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Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research
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Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research is a scholarly peer-reviewed international multidisciplinary Journal. The journal implements a double-blind peer review for articles. The research manuscript must pass through the plagiarism check before being allotted to the reviewers. The open-access journal ensures the quality of published articles. The journal includes a wide range of research articles in multidisciplinary areas of applied sciences. The original review, research, literature, short notes, and book reviews are welcome to be published in this journal.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 12 Documents
Analisis Fundamental Terhadap Return Saham Syariah Pada Jakarta Islamic Index Tahun 2017-2021 Viyanti, Amalia; Hanif, Aisha
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i3.1


The goal of an investor investing in stocks is to get a return. In predicting returns, an investor must look at the company's performance which can be done by fundamental analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of firm size, DER, EPS, and PBV on Islamic stock returns in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2017-2021. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of hypothesis testing prove that only DER has effect on Islamic stock returns. Firm size, EPS, and PBV has no effect on Islamic stock returns. The results of this study provide guidelines for making decisions about investing in stocks related to Islamic stock returns and can be used as a reference for those who wish to conduct further research on Islamic stock returns or similar research in the future.
Analisis Penerapan Penggunaan Mufradat dalam Komunikasi Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Islamic Center eLKISI Mojokerto Yusrinawati, Azifa; Ammar, Farikh Marzuki
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i3.2


Mufradat has an important role in communication skills. This research is motivated by the difficulties of Arabic language boarding students at the Mojokerto eLKISI Islamic Center Islamic Boarding School in applying mufradat when communicating. The purpose of this study was to find out the application of mufradat for female students in Arabic dormitories communication, to examine the difficulties of students in applying mufradat when communicating in Arabic, and alternative solutions to these problems. This type of research is a descriptive-qualitative study with research subjects being female students of the Arabic boarding school, Mudabbir, and Ismul Lughah. Research data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that some students still use Indonesian and do not apply mufradat in communication. There are two linguistic difficulties and four non-linguistic difficulties. Two linguistic difficulties are in the form of a lack of mastery of grammar and knowledge of grammar. Four non-linguistic difficulties in the form of a less supportive social environment in the dormitory, different class backgrounds, limited time for students' activities in the dormitory, and the emergence of a sense of shame and fear of being wrong. The solution to this problem is implementing a mandatory language program for all students, maximizing the role of Mudabbir as a facilitator and linguistic role model, and implementing a reward and punishment system.
Efektifitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Multi Agama pada Perubahan Perilaku Pergaulan Bebas Siswa Kelas XI SMKN 1 Negara Kabupaten Jembrana Provinsi Bali Prasetyo R., Dwi; Nadlif, Aiunun
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i3.3


This study aims to describe: (1) How are students interacting at SMKN 1 State, Jembrana Regency, Bali Province (2) How is the negative impact of promiscuity in Smkn 1 State School, Jembrana Regency, Bali Province (3) How is promiscuity in the perspective of existing religious education in Indonesia. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, data collection techniques with the method of observation (observation), interviews and documentation. Data analysis using data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. Based on the research results show that: (1) The impact of promiscuity on students in Smkn 1 Negara such as, decreased school achievement (study achievement), dropping out of school, pregnancy out of wedlock. (2) If it is connected with the 2013 curriculum material for Islamic religious education, it is found that it is already present in teaching, namely self-control behavior (mujahaddah-nafs) described in QS. al-Anfal verse 72, and there are also teachings about promiscuity which include understanding the meaning, negative effects and dangers of major sins such as drunkenness, taking drugs, adultery and others and it is also explained that parents and playmates must be figures who can set a good example. As for promiscuity and its negative impact in terms of Islamic education, it is the procedure for association between humans and fellow human beings, especially with the opposite sex which leads to the implementation of sex outside of marriage which has destructive consequences and deviant behavior that leads to promiscuity which is contrary to values. values contained in Islamic education.
Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Risiko Sistematis dan Likuiditas Terhadap Return Saham (pada Perusahaan di LQ45 Tahun 2018-2020) Islamiyanti, Erni; Sari, Herlinda Maya Kumala
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i3.4


This study aims to determine the effect of capital structure, systematic risk and liquidity on stock returns (in companies at LQ45 in 2018-2020). The sampling method used is purposive sampling method. The number of companies that were sampled in this study were 43 of the LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2020. The data used is secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the capital structure has a partial effect on stock returns. Systematic risk partially affects stock returns. Liquidity partially affects stock returns. Capital structure, systematic risk, and liquidity simultaneously affect stock returns.
Hubungan Kebersyukuran dengan Perilaku Prososial pada Anggota IPNU-IPPNU Zulkarnain, Muhammad Rizki; Maryam, Effy Wardati
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i3.5


This study was motivated by the phenomenon of social behavior problems among IPNU-IPPNU members in the village of Candipari. It can be seen from the interview results that the problems faced by the members show a lack of pro-social behavior. This can be seen from the lack of cooperation among members, honesty and mutual help as aspects of social behavior. This study aims to understand the relationship between gratitude and pro-social behavior between IPNU and IPPNU members in Candipari village. The students in this study are members of IPNU and IPPNU in the village of Candipari. The sampling method in this study is used for saturation sampling. The research method used is quantitative research using an interactive approach. The data collection method used psychological scales, namely affective behavior scale and gratitude scale. The construction of the psychological scale in this study uses the Likert scale model (response scale). The data analysis method used in this study is the Pearson correlation method (Product Moment) using the software SPSS 20 for windows. Based on the analysis results, the data analysis test results obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.640 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. This means that there is a strong relationship between gratitude and pro-social behaviour. Based on the experimental results, the coefficient of determination for the result is 0.395 (R Square), which means that in this study the gratitude variable contributes 39.5% to the affective behavioral variable. Based on the experimental results, the proposed hypothesis is acceptable, that is, there is a positive relationship between Gratitude and social behavior of IPNU-IPPNU members in Candipari village.
Hubungan antara Religiusitas dengan Kecemasan karyawan Parahita Diagnostic Center saat Menghadapi Virus Covid 19 Muzakki, Moch
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i4.6


The phenomena that occurred at the Parahita Diagnostic Center during the Covid 19 pandemic had an impact on everyone. One of them had an impact on the anxiety of the employees of the Surabaya branch of the Parahita Diagnostic Center. This study aims to determine the relationship between religiosity and anxiety. The number of this study amounted to 120 employees from a total population of 120 employees. The sampling technique used is Non Probabil Sampling. While the data was taken using the anxiety scale adapted from Nugroho's research (2010) and the Religiosity scale adapted from Huber & Huber (2012) with reliable scores of 0.903 and 0.772. The results of this study used Shapiro Wilk's analysis assisted by SPSS for Windows and showed a relationship There is a significant positive relationship between Religiosity and Anxiety with a correlation coefficient of p = - 0.362 with a significance value of P = 0.000. This means that the research hypothesis is accepted. So, it can be concluded that the higher the Religiosity, the lower the Anxiety of Parahita Diagnosti Center employees during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The result shows the effective contribution of religiosity to anxiety of 13.1% while 86.9% is influenced by other factors.
Analisa Fenomena Penggunaan Media Sosial Tiktok @duniaislam2 sebagai Media Dakwah Ardana, Retno Anggraini Tri; Febriana, Poppy
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i4.7


This study aims to analyze the motives of @duniaislam2 tiktok accounts in preaching on tiktok social media, using qualitative research methods and phenomenological approaches with Alfred Schutz theory, researchers use 3 informants who are usually account managers @duniaislam2serta in-depth observations and interviews are carried out in the data collection process. So that the results of the research were found to be Motives Because (becauses motives) informants do da'wah on Tiktok due to 2 things, namely the experience of informants who previously had difficulty getting Islamic da'wah information because they had to go to mosques or majlis to listen to lectures and also the experiences of informants because they were interested in ansihat – advice given by other preachers that can be a guide for their behavior in the future so that informants want to be like that. Furthermore, Motif For (in order to motives) in doing da'wah on social media dTiktok found the results that there is an ease of getting information about da'wah – Islamic da'wah, can provide advice to many people through @duniaislam2 account.
Penggunaan Media Menempel Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Motorik Halus pada Anak Usia Dini di Tapas Cinta Rosul Sidoarjo Khoirunnisa, Windi; Fahyuni, Eni Fariyatul
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v2i4.8


One of the media that is easy to work with and can improve children's fine motor skills by pasting pictures. By sticking the child becomes easier improve motor skills, as children can try to cut or tear own paper, and glue the paper to the image. This research aims to identify the use of image paste media in early childhood and know it fine motor skills through pasting pictures on PAUD in TAPAS Cinta Rosul Sidoarjo. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Research subject There are 24 children in one class. The object of this research is fine motor skills with using image paste media. The data collection technique was carried out by observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis and interpretation techniques are carried out induction and deduction as well as qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of research and discussion, researchers can draw conclusions about using picture paste media to improve motor skills This is smooth for PAUD at TAPAS Cinta Rosul Sidoarjo which uses stick media photos at TAPAS Cinta Rosul Sidoarjo went smoothly. In every activity paste the pictures that the teacher has done step by step as much as possible, with prepare a pattern that the child is interested in, then prepare materials and tools that are suitable for used in early childhood, up to examples of how to paste pictures with good and right, so that it gets a full response and high enthusiasm by the children. With media applications, you can paste pictures on TAPAS Cinta Rosul Sidoarjo improve fine motor skills in early childhood.
Energy Balance In Steel Liquefaction In Induction Furnaces And Electric Arc Furnaces Sh.B. Tashbulatov, N.M. Saidmakhamadov.,; N.X. Tadjiev, N.X. Tadjiev; M.N.Gaybullaev, M.N. Gaybullaev
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v1i2.9


Various methods of liquefaction of steel are used all over the world; steelmaking in converter furnaces and steelmaking in electric arc furnaces and induction furnaces are two main areas among them. Steel production in electric furnaces is divided into steel production in induction furnace and electric arc furnace. In many countries, induction furnace liquefaction is common and is used mostly in private production enterprises. There is a large amount of literature on electric arc furnace steelmaking, and less information on induction furnace steelmaking. To study any process; the energy balance is preliminary. In this article, an attempt is made to express the energy balance of an induction furnace. The information is given in light of the processes of steel liquefaction at production enterprises. The data of the induction furnace were compared with other furnaces obtained from the literature. Various factors affecting energy input and output for both types of furnaces are discussed.
Analysis of Electric Arc Furnace Lining Regeneration Process F.U. Odilov, F.U. Odilov; K.Kh. Abdullaev, K.Kh. Abdullaev; N.X. Tadjiev, N.X. Tadjiev; V.B. Hamroev, V.B. Hamroev; M.N. Gaybullaev, I.T. Tuxtaboev.,
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/academicia.v1i2.10


In this article, it is important to choose the inner layer of the furnace when melting steel alloy. Magnesite bricks were used as refractory materials for the lining of the basic furnace. Corroded areas of the furnace lining were restored by spraying previously used firebrick powder and pulverized slag mixture into the hot furnace lining, and the service life of the furnace lining was increased.

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