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Fusion : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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Journal Fusion is an institution engaged in education, research and community service. Fusion Journal also publishes community service research articles that have been researched or directly involved in the field. This journal is published twice a year, in September and Maret every year.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 10 Documents
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Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Google Form Untuk Pendataan Absensi Siswa Di MTS An-Nikmah Desa Ofa Padang Mahondang Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat Asahan Wulan Sari
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu para Guru dalam mendata siswa di kelas selama pandemi serta meningkatkan keterampilan para Guru di MTs An-Nikmah Desa Ofa Padang Mahondang dalam menggunakan Google Apps For Education (GAFE), yaitu Google Form sebagai salah satu aplikasi dari google yang bisa digunakan untuk pendataan absensi siswa secara online maupun offline. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan di MTs An-Nikmah Desa Ofa dengan melibatkan Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan di madrasah tersebut. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini, selain tutorial, praktikum, diskusi serta pre-test dan post-test, kegiatan pengabdian ini juga melaksanakan pendampingan kepada para Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan yang menjadi peserta pelatihan agar penerapan aplikasi google form dalam pendataan absensi siswa dan pembuatan absensi online bisa berhasil sesuai harapan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan; (1) Hasil Post Test yang dilakukan, dimana nilai akhir seluruh peserta menunjukkan peningkatan dari nilai Pre Test yang dilakukan sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan. (2) Kemampuan peserta yang cukup baik dalam pembuatan absensi siswa secara online berbasis aplikasi google form, dimana para peserta telah memahami dan mampu mempraktekkan secara lengkap semua materi pelatihanyang diberikan; (3) Tingkat kepuasan peserta yang cukup baik terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil survey kepuasan peserta pelatihan yang mayoritas menunjukkan penilaian yang baik pada aspek materi pelatihan, narsumber pelatihan, dan fasilitas bagi peserta pelatihan; (4) Kemampuan peserta yang cukup baik dalam mengimplementasikan pemanfaatan google form untuk pendataan absensi siswa di MTs An-Nikmah Desa Ofa Padang Mahondang. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil pendampingan dan monev yang dilaksanakanoleh Tim Pelaksana PkM, bahwa dari total 13 peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan, sebanyak 8 orang peserta atau 61,5% telah mengimplementasikan pemanfaatan aplikasi google form untuk pendataan absensi siswa di kelasnya.
Pelatihan Da’i Anti Narkoba Desa Aek Bange Kecamatan Aek Ledong Ismail Nasution
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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Preaching is a noble task in the view of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, so that with this da'wah Allah has assigned the title of khoiru ummah (the best of the people) to the people of Muhammad Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassallam. Imam Abu Hamid bin Muhammad al-Ghazali in the book Bidâyatul Hidâyah explains that the human tongue consists of two types, namely the tongue in the mouth and the tongue in the form of a qalam (pen). Observing the current development of drug distribution and use, shows that drugs have directly threatened the future of the younger generation. According to the analysis after observing the need for anti-drug preacher training activities targeted at youth who live in the village and may also be followed by teenagers from neighboring villages who want to follow it, the drug problem must exist in Aek Bange village according to a temporary assumption after observations were made that there are also those who use drugs in the village. Therefore, what is needed for a preacher who is actually a youth to take part in it must be an ustadz or a teenage preacher who can directly deal with users because the average user is youth, as well as the energy to be used as filler for Friday sermons in the mosques that are there must be able to give sermons. the dangers of drugs because drugs are very dangerous for youth and students in Aek Bange village.
Bimbingan Pemanfaatan Sandpaper latter Dalam Upaya Pendampingan Belajar Anak Menghafal Huruf Hijaiyah Di Tk Semai Benih Bangsa Desa Aek Nagaga Kecamatan Rahuning Widya Firdausi Lasty
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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children to feel a letter symbol. In addition to introducing letters, sandpaper letters are one of the learning media that can be useful as an exercise to use the muscle mechanisms needed for the ability to hold and use stationery then, the fingers of children who have been trained through fingering the shapes of letters become a complement to children's visual knowledge of letters. The principle of sandpaper letter is to utilize the entire senses, both visual, auditory, and tactile to maximize the absorption of children understanding their environment. Letter recognition based on Montessori is based on 3 steps, namely: : 1) The presence of visual stimulation and muscle-touch accompanied by the sound of the letters by inviting children to mention letters according to those read by the teacher then touching and tracing the sandpaper letter according to how to write the letter, 2) Children can recognize letters when they hear the sound, 3) Children are able to answer teacher questions after being introduced to letters. By using sandpaper letter media, it is hoped that the implementation of this learning assistance can help children to memorize hijaiyah letters so that children can immediately move up to the next volume level. In addition, by activating the child's tactile and muscles, it is hoped that it can train their motor skills to be more confident in writing letters. The purpose of this service program is to reveal how the use of sandpaper letters can help children memorize hijaiyah letters in children who have difficulty memorizing hijaiyah. This service program can be useful for students so that they can learn hijaiyah letters and continue to the next level. Sandpaper letter media can be used to help teachers and parents introduce hijaiyah letters to children
Pelatihan Imam Dan Khatib Bagi Remaja Masjid Di Desa Gunung Melayu Kecamatan Rahuning Kabupaten Asahan Lakum
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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In Gunung Melayu Village, Rahuning District, there are four mosques, namely Al Yakin Mosque, Al Magfirah Mosque, Al Falah Mosque & Ulil Al Bab Mosque. One of the important da'wah & worship activities to continue to be developed & trained is to become a preacher and imam, especially for the younger generation as regeneration and replacement for the elderly. The existing condition is that in each of these mosques there are 4-5 active youths in the mosque whose roles are only limited to muezzins and occasionally become preachers and imams. Based on observations, it turns out that there are still errors and irregularities in the procedure for giving sermons, the lack of human resources from youth/young people who can give sermons/speech because there is a need for training for preachers and imams, especially for the youth of the mosque. This activity is carried out using the lecture method and direct practice in the field whose material consists of sermon rhetoric, the terms and pillars of the sermon with its series as well as the requirements and etiquette of becoming a priest. Each participant was given the opportunity to perform and practice on the pulpit followed by becoming a priest. This training is especially useful for mosque youth and the younger generation of Islam, especially in terms of increasing knowledge and skills in preaching or giving speeches, the availability of young preachers and young imams of mosques and can be applied especially to mosque youth related to preachers & imams.
Penyuluhan dan Pembinaan Unit Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ) di Desa Rahuning II Kecamatan Rahuning Kabupaten Asahan Andri Nurwandri
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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One of the causes of the low value of UPZ collection is that the UPZ institution is not yet accountable and optimal. Zakat institutions established by government officials at the rural level include the UPZ Institution of Rahuning II Village, Rahuning District, Asahan Regency. The purpose of this activity is to develop a Zakat Collecting Unit (UPZ) in Rahuning II Village through counseling on the management of accountable institutions. The implementation method used is counseling and mentoring. The counseling provided was in the form of counseling on bookkeeping, operational management, organizational transparency, UPZ UPZ consultants in Rahuning II Village. The results of the activity show that the understanding of the managers of the Zakat Collecting Unit at the Village level needs to be improved in terms of operational management and financial management. Extension activities in the development of the Zakat Collecting Unit in Rahuning II Village are still not optimal, so further counseling is needed.
Pengelolaan Laboratorium Pendidikan Di Mas Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Endah Retno Suci; Pitriani Nasution; Sri Wahyuni Hasibuan; Fauzan Azmi
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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The purpose of the counseling held by the community service implementing team is to provide understanding and knowledge to school principals, educators and education staff at MAS Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah about the management of the Education laboratory. This is done so that educators and education personnel who play a role in learning activities that will be carried out in educational laboratories can run well and support the development of the potential of students. Procurement of laboratories without management causes the use of laboratories as learning resources is not optimal. For this reason, counseling was held on how to manage educational laboratories in schools, especially at MAS Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura. The method of implementation of counseling is done by presentation and question and answer. The counseling material was delivered by presenting slide modules that had been prepared by the service team and distributed to participants. Participants listened to the explanations given by the community service team and asked questions related to the material. After providing an understanding of the Education laboratory and how to manage the Education laboratory, participants are expected to be able to apply it in learning activities, especially in the use of the Education laboratory at MAS Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura. From the results of observations, some of the obstacles faced in relation to the education laboratory are inadequate facilities at the educational institution.
Memajukan Literasi Anak Melalui Strategi Membaca Menyenangkan Fahrunnisa; Enda Lovita Pandiangan; Tuti Rezeki Awaliyah Siregar
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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This service activity is carried out with the aim of implementing and developing a literacy program at the Private Bi Al-Nazhar Madrasah (MI) Jl. development of Hamlet III Pekubuan Kec. Tanjung Pura, Kab. Langkat, North Sumatra. The expected result is that educational institutions are motivated to introduce students by providing and completing a collection of reading materials with various types of interesting themes in the library. Because the library has a very important role not only as a learning center but also as a center for learning and fostering talent and interest in reading, writing for children to have enthusiasm, honing the potential that exists in children and being able to create a warm and effective environment to make literacy activities fun and enjoyable. Creating a conducive and comfortable learning atmosphere for children and teachers are also expected to be able to use information and facilitate media intelligently so that it has a positive impact on the learning process, effectiveness and success in teaching in schools.
Gurunya Manusia Menjadikan Semua Anak Istimewa Semua Anak Juara Diani Syahfitri; Dian Anggeraini; Emha Fidiyan Akhadi
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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Education becomes a place to shape a person's quality through the learning process carried out at school. Low learning outcomes are a problem that is often faced by educators in the learning process. One of the factors causing this to happen is the lack of understanding and use of appropriate learning styles for students, this is also a problem in learning at MIS Miftahul Ula, Pematang Cengal Timur Village. For this reason, a socialization activity regarding children's learning styles and the application of home care services for students was carried out to educators at MIS Miftahul Ula. The purpose of this service is so that educators can facilitate learning in the classroom according to the learning styles preferred by students. The method used in this service activity is the provision of training and materials with lecture, discussion and question and answer methods. The results obtained after the activity was carried out were the participants' understanding of learning styles and the application of home care became better and could apply them to the learning process in the classroom.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penggunaan Digital Marketing kepada Pelaku UMKM di Desa Saentis Kabupaten Deli Serdang Makromatul Afifah Nasution; Ahmad Afandi
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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SMEs in Indonesia have become an important part of the economic system in Indonesia. This is because SMEs are business units that are more numerous than large-scale industrial businesses and have the advantage of absorbing more labor and also being able to accelerate the process of equity as part of development. One of the SMEs located in Saentis Village, Deli Serdang Regency, is fried food, cosmetics and glassware. Each of these businesses has a characteristic that distinguishes it from other businesses. But these businesses still have limitations that become problems, such as their marketing strategies that are still not well organized. In this case, digital marketing is the right solution that must be done by MSME business actors. Digital marketing is the right solution because it can reach consumers more broadly and quickly
Membaca Masa Depan Pendidikan Islam New Normal Di Sekolah MIS YPII Tanjung Pura Maulida; Fatimah Ahmad; Ima Sari Ramadhani; Muhammad Khalidin
Fusion: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : peduli riset dan pengabdian masyarakat

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This paper discusses the relationship between islamic education and various elements of life. The link nbetween the theoretical side of Islmic education and the practical side of Islamic education also reaches here. In terms of study, the theoretical dimensions with the application of Islamic education can be discussed seprately. But in practice they cannot be sparated from oe another. In principle, the issue of Islamic education cannot be separated from other issues. Islamic education is related to vrious elements of life, especially humans. This type of qualitative research uses a field study approach by observasing research locations. Data collection methods through observation, interviews and dokumentation. Data analysis techniques by way of triangulation of data and sources. The result of this study are that learning is quite good by providing direct examples for students. Another skill possessed madrasah ibtidaiyah is the ability to make short speeches related to the application of Islamic teachings in life. This shows that educators are able to develop the talens of students which of course are in accordance with thw demand of educators for the potential of students to hone the future of Islamic education

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