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Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi
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Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi, merupakan wadah ilmiah yang menampung tulisan yang berasal dari hasil penelitian baik dari dosen maupun mahasiswa. Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi merupakan jurnal yang menampung berbagai tulisan pada bidang Ilmu Komputer. Artikel ilmiah yang dikirim pada redaksi harus merupakan naskah asli dan tidak pernah dipublikasi ditempat lain. Artikel ilmiah dalam setiap penerbitan merupakan tanggungjawab penulis. Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi terbit dalam periode 4 (Empat) bulanan Bulan September, Januari, Mei dengan ISSN :2962-0945 (media online) dengan SK Nomor: 005.29620945/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.11 Topik utama yang diterbitkan pada Jurnal Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi, yaitu: Decision Support System, Expert System, Kriptografi, AI, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Image Processing, Pengolahan Citra, serta topik lain dalam bidang Informatika (menggunakan Metode dalam penyelesaian masalah).
Articles 19 Documents
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Posyandu Tambora Kelurahan Brang Biji Berbasis Android Desiana Puspita; Shinta Esabella
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1: September 2022

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Tambora Posyandu is a family Posyandu located in Brang Biji Village, Sumbawa District, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Where the previous Tambora Posyandu Service Information System has conducted research by Rizgika Pusparini, S.Kom with the title Web-Based Posyandu Service Information System Using the Waterfall Method. At the Tambora Posyandu, Brang Biji Village, Sumbawa University of Technology. In this study, the posyandu information system was still offline, so that posyandu members still had difficulty accessing the system. The researcher intends to develop an online web-based posyandu service information system and develop the information system to be android-based. This is taken into account from the posyandu members who are not only from among children, adolescents, and adults but also from the elderly. Where the elderly have difficulty in remembering website addresses. In addition, web-based information systems require a stable internet network. Built with the dart programming language using the flutter framework, and MariaDB databases and system testing that has been carried out using the black-box testing method. It is hoped that the development of an android-based information system can make it easier for posyandu cadres in disseminating information and posyandu members can easily get posyandu information. Development, Information Systems, Services, Posyandu, android, Waterfall, Black Box.
Implementasi PPTP Pada Jaringan Vpn Kampus Utama Dan Cabang Stmik Budi Darma Dheva Kesuma Jaya
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1: September 2022

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− STMIK Budi Darma merupakan Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer, dimana kampus ini memiliki fasilitas gedung yang berbeda lokasi, saat ini Kampus Utama dan Kampus Cabang STMIK Budi Darma telah terhubung menggunakan insfrastruktur jaringan radio link, sehingga mudah mengalami gangguan jaringan disaat cuaca buruk yang membuat penggunaan sistem informasi STMIK Budi Darma mengalami gangguan. Sehingga cara yang paling mudah dan tidak memakan biaya banyak ialah dengan dibangunnya jaringan VPN dengan menerapkan protokol PPTP sebagai pengganti jaringan radio link disaat mengalami gangguan koneksi. Memanfaatkan jaringan publik untuk melakukan koneksi tetapi sesungguhnya membuat jalur sendiri pada jaringan publik, sehingga data yang lewat didalamnya akan diterima secara aman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang jaringan (Network) baru yang lebih ekonomis sebagai back-up radio link disaat mengalami gangguan dengan menerapkan metode PPTP (Point-to-point Tunneling Protocol) menggunakan MikroTikOS. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah menciptakan sebuah sistem jaringan dengan biaya koneksi yang cukup ekonomis untuk menghubungkan antara dua gedung kantor yang berbeda, sehingga tidak mengeluarkan biaya yang mahal. Juga memudahkan staff untuk melakukan transfer data.
Penerapan Algoritma Taboo Codes Untuk Mengkompresi File Audio Zuraidah
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1: September 2022

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In today's increasingly rapid technological developments, many people use electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, iPods or other electronic devices to listen to music. Music stored in storage media is in the form of audio files. Audio or sound has several different formats depending on the user's platform. An audio file format is a file format for storing digital audio data on a computer system. Which is usually in each format has a different size and very large. For that we need a technique that can change the size of a file to be smaller. This technique is called compression or better known as compression. In compressing audio files, the Taboo Codes algorithm is used. Where the principle of the Taboo Codes algorithm is to choose a positive integer parameter n and order a pattern of n bits to indicate the end of the code. So as a result we will be able to know how the procedures in compressing audio files. As well as the design of a software that can compress audio files by applying the Taboo Codes algorithm
Penerepan Metode Certainty Factor Dalam Mendiagnosa Dini Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatiandan Hiperaktivitas Pada Anak Suhariono Jaya
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1: September 2022

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Lack of public knowledge about abnormal behavior results in abnormal behaviors that exist and appear to be often misunderstood, and it is not uncommon for people with abnormal behavior to be treated inhumanely. Not only in adults, abnormal behavior can also be experienced by children. One form of abnormal behavior is attention deficit disorder in children. The purpose of this study is to create an expert system application that runs on the Windows operating system that can diagnose Concentration and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children by providing diagnostic results based on the level of confidence in the symptoms suffered by the patient using the Certainty Factor method. The application of the Certainty Factor method can strengthen the resulting diagnosis because the system has a value so that the level of certainty or level of confidence is more accurate. From the system designed and the test results manually obtained an accuracy value of 0.9676 or if it is presented the value becomes 96.76% for Combine symptoms (Inattentive, Hyperactive / Impulsive and Impulsive).
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Prodeo Pada Pengadilan Agama Medan Kelas I A Menerapkan EXPROM II Dewi Feronika Sitinjak
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 3: Mei 2023

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Prodeo is a court litigation process for free with state funding through court DIPA (Article 1 paragraph 7). In receiving assistance for the general public, it is very important to know how the case is and so that the recipients of the aid can be right on target, there is no choice. In determining the acceptance of Prodeo Medan Religious Court Class 1 A, still using manual methods or there is no system to determine the receipt of a computerized prodeo. So with that the authors propose a computerized system in determining the acceptance of Predeo at the Medan Class 1 A Religious Court.The method that the author proposes in determining the Prodeo Recipient at the Medan Class 1 A Religious Court is the EXPROM II Method, namely the comparison of deviation or distance between alternative pairs for each criterion. In this method, the relative value of one of the alternatives is defined by two preference indices. So the procedure for admission of prodeo at the Medan Religious Court Class I A produces values that can provide an overview in decision making, in order to get the right results for the acceptance of prodeo
Implementasi Algoritma Multi Group Huffman Dalam Kompresi File Teks Dokumen Rosanny N Sihombing
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 3: Mei 2023

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Technological advances for Data and imformation compression have developed rapidly in the digital era and has become a very important necessity to establish a fast exchange of information. Many conveniences given, one of which is the ease in wrting document data storage in digital from. With the existing convenience, it isnot directly proportional to digital document storage media due to the rapid growth on document data which is getting bigger and bigger day by day. Meawhile in existing storage is still very limited. In the research,the method used is a multi group algorithm huffman. This method works by coding in a form bits to represent the data under study. In general data compression is distinguished in twi types, namely data compression does not change the original data and lossy data compression is data compression the result of the compression are not the same as the original data .Multi Group Method Huffman falls into the Losesless Data Compression category. Huffman is one of the compression algorithms. Huffman compression technique can provide savings in storage. Huffman works based on thefrequency of the chracters are the same, the more high level of compression obtained.
Penerapan Algoritma Blok Cipher Oe-Ck (Odd-Even Confusing Key) Pada Aplikasi Pengamanan Gambar Lasma Hutagaol
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 3: Mei 2023

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In cryptography, encryption and decryption, encryption is the process of securing the original image data into an incomprehensible image, while decryption is the process of returning encrypted image data so that it is easy to read. In the process of encryption and decryption there is a key which functions as a bridge between encryption and decryption in supporting the strength of image security. Based on these problems the author will make a process of securing images in the form of images that can be carried out in encrypting images into certain algorithm forms. This is possible considering that an image can be represented in a table containing binary numbers. In this study the OE-CK block cipher algorithm will be implemented to encode images in jpeg format, which has a size of 1000x1200 pixels. The key used to encode the image uses the key "Lasma Hutagaol".
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality untuk Pembelajaran Tengkorak Manusia Muhamad Nasir; Devita Irzal
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2: Januari 2023

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Medical is a faculty that studies human anatomy, one of which is the skeleton of human, one of them is the human skull. The skull is one of the appendicular skeleton, currently the media for learning bones still use torso. Along with the development of technology, in this study utilizing Augmented Reality technology as an alternative in studying every part of the skull and to make it easier for students to clearly recognize each skull detail. Besides that, for other purposes this research is to save costs in purchasing torso props. Students who have Android smartphones can easily have a replacement application for human skull torso. The outcomes in this study are: physical form (print media) form of paper called marker and mobile-based augmented reality applications where they complement each other. The results of the tests carried out, the application developed has the potential as an alternative application in the learning process that can assist students in knowing the functions and names of bones..
Penerapan Algoritma Turbo Boyer Moore Pada Aplikasi Perbandingan Harga Laptop Menggunakan Web Anggia Utami; A Saehan
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2: Januari 2023

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Laptops have become an integral part of today's society. Whatever work you do, the need for laptops is growing. Technological developments are increasingly rapidly giving rise to various innovations on laptops. When a buyer wants to buy a laptop, many things can be used as criteria. Many laptop brands with various specifications are sold in the market, making it difficult for users to make a choice according to their wishes and budget.String maching uses the Turbo Boyer Moore Algorithm to match the pattern to be searched for, so that you can see the match in pattern selection.It is hoped that through the Turbo Boyer Moore Algorithm it can complete matching in laptop price comparisons so that it can help workers in searching for laptop prices
Analisis Ulasan Pengguna Aplikasi Diagnosa Tanaman Di Play Store Menggunakan Naïve Bayes Hafizirsyad Irsyad; Akhsani Taqwiym
Buletin Ilmiah Informatika Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2: Januari 2023

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Recognizing plant diseases requires very deep literacy so novice farmers feel reluctant to study agriculture. Agriculture 4.0 has been implemented in several countries, so beginners to farming don't need to worry anymore about agriculture 4.0. The plant disease diagnostic application can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and many reviews and comments from users. With so many reviews from existing comments, it becomes difficult to process them manually, even though there are ratings. In general, ratings are not necessarily in accordance with the contents of user reviews. Therefore, it is necessary to process the results of user reviews and be able to see user tendencies towards the application. The method used is Naïve Bayes. For data labeling, an Indonesian language expert is required who is labeled manually based on Indonesian knowledge and KBBI. Labeling is Positive, Negative and Neutral. The dataset obtained as many as 252 reviews. From the average test, it gets an accuracy value of 79%. Meanwhile, the Precision value is 100% positive sentiment, 76% for neutral sentiment and 77% for negative sentiment. The Recall value for positive sentiment is 37%, neutral sentiment is 100% and for negative sentiment is 100%. And the F1-Score itself has a positive sentiment of 56%, a neutral sentiment of 85% and a negative sentiment of 87%.

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