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Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
ISSN : 29864682     EISSN : -     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Sociologia journal invites scientists, researchers, and students to contribute their research related to the sociology of religion, such as religious society, multicultural society, social change in religious communities, and social relations between religions, both textual research and field research with a social perspective, especially within the framework of the theory of sociology of religion. This Journal is Published Two Times a year in Mei  and November.  e ISSN 2986-4682   
Articles 14 Documents
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (752.616 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i2.3223


Issue religious intolerance is one of the challenges in the life of Indonesian society today which is based on diversity both in terms of religion, race, culture, language. Of course there are differences in perspectives. Moreover, as a student who is equipped with knowledge, of course, he has critical power to convey a perception or view to others. Students are expected to be a strategic tool to internalize the values ​​of religious moderation in building tolerance. This study discusses the understanding of religious moderation and students' attitudes towards intolerance. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, namely research that describes the results of interviews in the field. Researchers took data with the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory used is the theory of religious pluralism in which the understanding being taught that all religions have relative truth. Meanwhile, multiculturalism theory provides an understanding of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. The results of this study indicate that students of the sociology of religion have understood religious moderation within the scope of the campus and within the community. They generally reject all forms of social intolerance that harm individuals or groups in the name of religion. This research can serve as a comparison to the phenomena and issues of intolerance in Islamic religious universities today.
Social Conflict and Covid-19 (Case Study of Religious Activities in Parepare) Muhammad Fajar; A. Nurul Mutmainnah; Abd Rasyid
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (773.086 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3225


The life of the religious community cannot be separated from religious activities in this case the Covid-19 pandemic in religious activities did not escape social changes in religious communities, especially in the City of Parepare. Thus, in this study trying to analyze the conflicts and power relations that occur in the community with various religious activities from various existing religions. This research is a qualitative method with a data approach in the form of narratives, stories, expressions from informants. Meanwhile, the type of research used is a case study. Informants in the research based on the needs in this study include religious leaders, government officials, the community and discourses that narrate about conflicts and power relations.Research shows that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideal of worshiping in congregation has changed drastically. Routine worship is no longer carried out in mosques, churches, or monasteries but is carried out in their respective homes. The people involved are also very limited, in this case it only involves family members who are at home. Based on knowledge and power, it is also closely related to the power relations between the government, religious leaders, and the community. The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic requires an open and “flexible” attitude for religious people to combine two different interests. When religious teachings command to worship communally in the face of various government regulations, many things should be compromised.
The Tradition of Female Circumcision in Sociology of Religion Review Wahyuni; Abd Halim K; Mahyuddin
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (756.257 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3336


This study focuses on the female circumcision tradition in a sociological review of religion. The purpose of this study was to determine the procession and meaning contained in the female circumcision tradition in the Bittoeng sub-district, Duampanua Pinrang sub-district. This research is a type of qualitative research. The subjects in this study were the people of Bittoeng Village, Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Equipped with data analysis techniques using data reduction, and data presentation. The results show that the implementation of the circumcision tradition for girls aged 4-7 years, is carried out in the morning, which is circumcised by a traditional birth attendant by using certain materials that have the same symbols and meanings. believed by the people of Bittoeng village. The meaning contained is carried out on the basis of culture and religion, and social and parental expectations of children who have been circumcised to Allah SWT. in achieving a good in the future. The Tradition of Girls' Circumcision in Sociology of Religion, all communities in the Bittoeng village, both natives and transferees, are obliged and must carry out the tradition of female circumcision in addition to being believed to be a religious order and local tradition as well as forming a shared identity and acceptance of religious communities in their environment.
Culture "Massorong" in Sociology Religion Perspective Mirawati; Wahyuddin Bakri; Abd Wahidin
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (811.515 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3348


In people's lives, of course, there are beliefs such as religion and culture, which can lead to the perspective that many cultures are not in line with religion. This fact is reflected in the Pekkabata people who are Muslim but still uphold the massorong culture. The purpose of this study is to 1) describe the form of the massorong cultural process in the Pekkabata Village community, Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency and 2) to describe the views of the Muslim community in responding to massorong culture. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses observation, interview and documentation data collection techniques The researchers obtained from primary data sources derived from observations at the location and secondary data sources derived from documentation and from several references, with reference to the theory used by researchers so as to be able to explain phenomena at the research location. The results showed, 1) The value of massorong culture in The Pekkabata community is a social fact that is related to the sociology of religion such as the process of preparing for the implementation requires cooperation and mutual cooperation, each of these processes shows the meaning of Sociology of Religion, namely the existence of social actions for the sake of the interests of the community. 2) It has a big impact for the community to do because with this culture, mutual cooperation and mutual help are so strong in society, so that a harmonious and peaceful life can be established with the establishment of good friendship. This massorong culture is actually a much stronger guideline, binding even to the point of being solid (solidarity) towards the formation of individual personalities and social groups. Like this massorong culture, it can be passed down from generation to generation and form a solid person in social life.
The Role of Religious Leaders in Instilling Islamic Moderation During the Covid-19 Pandemic Megawati; Muhiddin Bakri; Iskandar
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (867.468 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3352


Islamic moderation must be understood as a balance related to respect for people who have different understandings, harmony and tolerance are created because of a sense of moderation. One of the creations or realization of peace is because it is able to maintain balance and tolerance. in minimizing the problems of Islamic moderation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. Information consists of several religious leaders in Watang Pulu Village, Pinrang Regency. The results of the study indicate that religious leaders are figures who can be imitated and guide the community. In this case, the role played by religious leaders in instilling Islamic moderation in Watang Bulu Village is by instilling a positive attitude towards the community regarding differences and views or opinions of the community regarding differences or opinions. the community about how to worship in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. From the results of the study that the strategy carried out by religious leaders in minimizing the problems of Islamic moderation in Watang Pulu Village was to open the role of dialogue, socialization, routine studies and social activities, religion, of course, while still paying attention to health protocols in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic.
The Symbolic Meaning of “Maccera Ase” Tradition St Rahma Syam Ali; Selvy Anggriani Syarif; Muhammad Ismail
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.651 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3353


The maccera ase cultural procession has many symbolic meanings. One procession that has been carried out for generations in maccera ase is putting chicken blood in the ball position (the center pole of the house). This study aims to describe the procession and symbolic meaning of the Maccera Ase culture in Sipatuo Village, Patampanua District, Pinrang Regency. conclusion. The results of the study found that the Maccera Ase cultural procession in Sipatuo Village, Patampanua District, Pinrang Regency was carried out after carrying out the rice harvest at the farmer's house as a form of gratitude for the harvest given by Allah SWT. The stages of the Maccera Ase procession go through the stages of planning the time and location of the event, the preparation of goods and materials to be used and the Mabbaca Doang process. The symbolic meaning contained in the Maccera Ase culture is the slaughter of chickens which is meaningful as a form of sacrifice, devotion and protection. the meaning of chicken/manu blood as a hope of family safety and a symbol of the implementation of Maccera Ase in the house. The meaning of serving chicken dishes as a dish with the hope of being given a long life, sokko as a form of request for safety and protection of farmers' crops, young coconuts as a form of fortune that is expected to flow as clear as coconut water, and the meaning of bananas as a form of gratitude and as a form of prayer for good fortune.
Community Perception Of Gender Equality In The Family Muhammad Taufik; Suhartina Suhartina; Hasnani Hasnani
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1054.564 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i1.3396


The community has an identity that interacts with each other and has each individual, in the community there is a small group called a family consisting of husband, wife and children, they work together to create a sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah family, but in the village of Mattiro Ade the system in the family still believes that the husband is responsible for working to earn a living and the wife is responsible for taking care of the domestic work. The purpose of this study was to find out gender in the family and describe the form of gender in the family in Mattiro Ade Village. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that, the community's perception of gender in the family in Mattiro Ade Village, the gender system is very good to run in the family because it teaches us to work together and answer questions about the gender of the people of Mattiro Ade Village in their daily life the concept of gender because there are no limits in carrying out their roles. domestic or public, gender is mutual understanding, mutual responsibility, sharing with love, for the sake of household sustainability, while gender harmony in the family is the division of roles is a concept that is carried out because they have each public affairs such as earning a living to meet the needs of the family and the wife is responsible for working on domestic affairs, such as taking care of housework, cooking, cooking and caring for children, but there is no limit for husband and wife if they want to play a role in both roles.
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.402 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i2.3495


The scope of major issues regarding the harmony of religious life, namely the implementation of laws and regulations, especially Law No. 32 of 2004 concerning government difficulties in its implementation, the development of the religious sector including the five government affairs which are still in the hands of the government, this research tries to find out the practice of authority carried out by religious institutions, especially Islamic teachings as the majority religion in Indonesia, are seen as a sociological phenomenon. This research uses the method of a literature study, collecting library data and references starting from the internet, reading, taking notes, processing research. The collected data are scientific publications filtered by references to books, journal articles. identifying the results of the research referring to the problem "The Practice of MUI Authorities in Maintaining Religious Harmony in Indonesia", the writer observes studying phenomena that occur in society and then analyzes the phenomena from previous research. Issues of authority, especially religious authority, often become an arena of contestation by various groups. religious. By holding on to authority, it is not uncommon for authoritarian actions to be exhibited by judging other groups who are considered to have deviated from the established understanding of religion. It's not just a matter of judgment of "heretical sects", automatically it is also often used to control adherents of other religions. The existence of various fatwa institutions is actually proof of the pluralism of understanding and interpretation of Islam in Indonesia. Among the fatwa institutions, their opinions cannot be mutually denied or eliminated. The diversity of opinions of fatwa institutions is nothing more than a diversity of legal opinions that give space to the public to choose.
Diskriminasi Keagamaan dan Kebudayaan Terhadap Masyarakat Digital Windar; Abd Wahidin; Abd Rasyid
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (984.321 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i2.3566


Discrimination is a behavior that is very unifair and unequal to what is done in distinguishing individuals or groups, based on something, usually categorical or specific, such as race, ethnicity, social classes and even religion. As time goes by, developments in various parts of the world are increasingly sophisticated, especially ini Indonesia itself, various advences have now increased. Developments in the digital are are one of the advancements that have developed rapidly in Indonesia. In today’s development, it has now spread to social media. In Indonesia itself, many and even millions of people use social media as a place to spread information. It can even be used to get new information from various sources that have been shared by the public. In Indonesia itself there is a variety of diversity so that Indonesia is dubbed as a multicultural country, the diversity referrd to is the devesity of ethnicities, races, customs, culture and religion. The existence of these differences will not lead to conflict and even discrimination against certain groups, it is the existence of these differences that triggers discrimination because everyone has different understanding of something so that it becomes big. This is because until now there is still a lot of violence and discrimination against certain groups in society, this is what will lead to social conflicts that will be even more acute in the multidimensional crisis that is happening in Indonesia. Especially in a digital society where they use digital media tools to find information. and even use digital media as a tool to discriminate against these community groups
Analisis Etika Dalam Interaksi Sosial Mahasiswa Nur Intan Nirwangi; A Nurul Mutmainnah
SOSIOLOGIA : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Sosiologia : Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.758 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/sosiologia.v1i2.3653


This study will explain the analysis of student social interaction by providing several questions including asking about senior level interactions between junior levels. The method in our research used a qualitative approach, in this case in-depth interviews. The purpose of this in-depth discussion is for us to take an approach so that we can find out how the seniors think about their juniors and vice versa. In a senior and junior socialization cycle, we are familiar with it because basically there are senior and junior cycles that can be said to be beneficial and detrimental, besides that in the senior-junior cycle, juniors will definitely provide learning from their seniors which will add insight to the seniors and juniors. his junior. Being a senior is basically not easy because one of the roles as a senior is to be an example for juniors and mentors in things that are not yet known by their juniors. Besides that, not only knowledge but in speech and ethics are important things that need to be shot because when juniors don't have ethics and say the wrong words, juniors will follow and apply.

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