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Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society
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Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society (PJRS) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for those involved in the study of various topics in the field of religion and society. This journal is committed to presenting studies with an interdisciplinary approach to topics concerning religion and its relationship to the social field. Although sociology and religion are the main focuses of the journal, interdisciplinary contributions are welcome.
Articles 19 Documents
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.251 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i1.52


This research was conducted to study (1) How is the portrait of the ecological damage caused by the management of a gold mine in Banyuwangi? (2) How is the ecological jihad of the gloved people related to environmentally friendly management of natural resources as strengthening the green constitution in responding to gold mining in Banyuwangi? This study resulted in findings that: First, gold mining in Banyuwangi has caused air and sea/coastal pollution, damaged roads, mud floods, and vulnerability to tsunami-prone areas on the south coast of Banyuwangi. Second, various jihad efforts or actions with religious nuances such as istighasah, praying together, reciting hizb nashar as a form of ecological jihad of people wearing gloves in saving the environment has not succeeded in saving the Mount Tumpang Pitu and Mount Salakan areas from mining exploitation. This condition implies the increasing importance of the green constitutionalization of the structural model by granting the right of nature or treating nature as a legal subject in the norms of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.   Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari (1) Bagaimana potret kerusakan ekologi yang diakibatkan oleh pengelolaan tambang emas di Banyuwangi? (2) Bagaimana jihad ekologis kaum bersarung terkait pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang ramah lingkungan sebagai penguatan green constitution dalam menyikapi penambangan emas di Banyuwangi? Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa: Pertama, Penambangan emas di Banyuwangi telah menyebabkan pencemaran udara dan laut/pantai, kerusakan jalan, banjir lumpur, merentankan kawasan rentan tsunami di pesisir selatan wilayah Banyuwangi. Kedua, berbagai upaya jihad atau aksi bernuansa religius seperti istighasah, doa bersama, membaca hizb nashar sebagai bentuk jihad ekologis kaum bersarung dalam penyelamatan lingkungan belum berhasil menyelamatkan kawasan Gunung Tumpang Pitu dan Gunung Salakan dari eksploitasi tambang. Kondisi ini menyiratkan semakin pentingnya konstitusionalisasi hijau model struktural dengan memberikan hak alam (right of nature) atau memperlakukan alam sebagai subjek hukum dalam norma UUD NRI 1945.
Good Muslims and Good Citizens: How Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat Solves the Problems of Muslim Minorities in the West Adel Ibrahim A. Alturki; Jamal; Ahmad Wasito
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.887 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i1.53


Fiqh al-aqalliyat articulates the importance of providing a normative basis for religious, social, and political activities for Muslim minorities in non-Muslim societies. It aims to help those who seek a healthy middle way between being a good Muslim on the one hand and being a good citizen on the other. The view of Fiqh al-aqalliyat does not only provide a way out for the Muslim minority to carry out religious obligations in unique and special situations. More than that, Fiqh al-aqalliyat also provides a conceptual basis for Muslim minorities to integrate and become part of Western society.
Pengelolaan Keragaman dan Penanganan (In)Toleransi: Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Rumah Ibadah dan Kegiatan Keagamaan di Yogyakarta M. Saifullah Rohman
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.339 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i1.54


Yogyakarta is known as the "city of tolerance" slogan. However, there are still several incidents of intolerance, such as discrimination in the education sector, cases of houses of worship, and policies that are considered to be discriminatory towards minority groups. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Cases of disputes and attacks on places of worship in Yogyakarta are the object of research to see how diversity is managed and tolerance and intolerance are in Yogyakarta. Then, the management of religious space and community social cohesion in Kota Baru, Yogyakarta was seen as a positive model of tolerance. The results of this study show that 1) The quick response of the local government and the community to several incidents of intolerance was carried out so that conflicts would not escalate 2) Strengthening socio-religious relations is a major factor in managing diversity in Yogyakarta. Several religious building sites, such as churches and mosques in the Kota Baru area of Yogyakarta, are also important markers and reminders of the strength of tolerance in Yogyakarta.   Dikenal sebagai kota toleran, Yogyakarta merupakan kota yang ramah terhadap keberagaman dan terbuka bagi seluruh kelompok atau golongan. Meskipun demikian, masih ada beberapa kejadian intoleransi, seperti diskriminasi di ranah pendidikan, kasus rumah ibadah hingga kebijakan yang dianggap cenderung diskriminatif terhadap kelompok minoritas. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah maupun masyarakat untuk menjaga dan mengelola keragaman tersebut dengan mempromosikan toleransi dalam berbagai kegiatan formal maupun informal. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Kasus sengketa dan penyerangan rumah ibadah di Yogyakarta menjadi objek penelitian untuk melihat bagaimana pengelolaan keragaman dan penanganan ataupun pengelolaan toleransi dan intoleransi di Yogyakarta. Kemudian, pengelolaan ruang keagamaan dan kohesi sosial masyarakat di wilayah Kota Baru, Yogyakarta menjadi amatan dalam melihat model positif dari toleransi. Hasil dari studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa 1) Quick respons pemerintah daerah maupun masyarakat terhadap beberapa kejadian intoleransi dilakukan agar konflik tidak tereskalasi 2) Penguatanan relasi sosial-keagamaan menjadi faktor utama dalam pengelolaan keragaman di Yogyakarta. Beberapa situs bangunan keagamaan, seperti gereja dan masjid di wilayah Kota Baru Yogyakarta juga menjadi penanda dan pengingat penting akan kuatnya toleransi di Yogyakarta.
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.50


Bima officially became an Islamic kingdom since 1050 H / 1640 AD, king Rumata Mabata Wadu / La Ka'i changed his name to Abdul Kahir I (would become the first Sultan of Bima). To strengthen the agreement in Oi Ule and broadcasting the development of Islam in Bima, three activities were established, namely (1) the Hanta Ua Pua ceremony to celebrate the Maulud of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, (2) Aru Raja To'i (Eid al-Fitr), and (3) Aru Raja Na'e (Eid al-Adhar). Hanta ua pua is a traditional ceremony that is closely related to the history of converting to Islam in the land of Bima. The hanta ua pua ceremony process is complemented by uma lige, dolu flowers, Wera jara and jara sara'u troops, suba na'e warriors, lenggo dance, kanja and mihu dances, sere dances, and dali. The objectives to be achieved in upcara hanta ua pua, as follows: (1) Commemorating and glorifying the birth day of the Great Prophet Muhammad Saw, (2) Commemorating the entry of Islam and the establishment of the Bima Sultanate, and (3) Honoring the Malay penghulu (Datuk gurunya) and all his family / descendants who contributed to spreading Islam in Bima.   Bima resmi menjadi kerajaan islam sejak tahun 1050 H/ 1640 M, raja Rumata Mabata Wadu/ La Ka’i merubah namanya menjadi Abdul Kahir I (bakal menjadi Sultan Bima pertama). Untuk memperkokoh perjanjian di Oi Ule dan penyiaran pengembangan Islam di Bima ditetapkan tiga kegiatan yaitu (1) upacara Hanta Ua Pua untuk merayakan Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW, (2) Aru Raja To’i (Hari Raya Idul Fitri), dan (3) Aru Raja Na’e (Hari Raya Idul Adhar). Hanta ua pua merupakan upacara adat yang erat kaitannya dengan sejarah masuk agama Islam ditanah Bima. Proses upacara hanta ua pua dilengkapi dengan uma lige, bunga dolu, pasukan jara Wera dan jara sara’u, laskar suba na’e, tari lenggo, tari kanja dan mihu, tari sere, dan dali. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam upcara hanta ua pua, sebagai berikut: (1) Memperingati dan memuliakan hari kelahiran Nabi Besar Muhammad Saw, (2) Memperingati masuknya agama Islam dan berdirinya Kesultanan Bima, dan (3) Menghormati penghulu Melayu (Datuk gurunya) beserta seluruh kaum keluarga/ keturunannya yang berjasa menyebarkan agama Islam di Bima.
Ekologi : Pandangan Iman KristententangPermasalah Alam Yohanis Rantelangan
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.51


The current conservation efforts face serious challenges. Conservation is not universally regarded as a moral endeavor that should be embraced by everyone. It is perceived as if environmental concerns and conservation initiatives solely fall under the responsibility of conservation communities. However, environmental issues and nature preservation are complex matters that necessitate collaboration and involvement from various parties, including individuals, governments, and interfaith communities. Hence, there is a need to foster collective awareness and integrate moral values into conservation endeavors to attract participation from a diverse range of stakeholders. This is where the actualization of Christian conservation values becomes crucial. Essentially, nature preservation is an inherent value within the Christian tradition. From a Christian perspective, humanity is considered stewards and custodians of God's creation. Individuals are entrusted with the responsibility to care for and safeguard the natural environment as an expression of reverence towards the Creator and an active embodiment of faith. Christians are also taught to extend love and compassion to fellow creatures of God, including nature and other living beings. This love encompasses attitudes of attentiveness, respect, and protection towards all of God's creations. Upaya konservasi dunia saat ini menghadapi tantangan dan masalah serius. Konservasi dianggap bukan sebagai upaya moral yang harus dilakukan oleh semua orang. Seolah-oleh masalah lingkungan dan upaya konservasi hanyalah tanggung jawab komunitas konservasi saja.  Padahal masalah lingkungan dan pelestarian alam adalah isu kompleks yang memerlukan kerjasama dan keterlibatan dari berbagai pihak, termasuk individu, pemerintah, dan komunitas lintas Iman. Karena itu perlu upaya untuk memunculkan kesadaran kolektif dan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai moral dalam upaya konservasi untuk menarik keterlibatan lebah banyhak pihak. Disinilah perlu adanya aktualisasi kembali nilai konservasi Kristen. Karena pada dasarnya nilai pelestarian alam adalah nilai yang inhern dalam tradisi Kristen. Dalam pandangan Kristen, manusia dianggap sebagai kustodian atau pemelihara ciptaan Tuhan. Manusia diberi tanggung jawab untuk merawat dan menjaga lingkungan alam sebagai bentuk penghormatan terhadap pencipta dan sebagai ekspresi dari iman yang aktif. Manusia juga diajarkan untuk mencintai sesama makhluk Tuhan, termasuk alam dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Cinta kasih ini mencakup sikap perhatian, menghormati, dan perlindungan terhadap semua ciptaan Tuhan.
Islam di Pesisir Utara Jawa dalam Simbol Sufistik Naskah Sejatiné Manusa: Sebuah Pembacaan Simbol-Simbol Sufistik dan Analisis Sejarah Sosial-Intelektual Bagus Purnomo
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.88


This study explores Islamic identity on the North Coast of Java Island through a socio-intellectual historical approach, with a focus on investigating Sufistic symbols contained in the Sejatiné Manusa (SM) manuscript. The discovery of this manuscript in the village of Drajat, Lamongan, East Java, challenges the common view of Islam in the coastal area. In particular, the conception states that Javanese Islam in general has a syncretic style mixed with Hindu-Buddhist teachings and local religions. Instead, this study reveals a distinctive Islamic identity by adopting local elements that are in line with Islamic teachings and continue to experience dynamic transformation. By emphasizing the objectivity and historical authenticity of the manuscripts, this research provides valuable insights into Islamic heritage in coastal areas. Studi ini menggali identitas Islam di Pesisir Utara Pulau Jawa melalui pendekatan sejarah sosial-intelektual, dengan fokus pada penyelidikan simbol-simbol sufistik yang terdapat dalam naskah Sejatiné Manusa (SM). Penemuan naskah ini di desa Drajat, Lamongan, Jawa Timur, menantang pandangan umum tentang Islam di wilayah pesisir. Khususnya konsepsi yang menyatakan bahwa Islam Jawa pada umumnya bercorak singkretik yang bercampur dengan ajaran Hindu-Budha dan agama lokal. Sebaliknya, studi ini mengungkap identitas Islam yang khas dengan mengadopsi unsur-unsur lokal yang sejalan dengan ajaran Islam dan terus mengalami transformasi dinamis. Dengan menekankan objektivitas dan otentisitas kesejarahan naskah, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang warisan Islam di wilayah pesisir.
Reaktualisasi Ahimsa dalam Perdamaian Agama di India : Kritik atas Otoritarianisme Agama dalam Pemikiran Gandhi Abdul Kodir; Ahmad Qiram As-Suvi; Faizah Ukhti Rianda
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.89


This article aims to describe religious authoritarianism in India towards Muslim groups and the important role of the concept of ahimsa in creating interfaith peace in India. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a literature review. The data sources used include texts, manuscripts, documents, and literature that discuss religious authoritarianism in India and Gandhi's thoughts on the concept of ahimsa. The results of this study indicate that the concept of ahimsa, which is the principle of non-violence espoused by Gandhi, has strong relevance in dealing with religious authoritarianism in India. Ahimsa is a catalyst that promotes religious peace by emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, dialogue, tolerance, and peaceful conflict resolution. It is hoped that the results of this research can become a basis for promoting religious harmony and reducing religious tensions, especially in India.
Zuhd and Minimalism in a Consumerist Society : Exploring Al-Ghazali and Fumio Sasaki's Thoughts Ilham Defriono; Syafiudin Kholiq Zaini; Ahmad Fadlun Nawal; Ahmad Maulidan Hidayat
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.92


Zuhud and minimalism are popular ideas as alternatives to reduce the negative impact of a consumerist lifestyle. Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, a well-known Islamic scholar, and Fumio Sasaki, a practitioner of modern minimalism, are two figures who represent ascetic and minimalist thoughts. This study aims to investigate the importance of zuhud practices and the art of minimalist living in the context of globalization and modernization by examining Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and Fumio Sasaki. the research was conducted using a literature review by analyzing the works of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Fumio Sasaki. Through critical analysis, this study reveals the similarities and differences in their views on the practice of zuhud and the art of minimalist life. The results of the study show that the practice of zuhud and minimalism has significant relevance in globalization and modernization. Both emphasized the importance of reducing material possessions and finding happiness through simplicity. Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali emphasizes aspects of spirituality and relationship with God in the practice of zuhud, while Fumio Sasaki focuses more on freedom, inner peace, and happiness that is found through liberation from the burden of unnecessary things.
Environmental Ethics in the Spiritual Perspective of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam: Aligning Roles and Finding Intersecting Paths Pratama Yudha Pradheksa; Karunia Hazyimara; Didid Haryadi; Abu Samsudin
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v2i2.93


This article aims to examine the views of Hindu and Buddhist spiritualism related to efforts to deal with environmental damage in Indonesia and try to find common ground between Hindu and Buddhist spiritualism regarding environmental preservation with the teachings of Sufism in Islam. The method used in this article is library research with a descriptive-qualitative approach. The research shows that the ecological damage that has occurred in Indonesia is very worrying. This happens because humans have no concern for their environment, they only focus on taking the maximum benefit for profit alone. Religion has authority in environmental preservation by instilling ethics and morals in humans. Spirituality in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam is aimed at getting closer to God. There is a concept for each religion to increase one's spirituality, namely through bhakti marga yoga in Hinduism, hasta ariya magha in Buddhism, and Sufism in Islamic teachings. The concepts shared by each of these religions have in common to shape one's spirituality which can be reflected in a moral person. Immoral cases such as environmental damage are a big thing that can be solved by increasing one's spirituality.

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