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Journal of Sustainability Perspectives
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Our aim is to encourage experts and scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research and review with sustainability perspective relating to natural sciences, medical and public health, engineering and technology, social sciences and humanities, economy and business in as much detail as possible in order to promote scientific predictions and impact assessments of global change and development. Full experimental and methodical details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 152 Documents
Environmental management begins in the family Jesús Alfredo Liévanos Barrera; Isaias de la Rosa Gomez
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 2: Special Issue 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.33 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2022.15540


The Institito Tecnológico de Toluca, is a higher level educational institution, which belongs to the National Technological System of Mexico, which has 9 degrees, in the engineering area, citing: Industrial (IE), Chemical (CI), Logistics (LE), Electromechanical (EE), bussines management’s (BME), Electronics (EE), Mechatronics (MI), Computational Systems (CSI) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTE,) and 3 postgraduate degrees: Master of Engineering Sciences (MES), Master of Sciences in Environmental Engineering (MSEE) and Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (DES), with a population of 5,408 students. Being a proudly public institution and classified as the best, by its employers at the state level, within which there is a Coordination called Institutional Environmental Program (IEP), which manages various strategies for the care, protection, remediation of the environment. But, in Mexico, since March 2019, educational institutions have been closed due to the context of the pandemic caused by covid-19. Academic activity being carried out, since then to date, via virtual. Faced with such a complicated, difficult and uncertain scenario. An environmental management model was developed, so that students from their homes develop prevention programs, protection and care of the ecosystem, developing sustainable strategies. Starting from the premise: If there is a polluting society it is because there are families that pollute, the family is the mirror of what happens in society. Within this program, an amalgam of strategies was considered, starting with motivation, awareness, reflection, knowledge and self-management to detonate a new environmental culture, starting from their homes and extending it to their families and neighbors. To carry out a multiplier effect, in geometric progression, having an excellent response from the students of the Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca (ITT). Among the various strategies within an application scenario, the following are cited: Responsible-reflective consumption, no generation of unnecessary waste (organic food waste reduction), no use of Unicel (expanded polystyrene), use of single-use containers (elimination of PET), no oil disposal used from the kitchen (application of a collection program), induction to the modification of nutritional intake by substituting beef for chicken, fish and vegetables, separation and classification of garbage, application of the use of compost for the organic food remains, water saving and leak elimination program, collection of cigarette butts thrown in public roads and gardens. Turning off lights in homes when they are not necessary (energy saving), only use of a motor vehicle in very necessary cases (mitigation of the effects of climate change). With these actions that began in this year 2021, we consider that we are working towards the reduction of negative environmental impacts, detonating a new culture and environmental awareness, among higher-level students (undergraduate), having a participation and involvement of 1,700 families and a number that continues to grow. Additionally, we are contributing to the 2030 Agenda, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially regarding the objectives: 4.- Quality education, 11.- Sustainable cities and communities and 13.- Actions for the climate.Keyword: family, environmental culture, awareness, virtual scene, pollutants
BIM-Based Energy Optimization – Case study of High-Rise Building in Pakistan Irbaz Hasan; Syed Shujaa Safdar Gardez; Usman Hussain
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1, No 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1147.451 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.11208


The current work analyses the energy performance of a building at the early design and planning stage for sustainability. A multistory facility has been simulated in a virtual (3D) environment using the Building Information Modelling process. Energy analysis was performed using Autodesk Insight360 in terms of kWh/m2 /yr. Sixteen (16) story building, has been assessed at its proposed location, at 8° clockwise w.r.t true North. The study observed an annual consumption of 267 kWh/m2 /yr which was further optimized by adopting different construction innovations. It has been highlighted that using virtual technology at the design stage of buildings can help to achieve an average annual energy saving of more than 50% thus supporting the goal for a sustainable future by accessing energy requirements at the early stage of design inception.
University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, Pakistan‘s Responsibility for SDG‘s and World Complex Challenges Pertaining to its Innovation for Energy and Climate Change Management Javaria Qais Joiya; Qais Aslam
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1: Special Issue 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1377.822 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.12003


One of the important essentials of modern living is energy without which modern world cannot survive and therefore depends deeply on energy usages and energy abusage. What is important to be seen is that more than 7.8 billion people on this planet are burning fossil fuels for their daily needs. Therefore, the challenge for the 21st century is how to conserve this ‘good’ energy and how to reduce its transformation into ‘bad’ energy and at the same time enjoy a sustainable lifestyle through modern inventions of science and technology. The problems facing University of Central Punjab, Lahore (UCP) is on the one hand how to minimise the usage of energy resources and secondly, how to move away from using fosil feuls and toward usage of eco-friendly energy sources for achieving sustainability and abiding by the Goal 7 of the SDG (Affordable and Clean Energy). Keeping sustainable development and energy conservation issues in mind, UCP has already in collaboration with M/S Premier Energy embarked upon the renewable solar energy solutions and 1/4th of the total energy consumption of UCP is being produced through state-of-the-art grid-tired solar system. UCP also promotes the sagacious use of water. In UCP, processor treat sewage water. In addition, UCP promotes the use of filtered drinking Processor treat sewage water. Promote the use of filtered water instead of bottled water.
Eco-Spiritualism on Social Empowerment: Indigenous Approach toward Environment Sustainability Imam Taufiq; Lulu Choirun Nisa; Mishbah Khoiruddin Zuhri; Ririh Megah Safitri; Lucky Ade Sessiani; Muhammad Makmun
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1: Special Issue 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1001.392 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.12018


The world is changing, the environmental crisis is happening, the life of any living being is on the line. Nature is facing challenges and degradations that will extended to effect on human welfare and all other life on earth. As in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda, world leaders command every organization to play a role in protecting the planet from degradation, undertake urgent actions to perform sustainable resource management. UIN Walisongo Semarang is answering the call and respond to this global issues by declaring a vision statement to be a “Green Campus”. It is not merely a statement, but a commitment to take responsibility in protecting and conserving the nature, applied in all activities under the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Education, Research, and Community Services). This paper aimed to elaborate the distinct concept and approach of community service activities implemented in UIN Walisongo Semarang. Eco-Spiritualism Social Empowerment program designed based on fundamental spiritual and religious values about how human connect with nature, and so this connection create a reciprocal-inseparable relationship. How human affects nature, and otherwise, will create a belief and values directing human’s behavior toward nature. Therefore, a spiritual approach considered to be an effective way to empower people in order to create an eco-friendly society. Eco-Spiritualism Social Empowerment program implemented in both rural and urban area, are showing great results on recycle and waste management, plastic waste utilization and creating value added products, skill development and sustainable social empowerment
Opportunities from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Being Greener through Online and E-Learning Methods Diana Chalil; Riantri Barus
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1: Special Issue 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1028.502 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.12034


To implement physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities around the world have applied online and E-learning methods. Although faced with several obstacles, online and E-learning methods also provide many opportunities. One of them include the reduction of paper usage, which in 2019 totaled to 394 million tons worldwide. To analyze such an opportunity, this study was conducted at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) by involving 232 students and 113 lecturers from 16 faculties. Data were obtained using a structured online questionnaire. The results show that paper usage at USU can be reduced through online and e-learning methods by 48,008,800 sheets per year or equivalent with approximately 4,003 trees. This amount is totalled from lecturer research activities, lecture materials, and student final projects, which are 240,000, 44,800,000 and 3,000,000 sheets, respectively. To realize this, USU is required to improve internet facilities and e-learning access, train lecturers and students to use and manage said facilities, and train lecturers to prepare materials specifically designed for online and e-learning.
Innovative strategic planning for a sustainable green university: University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka Amarasena T.S.D; Chandana E.P.S; Ratnasekera D; Hasini K.K.L
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 2, No 1: June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.115 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2022.15463


University of Ruhuna (UOR) consists of ten faculties thatspread over 366 acres in six different locations in the Southern Province ofSri Lanka. Economically viable and mutually benefited public-privatepartnerships, which ensure the common direction for the different goalsof stakeholders, are the principles of strategic green planning of theUniversity. This paper presents two key sustainable initiatives of UOR. Theproposed strategic landscaping project has been focused to utilize theopen space which accounts for 60-70% of the total land area. The totalopen space will be divided into manageable zones based on geographicalcharacteristics. Private sponsorships will be sought to cover the initialcapital and maintenance cost, allowing sponsors to do selectedpromotional activities within their zones. The second project is theestablishment of a sustainable, modern agribusiness venture. Thirty acresof land will be rented out for a private company and the company has toshare the profit with the University. University will provide consultationand technical support to the project. Cultivation of Cinnamon, Pepper andother unique spicy crops, production of organic fertilizer and bio char,protected agriculture project, Cinnamon oil extraction plant and solarpower project are the key components of this initiativeKeyword: Green university, Public-private partnerships, Strategic planning,Sustainable
Waste Management of Ege University during the COVID-19 period S. Tugce Daglioglu; Simge Sertkaya; Armagan Kinal; Melike Bor; Dincer Ayaz
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 2: Special Issue 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.737 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2022.15519


Ege University manages packaging wastes, hazardous wastes, electronic wastes and organic wastes within the scope of integrated waste management and has been awarded the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Zero Waste Certificate. For packaging waste, recycled and non-recyclable wastes are collected separately. Recycled wastes are collected in blue boxes and gray boxes are used for non-recyclable wastes. Along with the pandemic period, with the directive of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, extra gray boxes were added and used to collect waste materials such as masks, gloves, etc. The first COVID case in Turkey started in March 2020 and these studies came into effect in April. In this context, all staff and students are informed and the health of the community and the environment is protected.Keyword: waste management, mask and glove waste management, COVID-19
Implementation of solar panels and photovoltaic systems as an alternative for efficient energy saving at Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD Edna Vanessa Ramos Gómez; Carlos Eduardo Bohórquez Vargas; Karen Lorena Arias; Daniela Carolina Herrera Gutierrez
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 2: Special Issue 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.632 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2022.15535


The Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD, is a public, educational organization of the National Order that through the conception and practice of Distance Education was not affected in the development of activities in the time of pandemic, according to its solid technological infrastructure to promote the virtuality.One of the principal changes implied by the preventive isolation because of COVID-19 was to reassess the context of the management system and the expectations and demands of the stakeholders, generating new opportunities and risks as a result of the sanitary situation. This situation, strengthening the commitment of the Environmental Management System with climate change based on the sustainable development objectives and the 2019-2023 internal development plan, which refers within its main goals, to the installation of 8 solar tables and 2 photovoltaic systems for outdoor lighting in different locations, in addition to operational control activities that contribute to mitigating the impacts  of the activities associated with the work at home and on-site modality, giving environmental legal compliance and expanding the scope to ISO 14001:2015 certification in new centers, thus promoting new challenges that have allowed the positioning in good environmental practices of the University at the national level. Keyword: Sustainable Development Goals, Energy, photovoltaic lighting systems, carbon footprint
Innovative Water Management at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld Klaus Helling; Dorit Schumann Bölsche
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1, No 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.993 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.11203


Sustainable water management has a high relevance for universities and this paper describes the innovative water management system at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (ECB), which belongs to Trier University of Applied Sciences. The ECB is called the "greenest university" in Germany. Not without reason, because in the GreenMetric Ranking 2018 and 2019 the ECB took sixth place worldwide and was No. 1 in Germany. Ever since the foundation of the ECB, sustainable development and circular economy have been the main focus of all activities of the university. In the sustainability strategy, a holistic approach following the German Sustainability Code is pursued, which includes teaching, research, knowledge transfer and university operation. In 2019 the Environmental Campus achieved in the GreenMetric category water, the full score of 1000 points. As part of an integrated zero emissions concept ECB ́s water management system is based on a meticulously planned water conservation program which includes technological- and management-based solutions to achieve sustainable water resource use at ECB. Within the ECB ́s wastewater reduction and resource recovery initiative a research project on “Zero Emission Water Management and Nutrient Mining” is converting an existing dormitory in such a way that the separate collection and discharge of the partial streams grey and black water is possible.
Green University Garden Towards Region Sustainability Marina Fadeeva; Oksana Cherkasova
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Vol 1, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1028.423 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jsp.2021.11754


Growing actions on putting into practice the policy for improving sustainable development gives universities great variety of opportunities on implementation of different ‘green’ technologies in their campuses. Campus greening is the first step towards sustainability. The purpose of this article is to present existing approaches on the categories of sustainable campus initiatives, their significance for complete region development and the state of the environment. On the example of the inner garden of Volgograd State University, the authors describe the importance of greening the external campus sites for minimization of the negative environmental and health affects for students and faculty staff. The green initiative reflects the institution’s function as center of technological and social regional development. The green garden can reduce stress and also provide an esthetic sense by involving attractive surroundings. The impact of climatic zone on emerging of appropriate management and maintenance systems, meaningful comparison with the past landscape solutions are also reviewed in the present article. By implementing green technologies, the university shows its prudence and readiness to behave responsibly, sensibly and maturely in response to sustainability issues of the present and the future.

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