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Rifki Irawan
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Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
ISSN : 24070742     EISSN : 29869358     DOI : 10.31316
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics is a peer-reviewed academic journal of studies in English language teaching and learning published biannually in January and July. Given that the journal prioritizes research reports in ELT, viewpoint articles in the same field will be considered for publication. The scope includes the teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language: teaching strategies, language curriculum, testing and assessment, linguistics and teaching, literature and teaching, ICT in language teaching, etc.
Articles 8 Documents
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Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.064 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.525


Regarding language learning today, everyone is increasingly awarded that traditional language teaching is no longer effective in supporting students need. Learning speaking skills in the classroom carry out by the lecturers are still using traditional methods conducting learning in the classroom using whiteboards, markers, and other manual tools. Meanwhile, in the current global era, multimedia based learning is a demand along with the development of technology. Therefore, this article elaborates the mechanism of multimedia used in learning speaking skills. The type of research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the subject were the second semester students of The University of Qomaruddin Gresik. This Classroom Action Research process was taken in two cycles with 4 procedure; planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result of the cycle one shown that 10 students or 50% of 20 students spoke English too slow and repeated the same sentence many times so the listener could not understand the meaning, so their speaking skill were in poor level. Meanwhile, 50% or 10 the rest of the students got good level. Since the result of the cycle one was below the target, so the researcher continued to conduct the second cycle. After the second cycles were conducted, the result shown that 25% students was in good level, and 75% students were in very good level. After the second cycle was conducted, finally the level of the students’ speaking skill was increasing, so the researcher ended the research.
Analysis of Omission and Addition Errors Found in the Students’ English Texts Harisna Hikmah
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.442 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.526


The research was done to find the aspects of omission and addition errors in English texts made by the students of MAN 3 Bantul. The research was a descriptive study which was conducted in MAN 3 Bantul. The data was collected by analyzing the students’ writing. There were 20 exposition texts made by the eleventh-grade students of MAN 3 Bantul. The text is written in four different themes. After getting the data, the data were analyzed by identifying and deeply checking the students’ errors according to the theory form James (1998). The data found then categorized by entering the data to the table based on the linguistic taxonomy and surface strategy taxonomy. There were many aspects of omission or addition errors found in this study. From the data analysis, the study found seven aspects of omission errors and six aspects of addition errors. The aspects of omission errors were omission of (1) to be, (2) article, (3) pluralization, (4) verb, (5) preposition, (6) pronoun, and (7) agreement. While the aspects of addition errors were addition of (1) preposition, (2) article, (3) conjunction, (4) to be, (5) sub clause marker, and (6) verb. It can be concluded that the students still have lack of grammatical mastery and implies that grammar should be inserted in the teaching and learning process. It implies that the students should be given enough opportunity in learning English grammar more. The teacher should also increase their awareness concerning with the errors made by the students. They have to give more emphasize and also feedback to increase the students’ awareness in applying English grammar rule in creating sentence or texts.
Students’ Obstacles on Autonomous English Learning Andi Dian Rahmawan
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.961 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.527


This study attempts to give teachers a perspective regarding what problems students face during the process of learning English material by employing the Autonomous Learning. The researcher used Pragmatics as the subject of learning to observe the process of Autonomous Learning during one semester. This is a descriptive qualitative research in which 7 students of English Education of PGRI University were employed as the subjects of this study. Those students are the most active ones in class. After they conducted a series of learning process autonomously, they were expected to fill the questionnaire as the data source to reveal the basic need of the students that they are expecting from the teachers. Then the data would be explained descriptively. It is expected that the teachers are going to have some new perspectives regarding the autonomous learning, which is related to the students’ problems. What they want the teachers to do and what the teachers should provide are two fundamental considerations. This study reveals that the autonomous learning does not mean that the students learn the material fully autonomously. Bigger than that, the students still need the presence of the teachers as the agent of autonomous learning.
Exploring the Strengths and Weaknesses of Teaching Speaking by Using LMS-Edmodo Rifki Irawan
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (755.903 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.528


The aim of this research is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using LMS-Edmodo based on the teacher’s perceptions. This research is a qualitative descriptive approach that involved one teacher as a participant. Observation, documentation, and interview are three kinds of instruments which were applied to this research. The data were collected by using three stages of qualitative analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994), which were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Based on the teacher’s perception, the strengths of teaching speaking by using Edmodo are its economy, privacy, simplicity, and flexibility. On the other hand, time-consuming, harm to the teacher’s health, slow loading if The aim of this research is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using LMS-Edmodo based on the teacher’s perceptions. This research is a qualitative descriptive approach that involved one teacher as a participant. Observation, documentation, and interview are three kinds of instruments which were applied to this research. The data were collected by using three stages of qualitative analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994), which were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Based on the teacher’s perception, the strengths of teaching speaking by using Edmodo are its economy, privacy, simplicity, and flexibility. On the other hand, time-consuming, harm to the teacher’s health, slow loading if lacks of internet connection, the error of the system, easy for students to copy and paste their classmates’ assignments are its weaknesses.
Affinity Group In EFL Classroom Juang Kurniawan Syahruzah
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.897 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.529


The purpose of this research is to know the effect of affinity group in EFL reading classroom of English Department students in University of PGRI Yogyakarta. In measuring the reading comprehension of students the pre-test and post-test are done. The experiment of reading comprehension is done by recruiting of 19 students of EFL reading classroom and do the training and exercising of reading text in reading class. These students are all second-year at PBI-UPY and aged between 17 and 20. Standard measurement is comparison of students answer in pre-test and post-test of reading exercises. The result of this research is students who passed the standard score improved from 25% in the preliminary data to 71% at the end of the research. It means that affinity group strategy improves students’ reading comprehension that is influenced by student’s factors and lecturer factors.
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.696 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.531


This study aims to know the process of improving the writing skill of eight grade students at SMPN 14 Yogyakarta by using snakes and ladders game. The subjects of the study were the students of grade VIII B. They found difficulty in writing skills. The participants consisted of 32 students. The study was conducted in a classroom action research methodology. The data were collected through field notes, observation, interview and documentation. They were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The result of the study shows that the process of teaching and learning in each cycle ran well by using snakes and ladders game. The indicators of achievement are students achieve higher the minimum standard score, use correct English structure, adopt a variety of English vocabulary, use appropriate punctuation, and write recount text appropriately. Those indicators of achievement obtain a successful result within 3 cycles. Based on the data analyses, there is an improvement in cycle 2 as many as 43.12% or at an average of 69.99. In cycle 3, the result increases up to 82.49 or 82.49%.
Van Dijk Modelling on Critical Discourse Analysis (A Study on Mata Najwa Program ‘Gara-Gara Tagar’ In Trans 7 In September 5th 2018) Sujatmiko Sujatmiko
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.061 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.533


The television program of Mata Najwa on Trans 7, is well-known for its high rating, often invites public figures from society, politics and government. The program is used as a strategic media for groups of people from the background of social and politics, employing the oral designing, to influence public’s perception and opinion. As a result, it forms a particular discourse. A good discourse should not reveal various perception of the recipients. From every oral discourse being produced (either it is good or bad) will form various perception and drive public’s opinion. In this investigation, it focuses on Mata Najwa’s “Gara-Gara Tagar” which was broadcast live on Wednesday September 5th 2018 in Trans 7. The study of discourse, in this research, employs Van Dijk modeling on critical discourse analysis whose perspective is that language has strong relationship with power, ideology and politics. Three research problems being investigated in this research are textual analysis (micro structure), super-structure analysis and social-contextual analysis (macro structure). This is qualitative research by conducting observation to gain the data. The results of this research are macro structure, super structure analysis and micro structure analysis. Discourse can be employed as a media to making opinion which influences public’s opinion through sentences, diction and language styles.
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.779 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v5i1.536


The aim of the study was to identify the effectiveness of using the combination of POWER and KWL to teach writing of fourth semester students at English Language Education Study Program in the University of PGRI Yogyakarta. It is based on the research problem that the students got difficulties on writing because they used ineffective strategy. The research used experimental research design. This research was conducted in 3 stages: data collection, action and data analysis. The data were collected through test, observation, and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the steps of: normality test, homogeneity test, inferential analysis, determining hypothesis testing, and conclusion.The hypothesis is determined into the Null hypothesis (H0) and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha). H0 is accepted if the significance value >0.05 and Ha is rejected. The result of this research presented that the combination of POWER and KWL strategy was effective to teach writing at the university level. The control group’s mean score on the pre-test was 56,22 increased to 57,88 in post-test with gained point 1,59. The experiment group’s mean score on pre-test was 57,33 increased to 60,89 on post-test with gained point 3,66.

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