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Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Kampus 3 Cisauk, Jalan Raya Cisauk Lapan No. 70, Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten Banten, 15345
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Metris: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN : 14113287     EISSN : 28084810     DOI :
Jurnal Metris is published 2 (twice) a year. Since Volume 14 in 2013, Jurnal Metris has been published in June and December. The contents of the journal discuss research results in the field of industrial engineering. Jurnal Metris provides a place of publishing for sharing the new findings from research results of researchers, academics, scientists, and practitioners who related to the scope (but not limited) of: 1) Smart Production; 2) Lean Manufacturing; 3) Product Design & Development; 4) Human Factors Engineering; 5) Management Science and Operation Research; 6) Logistics and Supply Chain Management; 7) Decision Science in Business and Management; 8) Quality Engineering.
Articles 8 Documents
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Model Penilaian Efektivitas Transfer Teknologi Pada Klaster Industri Mebel Naniek Utami Handayani; Bambang Purwanggono; Haryo Santoso
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Tolok ukur yang digunakan dalam menilai kinerjaindustri UKM adalah pencapaian nilai tambah, sehingga usaha untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah sepanjang rantai kegiatan merupakan salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing.Guna mendorong keberlanjutan bisnis UKM diperlukan adanya dukungan riset dan transfer teknologi, pemahaman manajemen dan kewirausahaaan, yang disertai dengan rangkaian sistem dan media kerjasama yang menjembatani keberadaan dan perkembangan riset, teknologi, manajemen, dan kewirausahaan terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan perilaku dan kelembagaan UKM. Proses transfer teknologi seringkali mengalami kendala diantaranya kemampuan belajar/ pemahaman yang kurang terhadap adanya teknologi baru, rendahnya dukungan lingkungan, budaya masyarakat yang tidak mendukung, dan keengganan bekerjasama diantara para pihak yang terkait. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah AHP. Output yang diharapkan adalah adanya model penilaian efektivitas transfer teknologi pada klaster industri.
Evaluasi Heuristic Desain Antar Muka (Interface) Portal Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Portal Mahasiswa Universitas X) Dino Caesaron
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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This study aimed to evaluate the interface design of student portal in University X using human factors and ergonomics interpretation approach, to increase usability and usefulness of the system. Heuristic evaluation by Molich and Nielsen was used as methodology. The result shows in general that interface design, ease of use (usability) of student portal in University X has been pretty good based on evaluation, but there are some things that need to be improved, especially in the characteristics of usability
Kajian Exclusive Dealing dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Tingkat Persaingan Usaha dan Iklim Bisnis pada Rantai Pasok Industri Komponen Levinia Dian Laraswati; Wahyudi Sutopo; Yuniaristanto Yuniaristanto
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Supply chain of vehicle industry is one of the supply chain that involves many entities. The high number of entities make the creation of a business network to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business activities better known as vertical integration. However, the creation of excessive vertical integration and not pay attention to the rules of fair competition can also have a negative impact on the business climate conditions. Component industry as part of the car industry in the downstream sector has shown the existence of an indication of a exclusive dealing with their customers. The research conducted an analysis using structural equation modeling to know abaout the relationship between exclusive dealing indication the level of competition and the business climate in Indonesia component industry. And based on the processing and analysis of data, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the indication of exclusive dealing with the level of competition and business climate of the industry.
PengembanganVariasi Desain Berbasis Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCam) dan Rapid Prototyping (RP) untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Souvenir Baju Bawono; P. Wisnu Anggoro; A. Tonny Yuniarto Yuniarto
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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The purpose of this study was to improve product design variations artistic brass souvenirs through of technology Rapid Prototyping (RP) to create the master mold brass products so as to increase the competitiveness of the product in the eyes of consumers. Market research will be conducted to identify consumer buying interest and identify distinguishing excellence needed to build the concept of product development brass. The research results in the form of a distinctive design trades selected areas further using software designed Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCAM) and translated into a master mold by a 3D engine utilizing Object 30Pro RP technology. This research will be focused on optimizing the manufacturing process so that the brass souvenirs is expected to appear as a continuous improvement effort to improve the competitiveness of the industrial centers Ngawen souvenirs.
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Penyusunan Jadwal Kerja Dinas Jaga Perawat IGD Menggunakan Algoritma TPB Dony Susandi; Lia Milana
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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A hospital has an installation services including outpatient, inpatient, ER and laboratories. In making the case in the ER department schedules, lack of attention to equity aspects schedule guard duty nurse. Nurse scheduling is one of the problems in health care organizations that are hard to solve. The number of patients who are not controlled, the seriousness of the patient's disease, absence and private demand for the holiday, including making a schedule for each nurse into working hours (shifts) different in the short term. Seeing those conditions, it is done using the ER nurse scheduling algorithm method Tibrewala, Phillipe and Brown (TPB). This method can produce a schedule to minimize the amount of labor. In this research is also developing software for web-based application scheduling algorithm based on TPB.Making an application based on Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) is simple, consisting of one admin as manager application. Scheduling resulting from the processing of nurses to determine the needs, the number of nurses and the number of shift each nurse. The structure of application is made simple program consisting of, the need for nurses, shift work and the needs of the iteration process to generate schedules. Scheduling algorithms using the TPB can result in the division of labor and the amount of work shift power evenly to each nurse. This application help the process of scheduling the event of changes relating to the scheduling so that the scheduling process can be done at any time by efficiently and effectively.
Analisa Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Produk Air Minum (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan CV.OEN Jaya) Yugowati Praharsi; Nofi Erni; Bohal Juanda Sinambela
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh persaingan di bidang penyedia Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) dimana banyaknya AMDK lain yang mulai bermunculan. Fenomena ini mendorong setiap perusahaan untuk meningkatkan produknya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen. CV.OEN JAYA merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang berlokasi di Tangerang yang memproduksi Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) merek ANQUA dengan kemasan gelas 220 ml. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan produk, kepercayaan, kesetiaan, niat membeli, kualitas produk, inovasi produk, kesadaran/pengetahuan produk, persepsi nilai dan harga terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Diharapkan bahwa temuan studi ini akan membantu produsen CV.OEN JAYA untuk mengembangkan strategi terbaik dalam menjaga kesetiaan konsumen.
Perancangan Content Management System Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Rachmad Hidayat; Achmad Jauhari
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Objectives expected of this research is to design a CMS information system for rural banks (BPR). This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data collection method used is the in-depth interviews with management and direct observation processes that occur in BPR. CMS development easier for the BPR to provide the latest information to its customers, making it easier marketing. Testing the success of the CMS system show that the quality of the CMS system is determined by the design layout of the interface and the required forms is well defined. Quality of information is determined by the ease of CMS, understood by users and customers. A lot of quality process is determined by the quality of information produced CMS. Analysis of costs and benefits of the CMS information system stated that the CMS information system project feasible and able to provide benefits to the BPR.
Estimasi Jarak Tempuh Order Picking System - Low Level to Part di PT. GMS Agung Chandra
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 16 No. 01 (2015): 2015
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Travel distance has an important role in order picking system, low-level picker-to-part, especially in warehousing productivity. Reducing travel distance means reducing travel time. Research was conducted at PT.GMS that uses random storage which means every item has an equal probability and every item is taken and used by production. Access frequency is assumed to be the same. Travel distance estimation is using probability calculation approach and combination with uniform distribution. Several methods are used to explore the shortest distance: Return Without Repetition, Midpoint Heuristics, and Traversal Without Skip. The results has shown that Midpoint strategy is better than Return Without Repetition and Traversal Without Skip.

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