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OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains
Published by CV. Multi Kreasi Media
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28282442     DOI : -
1. Komputasi Lunak, 2. Sistem Cerdas Terdistribusi, Manajemen Basis Data, dan Pengambilan Informasi, 3. Komputasi evolusioner dan komputasi DNA/seluler/molekuler, 4. Deteksi kesalahan, 5. Sistem Energi Hijau dan Terbarukan, 6. Antarmuka Manusia, 7. Interaksi Manusia-Komputer, 8. Hibrida dan Algoritma Terdistribusi Pemrosesan Informasi Manusia, 9. Komputasi Berkinerja Tinggi, 10. Penyimpanan informasi, 11. Keamanan, integritas, privasi, dan kepercayaan, 12. Pemrosesan Sinyal Gambar dan Ucapan, 13. Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan, 14. Jaringan Pengetahuan, 15. Multimedia dan Aplikasi, 16. Sistem Kontrol Jaringan, 17. Klasifikasi Pola Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami, 18. Pengenalan dan sintesis ucapan, 19. Kecerdasan Robot, 20. Analisis Kekokohan, 21. Kecerdasan Sosial, 22. Statistic 23. Komputasi grid dan kinerja tinggi, 24. Realitas Virtual dalam Aplikasi Rekayasa, 25. Intelijen Web dan Seluler, 26. Data Besar, 27. Manajemen Informatika, 28. Sistem Informasi, 29. Desain Permainan, 30. Sistem Multimedia, 31. Pemrosesan Gambar, 32. IOT 33. Pemrograman Seluler, 34. Desain Basis Data, 35. Pemrograman Jaringan, 36. Sistem Terdistribusi, 37. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, 38. Sistem Pakar, 39. Kriptografi, 40. Model dan Simulasi, 41. Jaringan 42. Perhitungan 43. Metematika 44. Kimia 45. Teknik Elektro 46. Robotik 47. Fisika
Articles 36 Documents
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Implementasi Supply Chain Management (SCM) Untuk Stok Dan Pendistribusian Barang Pada CV. Seloagro Berbasis Web Alan Apriyan; Ahmad Fikri Zulfikar
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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CV. Seloagro is a manufacturer and exporter of rattan wicker baskets from Indonesia. We are a company engaged in rattan wicker baskets and handicraft products. Currently our products have been marketed not only in Indonesia but also abroad. We manufacture and distribute all baskets to several countries. Therefore, here we need technology that can facilitate us in the search process for stock and goods that have been distributed. In the end we discovered web technology. Many advantages of web technology, among others, the information received is more effective and efficient. The problem formulation of this research is how to make a supply chain management information system for stock and distribution of goods for CV. Web-based Seloagro. The research method used is literature, observation, analysis, design, testing and implementation. This supply chain management information system for stock and distribution of goods is built using the PHP programming language and utilizes the MySQL database as a database server. The result of this study is the implementation of a supply chain management program for the stock and distribution of these goods, it is hoped that later the search process for stock and goods that have been distributed can run quickly, so that work is more efficient and effective. The management can directly find out the report on the stock process and the distribution of goods directly, because the program created by the management can access the program directly to view stock reports and the distribution of goods.
Implementasi Scan QR Code Pada Sistem Donasi Anak Yatim Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Studi Kasus : Yayasan Amal Khair Yasmin Yoga Dwi Martin; Ita Handayani
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Yayasan Amal Khair Yasmin experiencing problems, namely the problems faced by the institution in finding new donors to the extent of distributing brochures or word of mouth and the limited space or container to inform and inform the public that the institution needs assistance and there are still errors in recording donations from donors in the form of money or goods. . By using mobile-based donation application media, and the existence of internet technology and quick responses code (QR Code) and currently donations can be made online, in building a mobile-based orphan donation system using the Extreme Programming (XP) method and can make it easier for donors to receive donations. make donations, and obtain information from the foundation.
Implementasi Metode Extreme Programming Pada Perancangan Sistem Administrasi RT Terintegrasi Payment Gateway Midtrans Berbasis Web Ryan Akbar Ramadhan; Joko Riyanto
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The current population data management system in the RT only uses a master book that is stored in archive form. Contributions still use a manual recording system where officers still come to residents' homes to ask for monthly contributions, so it is still not effective and there are weaknesses to avoid billing. fees for the RT environment. Extreme programming is one of the most widely used agile methods, especially in small-scale application development projects. This is because this method is relatively simple and concise but still applies various agile principles that are considered break through in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of software development work. succeeded in creating a website-based information system that makes it easier for the heads of neighborhood units and their residents to administer data and pay monthly fees. The citizen service information system also designed the Margorejo resident data input form, making it easier for admins or employees to enter citizen data and also to view citizen data according to their needs. Residents have been able to make payments through the system without having to wait for officers who come to each resident's house.
Perancangan Dan Pembangunan Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Lokasi Penyedia Jasa Servis Perangkat Komputer Di Wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan Berbasis Web Abiyan Pasya Pamungkas; Yulianti
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The increase in learning activities from home and working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, of course, will also affect the increase in users of computer devices such as laptops and desktop PCs. Computer equipment service providers are services that are in great demand, especially by computer users who are new to using computer equipment during this pandemic, however, just like other business owners, MSMEs, computer equipment service providers, have also experienced a decrease in the number of customers which resulted in a decrease in turnover at the beginning of the pandemic. COVID-19 due to the lack of promotional activities during the pandemic by computer service business owners. Given these problems, the design of a geographic information system mapping the locations of computer equipment service providers is quite possible to provide convenience to people who want to make repairs to their computer equipment and assist computer equipment service providers in promoting their services, the development of this geographic information system. using the Waterfall method, and for the programming language using PHP and MySQL database.
Perancangan Aplikasi Point Of Sale Pada Toko Kang Udin Berbasis Web Bhakti Hanggoro; Fitri Yanti
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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In conducting sales transaction activities, recording goods and reporting sales transactions, Kang Udin Store is still done conventionally by handwriting. Difficulties in recording stock data of incoming goods and outgoing goods, as well as transaction calculations cause inaccurate data. In making a report is very time consuming because it has to find and collect the necessary data from the records in the report book. This can lead to human errors. Therefore, researchers built the Point of Sale (POS) application at Kang Udin Store is built using the waterfall method.The design of this POS application uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) to describe the processes that occur in the POS system. The diagrams used are use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and class diagrams. The programming languages used are PHP with codeigtniter framework, and MySQL as a database. The results of this Point of Sale application design make it easier for Kang Udin Stores to manage sales transactions, manage stock data and recapitulate sales transaction reports.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemberkasan Arsip Dinamis Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : PT. Griya Indah Persada) A’lin Aminudin; Thoyyibah Tanjung
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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PT. Griya Indah Persada is a company engaged in the housing industry located in South Taangerang City. In filing archives, archiving staff still use conventional methods, namely by storing archive files on a shelf in a special room, searching for files manually, making file records reports using a book, and sending files still using conventional media. Based on these problems, the author provides a proposal by creating a web-based dynamic archive filing information system, so that it is hoped that it can help archive staff in managing existing archives. In this study, the author uses the Extreme Programming method using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language, bootstrap framework and MySQL database. The stages of this research include analysis of the current system, analysis of the proposed system, system design, implementation and testing. With a dynamic archive filing information system, the archive storage process can be done digitally by adding information about the archive, making it easy to find again if needed. In the process of applying information systems, training for archive staff and employees can be carried out in using dynamic archive filing information systems.
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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At this time the implementation of mass at the church of Santo Barnabas Pamulang is still limited by following the health protocol (prokes). To avoid crowds and limit participants, a mass registration system has been created through the website. Therefore, all Saint Barnabas devotees who wish to attend mass offline are required to send data on family members and vaccine certificates to church officials through their respective ward administrators. With this system in effect, it is difficult for people who come from outside the area who live temporarily and do not have an environment or are visiting to be able to attend Mass. Web-based registration system specifically for participants that will be designed using the Agile Scrum method. With this system in place, people from outside the church area of ​​St. Barnabas can continue to attend mass by registering online. It is hoped that this system can help church administrators in serving people who want to mass at the church of St. Barnabas, especially people who come from outside the area of ​​​​Saint Barnabas.
Perancangan Sistem It Inventory Dengan Integrasi Ceisa Bea Cukai Berbasis ERP Pada PT. Topjaya Antariksa Electronics Amelia Rahma Dewi; Samsoni
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Bonded Logistic Center is a business to make export and import transcation but the definition of Bonded Logistic Center is “A Bonded Piling Place for storing goods originating outside the customs area and/or goods originating from other places within the customs area, may be accompanied by 1 (one) or more simple activities within a certain period of time to be re-issued.” To make a transcation in Bonded Logistic Center the holding of business should have an IT Inventory System that can be checked in real time by the responsible Directorate General of Customs and Excise. According to Directorate General of Customs and Excise law No. PER-09/BC/2014 about "the application of a computer-based inventory information system for companies that use exemption, return, and bonded storage facilities, as well as data and/or information confidentiality by the directorate general of customs and excise." As the law said so PT. Topjaya Antariksa Electronics should have an IT Inventory System. In this research I made the system with odoo framework V12 Community, postgresql database. The conclusion of this research is IT Inventory System PT. Topjaya Antariksa Electronics have made with odoo framework V12 Community with postgresql that have one custom module so the responsible of directorate general of customs and excise can check the transaction and report in real time.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Monitoring Persediaan Perangkat Laboratorium Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Studi Kasus: SMAN 22 Kabupaten Tangerang) Rawinda Maulia; Rinna Rachmatika
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The Science Laboratory is a facility provided by SMAN 22 Tangerang Regency which is used for practical natural science learning for students. So that the teaching and learning activities of students and teachers do not experience difficulties, the science laboratory assistant does maintenance every day. One of the maintenance methods used is by checking each unit of equipment. The process of checking and monitoring is considered less than optimal because it has not utilized the information system. so that this makes it difficult for laboratory assistants because the assistants only hold on to a list of inventory data written on paper that is prone to being lost and scattered. This difficulty is also felt by the head of the laboratory when asking for all inventory lists as monitoring material. So we need an information system that can help make it easier for laboratory assistants in terms of recording inventory lists and the head of the laboratory can monitor the status of the ready or non-ready laboratory in real time and also the head of the laboratory can find out the track record of the performance of the semester laboratory assistant.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web Di SMK Sirajul Falah Rizky Ramadhani; Wasis Haryono
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 02 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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SMK Sirajul Falah is one of the institutions in the world of education. SMK Sirajul Falah was founded in 2010, which is located at Jl. H. Mawi RT. 02/01 No. 42, Bojong Indah, Kec. Parung, Kab. Bogor Prov. The problems faced are the registration of new students who still use manual methods and the lack of information media in the introduction of SMK Sirajul Falah. Therefore, with the creation of this website, it is hoped that the Sirajul Falah Vocational School can provide information easily. Making this website using CMS Wordpress with AMD Ryzen 5 3500U Proccesor hardware (8 CPUs) ~ 2.1GHz, 2.00GB RAM, as well as Microsoft Office Professional 2019 and Windows 10 Home Single Language software. The result of this research is a website that is easy to convey information about SMK Sirajul Falah. The tests carried out are blackbox testing and also questionnaires to teachers and the general public. The results of the test show that all menus on the website are running well, the respondents also stated that the Sirajul Falah Vocational School website is good and easy to understand. The design of this website is expected to help the introduction of SMK Sirajul Falah to the general public.

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