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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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ISSN : -     EISSN : 27150070     DOI : 10.35791
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal ini memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan Pertanian. Menyangkut Tanah, Budidaya Pertanian, Proteksi Tanaman, Teknologi Pertanian dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
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Partisipasi Masyarakat terhadap Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan di Desa Kauditan II Kecamatan Kauditan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara yanno . dien
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.524


ABSTRACTYanno Dien. The society’s participation in the “PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan atKauditan II Village, North Minahasa Regency”. Under guidance of Welson M.Wangke as chairman and Benu Olfie L.S and Celcius Talumingan as members.The objective of the study in to determine society participation from the planningstages to the evaluation stage in the program “PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan at Kauditan IIVillage, North Minahasa Regency”.Data used in this research are the primary data and secondary data. Primary data inobtained through direct interviews with a sample of respondents, to be guided with a list ofquestions prepare in advance. While secondary data in derived from relevant agencies,namely the village office Kauditan II. Data are analyzed descriptively and presented intabular form.The results showed that society’s participation in the “PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan atKauditan II Village” can be seen from the following measurement variables: the presence inthe activities at the planning meetings and provide suggestions / proposals andconsumption, the presence in each activity at the stage of implementation of activities andparticipation given at the stage of implementation of such personnel, funding, equipmentand consumption as well as the evaluation stage presence, asking opinions andconsumption’s participation.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the society’s in the “PNPMMandiri Perdesaan at Kauditan II Village” from the planning phase to the implementationphase of the evaluation can be Categorized as very active. It is need the guidance and thesupervision continuously from the goverment to support active participation by hisinvolving better in every development program and community development in order tocreate community empowerment.
KARAKTERISTIK FISIKOKIMIA BISKUIT BERBAHAN BAKU TEPUNG PISANG GOROHO (Musa acuminate,sp) Frisly Sayangbati; Erny J. N. Nurali; Lucia Mandey Lucia Mandey; Magrietje B. Lelengboto
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.721


AbstrakPisang goroho (Musa acuminate,sp) merupakan jenis pisang spesifik lokal di daerah Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki nilai gizi Pati 80,89%, Protein 2,89%, Lemak 0,67%, Total Gula 1,83%, Air 11,99%, dan serat kasar ±2%. Pengolahan Pisang Goroho menjadi tepung dan produk bersumber karbohidrat memberi peluang pengembangan yang lebih bervariasi, yang secara tidak langsung ikut membantu percepatan pencapaian program ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk Biskuit dari Tepung Pisang Goroho, mengevaluasi kualitas sensoris serta menganalisis kandungan kimia dari Biskuit Tepung Pisang Goroho. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial, dengan objek penelitian adalah Tepung Pisang Goroho Merah dan Tepung Pisang Goroho Putih, Dengan perlakuan pencampuran tepung pisang dan bahan pengikat (tepung tapioka+tepung maizena). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sensoris biskuit Tepung Pisang Goroho Merah dan Biskuit Tepung Pisang Goroho Putih yang paling disukai adalah yang menggunakan konsentrasi bahan pengikat sebanyak 50 g.. Biskuit Tepung Pisang Goroho Merah dan Biskuit Tepung Pisang Goroho Putih memiliki kandungan kimia yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia.PENDAHULUANBerbagai upaya menunjang program ketahanan pangan nasional dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan produksi dan konsumsi bahan pangan lokal sumber karbohidrat non¹ Mahasiswa
Persepsi Petani Sayuran Dataran Tinggi terhadap Pupuk Organik di Kelurahan Rurukan Kecamatan Tomohon Timur Jefianty O. Perangin-Angin; Oktavianus Porajouw; Johny A. Tuyuwale; Caroline B.D. Pakasi
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.722


ABSTRACTJefianty Oktaria Perangin - angin. Perceptions of the Highlands Vegetable FarmersOrganic Fertilizer in Rurukan Vilage Sub District East Tomohon. Under the guidanceOctavianus Porajouw as chairman, and Johnny A. Tuyuwale and Caroline B.D.Pakasi as members.The objective of the study is to determine perceptions of highland vegetable farmersto organic fertilizer. This study uses primary data and secondary data. The primary dataobtained through interviews with farmers based on a list of questions (questionnaire), whilethe secondary data obtained from the format of the report profiles the village, Village officeRurukan. Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive, by calculating theaverage score of each answer given by the respondent.The results was this study indicate that the perception of farmers on organicfertilizer in Sub Rurukan still not good. This is due to the high level of complexity to obtainorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer is also less cumbersome than inorganic fertilizers, aswell as the selling prices of vegetables using organic fertilizer that was low also becausefarmers in Rurukan was not obtained organic vegetables certified.Based on these results, it can be concluded that highland vegetable farmers'perceptions towards organic fertilizers are still lacking, so many farmers are using organicfertilizers into reuse of inorganic fertilizers. Hence the need for further dissemination of thelocal government, to provide counseling about the benefits and advantages of the use oforganic fertilizers. The government should also pay more attention to the needs of farmersin the use of organic fertilizers, so that farmers can apply organic fertilizer at maximumlevel.
PEMANFAATAN PATI TACCA (Tacca Leontopetaloides) PADA PEMBUATAN BISKUIT Alfianz Z. Aatjin; M. B. Lelemboto; Teltje Koapaha; Lexie P. Mamahit
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.723


ABSTRAKTacca (Tacca leontopetaloides) merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan berbunga yangmasih termasuk kedalam keluarga talas-talasan. Umbi dari Tacca (Tacca Leontopetaloides)ini tidak dapat langsung dikonsumsi karena adanya senyawa rasa pahit yang terdapat padaumbi. Senyawa yang pahit ini dapat dihilangkan dengan merendam umbi Tacca dalam airtawar. Hasil penelitian untuk kandungan kimia pati Tacca yaitu protein 6,25%, lemak 0,35%,kadar air 16,96%, kadar abu 1,37, karbohidrat 74,8%, pati 66,65%, amilosa 22,77%,amilopektin 43,88%. Sekarang ini pengembangan umbi Tacca masih sangat terbatas. Biskuitmerupakan salah satu bentuk solusi yang dapat dikembangkan baik dalam hal penggunaansumber pangan baru ataupun untuk penganekaragaman pangan. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk mendapatkan jumlah pati Tacca yang tepat dalam pembuatan biskuit yangmemiliki sifat sensoris yang disukai panelis dan untuk menghitung kandungan energi biskuitterbaik dari hasil substitusi pati Tacca dan tepung terigu. Tahap pertama mengekstrak patidari umbi Tacca dan tahap kedua pembuatan biskuit dengan perlakuan subtitusi pati Taccadengan tepung terigu. Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu menggunakan pati Tacca 100%,konsentrasi pati Tacca 75% dan tepung terigu 25%, konsentrasi pati Tacca 50% dan tepungterigu 50%, konsentrasi pati Tacca 25% dan tepung terigu 75%, menggunakan tepung terigu100%. Hasil uji organoleptik, perlakuan terpilih dilanjutkan dengan analisis kandungankimia yaitu konsentrasi pati Tacca 75% dan tepung terigu 25% dengan komposisi kimia biskuityaitu kadar abu 1,6% , kadar air 3,40%, kadar lemak 19,54%, kadar protein 10,85%,kadar karbohidrat 63,89%, kalori 474,82 Kal.Kata kunci: Umbi Tacca, pati Tacca, biscuit.
KAJIAN PEMBUATAN BERAS ANALOG BERBASIS TEPUNG UMBI DALUGA (Cyrtosperma merkusii (Hassk) Schott) Ronal Lumba; Christine F. Mamuaja; Gregoria S. S. Djarkasi; Maria F. Sumual
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.724


ABSTRACTDaluga (Cyrtosperma merkusii Hassk) Schott is one type of plant tubers that have a highcarbohydrate content, but its use is limited because of limited tecnohologi owned by the public.Analog Rice is one of the solutions can be developed either in terms of the use of a new food source orto diversify food. The research objective is to get the right concentration of CMC in the manufactureof analog rice flour daluga bulbs. The first phase of the treatment of the old flour soaking slicedtubers daluga the pristine 1 % NaCl solution for 60 and 120 minutes. Further analysis of oxalic acid,oxalic acid treatment followed pads low second stage of rice manufacturing are analog to thetreatment CMC concentration addition. Treatment A = (100% flour daluga : 0% CMC), B = (99.6%flour daluga : 0.4% CMC), C = (99.2% flour daluga: 0.8% CMC), D = (98.8% flour daluga : CMC1.2%), E = (98.4% flour daluga : 1.6% CMC). Organoleptic test results, treatment was continuedwith an analysis of selected physical and chemical properties. Results for flour daluga an average of0.35-0.52% oxalic acid content and chemical composition of the water content of 11.97%, ash contentof 2.4%, 0.89% fat content, protein content 1.11% and carbohydrates conten of 83, 65. Analog Forrice, the chosen treatment CMC concentrations are treatment B = (99.6% flour daluga: 0.4% CMC).nalisis With the results of physical and chemical properties of the analog rice yield 53.52%, colorsrice 70% , 43%, 179.96% water absorption, rehydration time of 7 minutes, water content 7.88%, ashcontent of 2.6%, 5.42% fat content, protein content 0.66%, and carbohydrates conten of 83, 44%.Keywords: Bulbs daluga, oksalate, analog rice, food security
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.725


ABSTRACTDrinks snacks is one product with a sweet taste that can be found, one in the traditional market town ofManado. In the manufacturing procces, manufacturers often use artificial sweeteners to replace naturalsweeteners in order to lower production costs. Artificial sweeteners are the most widely used is the cyclamateand saccharin. In some studies it was found that the use of artificial sweeteners that do not qualify will causecarcinogenic diseases. This study aims to analyze the levels of artificial sweeteners as food additives inbeverages snacks sold in the traditional market town of Manado. The study uses survey. The samples used weresnacks beverages like cendol ice, teler ice, coconut ice, and syrup ice sold in six traditional market town ofManado. This location is chosen according to the overall market located in the market town of Manado PerumPaniki, Paal 2, Tuminting, Bersehati, Karombasan, and Bahu. Sampling as many as 16 samples in whichsamples cendol ice, teler ice 4 samples, coconut ice 1 sample, and syrup ice 2 samples. Conducted a qualitativeanalysis of samples for the presence of cyclamate and saccharin in content of the sample followed by aquantitative analysis to measure the level of artificial sweeteners contained in the sample. The results showedthat in 16 samples of drinks snacks that are six traditional market town of Manado, containing no artificialsweeteners saccharin and two samples of syrup containing artificial sweetener cyclamate. Samples containingcyclamate syrup is red syrup and yellow syrup. Cyclamate levels found in red syrup of 931.98 mg / kg andyellow syrup of 848.65 mg / kg. According to the ISO limit of safe consumption of cyclamate in similar syrup is500 mg / kg, so it can be concluded that cyclamate levels have exceeded the allowed threshold value.Keywords: Snacks drinks, artificial sweeteners, cyclamate, syrup ice
PRODUKSI BIOETANOL DARI SINGKONG (Manihot utilissima) DENGAN SKALA LABORATORIUM Jhiro Christian Mailool; Robert . Molenaar; Dedie . Tooy; Ireine A. Longdong
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.729


ABSTRACTThis research aims to study techniques bioethanol production from cassava to produce ethanol from cassava and determines the quality of the bioethanol produced by analyzing the ethanol content and pH as well as knowing the yield of bioethanol produced from the process is used. The results have been known to a variety of constraints in the production process from raw material storage, fermentation and distillation that can affect the end result in obtaining bioethanol from cassava. By using 5 kg of cassava feedstock with 3 times distillation process which has produced 215 ml of ethanol to 53% ethanol content and pH 6.902; 185 ml of ethanol to 74% ethanol content and pH 6.927, and 130 ml ethanol with 49% ethanol content and pH 6.573.Keywords: Bioethanol.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.731


ABSTRACTEutrofication is one of the water pollution that caused by the increase ofthe consentrate of nutrient. This research studied conducted in catchment area ofSungean river sub DAS Noongan, Kab. Minahasa. The objective of this studywere to quantify the eutrofication’s rapid, in this case the value of Nitrogen andFosfor that caused by any land uses in catchment area of Sungean river sub DASNoongan.This research studied was done by taking the sample of water andquantifying water discharge in some point which had been chosen alongcatchment area of Sungean river that represent various land use. Then theconcentrate of N and P in water sample was analyzed in BARISTAND laboratory.Then the data of N and P That transported from each land uses, was analyzed instatistic with using Randomized Block Design (RBD) and spatial analisis(arcview).The result of research study showed that, each land uses gave effect tothe increase of lake eutrofication. Were in Tondano Lake from Sungean river forN was about 467,1076 mg/day and P was about 5,961849 mg/day. The biggestcontribution of N and P was from residential area, it was 464,2352 mg day-1 ha-1dan 5,961849 mg day-1 ha-1.Keywords : Eutrofikasi, Nutrient, River Of Sungean, Landuse
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.732


ABSTRACTMenhard Richard Manangkot, Revenue structure of society which Living in SuburbanAreas Tondano under guidance of Esry .O. Laoh as Chairman and Agnes. E. Loho asmemberThe purpose of this study is to examine the structure of the income of people living inrural areas of Tondano and see how much additional revenue earned from the people whowork outside the agricultural sector. The results showed that the percentage of the incomestructure of the people living in the suburbs Tondano namely agriculture (42.5%), services(30%), PNS / private sector employees (17.5%) and Trade / point (10%). The family incomesuburban areas Tondano 62.36% came from non-agricultural sector and agricultural sector37.64%. For that extra income from non-agricultural sector by 12, 36%.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.791


ABSRACTSEPLIANTO MAARENDE, Analysis Income of Pineapple Farm In LobongPakasi as chairman and Celsius Talumingan and Juliana Mandei as member.This study aims to determine how much income and expense requiredpineapple farming. This research is expected to benefit the pineapple farmers toincrease earned income and be able to manage with a pineapple farm better andcan provide benefits in the form of information for farmers and those who need it.This study was conducted in Bolaang Mongondow with data retrievaldirectly from farmers in the village of pineapples Lobong Bolaang Mongondow.The data is then analyzed using analysis revenue analysis followed by analysis ofReturn Cost Ratio (Return R / C), known as the ratio between the total cost ofproduction revenue.Pineapple farm income calculation is done in stages five times the harvest.With a total cost of Rp Rp. 18.922.000 with total revenue of Rp. 30.387.000.Pinapple farmer earn incomes of Rp. 11. 465.500 for every harvest period, each inevery hectare. Results of these calculations can be conclude that the pineapplefarm in the village of Lobong Bolaang Mongondow feasible to run because it isgenerally very favorable for obtaining the value of R / C of 1.60. It means every 1rupiah cost given by farmer can produce 1,60 income. These shows that pinapplefarming in Lobong Village have economic advantages.Village of Bolaang Mongondow Regency under the guidance of Caroline B.D.

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