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HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies
ISSN : 2460531X     EISSN : 25033042     DOI :
This Journal focuses on Islamic Studies with an integrative approach through social sciences and humanities. The social sciences field covers the studies of Psychology, Economics, Politics, Education, Law, and History. Meanwhile, the humanities field covers the studies of Quran, Hadith, Islamic Astronomy Observatory, Monotheism, Islamic Law, and Sufism. This journal aims to reveal and solve the problems faced by Asian people, especially Indonesia, from the social sciences and humanities perspectives. Therefore, those problems can be solved comprehensively.
Articles 216 Documents
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Berwawasan Lingkungan dan Budi Pekerti * Dahlia
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.478 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.952


Pada masa usia dini, segala potensi yang ada dalam diri anak harus dikembangkan, bukan hanya dari aspek kognitif saja melainkan aspek lingkungan maupun aspek nilai-nilai agama dan moral yang mencakup aspek kehidupan keagamaan, nilai,dan karakter/budi pekerti perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan cara menyeimbangkan antara pembelajaran yang cenderung kearah teori dengan pembelajaran yang mengandung unsur realitas lingkungan. Namun, dunia pendidikan Indonesia masih banyak mengajarkan teori-teori belaka tanpa memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk memahami fenomena yang ada di lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secaralebih terperinci mengenai konsep dan strategi penanaman pendidikan anak usia diniberwawasan lingkungan dan budi pekerti di Jogja Green School. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa deskriptif kualitatif yang diarahkan pada field research. Penentuan sumber datanya menggunakan purposive sampling. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan datanya berupa pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Konsep pendidikan berwawasan lingkungan dan budi pekerti disesuaikan dengan lingkungan yang terdekat dengan anak. Konsep ini mengajarkan bagaimana anak mencintai lingkungandan mengamalkan nilai-nilai budi pekerti yang baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Strategi yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan PAUD berwawasan lingkungan dengan menggunakan pendekatan lingkungandan pembelajaran kontekstual. Kegiatan sehari-hari menggunakan bahan apa saja yang ditemui untuk dijadikan bahan pelajaran. Sedangkan penanaman wawasan budi pekerti dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembiasaan, seperti mengucapkan “maaf” bila melakukan kesalahan, budaya antri, dan mengembalikan barang pada tempatnya.
Relasi Pendidikan Akhlak dan Ilmu Laduni Menurut Imām Al-Gazāli Mokhamad Miptakhul Ulum
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.325 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.953


Pendidikan akhlak merupakan suatu proses pembinaan dan pengajaran pada manusia untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat sehingga memerlukan metode sebagaikomponen untuk menghasilkan manusia yang berakhlak mulia. Metode tersebut adalah sebagaimana yang ditawarkan oleh Imām al-Gazāli tentang ilmu laduni. Ilmu laduni merupakan ilmu gaib yang tidak mudah diperoleh bagi setiap orang kecuali dengan melakukan pembersihan hati, kesungguhan dan pelatihan diri sehingga terbuka tirai penutup antara dirinya dengan Allah SWT. Keagaiban ilmu laduni perlu dikaji secara rasional agar tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman. Ilmu laduni memiliki landasan filsafat secara ontologis, yaitu ilmu yang membahas tentang ketuhanan. Secara epistimologis, ilmu laduni adalah ilmu yang diperoleh melalui pencerahan hati dengan metode mujahādah, riyādah dan mukāsyafah. Secara aksiologis, ilmu laduni adalah ilmu yang mengarahkan seseorang untuk melakukan kebaikan agar memperoleh kebahagiaan hakiki.
Human Resources Management: Enhancing Teacher Professionalism as an Attempt to Realize Quality Generations Mochamad Iskarim
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.991 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.954


This study was descriptive qualitative research and aimed at investigating attempts for empowering teachers which were carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Nahdhatul Ulama (NU)Banyuputih, Batang. The teacher empowerment was intended to enhance the competences that should have been possessed, namely personal, pedagogical, professional, and social competences. Methods of data collection in this study employed interview and documentation. Likewise, this study applied Miles and Huberman’s Interactive Model of Analysis for analyzing the data. The results of this study reveal that Madrasah Aliyah Nahdhatul Ulama (NU)Banyuputih, Batang was very intensive in the teacher empowerment to create effective and humane learning in this madrasa. The teacher empowerment was organized in severalwell-scheduled, systematic, and sustainable activities. These activities were managed to improve the quality of teacher professionalism that was demonstrated with the mastery of four teacher competences, including pedagogical, personal, professional, and social competences.
Management Model for Training of Pedagogical Competence for Lecturers With Non-Teacher Training Background at Stain in Central Java Zaenal Mustakim
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.643 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.955


The Law of the Republic Indonesia number 14 2015 requires teachers -including lecturers- to have -among others- pedagogical competence. It has been said that a large number of lecturers at higher education institutions show low level of the competence. Although several training programs are conducted to improve their pedagogical competence, the result shows little significance. This calls for serious handling in the management of these training programs, especially ones designed for those with non-teacher training background. This study employs Research and Development approach. Data analysis was conducted using a descriptive model (interactive model) and paired t test/wilcoxon. This research results in a management model for pedagogical training programs for lecturers with nonteacher training background along with its practical manual. The management phases consist of planning, organizing, actuating, evaluating, and monitoring followed by follow-up programs. The research shows that the management model used for training of pedagogical competence is considered effective in enhancing the pedagogical competence of lecturers with non-teacher training background at STAIN in Central Java.
Community Empowerment Based on Local Wisdom (Study of Globalization Idea in Community Empowerment) Abdul Ghoni
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.268 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.956


This article provides an overview important concepts of activities and conditions in the environment around ussociologically related qualitative content analysis. In fact, the community is flourishing, can not be separated from the influence of globalization. The use of technology and the jargon of modernity has haunted the community. Whereas the existing development is not always "fit in" with the presenceof noble values of this society. This condition requires community empowerment format with a series of systematic and based on local wisdomas lofty ideals of this nation. Society is flourishing along with the times and can not be separated from the influence of globalization. Globalization as an idea to facilitate the use of the technology and jargon of modernity has haunted the community. Whereas the existing development is not always "fit in" with the presence of noble values of this society. This condition requires community empowerment format with a series of systematic and based on local wisdom as lofty ideals of this nation.
Al-Manhaj At-Tarbawi Al-Islami Fi Ta'limi Din Al-Islam (Dirasah Tahliliyah Muqaranah Baina Fikrati Ash-Syaikh Muhammad Mutawaly Ash-Sharawy wa As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Al-Alawy Al-Maliki). Ahmad bin Hamid Alawi Assaquf
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.296 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.957


The Islamic society in this era is in dire need of an Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam. This is necessary for the survival of the leading Islamic civilization among the civilizations of nations around the world. It is important to guide the younger generation through the education of Islam towards their own well-being and the well-being of their society. The weaknesses and lack of progress experienced by the Islamic nation, unlike other nations, call for a return and an exploration of the correct understanding in the Islamic educational approach, following the example of the righteous predecessors, especially in the process of teaching the religion of Islam. This is considered an important attempt to consolidate the correct understanding of the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam, which traces its roots back to the traditional Islamic school passed down from generation to generation. Among the late Islamic scholars who have a significant role in this field are Sheikh Muhammad Mutawaly Ash-Sharawy and Sayyid Muhammad bin Al-Alawy Al-Maliki. They both made significant efforts in explaining the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam. Some of the questions they addressed include: What is Ash-Sharawy's idea regarding the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam? What is Al-Maliki's idea regarding the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam? What are the similarities and differences between the two ideas regarding the educational approach? What is Ash-Sharawy's idea and Al-Maliki's idea regarding the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam? This research aims to understand both Ash-Sharawy's and Al-Maliki's perspectives on the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam, analyzing and comparing them while highlighting their similarities and differences. Through a thorough understanding of this significant topic, it is concluded that the concept of the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam encompasses ideas and concepts free from flaws, which are utilized to convey Islamic knowledge to learners in an accurate and easy manner, in line with a dignified life for individuals and the Islamic society. Ash-Sharawy and Al-Maliki both agree on the concept of nurturing in the field of education and that the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam is divinely ordained and characterized by ease, righteousness, and perfection. However, Ash-Sharawy's idea regarding the Islamic educational approach in teaching the religion of Islam is more comprehensive than Al-Maliki's, and Al-Maliki provides a more detailed exploration of educational methods in his approach compared to Ash-Sharawy. Keywords: Islamic educational approach, teaching the religion of Islam, Ash-Sharawy's idea, Al-Maliki's idea.
Dirasah Taqabuliyyah Baina Istikhdami Litabai Al-Amtsilah At-Tashrifiyyah wa Qawa'idu Ash-Sharf Bi Uslubi Al-'Ashr Fi Talimi 'Ilmi Ash-Sharf. Casrameko Casrameko
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.802 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i1.958


The exchange learned a big role in promoting Islamic sciences, because it has an important place in the Arabic language. Islamic science and often in Arabic but being stable in the administration told civilization and Islamic city since the corners of the country. As well as in the formation and development of civilization and culture of the nation because it is the knowledge and information that is was one of the development and evolution of the condition vessels. That shorof science learning to the students it is not an easy matter, because this learning requires knowledge of the properties of such shorof book Kitab al-amstilah at-tashrifiiyyah and book qowa'idu ash-shorfi usluubi bi al-Ashri, therefore we must comparing between them so that learning becomes easy after knowing the differences and similarities between both. Because each book has its advantages and disadvantages that can be complementary between them.
Pendidikan Ekologi Perspektif Islam Nurochman As-Sayyidi
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 2 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, December 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.676 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i2.959


The writing is motivated by the ecological crisis that has impacted thoroughly and has threatened ecosystems joints. This issue is not only the responsibility of the state, but education also has a responsibility and a role to encourage and educate people to preserve and maintain the natural balance. Islam as a mainsource of Islamic education has a set of norms on how should a person as a caliph and nature as a relation, not fully explored yet in the context of giving a complete assessment of ecologicalproblems integrally. Ecological education in the perspective of Islam, has a secular and hereater orientation integrally and also have a strategic function in taking the role as the most effective institution to influence and educate generations to have an awareness and responsibility towards nature with an understanding of Islamic educational values. Results of this research is, Islam is a religion that contains basic values such as theocentric, anthropocentric and multi -dimensional as well ecocentric jurisprudence (sharia), the dimensions of theology (aqidah), dimensional character (muamalah), and the dimensions of Sufism (fundamentalvaluesbathiniyah). Qur'an and Sunnah as the true Islamic references are intended as a guide for mankind, what it implies it should not just stop at the theocentric dimension, but it contains insightson how to process the abundant natural resources. It means, Islam asa religion not only known as a religion to guide the people to practice a collection of ritual - vertical. In order to realize these objectives, ecological education in Islamic perspective ideally be able to change the paradigm of society from exploitation of the natural mindset towards explorative mindset.
Konsep Doa: Studi Komparasi Konsep Doa Menurut M. Quraish Shihab dan Yunan Nasution serta Relevansinya dengan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam. Kurnia Muhajarah
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 2 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, December 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.912 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i2.960


Prayer holds significant meaning in life, encompassing not only the spiritual aspect but also the physical-biological and psychological aspects. Hence, prayer establishes a profound connection with the goals of Islamic education, which aim to develop not only the physical-biological aspects but also the spiritual aspect. This discourse employs qualitative research methodology, utilizing primary data from M. Quraish Shihab's book titled "Insight Qur'an about Remembrance and Prayer" and Yunan Nasution's "Living Handbook Volume 3." Additionally, secondary data from various relevant references on the theme are utilized. The discussion results reveal the strengths and weaknesses of both prayer concepts. The strength of M. Quraish Shihab's concept lies in its philosophical depth. However, it lacks practical examples from everyday life. On the other hand, Yunan Nasution's concept is easily understandable, but it tends to employ more colloquial language. In terms of the objectives of Islamic education, both concepts aim to achieve the following: (1) Enhancing individuals' potential to benefit themselves and the community, (2) Nurturing souls with noble qualities (al-karimah), and (3) Cultivating intelligent individuals with strong faith and taqwa (piety).
Model Bimbingan Belajar Behavioristik dan Pandangannya dalam Perspektif Islam Ningsih Fadhilah
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 2 No 2 (2016): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, December 2016
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.172 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v2i2.961


Behavioristic theory emphasizes on shaping observable behaviors as the result of the learning process. Learning is about changing the behavior as the result of interaction between stimulus and responses. One can be considered to have learned when he is able to show changing behaviors. The behavioristic learning model is applied by considering the Thomdike’s primary laws: law of readiness, law of exercise, andlaw of effect and five subsidiary laws/ minor laws)i.e.Law of multiple response, Law of attitude (law of set, law of disposition), Law of partial activity (law of prepotency element), Law of response by analogy (law of assimilation), Law of associative shifting. On their application, behavioristic learning strategies cannot be separated from the behavioural principles, including: (1) Reinforcement and Punishment; (2) Primary and Secondary Reinforcement; (3) Schedules of Reinforcement; (4) Contingency Management; (5) Stimulus Control in Operant Learning; (6) The Elimination of Responses. In Islam, the influential factors toward childreninclude not only the environmental conditioning, but also heredity. Besides, there is also one the most important thing above all: God’s will or iradah, approval and blessing. These tauhid principles are the distinguishing factors between Islamic education and behavioristic theory.

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