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Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure (JSI)
Published by Universitas Pertamina
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Core Subject : Social, Engineering,
The Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure (JSI) accepts research articles from researchers, lecturers, students, and practitioners in English and Indonesian, which have never been published in other media. JSI focuses on research and design for infrastructure development applications to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). JSI only accepts original articles and is not under consideration in other journals. The scope of JSI includes: Infrastructure of Offshore Structure and Geotechnical Civil Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Environmental Management Water and Wastewater Treatment Sanitation Clean Energy City and Regional Development Climate and Environment Adaptation and Mitigation Life Below Water and Land
Articles 16 Documents
Assessment of Water Quality of Bokor River, Surabaya City as an Effort to Support the Sustainability of Fish Pond Business in the Downstream Moh Rizal Ngambah Sagara; I Wayan Koko Suryawan; Iva Yenis Septiariva
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.1


Due to human activities, both domestic and non-domestic, river pollution can occur over time. One of the rivers in Surabaya, which is located in a densely populated area, is Bokor River. Residents use Bokor River for pond activities, so the water's quality must meet these quality standards. This study aims to analyze the suitability of river water quality in Bokor River, Surabaya City, which has met its quality standards for this activity. Water quality measurement is carried out by existing testing with the standard method that is used as a reference in Indonesia. Water quality measurements were determined based on the parameters BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Phosphate (PO4 3-), Nitrate (NO3), and Ammonium (NH4). The measured DO, BOD, phosphate, and ammonia parameters did not meet these quality standards. However, DO parameters in the upstream still meet the quality standard (above 3 mg/L), while after that, they experience a decrease in quality. Meanwhile, nutrient parameters, especially ammonia, do not meet quality standards, as it is known that ammonia can provide toxic properties to fish. In addition, there is an opportunity for eutrophication of this quality. Pollutants entering the Bokor River are point sources and non-point sources, which cannot be located precisely and generally consist of many relatively small individual sources.
Nilai Intrinsik Limbah Cair Pemotongan Ayam Studi Kasus: RPA Chicken Muscle, Cipulir Mega Mutiara Sari; Safitri Puji Lestari; Vionna Chantika Salsabilla
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.2


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengolahan yang tepat untuk limbah cair RPA menjadi suatu produk serta mengetahui nilai valuasi ekonomi lingkungan dari hasil produk pengolahan limbah cair RPA. Metode yang digunakan untuk pemilihan alternatif produk adalah metode Analythic Hierarcy Process dan berdasarkan nilai ekonomis masing-masing alternatif produk. Produk yang tepat dalam pengolahan limbah cair RPA Chicken Muscle adalah pupuk cair organik dengan nilai pakai tertinggi sebesar 0,128 dan dapat mengurangi pengeluaran petani sebesar Rp 1.171.058 per tahun.
Perancangan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik pada Industri Pertambangan PT X Rhesa Valerio Soyan; Evi Siti Sofiyah; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.3


Kegiatan industri pertambangan pada PT X menghasilkan air limbah domestik yang terdiri dari blackwater dan greywater. Fasilias di PT X yang menghasilkan air limbah domestik adalah hunian pekerja, kantor, kantin, dan binatu (laundry). Sumber greywater berasal hunian pekerja, kantin, dan binatu. Sedangkan blackwater berasal dari toilet hunian pekerja dan kantor. Efluen air limbah masih melebihi baku mutu. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik (IPALD) dibutuhkan untuk mengolah air limbah domestik agar dapat memenuhi baku mutu. Pada perancangan ini diawali dengan perhitungan debit air limbah domestik dari setiap fasilitas pada PT X, kemudia dilakukan analisis karakteristik greywater dan blackwater. Data debit dan karakteristik air limbah tersebut dijadikan sebagai dasar acuan dalam perhitungan unit IPALD. Unit IPALD yang digunakan yaitu oil and grease trap, bak pengmpul, biofilter anaerob-aerob, bak pengendap, dan desinfeksi. Efisiensi untuk unit oil and grease trap adalah 95%, biofilter anaerob 85% untuk BOD dan COD, biofilter aerob 80% untuk BOD dan COD, bak pengendap 90% dan 75% untuk ammonia dan TSS, dan unit desinfeksi 95% untuk total koliform. Berdasarkan perancangan ini air limbah hasil pengolahan nilainya telah memenuhi baku mutu
Analisis Indeks Kekeringan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Raka Gusti Wahyu Pratama; Nurul Januriyadi; Ricky Chandra Pamungkas
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.4


Penelitian ini membahas tentang indeks kekeringan pada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur berdasarkan data hujan historis dan data hujan proyeksi dengan tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui gambaran kondisi kekeringan pada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan dapat memperkirakan resiko kekeringan yang terjadi di wilayah tersebut pada masa mendatang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), dengan input data curah hujan historis selama 17 tahun (awal tahun 2004 sampai akhir tahun 2020) dan data curah hujan proyeksi selama 30 tahun terakhir abad ke-21 (awal tahun 2071 sampai akhir tahun 2100). Proses perhitungan nilai indeks SPI dilakukan secara otomatis dengan bantuan software SPI Generator v 1.7.5. Hasil nilai SPI berdasarkan data hujan historis menggambarkan kondisi kekeringan di Provinsi NTT masih relatif normal, tetapi ada daerah seperti Kabupaten Belu yang beresiko cukup tinggi mengalami kekeringan. Dari hasil nilai SPI berdasarkan data historis pula, dapat ditentukan periode SPI prioritas yang merupakan periode yang terbaik dalam menggambarkan kondisi kekeringan di lapangan. Kemudian hasil nilai SPI berdasarkan data hujan proyeksi menggambarkan kondisi NTT pada masa mendatang, yang memiliki kondisi (indeks) yang lebih kering dibandingkan dengan indeks SPI berdasarkan data historis.
Design of Hazardous Waste Storage Area for Fecal Sludge Briquettes by Waste Impoundment in Indonesia Nova Ulhasanah; Dhea Umi Falentina Widanarko; Falia Ayu Erlingga; Elsyah Bhima Fitrah; Wira Aulia; Dessy Maya Sari; Ari Rahman
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.5


The high production and sufficient calorific value content of the fecal sludge make it can be made as a raw material for producing briquettes. This supports the world's program in an effort to create alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. The purpose of this research is to design a production building and storage of fecal sludge into briquettes in a sewage treatment company so as to minimize the potential hazards of the sludge (accidents in the work placement and the negative impact on the environmenty) as flammable hazardous waste. At the beginning of the design, 3 alternative designs were assessed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. the chosen alternative is alternative 3 with the proposed redesign of the briquette storage building, production site, and fecal sludge storage area separately, where the sludge storage area which was originally a hangar was converted into a waste impoundment system. The building design criteria for alternative 3 are fire-resistant buildings whose specifications are regulated by the Indonesian National Standard 03-1736-2000 and several other regulations (PERMENLHK No. 12, 2020 and BAPEDAL No. 1, 1995). With a planned storage duration of 1 year, the waste impoundment is designed to cover an area of 2304 m3 of fecal sludge, 72 storage drums for carbonated sludge, and 95 storage drums for fecal sludge briquesttes. In addition, the waste impoundment design is based on the PERMENLHK standard No. 12 of 2020. Waste impoundment can reduce the pH and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) of hazardous waste to below the quality standard threshold. the acidity level of the waste can be neutral to pH 7.79 (threshold 6-9), and TSS down to 86.67 mg/l (threshold 200 mg/l). The results of this study can make a major contribution to the field of hazardous waste management, especially fecal sludge, not only for Indonesia but also for countries that have similar conditions.
Analisa Perbedaan Kualiatas Udara berdasarkan Parameter Nitrogen Dioksida dan Sulfur Dioksida Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Surakarta, Indonesia Sapta Suhardono; Iva Yenis Septiariva; Mega Mutiara Sari
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i2.8


Pandemi COVID-19 secara tidak langsung merubah mobilisasi masyarkat di perkotaan. Salah satu kota yang mengalami perubahan tersebut adalah Kota Surakarta. Mobilisasi kendaraan merupakan hal yang dapat dilevaluasi, salahs satu cara mengevaluasi hal tersebut adalah dengan melihat kualitas udara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat perbedaan kualitas udara sebelum dan saat pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Surakarta. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah dengan mengalisa secara kuantitatif dengan analisa varian (ANOVA). Parameter kualitas udara yang dilihat dalam studi ini adalah Nitrogen dioksida dan Sulfur dioksida. Berdasarkan analisa data di tiga ruas jalan Nitrogen dioksida cenderung meningkat pada dua ruas jalan di Kota Surakarta. Sedangkan konsentrasi Sulfur dioksida cenderung menurun dari tahun 2019 ke tahun 2020. Analisa ANOVA memperlihatkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan (sig<0.05) konsentrasi parameter udara tahun 2019 ke tahun 2020.  
The Challenges and Future of Marine Debris Policy in Indonesia and Taiwan Case Studies Imelda Masni Juniaty Sianipar; I Wayan Koko Suryawan; Sun Rise Tarigan
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i2.9


There is evidence that marine plastic pollution affects marine life and ecological services. The potential hazard to human health from chemical additions in plastics is also present. Although desirable, the recycling of plastics is now limited by the complexity of the materials and chemicals, the limitations of available technologies, and market demands. This study was conducted to discover the challenges and future of marine debris policy. This study takes two locations, Indonesia and Taiwan, which have issued marine debris policies simultaneously. At the same time, the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments 2018 issued a policy to reduce marine debris. Following Presidential Decree Number 83/2018 concerning Handling Marine Debris, the Government of Indonesia published a National Action Plan for Handling Marine Debris for 2018–2025. Following this law, the Indonesian government agreed to handle 70% of the solid trash generated within eight years between 2018 and 2025, eliminate marine debris by 70%, and reduce solid waste by 30%. In Taiwan, the "Action Plan of Marine Debris Governance, " issued in 2018 by this alliance and the EPA, contains a schedule for the phase-out of four single-use plastic items (plastic bags, straws, utensils, and takeaway cups). Source reduction, prevention and removal, monitoring and surveying (including research), and outreach and public involvement are the four objectives of this action plan. Although implementing the policy is different, the objectives carried out in Indonesia and Taiwan are the same: reducing waste from sources and increasing community participation in action plan programs.
The Life Cycle Assessment Method Used to Predict the Rubber Industry's Environmental Impact Nia Armelia Putri; Dessy Maya Sari; Delfia Fansyah; Aulia Rachma Yuliani; Pertiwi Andarani; Ariyanti Sarwono
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i2.10


Natural rubber is one of the agricultural products in exceptionally high demand for industrial materials. In Indonesia, rubber is a major plantation crop grown all across the country. This research seeks to use the LCA technique, but its primary objective is to examine the consequences of the crumb rubber industry. Using sulfuric acid causes the emission of roughly 11,94705 kg equivalent of the gas sulfur dioxide into the environment. In contrast, using isoprene as a base material causes the emission of approximately 1090 kg equivalent to the gas carbon dioxide. Coal-derived energy accounts for up to 719,748 MJ, or 199,930 kWh, and is the critical focus in the quest for alternative energies. Because the macerator, creeper, hammer mill, and drying machine take 199.93-kWh of electricity to operate.
Evaluation of Drainage Channel on Meteorological Road, Laut Dendang Village, Deli Serdang Regency Fikri Damara; Desi Paskalia Tinambunan; Sakkot Matua Gong Hasibuan; Rachmat Mulyana; Meuthia Fadila; Ahmad Zulfikar; Wisnu Prayogo; I Wayan Koko Suryawan; M. Faisi Ikhwali; Iva Yenis Septiariva; Nur Novilina Arifianingsih; Sapta Suhardono; Annisa Fillaeli
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i2.11


Drainage is one way of removing unwanted excess water in an area and dealing with the effects of excess water in the system. When the rainy season comes, there are almost floods or puddles on urban roads. The large population also makes the volume of drainage channels fill up quickly, while the drainage capacity tends to decrease due to rainwater (erosion) and sedimentation. Meteorological Street, Laut Dendang Village, Percut Sei Tuan sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, is one of the villages that is frequently flooded every time it rains. On these issues, the researcher highlights the importance of evaluating the Deli Serdang Regency's drainage system along Meteorological Road to anticipate when the rainy season comes. The general exponential method can determine whether the existing drainage volume can still accommodate terrestrial run-off and domestic wastewater in the next 30 years and calculate the population growth. Based on the research results from rainfall data obtained from Meteorology Road, the rainfall intensity value for the last ten years (2010 - 2019) was 10.538 mm/day. Thus, the amount of discharge flowing in the drainage channel (Qplansning) is equal to 0.832 m3/sec, while the planned Q for the next ten years is 0.874 m3/sec, for the next 20 years is 0.953 m3/sec, and 30 years into the future. front is 1.111 m3/sec. Based on the calculation results, Qplans exceeds Qeksisting. Therefore, a new channel plan is needed.
Study of Water Quality Index of Cilamaya Watershed Before and During The COVID-19 Pandemic Nur Fitri; Wisnu Prayogo; M. Faisi Ikhwali; Rachmat Mulyana; Ahmad Zulfikar
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i2.12


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of the lockdown on the water quality of major rivers due to restrictions on activities within the country will have an effect. This research compared the Cimalaya Watershed water quality index values before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. River status was conducted using STORET and Pollution Index based on 2019 and 2020 river quality data. Calculations for each method use the same amount of data and parameters, including TSS DO, BOD, COD, TP, Fecal Coliform, and Total Coliform. The results showed a decrease in concentration for water quality parameters in 2020 or during the Covid-19 pandemic compared to 2019. The parameters that experienced a reduction included TSS, DO, BOD, and COD. But besides that, there has been an increase in water quality parameters in 2020, namely the parameters TP, Fecal Coliform, and Total Coliform. The average STORET and Pollution Index values in 2020 indicated that the river is getting moderately polluted than in 2019. This research can be a preliminary study, but using more parameters and methods will make the analysis more comprehensive.

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