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Public Health Risk Assesment Journal (PHRAJ)
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Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment aims to publish original research results, reviews, and policy papers written by researchers, experts as well as practitioners, in the field of public health. Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment encompasses a broad range of research topics in the field of public health covering process the of public health risk assessment, toxic effects of public and environmental pollution on human health and the environment, public health policies, and public health management. Only the articles consist of novelty and excellent scientific contribution in public health fields can published in Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment. Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment aims to publish original research results, reviews, and policy papers written by researchers, experts as well as practitioners, in the field of public health. Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment encompasses a broad range of research topics in the field of public health covering process the of public health risk assessment, toxic effects of public and environmental pollution on human health and the environment, public health policies, and public health management. Only the articles consist of novelty and excellent scientific contribution in public health fields can published in Journal of Public Health Risk Assesment.
Articles 4 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1: Juli (2023)" : 4 Documents clear
Analisis faktor resiko kejadian tuberkulosis pada anak di wilayah kota Kupang Aminah Haslinda Baun; Ince Picauly; Rafael Paun
Public Health Risk Assesment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1: Juli (2023)
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/phraj.v1i1.2023.66


Di Indonesia menunjukkan proporsi kasus TB anak diantara semua kasus tuberkulosis Di Indonesia menunjukkan proporsi kasus TB anak diantara semua kasus tuberculosis pada tahun 2010 adalah 9,4 %, kemudian menjadi 8,5% pada tahun 2011 dan 8,2 % pada tahun 2012 (Kemenkes RI, 2014). Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur  kasus Tuberkulosis anak dari tahun 2012 sebanyak 441 kasus, tahun 2013 sebanyak 165 kasus, dan tahun 2014 sebanyak 161 kasus. Sedangkan kasus Tuberkulosis anak di Kota Kupang sejak tahun 2012 sebanyak 121 kass,  tahun 2013 sebanyak 122 kasus, tahun 2014 sebanyak 39 kasus dan hingga September tahun 2015 sebanyak 41 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor resiko,. kejadian tuberkulosis pada anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menndeskripsikan karakteristik kejadian kasus tuberkulosis anak meliputi faktor imunisasi, kontak dengan penderita Tuberkulosis, status gizi dan paparan perokok pasif di di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan faktor imunisasi BCG pada anak dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan kontak dengan penderita tuberkulosis dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan status gizi anak dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan paparan perokok pasif dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan pencahayaan dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang, menganalisis hubungan kelembaban dengan kejadian tuberkulosis anak di wilayah Kota Kupang dengan menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian case control. Hasil penelitian analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat kontak (p = 0,001 = OR = 157,566), dan status gizi (p = 0,047 = OR = 9,801) dengan kejadian tuberkulosis pada anak di wilayah Kota Kupang.
Paparan timbal dalam urin remaja pada kejadian gangguan sistem saraf dan keseimbangan di kecamatan Curug Dhia Syarifa Levanta; Izza Hananingtyas
Public Health Risk Assesment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1: Juli (2023)
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/phraj.v1i1.2023.221


In the production process, there are several industries that use Pb in their production process, one of which is in the battery smelting process. The explanation that the source of Pb pollution in Kec. Curug comes from battery recycling industry activities. One of the groups in society that is at risk of being affected is early adolescence which at that age is a period of rapid growth and development, both physically, psychologically and intellectually. Pb accumulation in body tissues, especially in the nerves will cause disturbances in the nervous system both structurally and functionally. It is known that it affects different parts of the brain, one of which is the cerebellum which has the function of coordinating adjustments quickly and automatically by maintaining body balance. The population of this study were 92 early adolescents in two high schools in Permata, Kec. Waterfall with a sample of 52 people. Examination of balance disorders is done with the Romberg test. This study used a cross-sectional study design with this type of observational research. In conclution, (92.3%) early teens urine contain Lead (Pb) are still below the specified Treshold Value (<50 µg/L). The emergence of complaints of the central nervous system and the balance disorder in early teens can be caused by other factors.
Kontaminasi kimia dan biologi pada air dan udara dengan ARKM: analisis risiko kesehatan masyarakat Dian Rosdiana; Ira Ayu Hastiaty; Eka Hartomy; Ikram Kango; Porman Tiurmaida Simbolon; Prima Gita Pradapaningrum; Minar Indriasih; Adhika Paramasatya
Public Health Risk Assesment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1: Juli (2023)
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/phraj.v1i1.2023.222


Wawancara dilakukan ukepada 6 unit rumah tangga untuk mengambil air bersih. Anak, balita, remaja serta dewasa dilakukan pengukuran risiko kesehatan dengan pengukuran. Penelitian menunjukkan SO2 dengan konsentrasi 0.0004781 mg/m3 dan NO2 dengan konsentrasi 0.0000576 mg/m3 tidak berisiko pada semua kelompok umur di Kelurahan Depok. Sedangkan PM10 dengan konsentrasi maksimal 0.070 mg/m3 berisiko pada semua kelompok umur di Kelurahan Depok. Balita paling berisiko terhadap kontaminan PM10 dengan konsentrasi 0.042 mg/m3 sesuai karakteristik, pola pemajanan, dan pola aktivitas kelompok balita di Kelurahan Depok. e. coli. Kontaminasi mikrobiologi pada air minum menunjukkan EIR sebesar 0,00000636 berarti ada 7 orang dalam 1000000 orang populasi yang beresiko sakit karena infeksi E. coli melalui ingesti air minum. Sedangkan pada udara, EIR sebesar 0,00000121 berarti ada 2 orang dalam 1000000 orang populasi yang beresiko sakit karena infeksi E. coli melalui inhalasi udara di dalam rumah. Berdasarkan nilai CDI masing-masing kelompok umur, untuk RQ zat Mn, NO2, NO3, Cr6+, dan besi, seluruhnya di bawah 1 (RQ ≤  1).  Sehingga paparan zat-zat tersebut aman untuk pola konsumsi air minum masyarakat Rawa Lio. Air rawa memenuhi Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 kecuali parameter nitrat dan E. coli. RQ < 1 untuk NO2 dan SO2 pada semua kelompok umur menunjukkan tidak berisiko bagi kesehatan. Serta RQ > 1 pada konsentrasi PM10 maksimum di semua kelompok umur menunjukan tingkat berisiko bagi kesehatan.
Hubungan pengetahuan dan konsumsi vitamin c dengan kadar timbal dalam urin remaja di kecamatan Curug Nilna Fasyya Salsabilla; Izza Hananingtyas
Public Health Risk Assesment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1: Juli (2023)
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/phraj.v1i1.2023.223


Lead is a toxic and pervasive metal. Chronic exposure to low levels is responsible for significant health effects, particularly in early adolescent. Prevention remains the best option for reducing lead exposure. The objective of the present study was to determine the association between knowledge and consumption of vitamin c with lead exposure in early adolescents’ urine. This research is a quantitative study with cross sectional study design. Research subjects were 52 adolescents aged 12-16 years from Kadu Village, Curug. We examined associations of levels of knowledge and consumption of vitamin c with urine lead levels (Pb-U). We used a brief questionnaire on prevention for lead poisoning, included to measure knowledge (from Chicago Lead Knowledge Test Questionnaire) and daily intake of vitamin C (from Food Frequency Questionnaire) completed by respondents. Pb-U was measured using ICP-OES. The average urine lead levels of the early adolescents was 28,88 μg/L (median: 27,70 μg/L; CI 95% 24,85-32,90) (n=52), and Std. 14,46 μg/L. There was a significant difference between knowledge and the levels of Pb in the urine of early adolescent (p = 0,045). There was no significant difference between the consumption of vitamin c and the levels of Pb in the urine of early adolescent (p = 0,379). The hypothesis proved that the levels of knowledge affects lead levels in the urine of early adolescents. Therefore, it is suggested that government should educate the public about lead and its preventive actions and collaborate with policy makers to be more efficient.

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