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Jaka Ghianovan
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AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
ISSN : 27750175     EISSN : 27753239     DOI : 10.51875/attaisir.v3i2.134
AT TAISIR Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies includes the study of Quranic interpretations from around the world, especially in textual and contextual studies. This study aims to gain some new knowledge in the interpretation of the Koran in Islam or gain development benefits such as the topics below sanad qiraat, study of rasm manuscripts, study of lughoh understanding in al quran, school of thought in interpretation, study of the science of bayan al quran, study of maani science in al quran, al quran and science, al quran and digital space, al quran science and technology, al quran and pop culture, al quran and politics, al quran and social movements, al quran and extremism, al quran and terrorism, al quran and the environment, al quran and peace building, al quran studies and hermeneutics, living al quran, al quran and social community.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 36 Documents
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.684 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v1i1.76


This paper discusses the issue of leadership in QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 30-34. The data in this paper will be analyzed through Charles Sanders Pierce's Semiotics approach. This article describes several factors that are often used as benchmarks for becoming a leader, namely spiritual piety, lineage and knowledge capacity. According to the Alquran, leadership is not about how pious or descended from blue blood or aristocracy, but rather who has the capacity (knowledge) to become a leader regardless of the origin of their descendants
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.106 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v1i1.77


This study aims to analyze the epistemology of "Al-Quran and the Banyumasan Javanese Translation" (hereinafter abbreviated as QTJB) compiled by 10 translators with different scientific backgrounds. This research is qualitative research which aims to: 1) determine the background of the compilation of "Al-Quran and the Javanese Banyumasan Translation" and a description of the social space when the translation is compiled; 2) knowing the source and method of translation; and 3) knowing the contribution of the translation of the Al-Quran in the Javanese Banyumas language in preserving local languages, especially the Javanese Banyumas language. This study found that the QTJB manuscript uses the ḥarfiyyah translation method as well as the ṭafsīriyyah method armed with the Koran and its translation (QTK) published by the Ministry of Religion as the main reference and several classical commentaries and the Banyumas-Indonesian dialect dictionary. The results of translating the Koran into the Javanese Banyumasan language in the form of the QTJB manuscripts did not add new vocabulary to the Banyumas Javanese vocabulary, but QTJB took another form in the preservation of the Banyumas Javanese language by reintroducing vocabulary. forgotten words and almost wiped out from the vocabulary of today's society.
KONSEP KEBAHAGIAAN PERSPEKTIF PSIKOLOGI DAN AL-QUR’AN Anisatul Fikriyah Aprilianti Anisatul Fikriyah Aprilianti
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.015 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v1i1.78


The concept of happiness described in this paper is based on two perspectives, namely psychology and the al-Qur'an, then a correlation between the two results in a comprehensive understanding which is continuous. So that the concept of happiness in the Koran does not contradict, it even becomes the basis for the development of the concept of happiness in sustainable psychological theories. So that the concept of happiness in the Koran is not contradictory and even becomes the basis for the development of the concept of happiness in psychological theories. This is in line with the character so that people can achieve al-fala>h} (happiness) according to the Koran, including people who amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, do good to fellow humans and are generous to anyone who need. So that in the al-Qur'an it is explained that one of the characters so that people can achieve al-fala>h} is people who jihad (mean it) and work hard as an effort to achieve that happiness.
PANDANGAN AL-QUR’AN MENGENAI BANK ASI Shofiatul Jannah Shofiatul Jannah
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.883 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v1i1.79


This research aims to determine the views of the Qur'an regarding the legal status of ASI banks. Therefore, this study is expected to provide answers to the controversy that occurred. This research method is a library research method, namely a method of reviewing written data both books, literature and notes and reports that have a correlation with the discussion. This research uses descriptive-analytic method, namely using existing sources, then describing it, then analyzing how "the view of the Qur'an about ASI banks". In addition, this research also uses a thematic method by determining the theme and collecting verses about breastfeeding and ordering them according to the order of asbāb al-Nuzūl. The results of this study conclude that the ASI bank law is the same as raḍā'ah, that is, it causes the mahram law, so the ASI Bank is prohibited on the grounds that the ASI bank will confuse the nasab. This is based on the word of Allah SWT surah al-Nisa 'verse 23 "and your mothers who breastfeed you". The word "breastfeed" in the verse uses the verb and the verb is absolute so that it indicates the mother's status can be determined by one feeding. Therefore, the impact of breastfeeding is that it is like a nasal relationship, so it is forbidden to marry a breastfeeding mother and all her relatives who have a nasal relationship with those who are breastfeeding, either directly or indirectly.
MEMILIH PEMIMPIN NON MUSLIM DALAM AL-QUR`AN Jaka Ghianovan Jaka Ghianovan; Khoirun Nidhom; Ahmad Jamil; Mahfuzo Abadi Siregar
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.132 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v1i1.80


Regions and countries with Muslim majority populations have not fully accepted leaders who are not from within their circles. This case has occurred in several countries, one of which is Indonesia, such as the appointment of the Lenteng Agung village chief, Susan Jasmine Zulkifli, who is a Christian. In addition, there was also the appointment of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as the Governor of DKI Jakarta who had a Christian and Chinese background. The above case makes the need for research from the point of view of al-Qur`an through Hamka's Tafsir al-Azhar and M. Quraish Shihab's Tafsir al-Mishbah by proposing formulas, namely: 1) How to interpret the verses choosing a non-Muslim leader in the Koran according to Hamka and Muhammad Quraish Shihab? 2) How are the similarities and differences between Hamka's interpretation and Muhammad Quraish Shihab regarding the verses of the Koran about choosing a non-Muslim leader in the Qur'an? This research is a library research (Library Research) with the thematic method or Mawd {u> 'i> as well as a comparison of the two interpretations. The conclusion of this research is that Hamka refuses to make non-Muslims as leaders, while M. Quraish Shihab does not directly prohibit choosing non-Muslims as leaders. The common ground between Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab is that they both prohibit choosing non-Muslim leaders. The difference is that Hamka understands based on the birth of the text, while M. Quraish Shihab is based on context.
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.919 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v2i1.81


In practice reading the Qur'an there are many methods or procedures for being able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. One of the many methods of reading the Qur'an is the Qirati method. The QABIATI method is the method of teaching and learning in the Qur'an in a tartil, taught and reading without spelling. In this paper the data obtained descriptively compiled with qualitative research methods. Referring to the meaning of tartil in the letter Al-Muzammil verse four in this paper explained that the Qirati method implements the interpretation of the letter Al-Muzammil verse four. Because the method that focuses on the rules of Tajwid also with the advantages of teachers who cannot carelessly make the quality of the good and true Qur'an reading
KONSEPSI SUJUD DALAM AL-QUR’AN: Analisis Komparatif Surah al-Baqarah: 34 dan al-Kahfi: 50 Perspektif Sayyid Quthb dan Imam al-Qurthubi Ida Kurnia Shofa
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.395 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v2i1.82


This paper discusses the meaning of prostration in surah al-Baqarah: 34 and al-Kahf: 50 by Sayyid Quthb and Imam al-Qurtubi perspective. This study was conducted to analyze the meaning of prostration performed by angels to Adam. The substance of the prostration of angels to Adam gives rise to multiple interpretations, whether the prostration is meant the same as the prostration of a servant. Through a comparative analysis approach, the results of this study is Sayyid Quthb and Imam Al-Qurtubi understand the meaning of prostration in Surah Al-Baqarah: 34 and Surah Al-Kahf: 50 is to respect to the leader or as an exaltation. This is different from prostration in prayer performed by the servants of Allah to worship Him or called prostration of worship. Allah chose Adam as the leader and ordered the angels and devils to prostrate to him because Allah gave Adam more abilities that Allah did not give to other creatures
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.327 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v2i1.83


The discussion of the concept of infaq and its derivatives, namely zakat and shadaqoh, is a very important issue. Many people assume that people who invest their wealth will decrease or even run out. In fact, if the utilization and utilization of infaq and its derivatives are optimized, it will boost the economy of the people and be able to alleviate poverty in Muslims in particular. So from that this literacy tries to provide an understanding of the contextualization of the infaq verses in the interpretation of Al-Munir by Prof. Dr. Wahbah Zuhaily. This research uses literature methods and literacy studies from classical and contemporary scholars who are experts in their fields. The results of this study answered with certainty the nature of infaq, zakat and shadaqah along with the secrets and great wisdoms in them according to the instructions of the Al-Qur'an, especially those described by Prof. Dr. Wahbah Zuhaily in Tafsir Al-Munir
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.718 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v2i1.84


Consuming halal products for Muslims is a condition for accepting acts of worship. In fact, it plays a role in shaping a person's behavior and personality, and has a major influence on the process of knowledge transfer. Ironically, the low of halal awareness makes people tend to ignore what they consume, so that blessings in life are lost. This study aims to explore the concept of blessing in halal food consumption activities using the perspective of the Qur'an and Sunna. This research is a literature study using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Explicitly, the Qur'an mentions God's commandment for humans to eat halal and tayyib food. This shows the relationship between the Qur'an and science, namely how nutritious and good food is to be consumed. On the other hand, Islam teaches the concept of blessing in consuming food so that it brings goodness to human life. The concept of blessing is widely discussed in the Qur'an and Sunna. This blessing is an important point in building an Islamic civilization
AT-TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): AT–TAISIR: Journal of Indonesian Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.142 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/attaisir.v2i1.85


Christians and Jews are likely similar in responding to Islam and its development. It can be seen from their unwillingness in accepting the truth of Islam which is completed by the prophet Muhammad. Their rejection do not specifically represent Christians and Jews as a whole because there are some Christians that have a good relationship with moslems. Using library research technique, main sources come from commentary and history books. The result of this research indicates that King Najasyi along with its Christian society have a close relationship with moslems. When moslems are intimidated and oppressed by infidels of Mecca, King Najasyi gladly accepts their coming and treats them well in Habasyah.

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