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Setyaki : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Published by CV. Kalimasada Group
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29870747     DOI : 10.59966
Core Subject : Religion,
SETYAKI invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science, education and others.
Articles 20 Documents
Makna Al-Qurán Secara Umum dan Kedudukannya sebagai Sumber Ilmu Pengetahuan M. Deni Hidayatulloh
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.5


This paper discusses the meaning of the Qur'an, both in terms of language and terminology. Many scholars have different views on its definition. It also discusses the position of the Qur'an as a science. This paper is a library research, by collecting related literature, then presented in a descriptive qualitative manner, namely presenting the data as it is. Based on the words of Allah SWT accompanied by asbabu nuzulnya about the verse. The Qur'an was revealed as a guide to realize the mission of Islam, which is rahmatan lil aalamin. In this case, it is the duty of humans to observe, examine, search and explore the values contained in the Qur'an. There are many verses of the Qur'an that give hints about science and even technology, however, this position is still not widely realized by Muslims themselves. If these signs can be uncovered, then it can be a strengthening of the faith of Muslims and even become an effective means of broadcasting Islam. However, this position is still not widely realized by Muslims themselves. If these signs can be uncovered, they can strengthen the faith of Muslims and even become an effective means of propagating Islam.
Pemikiran Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi terhadap Dunia Pendidikan Islam Velida Apria Ningrum; Luluk Fikri Zuhriyah
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.6


The occurrence of a dichotomy between Islamic Education and Western Education has given birth to several reformers of Islamic Education. One of them is Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, a Muslim scholar with a background in Western Education who is actively involved in the world of Education. One of his phenomenal thoughts is related to the Islamization of knowledge, which is believed to be able to bring Islamic Education back forward and not just be a copycat of Western thought. In the context of Islamic Education, the knowledge that has not been integrated with Islamic values needs to be reviewed. In the Islamic Education curriculum, Al-Faruqi suggested instilling Islamic norms through the study of Islamic culture, both at the level of elementary education to higher education. The method used to examine Ismail Raji al-Faruqi's thoughts is a qualitative research method based on library research.
Manajemen Sains di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Triska Riyanti; Irawan; Tedi Priatna
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.7


This article discusses science management in Islamic Education Institutions with a case study of MAN 4 Garut. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe science laboratory management. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview, and documentation study. The results of this study show several stages in science laboratory management to improve the quality of learning at MAN 4 Garut. First, the planning stage. Second, the organizing stage. Third, the administration stage. Fourth, the funding stage. The inhibiting factors of science management include many expired substances, thus inhibiting the practicum process. The solution to obstacles in science laboratory management to improve the quality of learning is the need for evaluation every semester in the management of science laboratories.
The Urgency of Citizenship Education in the 2013 Curriculum in Class V MI/SD Moch. Farich Alfani
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.18


The problems that occur in education in Indonesia include the decrease in the degradation of the character of elementary school students, the use of learning methods that seem difficult for students to understand, are less flexible, less democratic, and tend to be more dominant using one method. For this reason, MI/SD Citizenship Education learning must be strengthened so that in the future it can combine the practice of Pancasila values in everyday life, westernized culture that has permeated Indonesian culture can be minimized starting from styles in speaking, dressing or others. In this study the aims were to describe the urgency of civics education in elementary schools, civics education in the Indonesian context, and the conceptual framework of civic competence in the 2013 curriculum. This study adopted an idea of a descriptive qualitative. the use of techniques applied in this research by taking interview techniques, documentation, and field notes through several stages including data collection, recording, reviewing data sources, and processing information. This research was conducted at MIN 6 Brebes by taking the subjects in this study were fifth grade students and teaching staff who were at MIN 6 Brebes. The urgency of elementary school citizenship education is to prepare young people who understand the contemporary world, play an active role both in solving national and global problems, and to become active contributors to a more just, peaceful, tolerant, safe and sustainable world.
Strategi Dakwah Membangun Ukhuwah Islamiyyah: Studi Kasus di Youth Islamic Study Club Al-Azhar Jakarta Kharis Musofa
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.19


This article aims to describe the da'wah strategy carried out at the Youth Islamic Study Club (YISC) Al-Azhar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The findings generated from this article are that the da'wah strategy carried out to build ukhuwah Islamiyah is carried out with three events: first, holding a recitation that prioritizes and discusses how important ukhuwah islamiyah is in the struggle for da'wah with the YIFEST (Youth Islamic Festival) event held at the state-owned mosque, Istiqlal. Second, holding MABIT (Malam Bina Iman dan Takwa) by inviting many Islamic communities in Jakarta and activities are held at night on holidays. Third, conducting Tabligh Akbar "MUSLIM UNITED" with the theme of the recitation that is often carried out is related to "ukhuwah Islamiyah".
The Nasikh dan Mansukh dalam Al-Qur’an: Nasikh dan Mansukh dalam Al-Qur’an Karunia Hazyimara
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.47


The Qur'an as a guide of Muslims has a fairly high concern by scholars. There are views that some verses in the Qur'an are contradictory, so that this leads to the study of nasikh-mansukh. The study is not necessarily accepted by all scholars or observers of Qur'anic science, because according to them there can be no revision in the Qur'an. This research tries to discuss nasikh-mansukh studies both related to understanding, differences of opinion, orientalist views to the wisdom of studying them using qualitative methods from library data. This study found that differences of opinion in the scholarly environment occurred due to differences in the roots of their studies. With the nasikh-mansukh theory one can understand why there are verses that textually seem contradictory.
Pandangan Islam Tentang Perubahan dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Konseptualisasi Pendidikan Islam Fery Irianto Setyo Wibowo
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.56


The Islamic view of change is that change is dynamic, change is a necessity that humans themselves can try their best to make changes. The concept of change in Islam is commonly referred to as hijrah, namely the direction of human change to move from an environment that is not good to be good, from disgraceful behavior to commendable, from immoral humans to human beings with good morals. The purpose of this research is to bring change in the form of a positive impact in every line of life and of course, the world of education is also constantly changing. The method used in this study is the method of observation and in-depth reference excavation from various sources or media. The results of research on changes in Islamic education include curriculum changes, changes in teaching methods, changes in teaching materials, learning strategies and media. What is clear is that this change will bring good and benefit us all.
Pola Interaksi Sosial Guru Akidah Akhlak Dalam Merespon Maraknya Perilaku Phubbing Dikalangan Pelajar (Studi Kasus Di Man Kota Batu) Heryan Fandi; Lintang Surya Sorayya Putri
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i1.86


Phubbing is a phenomenon in which a person ignores the other person by focusing on their smartphone. This phenomenon is very prone to occur among students who are already familiar with the development of science and technology. The purpose of this study is to: (1) Know the phenomenon of phubbing that occurs in the learning process at MAN Batu City. (2) Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the teacher's Akidah Akhlak interaction pattern with students at MAN Batu City during the learning process. (3) Knowing the efforts of MAN Batu City Akidah Akhlak teachers in responding to phubbing phenomena among students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study are: (1) The phubbing phenomenon is found with an attitude of dependence and hurt. (2) Efforts made by the teacher to respond to phubbing behavior include making learning contracts, approaching the interaction patterns used, and collaborating with homeroom teachers and counseling teachers. (3) In responding to phubbing behavior, MAN Batu City Akidah Akhlak teachers apply an educational interaction pattern by prioritizing good communication. The supporting factors of the interaction pattern used are enthusiasm, school curriculum, and adequate infrastructure. While the inhibiting factors are the demand to always follow the development of science and technology, and the unfavorable family environment of students.
The IPNU The IPNU Muhammad Badrul Munir Ibad
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i2.190


Abstract: The branch leadership of the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association in Majalengka Regency is a forum for the struggle of Nahdlatul Ulama students to promote commitment to Islamic values, scholarship, cadre, and nationality in an effort to develop their abilities for the upholding of Islamic teachings in the Ahlussunnah Wal-Jama'ah style. The purpose of this research is to find out the strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategies carried out by the Majalengka Regency IPNU Branch Management in instilling the Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah understanding to students. The theory used in this study is Fred R. David's communication strategy theory about strategic management which consists of three stages, namely strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation. In this study it was stated that the Management of the Majalengka Regency IPNU Branch carried out the formulation of a target identification strategy targeting students and santri, compiling messages using the one side issue method so that students and santri were interested and felt comfortable with IPNU. Keywords: Aswaja, IPNU, Communication
SETYAKI : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : CV Kalimasada Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/setyaki.v1i2.196


Evaluation of the curriculum of the Arabic language program in schools is very important to ensure that the program is in accordance with the educational objectives that have been set.The purpose of this study was to determine the structure of the Arabic curriculum at SMP it Jaisyul Qur'an Bandung. This study is a field research (field research), with the type of qualitative descriptive research. The type of data collection used is direct research on the object under study using triangulation method data collection method consisting of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the structure of the curriculum at SMP it Jaisyul Qur'an integrated culturally with Islamic boarding school education. The purpose of learning includes all aspects in the field of Arabic, especially pressing on improving the ability to understand the teachings of Islam. The content of the material consists of language skills, language science and Islamic Studies in Arabic. The methods used vary according to the target of learning and learning media include audio, visual and audio visual media. The evaluation and assessment system generally consists of written, oral and practical tests. Teacher qualifications must be based on educational background and have scientific capacity in the Arabic language.

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