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Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA)
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Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) is a scientific journal published six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, and November). Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) publishes original research results related to research in the field of natural and social science, covering a wide range of topics written in the field of business, economics, psychology, computer science, operational managemen
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023" : 13 Documents clear
Simulation Method: A Breakthrough to Improve Understanding of Fiqih Materials Pajar Sidik; Nurmia Suhartini; Mita Purnamasari; Imam Tabroni
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.756 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2574


The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the application of simulation methods in Fiqh Learning for students at MAN Purwakarta, which included the application of simulation methods in fiqh learning for students, the process of simulation methods carried out by teachers, effective simulation methods used by teachers, using qualitative methods. In analyzing the data, the researcher used qualitative analysis techniques with the process of reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. From the results of this study: That the application of the simulation method in learning fiqh to students at MAN Purwakarta is very effectively applied, because the application of the simulation method improves students' understanding and learning outcomes in fiqh learning. The simulation method is very effectively applied in fiqh learning, this is reflected in the attitude of students who are very enthusiastic about the application of simulation methods and the application of simulation methods in fiqh learning is more helpful for students in understanding the implementation of worship.
Interest: Factors for Increasing and Decreasing Memorization of The Qur`an Kherul Mu'min; Imam Tabroni
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.833 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2657


The purpose of this study was to find an increase in students' interest in memorizing the Qur`an at SMP IT Amsar. This study used a qualitative approach written descriptively, the methods used for data collection were observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis and interpretation with Tringulation. The results of the research show that there has been an increase in graduates that occurred before, in 2021 there are 25 students memorizing 1 Juz, 3 students 2 Juz and 1 student 5 Juz. In 2022 it will increase to 1 juz with 36 students, 2 juz with 5 students and 5 juz with 5 students. Increased interest in memorizing the Qur`an due to changes in school principals and changes to the tahfidz al-Quran curriculum. The change in the tahfid curriculum which was previously a regular program became a tahkosus program. With the takhosus program, students can focus more on memorizing the Qur`an, so that students become more active in memorizing the Quran.
Analysis of the Need for Medical Records Personnel Based on Workload Using the WISN Method in the Filling Section of Mitra Sejati Hospital in Medan Yeyi Gusla Nengsih
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.53 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2665


Analysis of the medical record workload is very necessary in improving health services in a hospital. This aims to determine which workloads need to be streamlined. In addition, with the analysis or measurement of workloads, scientific evidence-based decision making can be made. Seeing the large role of medical records in health services in hospitals, it is necessary what things are needed to improve the best quality in medical record installations. The purpose of this study was to determine the need for medical record personnel based on the workload in the filling section of Mitra Sejati General Hospital Medan. This type of research is descriptive with a cross sectional approach with a population of 4 medical record officers. The place where the research was conducted was at Mitra Sejati General Hospital Medan because the hospital had problems regarding work requirements in the filling section.
Qirati Method: Unlocking Student Motivation and Controversy of Closing Educational Institutions Imam Tabroni; Muhamad Dika Pransah; Teguh Agus Wahyudi
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.118 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2680


The purpose of this research is to increase children's interest in learning the Qur'an at TPA al-Muhajirin. This type of research is qualitative with a grounded theory design. The resource persons in this study were teachers and students. Data collection techniques were intensive and in-depth information search through interviews, observation, and documentation. Analysis by formulating data variations with triangulation. Data interpretation uses the author's arguments through the literature. The results of the study found that the factors causing a decrease in children's interest in learning the Qur'an at TPQ Rumah Tahfizh al-Muhajirin were declining student health and fatigue, lack of support from parents, unpleasant school programs, influential colleagues, divided by IT development, and incompetent teachers. While there is no solution to the factors causing the decline in children's interest in learning the Qur'an at TPQ, because TPQ has stated that in the coming year TPQ will close from various considerations. The recommendation is to increase teacher competence with the qiroati method so that interest in learning the Qur'an can be developed.
Comparative Analysis of the Financial Performance of Rambusaratu Village Before and During the 2018-2020 Covid-19 Pandemic Muliana; Novia Sandra Dewi
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.129 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2681


The purpose of this study was to determine the financial performance of Rambusaratu Village before and during the 2018-2020 Covid-19 Pandemic using the independence ratio, effectiveness ratio, efficiency ratio, and growth ratio. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive research using secondary data in the form of reports on the realization of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes) for Rambusaratu Village for 2018-2020. The data analysis technique in this study uses the formula for the independence ratio, the effectiveness ratio, the efficiency ratio, and the growth ratio. The results showed that the financial performance of Rambusaratu Village based on the independence ratio was high with an average ratio of 100%, because Rambusaratu Village did not depend on assistance from the provincial and district/city governments. Based on the effectiveness ratio, the financial performance is categorized as effective with an average ratio of 100%, because the realization of the budget is in accordance with the target to be achieved. From the efficiency ratio, it was found that financial performance was less efficient with an average ratio of 100%, this was because the Village had not been able to suppress the amount of the expenditure budget, and the growth ratio showed that finance had increased and decreased every year.
Regional Development Planning Strategy Through the Digital Village Program to Realize the Welfare of Rural Communities Himawan; Anik Vega Vitianingsih
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.63 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2683


The Indonesian government's program through the construction of various infrastructure and facilities in various Indonesian regions has had positive impacts and benefits for the community. One of the development program plans launched by the government is to advance rural areas by using and utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) media. village area. The main focus that will be carried out in this research is to analyze the aspects that need to be improved by local governments in preparation for the transformation and implementation of digital villages. The research method that will be used in this research activity is to use descriptive analysis and combined with literature studies. The results of this research activity are in the form of a design for an internet network topology scheme and also a RAB which will be used as a cost estimate for the village government to prepare facilities and infrastructure for the construction of internet network infrastructure in village areas.
Bullying: Students' Soul Shakes, Destroyed, and Lost Learning Motivation, How to Bring it All Back? Fitriati; Imam Tabroni
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.561 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2756


The aim of the research is to find out the actions, causes, and efforts to overcome bullying at SDN Sarimulya . Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and document studies. The results of the study (1) forms of bullying are categorized into three types of bullying, namely physical, verbal and relational bullying, (2) the causes of bullying are negative influences from the home environment, students feel powerful and feared in class, students feel jealous of other students, and lack of empathy for students with special needs, (3) efforts: the teacher approaches students who are involved in bullying, puts up pictures or posters about prohibitions on acts of bullying, and provides counseling about the dangers of bullying and collaborates with homeroom teachers and parents of students to overcome acts of bullying that are happen.
Divorce: Counseling Guidance for Students Affected in Parents Divorce Susana; Imam Tabroni
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.22 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2757


This study aims to find out the impact of parental divorce on the psychological development of students in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yakpi Kalijati Subang Regency. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results obtained by researchers in the field are that there is an unfavorable impact on the development of students from a cognitive perspective. This side experiences a decrease in the level of critical thinking and analysis. Children tend to surrender and do not want to try analytical thinking processes to ask questions and find certain ideas. Affective. Depressed and emotional attitudes are often shown by students who are affected by divorce, they cannot accept that fact because they still need the love of both. Psychomotor, this aspect is often seen when the learning process takes place, blank stares and silence without language is a fact that psychomotor does not work optimally. For this reason, researchers hold intensive communication with these students with the intention of creating a progressive emotional relationship between educators and students.
Hypothermia Intervention In Newborn With Early Breastfeeding Initiation Alfiyah Dwi Rahmawati; Eny Sendra; Triatmi Andri Yanuarini; Ririn Indriani
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.551 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2786


Hypothermia is a baby’a body temperature below normal. Low temperatures cause metabolic and physiological processes to occur more slowly. The purpose of this study was to determine interventions for newborns, with hypothermia.  Types and methods uses literature review. A search from the Google Scholar dabase for a number of registered journals and having a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). Journals were selected for the last 5 years (2015-2020), with the topic of newborn intervention with hypothermia. The analysis technique stars from the initial research year and gradually extends to the old year. Conclusion : hypothermia intervention in newborna with breastfeeding initiation for 1 hour can increase the newborn’s body temperature by 1-2°C. It si hoped that midwives will be able to provide delivery care for newborns with breastfeeding initiation in the first hour to prevent hypothermia.
Juridical Review of the Settlement of Khalwat Cases by the Adat Courts in Aceh Jalaluddin
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.699 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v2i1.2813


Progressive law enforcement in the settlement of cases in Indonesia can be found in law enforcement in Aceh, namely through the stipulation of the Governor of Aceh Regulation Number 9 of 2008 concerning Fostering Traditional Life and Customs. There are 18 cases/disputes that are the scope of handling, including Khalwat. Various efforts have been made to absorb the law that lives in society, none other than to achieve the goal of law in orderly society. Conceptions of law that conflict with the diversity of society can be seen as a failure to implement effective and efficient law. The competence of a decision-making official is a separate issue to pay attention to. Likewise the mechanism is implemented with good intentions, but whether it will have a good impact cannot be generalized in general. Given the competencies and insights that depart from different understandings, this can have a significant impact on the decisions taken. The role of community leaders as customary judges is a dilemmatic issue in law enforcement related to khalwat. The point of view of khalwat acts that are not only about violating the law, but also about moral violations is an important issue that must be properly processed.

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