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Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies
Published by Yayasan Zia Salsabila
ISSN : 29876370     EISSN : 29639948     DOI : -
journal of contemporary gender and child studies is the study of gender and children, especially on gender and mainstreaming and childrens rights both in the study.
Articles 24 Documents
Gender Education Concept for Elementary Age Children Muhammad Shaleh Assingkily; Noni Putri
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): August
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i1.53


Gender education is an effort to instill a sense of tolerance and tolerance in children from the start. This study attempts to analyze the concept of gender education for elementary age children. The formulation of the discussion of this research includes how to internalize the values of gender in children from a very early age, educate children about the urgency of gender and events about influencing factors. This study uses an approach to the literature study method. The data source and analysis of this research study used research material data obtained from SINTA or Google Scholar. The results of this study found that (1) efforts to internalize the value of gender behavior in children can be done through a sense of equality (without anything special or not special), giving children freedom (democracy), exemplifying tolerance and equality in children (exemplary), and respecting children. other people's feelings; (2) educating children through parenting regardless of gender, fostering children's self-confidence, appreciating children's positive traits, and facilitating children's development and skills; and (3) factors that influence gender development, namely biological, social and cognitive aspects.
Analysis of the Impact of the Increase in Fuel Oil (BBM) on Household Economic Activities Dinah Nadhifah; Ainun Mardiah; Nabila Suhaila Lubis; Muliana Fitri Lingga
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): August
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i1.54


Fuel oil (BBM) is one of the needs of the community in carrying out their activities. With the increase in fuel prices, the economic condition of the community becomes unstable. This paper aims to determine the condition of the people who are directly affected by the increase in fuel prices and the efforts made by the government to improve the welfare of its citizens in the current condition. The research was conducted with a qualitative approachwhich aims to understand and interpret the subject and provide an overview of the symptoms that appear. With data collection techniques using interviews are open-ended questions and documentation studies. Based on this research, it was found that there are clear impacts arising from the increase in fuel oil (BBM), starting from the lack ofcommunity income, public transport fares, purchasing power, and so on. And the government is trying to overcome this problem by providing assistance to the community in the form of direct cash assistance (BLT), wage subsidies, transportation assistance, and additional social protection for online motorcycle taxis, public transportation, and fishermen.
Internalization of National Identity to Children Amid the Influence of Globalization Pipi Andriani; Adinda Rahmah Rangkuti; Hasny Delaila; Nepri Handayani
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): August
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i1.55


National identity is a characteristic, identity, or signs attached to a person, whether an `organization, group or country that can differentiate one country from another. National identity is closely related to the values, history, and ideals that unite a group by ties. This study aims to introduce and explain the national identity of the Indonesian nation, the influence of globalization on Indonesian national identity, as well as efforts to preserve Indonesian national identity from the effects of globalization by providing insight to the Indonesian people so that they can understand these things through this paper. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study method. Based on the research, it was found that the national identity of the Indonesian nation is (1) Indonesian as a National Nation, (2) the state flag of Indonesia is the red and white flag, (3) the national anthem of Indonesia is Indonesia Raya, (4) the symbol of the Indonesian state is Pancasila, and so forth. As well as the influence of globalization on the national identity of the Indonesian nation, namely, (1) the waning of a sense of nationalism and patriotism, (2) hedonism, (3) the decline of politeness, and (4) a lack of cooperation and mutual cooperation.
Efforts to Grow Democratic Attitudes in Students in the Era of Globalization Through Citizenship Education Abdal Rizky Munthe; Fadiah Adlina; Khairunnisa; Lutfi Aulia
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): August
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i1.56


The implementation of civic education in higher education is a must in the national education system to prepare smart and responsible citizens, and foster a democratic attitude. This paper aims to describe efforts to foster democratic attitudes to citizens, especially students through Citizenship Education. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The results of this study indicate that: (1) civics education is one way to form a complete Indonesian human being as an embodiment of the individuality of the nation as a democratic country that can realize and implement the development of a democratic society. (2) Efforts to foster democratic attitudes and the spirit of nationalism are not only the responsibility of the government as state administrators, but also require the active role of the community, especially the role of the family.
Gender Studies in the State and Constitution (Implementation of Law Enforcement in Indonesia) Aflah Husnaini Matondang; Hilda Melani Purba; Irlyanova Sabina; Nadia Syahfitri
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2022): August
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i1.57


The implementation of law enforcement in Indonesia is still relatively weak, so a deeper analysis of the causes of the occurrence is needed. This study aims to examine gender in the state and law, a study of the implementation of law enforcement in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical study method. Data collection is based on in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation studies. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, presenting data to drawing conclusions. The results of this study conclude that law enforcement in Indonesia is still weak, the integration of law enforcement officers is not well established, the level of performance implementation by law enforcement officers is low, and the application of law is blunt up and down (non-Pancasilais).
The Impact of Lato-Lato Games on Behavioral Changes in Elementary Children Wening Udasmoro
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i2.103


This study aims to identify and obtain information about parents' views of lato-lato games, whether they have an impact on behavior change or not. At present the game lato-lato is a game that is loved by people of all ages, both young and old. The game lato-lato is a game in the form of two small balls or pendulums which are connected to each other by means of a rope which is played simply by hitting the two balls with the palms of the hands to make a loud sound with an up and down motion. The descriptive-qualitative research method was used in this study which aims to provide an overview and present information about something according to the conditions at that time. The data collection technique in this study was through interviews and observations around the Matauli Pandan house complex. The results showed that children who play lato-lato tend to be more active in interacting and socializing, considering that this game is more fun when played together. In addition, with increasing social interaction, children also reduce the intensity of children's use and dependence on gadgets. Therefore, if it is still under good supervision from parents, this game will help children to improve their motor and cognitive abilities, as well as their social skills.
Lato-Lato Viral Games and Their Social Impact on Children Khamim Zarkasih Putro
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i2.104


The lato-lato game is a traditional game with the current trend which is made of two pendulums tied to a string. The existence of lato-lato games helps children reduce playing gadgets so that children are not affected by the negative effects of playing gadgets. This paper aims to describe the social impact of playing lato-lato, especially on SD/MI-aged children. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the method of literature study. The results of this study indicate that playing lato-lato can help in social development of children, because playing lato-lato is more fun when played together, so that children interact more with their friends than playing gadgets at home.
Digital Learning Strategies in Improving the Learning Experience of Elementary Students in View of Gender Khairunnisa
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i2.105


This study aims to describe blended learning in order to improve the experience of elementary school students in terms of gender. This study uses a qualitative description with a phenomenological approach, namely describing or describing the object of study in terms of events as they appear or as they are. The results of the study show that learning can be carried out online using blended learning, so there is a need for full learning focus and attention because students feel happy and challenged when participating in learning activities in class. Student learning experiences are influenced by supporting and inhibiting factors. Students who are physically and mentally healthy as well as good environmental conditions can foster good student interest in learning. Blended learning is very useful for learning during a pandemic like today because it can trigger children's interest in learning and make them more motivated to learn.
Application of Environmental Learning Learning Strategies to Increasing Science Learning in MI/SD in View of Children's Gender Rabiatul Adawiyah Batubara
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i2.106


Environmental learning strategies include the surrounding environment and students can easily master the material through observation. In this learning strategy students are required to be able to learn to love and be able to apply the learning of the surrounding environment to themselves and without coercion from anyone. The task of the teacher in this case, is to strive for this learning strategy to look fun and not boring for students. The research method used in this study is qualitative research. This research method usually uses data collection techniques consisting of observations, interviews and documentation studies. Through the Environmental Learning strategy, students can understand learning when outside the classroom and are also able to make the enthusiasm of learning students' motivation higher, because students experience a different learning atmosphere than usual.
Application of Cycle Learning Learning Strategies with Metamorphosis Material to Improve Learning Ability of Elementary Students Hasny Delaila Siregar
Journal of Contemporary Gender and Child Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Zia Salsabila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61253/jcgcs.v1i2.107


This study aims to describe the results of applying Cycle Learning learning strategies to elementary age children in improving students' learning abilities. In this study the learning model used is one that can stimulate student participation and the teacher acts as a facilitator. The Cycle Learning learning model is a constructivist learning model, in which learning activities are directed at student activities. This research uses a type of qualitative research with descriptive methods. The supporting factors for implementing the Cycle Learning learning strategy are: (1) Stimulating students to remember what has been taught before, (2) Motivating students to learn more and be more curious, (3) Train students to learn to find concepts through experimental activities and communicate verbally the concepts they learn and students are able to convey these concepts orally. In addition to the supporting factors, there are also inhibiting factors from the application of Cycle Learning, namely: (1) The effectiveness of learning is low if the teacher does not master the material and learning steps, (2) Demands the seriousness and creativity of teachers in designing and implementing the learning process, (3) ) Requires more time and energy as well as more planned and organized class management. The results of this study regarding the application of the learning cycle model in elementary schools can improve student learning outcomes with the aim of giving students time to think, search, find and explain examples of the application they are learning.

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