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Buletin Peternakan
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Estimasi Parameter Genetik Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa di Kabupaten Tanggamus Propinsi Lampung (Genetic Parameters Estimation on Growth Traits of Boerawa Goat at Tanggamus Regency Lampung Province) Veronika Yuneriati Beyleto; Sumadi (Sumadi); Tety Hartatik
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.82


This research was conducted to estimate heritability, repeatability and genetic correlation values on growth traits of Boerawa goat at Sumber Rejeki farmer group at Campang Village, Gisting District and Karya Makmur I and Karya Makmur II farmer group at Wonoharjo and Sukoharjo Village, Sumber Rejo District, Tanggamus regency, Lampung province. Data consisted of production record and 238 Boerawa goat derived from 93 PE and 7 Boer buck.The research was started on October 30, 2009 up to January 30, 2010. The results indicated that heritability value of birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weigth, average of preweaning daily gain, and average of postweaning weightanalyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.80±0.40; 0.30±0.17; 0.80±0.04; 0.32±0.18 and 0.30±0.17, respectively. The repeatability values of birth weight, weaning weight and yearling weight analyzed based on tworecording per every dam were 0.42±0.07; 0.32±0.08; 0.30±0.08; 0.30±0.08 and 0.53±0.06. The genetic correlation values among birth weight and weaning weight, birth weight and yearling weight, weaning weight and yearling weight,average of preweaning weight and postweaning weight daily gain analyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.50±0.04; 0.44±0.08; 0.21±0.03 and 0.20±0.05, respectively. The result also indicated that the heritability andrepeatability values was high and the genetic correlation values were moderate to high.(Key words: Boerawa goat, Genetic parameter, Growth character)
Kualitas dan Kuantitas Sperma Kambing Bligon Jantan yang Diberi Pakan Rumput Gajah dengan Suplementasi Tepung Darah (Quality and Quantity of Semen of Buck Bligon Fed Elephant Grass Supplemented with Blood Meal). Agustinus Agung Dethan; Kustono (Kustono); Hari Hartadi
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.83


The experiment was conducted to determine the quality and quantity of semen of buck Bligon fed elephant grass supplemented with blood meal. The experiment was carried out in Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Reproduction,Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Nine bucks Bligon age 8 to 12 months were used in the experiment. The experimental animals were devided into three groups of feed treatment, i.e group 1 (R0); elephant grass (60%) + corn meal (15%) + rice bran (15%) + soybean cake (10%), group 2 (R1); elephant grass (60%) + corn meal (15%) + rice bran (15%) + soybean cake (5%) + blood meal (5%), group 3 (R2); elephant grass (60%) + corn meal (15%) + rice bran (15%) + blood meal (10%). The experiment was carried out for 3 months. Semen collection using artificial vagina was done two times a week for four weeks. The variables measured were semen volume, semen pH, sperm motility, sperm consentration, sperm viability, and sperm abnormality. The experiment data were statisticaly analyzed using completely randomized design using statistical analysis and then continued with Duncan test to analyze the differences between means. The results showed that the suplementation of blood meal significantly increased (P≤0.01) semen volume. Semen volume for R0 was 0.42 ml lower than R1 0.82 ml and R2 0.69 ml whereas R1 and R2 differed significantly (P≤0.05). The treatments have significant effect (P≤0.01) on sperm motility. The highest spermmotility value was at treatment R1 which was 84.17% followed by R2 81.67% and the lowest was R0 65.00%. The effect of treatment on sperm concentration also significant (P≤0.01). Sperm concentration of R1 was 5,537.67 million cell/mlsemen and R2 was 4,415.33 million cell/ml semen which were higher than R0 (3,081.00 million cell/ml semen). Viability was significantly affected (P≤0.01) by the treatments. Viability value at treatment R0 was 69.88% and for treatment R1 and R2 were 91.25% and 87.63% respectively, the values differed significantly (P≤0.05). The effect of treatment on pH semen and sperm abnormality was not significant. Feed containing blood meal, corn meal, rice bran, and soybeancould increase the quality and quantity buck Bligon semen. The improvement of local goat livestock productivity could be done by giving blood meal as an alternative of protein source for feed supplement, particularly at areas having lowquality feed.(Key words : Goat, Semen quality, Blood meal)
Optimalisasi Pengikatan Tanin Daun Nangka dengan Protein Bovine Serum Albumin (Optimalisation Binding of Jackfruit Leaves Tannin with Bovine Serum Albumin Protein) Wahidin Teguh Sasongko; Lies Mira Yusiati; Zaenal Bachruddin; Mugiono (Mugiono)
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.84


Tannins are high molecular weight polyphenol compounds with ability to bind proteins. Based on the structure,albumin are simple globular molecule protein. Optimalisation binding of jackfruit leave tannins to bovine serum (BSA)albumin was done in two stages. The first stage was to determine levels of tannins and condensed tannins in jackfruit leaves grown in mediterranean soil types. Second research was optimalisation binding of jackfruit leaf tannins withbovine serum albumin. In the second stage there was the determination of protein-percipitable phenolics compound and protein content using Lowry method. The data showed total phenol content was 10.63%, total tannin was 7.08%, andcondensed tannins 5.57%. The optimum capacity phenolic compound to bind protein of bovine serum albumin was 5.71+0.18 mg BSA/100 mg dry matter of jackfruit leaf, while 1 g tannin could bind 23.149 g BSA or 1 g condensedtannin could bind 28.885 g BSA.(Key words: Tannin, Total phenol, Total tannin, Condensed tannin, Bovine serum albumin)
Pengaruh Penambahan Ampas Virgin Coconut Oil dalam Ransum terhadap Performan dan Produksi Karkas Ayam Broiler (The Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Waste in the Diet of Broiler Chicken on the Performance and Carcass Production) Dina Oktaviana; Zuprizal (Zuprizal); Edi Suryanto
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.85


The experiment was conducted to examine the effect of addition of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) waste on the performance and production of broiler carcass. One hundred and twenty five broiler were divided into 5 treatment groups which were R-O (basal diet), R-0.5 containing (0.5% VCO waste), R-1.0 (1.0% VCO waste), R-1.5 (1.5% VCO waste) and R-2.0 (2.0% VCO waste). Each treatments had 5 replications of 5 birds each. The birds were raised for 5 weeks. At the end of experiment, data of production performance such as weight gain, total intake, and feed conversion were taken. The data were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one way analysis. The difference among treatments were tested using Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The statistical analysis result showed that the addition of VCO waste at level up to 2.0 % did not affect the production performance, carcass weight and carcass percentage. The addition of VCO waste up to level 2.0% increased body weight (P<0.05) and affected the weight and percentage of abdominal fat (P<0.05)(Key words: Broiler chicken, VCO waste, Performance, and Carcass production)
Monitoring Salmonella sp dan Escherichia coli dalam Bahan Pakan Ternak (Salmonella sp and Escherichia coli Monitoring in the Animal Feed Ingredients) Widodo Suwito
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.86


Quality of livestock feed affects production and animal health. Fish and bone meal is animal feed ingredients that need to be monitored because highly contaminated with of Salmonella sp and E. coli. Salmonella sp and E. coli arepathogen causing diarrhea in cattle and humans. The aim of this study was to investigate both E. coli and Salmonella contamination animal feed ingredients. A total of 38 animal feed ingredients samples from a poultry farm in Sukabumiconsisting of 15 samples fish meal, bone meal 13 samples and corn 10 samples. These samples were analyzed for Salmonella sp and E. coli by isolation and identification using biochemical analysis. Salmonella Weltevreden wasisolated from fish meal at rates of 6% from the 15 samples. E. coli was isolated at rates of 6% from the 15 fish meal samples and 7% from 13 bone meal samples, while corn samples were free from Salmonella sp and E. coli. This studyshowed that bone meal and fish meal was contaminated slightly by Salmonella Weltevreden and E. coli.(Key words: Feed, Livestock, Salmonella sp, E. coli)
Estimasi Dinamika Populasi dan Produktivitas Sapi Bali di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, Propinsi Papua (Estimation of the Dynamics of Population and Productivity of Bali Cattle in Kepulauan Yapen Regency, Papua Province) Karel Yohanis Samberi; Nono Ngadiyono; Sumadi (Sumadi)
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.87


The objective of this research was to investigate the dynamics of population, productivity, and output of Bali cattle in region of Kepulauan Yapen Regency, Papua Province. The research was carried out for 3 months, started inJuly until September 2009. The materials included 103 farmers as the respondent and 211 heads of Bali cattle. The result showed that reproductive efficiency (RE) was 88.38%, natural increase (NI) 18.18% and net replacement ratevalue (NRR) of Bali cattle male and female were 234.28% and 189.59% each. The potency and compotition of Bali cattle being exported every year without disturbing the existing population was about 13.11% equal to 354 cattle,consist of the remains of replacement stock (male cattle) about 4.27% equal to 115 cattle, culled not productive cattle of 3.18% male equal to 86 cattle and 5.67% for female equal to 153 cattle. Dynamic population of Bali cattle from 2004 until 2008 increased 6.6% per year in average and in 2013 population is estimated to be 3,028 cattle with the potency of about 2,153 cattle.(Keywords: Male Bali cattle, Population dynamics, Productivity)
Evaluasi Karakteristik Fisik, Komposisi Kimia dan Kualitas Mikrobia Karkas Broiler Beku yang Beredar di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara (Evaluation of Physical Characteristics, Chemical Composition and Microbial Quality of Frozen Dellen Naomi Matulessy; Edi Suryanto; Rusman (Rusman)
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.88


The experiment was conducted to evaluate the quality of frozen broiler carcass sold in traditional markets of North Halmahera. Samples were taken from three traditional markets that selling frozen broilers and five sellers for each market were chosen. Three carcasses were taken from each trader replications. Macroscopic observation was done by seven panelists to asses 14 carcasses from each seller. Parameters observed were macroscopic characteristis of carcasses i.e. conformation, fleshing, fat cover, wholeness, discoloration, defeathering, color, and aroma of carcass. Physical characteristis determined were pH, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, and tenderness. Chemical composition included water, fat, and protein contents, and microbial quality consisted of total microbial, Coliform and Escherichia coli bacteria. Macroscopic characteristic data were assessed using descriptive analysis based on National Standard, whereas physical quality, chemical and microbial quality data were analyzed using analysis of variancecompletely randomized design. The differences between means, were tested using Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the average macroscopic properties of conformation, fleshing, fat covering, wholeness,discoloration, defeathering and the colour of frozen broiler carcasses with score I, were 40.41, 38.16, 50.41, 49.80, 49.59, and 50.82% respectively. Quality factor of the aroma/odor of a carcass with score II was 63.47%. The data ofphysical quality of broiler meat were as follow: pH 6.16, cooking loss 21.72%, water-holding capacity 23.01%, and tenderness 2.81 kg/cm2. The chemical composition of broiler meat were moisture 71.93%, lipid 2.50% and protein20.11%. Data of microbial quality of broiler carcass were total plate count 7.1x105 cfu/g, and E.coli 0.8x101 cfu/g, there was not any significant differences between the seller, however there was significant differences among the selleron the number of coliform (P<0.05). The conclusions of the experiment were that broiler carcasses sold in the traditional market in North Halmahera in respect of their physical characteristics and their chemical composition have not altered, whereas the microbial quality such as total plate count and E.coli number was still below threshold. Furthermore, coliform population was also below the maximum number allowed.(Key words: Traditional market, Broilers frozen, Physical characteristics, Chemical composition, Microbial quality)
Kualitas Keju yang Dihasilkan dari Susu Kambing Ras Kaligesing pada Bulan Laktasi yang Berbeda (Cheese Quality Made From Milk of Ettawa Crossbred Goat, Based on Different Lactation Stages) Rizky Yudatama; Tridjoko Wisnu Murti; Yustina Yuni Suranindyah
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.89


The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of lactation stages on the quality and flavor of 2 months ripened cheese. The experiment was conducted from December 2009 until April 2010. Five goats were used as samples. Milk were collected at 7 days and 30 days post kidding. Cheeses were coagulated using rennet which produced by extracting dried abomasum of 10 days old goat kid. Fresh cheeses were analyzed for its quality and kept for 2 months. After 2 month, ripened cheeses were analyzed for its quality and flavor. Parameters observed were cheese’s physical quality (cheese yield and tenderness), chemical quality (pH, protein, fat, moisture, ash, calcium) and flavor (for ripened cheeses). Cheese yield, tenderness, pH, protein, fat, moisture, ash, and calcium composition were analyzed using Repeated Measurement of General Linear Model and flavor quality was analyzed using Mann-Whitney Test. The result showed that lactation stages (7 and 30 days post kidding) did not significantly affect cheese yield, pH, protein, fat, and calcium but it had an effect on tenderness, moisture, and ash. Ripening significantly affected flavor such as salty, sour, bitter, and rancidity but not the sweet taste. Ripening was also affected pH and fat composition but moisture, ash, protein, calcium, and tenderness were not affected. It can be concluded that 2 stages of lactation did not significantly affect overall cheese quality, but it was suggested to choose milk from days 30 after partum as cheese raw material since cheeses from days 7 milk have a flavor defect (bitter) and this kind of milk is still needed by the kids ofthe goat.(Key words: Kaligesing race goat’s milk, Cheese quality, Cheese ripening, Cheese flavor, Stage of lactation)
Curahan Tenaga Kerja Keluarga Transmigran dan Lokal pada Pemeliharaan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara (Family Labor Allocation of the Transmigrant and Local Farmers for Cattle Raising in Konawe Selatan Regency, Sulawesi Tenggara La Ode Arsad Sani; Krishna Agung Santosa; Nono Ngadiyono
Buletin Peternakan Vol 34, No 3 (2010): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 34 (3) Oktober 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v34i3.90


Development of cattle raising, especially in the location of transmigration project has been lack of informationon the profile of labor allocation. Thirty transmigrated and 30 local farmers raised ≥3 years old cattle, had experience at least three years which lived in the stratified 10 districts were drawn simple randomly as respondents. The average of man day for family labor allocations of the transmigrated and local farmers was 262.91 and 188.49, respectively. The time allocations for cattle raising of transmigrated and local farmers were attending the cattle 0.315 man-days (43.67%) and 0.344 man-days (66.46%), respectively, followed by forage cut and carry activity 0.264 man-days (36.59%) and 0.090 man-days (17.35%), and other activities 0.142 man-days (19.74%) and 0.084 man-days (16.19%). The average of time allocation for non cattle raising activity of transmigrated farmer (0.73 man-days) was higher (P<0.01) than that of local farmer (0.65 man-days). 1.446 man-days (48.85%) of transmigrated farmer family labor time and 1.169 man-days (37.35%) of local farmers’ family labor time were allocated.(Key words: Cattle farming, Family labor, Transmigrated farmer, Local farmer)

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