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Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
ISSN : 26860325     EISSN : 26862808     DOI : 10.58228
Core Subject : Health,
Publish the research results of lecturers in the fields of Physiotherapy, Midwifery and Medical Records & Health Information. This National Scientific Journal is published twice a year every February and August
Articles 48 Documents
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21384.41 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v3i2.108


Penyakit tidak menular menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Upaya pencegahan penyakit tidak menular diantaranya yaitu dengan beraktivitas fisik dan olahraga. Faktor yang mempengaruhi derajat kesehatan dan kebugaran jasmani individu antara lain umur, jenis kelamin, status merokok, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), dan aktivitas fisik. Latihan aerobik merupakan salah satu bentuk latihan fisik yang dilakukan secara rutin oleh atlet futsal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik terhadap kebugaran fisik anggota tim futsal. Jenis penelitian observasional dengan desain studi kohort prospektif dengan total populasi 100 orang terdiri dari 50 orang adalah dengan latihan aerobik mencapai target dan 50 orang adalah dengan latihan aerobik tidak mencapai target. Analisis multivariat dengan cox regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latihan aerobik, umur, dan IMT berhubungan dengan kebugaran fisik (p value < 0,05). Anggota tim futsal yang yang tidak mencapai target latihan aerobik berisiko 2,0 kali tidak bugar dibandingkan anggota tim futsal yang mencapai target (p value= 0,046; aRR=2,01; 95%CI: 1,01-3,98). Anggota tim futsal yang obesitas berisiko 2,0 kali tidak bugar dibandingkan anggota tim futsal dengan IMT ideal (p value= 0,021; aRR=2,03; 95%CI: 1,05-3,94). Anggota tim futsal yang berumur 21-25 tahun berisiko 0,5 kali tidak bugar dibandingkan anggota tim futsal yang berumur 26-30 tahun (p value= 0,021; aRR=0,47; 95%CI: 0,25-0,89). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah latihan aerobik yang tidak mencapai target dan status IMT obesitas berisiko tidak bugar dibandingkan yang mencapai target dan memiliki status IMT normal. Upaya yang perlu dilakukan bagi anggota tim futsal adalah untuk meningkatkan latihan aerobik sesuai dengan target yang telah ditentukan dan mempertahankan status IMT dalam kondisi normal.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.856 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.110


Background: Filling in the Death Certificate at RSU Banten is the part that gets attention in this study. The Death Certificate form was found to be incomplete in patient identification, completeness of important reports, author authentication and good records. The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (SMPK) is the main source of mortality data. Death information is usually obtained from health practitioners or in cases of death due to accidents, violence and other diseases. Based on a preliminary study in March 2020 at Banten General Hospital, it was found that out of 20 death certificate forms there were 10 incomplete death certificate forms, including the incomplete identification component of 7.75 (39%) such as in the death serial number section, the main number population and population number. 9 (45%) important report components were incomplete, such as the type of examination, ICD code, method and location of burial. The incomplete authentication component of 10 (50%) is as in the reporting signature and reporting name. An incomplete record component of 6.6 (35%) is like a lot of blanks. The purpose of the study was to find out the Completeness of Filling in Death Certificates at RSU Banten and the results of this study were expected to be useful for hospitals as input and consideration in addressing the issue of completeness of medical certificates causing death. and the approach used in this research is to use a comparative approach, namely through a checklist and interviews at RSU Banten. The research method used is quantitative research. The population in January- February 2020 was 233 death certificate forms at RSU Banten, while the subject population was 12 officers who were responsible for completing death certificates. The sample object taken for this research is a Death Certificate form as many as 77 samples. While the sample of subjects in this study were 2 officers who filled out death certificates. Sampling Technique Subjects in this study used non-random (non-probability sampling) with purposive sampling. The results showed that the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) already exists and is complete which regulates the Filling of Death Certificates at RSU Banten in the installation section of the funeral procession (IPJ), but it is still not fully implemented because there are still many incomplete forms, from the 5 SOP items it is known that those who are complete with SOP guidelines are (100%) while those that are incomplete with SOP guidelines are (0%). The results of completeness in patient identification with a complete percentage are found in the sub-components of medical record numbers and names, which are 77 (100%), while the incomplete percentages are found in the sub-components of death serial number, population identification number and population identification number, which is 77 (100% , Important reports on death certificates that are filled out completely are found in the time of death sub-component, which is 77 (100%), while the completeness of filling out important reports that are incomplete on the death serial number is 77 (100%).Authentication Author on death certificates which is filled in completely is contained in the sub-components of the doctor's TTD sign and the doctor's name, which is 77 (100%), while the incomplete completeness of author authentication on the reporting blood pressure, the name of the reporter, the identity card number of the reporting person, the address of the reporter is 77 (100%). Both the death certificate that is filled in completely, there are sub-components, there are no scribbles and there is no type - ex, which is 77 (100%). while the completeness of incomplete filling on a good record is found in the sub-components, there are no empty parts, namely 77 (100%). Data collection was carried out by survey, namely the researcher conducted direct interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. The research results obtained the following data; There were 97 toddlers who had pneumonia or 26.5%, almost all of them 94.5% of mothers had good knowledge about pneumonia, 46.7% of mothers had sufficient behavior and 49.5% of mothers had sufficient attitudes and more than half of them 70.2% of mothers had not been exposed to information about pneumonia. The Bivariate results found that attitude and information exposure had a significant relationship with the incidence of pneumonia, while behavior and knowledge had no significant relationship with the incidence of pneumonia among toddlers in the city of Cilegon. From the results of this study, it is hoped that the Cilegon City Health Office can increase socialization and counseling about pneumonia through cooperation with related agencies so that it can improve the degree of public health.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (922.466 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.111


Background: The purpose of this research is to know the description of the Missfile Incidence Rate and its Causes in the Medical Record Filling Section of the Pontang Health Center. The type of research used in this study is descriptive research, which is a research method carried out with the main aim of making an objective description or description of a situation [1] Based on the results of observations and interviews related to the storage system and alignment system at the Pontang Health Center, there is no SOP related to the storage system and alignment system of medical record files. Based on the results of interviews with filling officers of the Pontang Health Center, there is no special officer for the medical record section, especially in the filling section, filling activities at the Pontang Health Center are still carried out by two registration officers. Based on the observations made by the author, the system used at the Pontang Health Center is centralized. Based on the results of observations and interviews, the alignment system of medical record files used at the Pontang Health Center is straight numerical filling (SNF). Based on observations, the means of controlling medical record files in the filling section of the Pontang Health Center uses a shelf made of wood. The results of the recapitulation of the missfile incidence rate above show that the percentage of missfile events is 14.01% with the number of missfile events being 167 medical record files from 1192 medical record files on the storage rack.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (815.66 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.112


Background Medical Record according to Permenkes No.269/Menkes/Per/III/2008, Medical Record is a file that contains notes and documents about the patient's identity, examination results, treatment that has been given to the patient. Health facilities are responsible for protecting health information contained in medical records against possible loss, damage, falsification and unauthorized access. Maintaining information security, accuracy of information and ease of access to information are demands of health service organizations and health practitioners as well as authorized third parties. Meanwhile, parties who need information must always respect patient privacy. Overall, security, privacy, confidentiality and safety are devices that fortify information in medical records [1]. The purpose of this study was to determine the review of the release of medical record information in ensuring the legal aspects of the confidentiality of medical records at Kencana Hospital. Research method The research design used is descriptive research, which is a research method whose purpose is to present a complete picture of the social setting by describing a number of variables that are relevant to the problem and the unit under study among the phenomena being tested. This type of research is used to determine the process of providing medical record information and guaranteeing the legal aspects of medical record confidentiality at Kencana Hospital. The population in this study were all officers involved in the process of providing medical record information at Kencana Hospital which had 8 employees, which were divided into 3 medical record officers (1 head of medical records and 2 people served as distribution and retrieval officers), 2 people who handles related to insurance and 2 officers handles related to BPJS. In this study, the sample used was the party from the medical record unit, namely the medical record officer who has the authority in the process of providing patient medical information to a third party. The instruments used are Checklist Sheets and interview guidelines. In this study, the sampling used was purposive sampling technique because in sampling the authors considered certain things related to the research, The results of the research on Standard Operating Procedures related to providing patient medical information at the Kencana Hospital have an SOP. This SOP contains points for the process of releasing patient medical information, each point with a slightly different procedure depending on who the 3rd party is requesting. What is meant by 3rd parties here are patients, insurance companies, and legal institutions (courts). Each of these 3rd parties has made their respective procedures. The parties involved in the process of releasing patient medical information at Kencana Hospital are all medical record officers totaling 15 people (8 officers in the filing section), (2 people in the distribution of medical record files), and (5 people in the registration section). The information released is in the form of a photocopy of a medical resume sheet. At Kencana Hospital, the only party who can decide on the release of patient medical information is the medical record officer. Kencana Hospital does not yet have special security related to the process of releasing patient medical information, but if a patient is represented in the process of requesting release of information, the representative must have a power of attorney from the patient concerned. If the request for release of information is not represented, the patient will be given a release approval form from the medical record unit. Suggestion It is better to make Standard Operating Procedures related to the Release of Patient Medical Information referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2012 concerning Medical Secrets and Guidelines for the Implementation and Procedures of Indonesian Hospital Medical Records issued by the Director General of Yanmed.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (752.803 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.115


Background: OA (Osteoarthritis) is a degenerative joint disease, this knee joint disease tends to increase due to aging. Osteoarthritis affects 3 knee joints (medial, lateral, and patellofemoral joint) and usually Osteoarthritis will develop slowly which is about more than 10-15 years and the pain of Osteoathritis will interfere with daily life. There are several physiotherapy modalities, some examples of which are elderly exercise and knee stretching which are used to improve the functional ability of the elderly. Research Objectives: To find out a good exercise program to increase the functional activity of the elderly. Research Methods: this research method is narrative review research. Journal searches were conducted on online journal portals such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Sciendirect. The results of the journal search found that 5 Elderly Gymnastics journals and 5 stretching knee journals were reviewed in this study. Conclusion : There is an effect of elderly exercise and knee stretching on improving the functional ability of the elderly as an effective intervention.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (867.936 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.116


Background: Osteoarthritis is also known as calcification of the joints. The main disorder of osteoarthritis is the breakdown of joint cartilage. Joint cartilage is a joint component that lines the ends of bones in joints, functions as a cushion and shock absorber when two bones collide when the joint is moved (1) Complaints of joint pain usually come and go and attack only a few joints. In the early stages, joint pain occurs after strenuous physical exercise and then disappears after rest. The complaint then progresses to joint stiffness when you wake up in the morning which disappears within 15-30 minutes and decreases after being moved (2). Objective: to determine the management of physiotherapy in the condition of genu dextra osteoarthritis at the Krakatau medika hospital. Method: quantitative research with cross sectional design. Measurement of research variables was only done once by observation. Results: The patient did the examination, there was motion pain in the right knee joint, limited right knee LGS, decreased muscle strength. Parameters used to evaluate pain using a vase, LGS with Goneo Meter, muscle strength with MMT. Patients have difficulty walking long distances, squatting to standing, for toileting, limited range of motion, decreased muscle strength. In this case the management given is MWD, Tens, exercise therapy (isometric exercise, Hold Relax). Conclusion: Giving these three modalities greatly affects the condition of knee osteoarthritis, which can help prevent and treat problems such as:1. reduce pain in the knee starting from tenderness and movement using the VDS scale, 2. increasing the range of motion of the joint with a goneometer, 3. increasing muscle strength with MMT, 4. increasing the patient's functional activity with the jette scale. Suggestion: Physiotherapists are advised to always try to improve knowledge so as to identify problems that can arise in patients and can perform appropriate physiotherapy interventions for successful therapy.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1043.739 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.117


Background : The security of the medical record file storage room is one of the main parts to support the security of the medical record file, besides that there are still many health care facilities that underestimate the security of the medical record file storage room, look down on the eyes, and consider trivial things for the security of the record file storage room. medical records in addition to the security of the medical record file itself. The purpose of this study was to find out the review of the Security Aspects of the Medical Record File Storage Room at the Kramatwatu Health Center, South Tangerang. This research uses descriptive research method. From the results of observations and interviews, it was found that the SOP regarding the security of the medical record storage room was already available, but in its application it was still not optimal due to space limitations, the available storage space is not 100% in accordance with the criteria. The cleanliness aspect of the medical record file storage room is not fully appropriate, there is no fixed schedule for cleaning the medical record room, and the APAR is not yet available specifically in the medical record storage room. The conclusion of this study is that there is no SOP for work instructions and the safety of the medical record file storage room, the storage space in the Puskesmas has not been able to accommodate the available medical record files. APAR is not yet available specifically in the medical record storage room. The conclusion of this study is that there is no SOP for work instructions and the safety of the medical record file storage room, the storage space in the Puskesmas has not been able to accommodate the available medical record files. APAR is not yet available specifically in the medical record storage room. The conclusion of this study is that there is no SOP for work instructions and the safety of the medical record file storage room, the storage space in the Puskesmas has not been able to accommodate the available medical record files. APAR is not yet available specifically in the medical record storage room
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (741.39 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.118


Background: Abdominal circumference is a method used to determine central obesity. Women were declared to have central obesity if the waist circumference was > 80 cm and men > 90 cm based on the WHO criteria for Asian adults. Central obesity is a state of excess fat that accumulates in the abdominal area. Central obesity can have a negative impact on health and increase the risk of death. Objective: To determine the effect of Sit up exercise and Bicycle Crunch exercise to decrease abdominal circumference using narrative review method. Methods: The method used in this research is Narrative Review by collecting 10 journals that match the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: From 10 journals using the Narrative Review method, 7 journals state that sit-ups are effective and 3 journals state that bicycle crunch exercise is effective in reducing abdominal circumference. Conclusion: There is an effect of sit up exercise and bicycle crunch exercise in reducing abdominal circumference.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (928.051 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i1.119


Background: Sports injuries are all forms of abnormalities and damage that occur in the body both in body structure and function that cause pain, caused by physical movement activities and sports and occur directly or indirectly. Objective: To determine the relationship between coordination and agility to the risk of injury to futsal players at SMP Muhammadiyah Cilegon. Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational method with total sampling technique. The sample in this study was futsal players aged 12 to 15 years at the Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Madrasah, totaling 52 students. Results: Kendall's tau test results obtained agility p = 0.012 which has a value smaller than (p = 0.05) so it can be said that there is a relationship between agility and the risk of injury. While the Kendall's tau test obtained coordination p = 0.329 which has a value greater than (p = 0.05) so it can be said that there is no relationship between coordination and risk of injury. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a relationship between agility and the risk of injury to futsal players in Madrasahs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and there is no relationship between coordination and the risk of injury to futsal players at SMP Muhammadiyah Cilegon. Suggestion: It is recommended to conduct a study on other factors that influence these results, adding more samples and changing the measuring instrument used by the current researcher, in order to get better results.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.597 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.120


Background : The only effective way that can be done for early detection of the possibility of this disease is to perform Breast Self-Examination (BSE) which can reduce the mortality rate by 25-30%. For women who have a low level of knowledge and understanding about breast cancer and how to detect it, it is necessary to provide information about breast cancer and how to detect it, namely BSE since adolescence (Viviyawati, 2014) Objective: to measure the ability of WUS on BSE, then analyze the level of change before and after being given counseling. This research was conducted in Pejaten Village, Kramatwatu Subdistrict, Serang Banten. The approach used in this research is to use a comparative approach. The research method used is to use the analytical survey method. The results showed that the knowledge of WUS in Pejaten Village about BSE experienced a very significant increase after being given counseling, knowledge at pretest was 21% good, then 83% good at posttest/after counseling. Likewise, the results on the ability to practice BSE before being given counseling 98% have not been able to do BSE, to 95% are able to do BSE after counseling. Wilcoxon test results obtained a significance value of 0.000 (p <0.05), the calculated Z value of -8.464. This means that BSE counseling has an effect on WUS knowledge about early detection of breast cancer in Pejaten Village, Serang Banten in 2022. Likewise, the Wilcoxon test results on the respondent's ability to practice BSE is 0.000 (p <0.05), the Z count value is -8.672.