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Influence: International Journal of Science Review
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INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review (Influence Journal) is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open-access international journal dedicated to the promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define open-access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "Open Access," users shall have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link" to the full texts of articles. The journal publishes original research articles from broad areas like Accountancy, Agriculture, Anthropology, Anatomy, Architecture, Arts, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Bioscience, Biostatistics, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Dairy Technology, Dentistry, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Food & Nutrition, Forensic Science, Forestry, Geology, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Home Science, Journalism & Mass Communication, Language, Law, Life Science, Literature, Management, Marine Science, Mathematics, Medical Science, Microbiology, Pathology, Paramedical Science, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Physics, Political Science, Public Health, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sociology, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Tourism, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Yoga, Zoology, etc. Published by: Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing
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Articles 158 Documents
Utilización de la nanotecnología En el Desarrollo de Fertilizantes Orgánicos y Pesticidas Cornelio Duante
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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No se puede negar que el desarrollo de la tecnología y su utilización está íntimamente relacionado con el aumento de la competitividad de la industria de un país. Se necesita un mayor conocimiento y dominio de las nuevas tecnologías para ganar la competencia en la era del comercio global tanto por parte del gobierno como de la industria. Un ejemplo de tecnología que se está discutiendo es la nanotecnología. El uso de la nanotecnología es bien conocido, incluso en los campos de la salud, la cosmética y la agricultura. Básicamente, el principio del descubrimiento de la nanotecnología es maximizar el rendimiento o la producción de cultivos minimizando el uso de fertilizantes, pesticidas y otras necesidades al monitorear las condiciones del suelo, como las raíces, y aplicarlas directamente al objetivo para que nada se desperdicie. Para pesticidas, si esto se aplica, podrá minimizar el uso de pesticidas en las plantas porque solo los insectos objetivo se ven afectados. El uso de la nanotecnología en los fertilizantes permitirá que se pueda controlar la liberación de los nutrientes contenidos en el fertilizante. Por lo tanto, solo se liberan los nutrientes que realmente serán absorbidos por las plantas, por lo que no hay pérdida de nutrientes, hay objetivos indeseables como el suelo, el agua y los microorganismos. En los nanofertilizantes , los nutrientes pueden estar en forma de encapsulación de nanomateriales, recubiertos por una fina capa protectora o liberados en forma de emulsión a partir de nanopartículas
Morphological of Zinc Ferrite Nanostructure Using the Hydrothermal Synthesis Kiki Rezki Lestari
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v4i2.50


Over the last two decades, many methods for synthesizing various ZnFe2O4 nanostructures of uniform size and shape, such as nanospheres, nanoflowers, nanorods, and nanotubes, have been developed. It seems challenging to investigate a practical and cost-effective method to synthesize cubic ZnFe2O4 magnetite with cubic morphological properties in an aqueous solution. The morphology of zinc ferrite nanostructures is mostly random and non-uniform. The objective of this study is to create reasonably uniform single-crystal zinc ferrite nanocubes. The hydrothermal method was used to successfully sample zinc ferrite by varying the amount of (En) ethylenediamine (0 - 2.4 mL) in the solution. The outcomes demonstrated that the nanocubes, with a particle size of nearly 48 nm, had a more uniform morphology than other samples. The morphology and dimensions of the samples were examined using scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy.
Mapping the Musamus University Campus Using the Bm Tie Point at Mopah Merauke Airport Yance Kakerissa
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v4i2.51


Musamus University is one of the state universities located in the easternmost region of the archipelago, which is currently under construction. In the current era of development, the availability of maps is something that cannot be left behind, especially for the physical development of facilities and infrastructure, as progress in the field of science and technology is so rapid. Measurement and mapping work is an integral part of civil engineering work planning or building design. This writing needs to be done in order to provide correct information, the presence of information will be used to plan something. Likewise, mapping vehicles can not only be carried out terrestrially, but also photogrammetrically, and even propagate in space with satellite technology with various advantages. Each vehicle has advantages and disadvantages so it really depends on the mapping, the level of detail of the objects that must be presented, and the coverage of the area to be mapped. And the methodology that the author uses in this study is the Literature methodology and the Observation Methodology. Surveys and mapping were carried out on the Musamus University campus and its supporting infrastructure, the results of the calculation are as follows: top thread = 1550m, middle thread = 1300m, bottom thread = 1050m, optical distance = 50m, flat distance = 49.98m, height difference = 1.51m and angle correlation = 0 1’26’’
Primavera araba: l'Islam nella rivoluzione politica e nello sviluppo del Medio Oriente Dakarai Funsani
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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I movimenti sociali presenti durante la Primavera Araba hanno provocato sconvolgimenti politici nei paesi del Medio Oriente. A partire dalla Tunisia, la rivoluzione si è estesa ai paesi vicini, ovvero Egitto, Libia e Siria. Presente in mezzo a una prominente religione e cultura islamica, l'obiettivo della rivoluzione è portare la democrazia nei sistemi di governo di paesi che sono stati a lungo in un sistema di autocrazia, ma fino ad ora la democrazia con l'Islam è stata spesso considerata incompatibile con l'un l'altro. , soprattutto nei paesi con valori islamici profondamente radicati. Questo articolo si concentra sull'uso dei valori islamici nel movimento della società civile globale che si svolge durante la Primavera araba. Passando in rassegna la rivoluzione in una macro, l'argomento principale dell'autore è che la Primavera Araba è diventata una fase che ha dato all'Islam un certo grado di flessibilità verso la democrazia e ha portato la democrazia nel mondo arabo. Questo articolo genera la conclusione che l'innesco della rivoluzione non era dovuto a questioni religiose, i manifestanti che si sono uniti non erano musulmani al cento per cento e l'argomento richiesto non era legato alla vita religiosa delle persone, ma che l'Islam, sia il loro i valori o le pratiche religiose non potevano essere separati nell'organizzazione delle masse durante la rivoluzione..
Strategic Design of Indigenous Community Economic Development in North Toraja Regency in Accelerating National Development Randi Tangdialla; Lisa Kurniasari Wibisono; Iindarda S. Panggalo
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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Indigenous peoples are essential agents of change to achieve sustainable economic development. However, they remain part of the most disadvantaged and marginalized groups, untouched by the outside world. This encourages the government to focus economic development planning on indigenous peoples so that they can empower the community’s economy in various rural areas. This research was conducted to provide recommendations to local governments regarding the economic development of indigenous peoples in the North Toraja region so that they can be realized soon. The results of this study then conclude that there is strong cooperation between the Regional Government of North Toraja Regency and local customs (Tongkonan or To Parenge), recruitment of more experts to provide education and counseling to indigenous peoples in their respective customary territories, and regional development in strategic areas and better spatial planning to support the distribution and promotion of products developed by local indigenous peoples are solutions that can be considered by the Regional Government of North Toraja Regency in accelerating national development.
Percorsi online, lavoratori migranti digitali: dall'empowerment al tracciamento delle impronte digitali dei rifugiati Paul Xeska
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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Il testo studia come la digitalità e le rotte dei rifugiati si intersecano concentrandosi sui concetti di »migranti connessi e le tracce digitali delle rotte dei rifugiati negli spazi transnazionali. Lo smartphone è un simbolo chiave del rifugiato di oggi e il possesso di uno è messo in discussione dalle politiche di legittimazione del governo e dalla percezione pubblica di ciò che costituisce un vero rifugiato. Questi trascurano la complessa questione dei diritti digitali e dell'integrazione della migrazione nella fluidità del mondo postmoderno. Pertanto, il testo affronta l'ambivalenza del mondo digitale, che non è solo un rapporto di empowerment a senso unico, ma comporta anche il rischio di un controllo totale sul corpo di un rifugiato. Stabiliamo che è avvenuto un cambiamento importante nelle politiche europee, più visibile nel processo di cancellazione delle tracce elettroniche dei profughi in movimento e del ritorno illegale dei profughi nel Paese precedente nel loro percorso, i cosiddetti respingimenti.
Obligation to be Registered as Participant of National Health Insurance in Land Registration from Sale and Purchase from State Responsibilities Perspective Cicilia Mirnasari Putri; Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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The right to health is one of the human rights guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and is a state responsibility that must be fulfilled. One manifestation of the implementation of these rights is to organize the National Health Insurance program. However, current facts and data show that participants from the National Health Insurance have not reached 100%, so to achieve this the government issued Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022, one of which requires applicants to register for the transfer of land rights because the sale and purchase is an active participant in the Health Insurance program. National. The author considers the government's policy through the Presidential Instruction to be wrong based on theories related to state responsibility, laws related to buying and selling land in Indonesia, and the concept of state control over land in Indonesia. In the end, the author analyzes that this policy will actually be contradictory to other governments, namely all land in Indonesia must have a certificate for the realization of legal certainty over land throughout Indonesia.
Un intervento umanista critico: agencia, estructura y valores Fabiano Gavino
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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L'obiettivo principale dell'articolo è suggerire cosa e come una versione contemporanea e rivista dell'umanesimo, con un'inflessione di realismo critico e marxismo, può contribuire alla sociologia. Mi concentro principalmente su due aree in cui la sociologia oggi spesso manca: teorizzare il rapporto tra struttura e agency e decidere cosa fare con le valutazioni morali nelle analisi sociologiche. Sostengo che la soluzione per entrambi sta nel cercare finalmente di trascendere i paradigmi tradizionalmente ostili e mutuamente esclusivi del marxismo "umanista" o "culturale" da un lato e del marxismo "antiumanista" o "scientifico" dall'altro. Questo ci permette di restaurare accuratamente l'agency dei soggetti umani e la dimensione morale, che erano e continuano ad essere scartate dalle scienze sociali antiumanistiche o postumanistiche, senza trascurare allo stesso tempo l'esistenza oggettiva e causalmente rilevante delle strutture sociali. tempo atmosferico.
The Influence of the Ability to Read and Write the Qur'an on the Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Education Students in Class VI A Darul Hikam Elementary School Bandung Asep Wahyu; Basuki; Abdul Karim Karim; Endah Nurdini
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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This study aimed to determine the influence of the ability to read and write the Qur’an on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education students in grade VI A. This research approach uses a quantitative approach. This type of research uses survey research. In taking samples using Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling. For data collection techniques using tests and documentation. Methods of data analysis using simple linear regression test and multiple linear regression test. Based on the analysis and research discussion, it can be concluded that 1) the ability to read the Qur'an influences the learning outcomes of students' Islamic education; 2) The ability to write the Qur'an does not affect students' Islamic Religious Education Learning Outcomes, and 3) The ability to read the Qur'an and the ability to write the Qur'an together influence the learning outcomes of students' Islamic education.
Más allá del trauma sociohistórico con Olga Zhukova e Iskra Babich: relectura del cine de la perestroika Fiorella Gian
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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La cinematografia della Perestrojka (e del primo periodo post-sovietico) coinvolge un terreno misto, spesso descritto come un'"onda nera" socialmente critica - chernukha; il periodo ha visto un numero senza precedenti di opere di registe donne, ancora da affrontare con borse di studio cinematografiche. Questo articolo esamina il lavoro cinematografico di Olga Zhukova (1954-), che ha prodotto cinque lungometraggi nel periodo 1990-1994. Questo articolo analizza i suoi film, non ben accolti dalla critica e accusati di essere pretenziosi e artificiosi, insieme a un altro regista sovietico, Iskra Babich (1938-2001). Riesamino la formazione del discorso cinematografico di Zhukova, concentrandomi sull'interazione tra audiovisivo e corporeo, per sostenere che le sue opere creano spazi temporali specifici che sfidano i riferimenti sociopolitici immediati forniti da narrazioni lineari apparentemente formative ed evitano le dicotomie patriarcali che supportano il quest'ultimo.

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