana and mung bean flour is Rp 23,646.
Tinajuan Maslahah Terhadap Mandatory Sertifikasi Halal Dalam Undang-Undang No. 33 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jaminan Produk Halal Di Indonesia Muhammad Farich Maulana; Shofiyun Nahidloh
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2330


In Islam, the halalness of the food consumed is a very basic principle, therefore the state is obliged to provide protection and guarantees regarding the halalness of the products consumed and used by the community. The government seeks to stabilize and regulate the flow of products circulating in Indonesia so that Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee is established. Before PP 31 of 2019 was issued, the halal certification process was still carried out by MUI. However, after PP 31 of 2019 was issued, the authority to issue halal certification rests entirely with BPJPH as the leading Halal Product Assurance sector. The move has drawn a lot of criticism because BPJPH is considered to be still not ready to implement the program, as is the case with infrastructure and information systems. The transfer of authority should have been as mandated by the Law on Halal Product Guarantee, but until the time specified BPJPH is not yet fully ready to become a regulator of halal product assurance in Indonesia. The results of this study can be concluded that BPJPH is ready to be a pioneer in determining halal product guarantees which were previously the authority of MUI. Mandatory halal certification is categorized as maslahah because it relates to the basic needs of mankind in the world and the hereafter and does not contain any harm.
Makna Filosofis Dalam Secangkir Kopi Kehidupan Robingun Suyud El Syam; Muhamad Yusuf Amin Nugroho
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Oktober : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i5.2420


The research intends to reveal the philosophical meaning in a cup of coffee of life, with a descriptive qualitative approach. After discussing and analyzing concluded; Coffee is a drink for all people. A connoisseur can know the existence of God from a cup of coffee, that in the fragrant aroma and delicious taste there are signs of the Kauniyah, the majesty of God. In front of connoisseurs, a cup of coffee never chooses who has the right to drink it. Likewise God, all servants before Him are the same, except piety. However delicious coffee must have a bitter side, but delicious coffee is bigger than the bitter side. Along with the bitter side of coffee, there are various tastes, that God has the nature of Jamaliyah (beauty). A cup of delicious coffee consists of various compositions: coffee, sugar and water, that enjoyment can be achieved because there are differences, life with differences is a blessing. Enjoy coffee when it's still warm, not hot or cold. Likewise religion, understanding religion must be precise and in context, not excessive. Peace, harmony, and unity are the teachings and commandments of God. That is one sign of God's greatness shown through coffee.
Literatur Review: Analisis Efisiensi, Efektivitas, Dan Kontribusi Pajak Daerah Dan Retribusi Daerah Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Aminatus Sofia
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Oktober : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i5.2490


The type of research used in this study is Literature Review. This study uses data from journals that are available in full text form. The data source is traced and retrieved from Google Scholar. The subject of this research is Efficiency, Effectiveness and Contribution of Regional Taxes and Regional Levies to Increasing Regional Original Income, while the object is the article. From several articles that have been researched, they discuss the efficiency, effectiveness, and contribution of local taxes and regional levies. The study found that the level of effectiveness of local taxes was effective, very effective, or even ineffective. Based on research using the effectiveness ratio, the level of Regional Tax collection is stated to be very effective even though it tends to fluctuate (up and down). Based on the efficiency ratio, the level of Regional Tax collection tends to rise and fall (fluctuate) per year but overall there is a decrease in costs and taxes generated.