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Perdana Wahyu Santosa
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Entrepreneurship and Community Development
ISSN : 29876354     EISSN : 29876346     DOI : 10.58777/ecd
Core Subject : Economy,
The Entrepreneurship and Community Development (ECD) Journal publishes community service and business development articles on all major entrepreneurship, the business community, community empowerment and applied technology topics. The ECDs mission is to offer a forum for the growing amount of scholarly on small medium enterprises (UMKM) and the community innovation in which they operate. The emphasis of the Journal is on practical advancements and their application to business and technology, as well as empirical, practical, and policy-oriented in community development and other local wisdom. The ECDs goal is to promote communication between and among academic and other interest groups, as well as regulators, policymakers, and operational decision-makers in the community environment, both national and worldwide.
Articles 10 Documents
Pengembangan Strategi dan Rencana Pemasaran di Kantor Jasa Akuntan Drs. Suwarno, MM., Ak., CA ika Mauliyah; Siti Hartinah Hikmatul Barokah; Zahrotul Isnaini; Maghfirotul Hasanah
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i1.36


Kantor Jasa Akuntan Drs. Suwarno, M.M., Ak., CA perusahaan yang berdiri sejak tahun 2018 menyediakan layanan akuntansi dan pajak selain audit. Permasalahan yang ditemui yaitu kantor jasa akuntan ini dikelola oleh perorangan dan kurangnya upaya pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh pemilik kantor. Solusi dan upaya yang dapat diberikan yaitu melakukan pemasaran baik dari kalangan perusahaan hingga menawarkan pendampingan ujian kompetensi keahlian pada sekolah menengah kejuruan. Berdasarkan hasil penulisan dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pemasaran terhadap kegiatan Uji Kompetensi Keahlian di SMK wilayah Jember sangat berpengaruh terhadap kemajuan KJA agar semakin dikenal masyarakat pemilik usaha yang membutuhkan jasa akuntansi
Improvement of Administration System Management in the Metal and Plastic Industry that Implements the Job Order System Rizka Nanda Saputri; Muhammad Hasyim Ashari
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i2.38


The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the management of the administrative system in two divisions at PT Prima Sakti Asia, which was then adopted for other divisions within the company. The administrative system has an important role in providing data and information needed by the company, so improvements and development of a more effective and efficient administration system must be carried out to achieve company goals. This activity was carried out in two stages, namely work assistance and preparation of an administrative system. In carrying out this activity while assisting in preparing the administrative system, the personnel assigned to the Workshop Division and Maintenance Division found it helpful to improve the existing administrative governance. So it is easier to update regularly and continuously. The administrative system compiled by PT Prima Sakti Asia will be redeveloped for the other eight divisions. In addition, this activity increases the understanding of personnel in the Workshop Division and Maintenance Division in the administration field according to company needs. Of course, this will make it easier for personnel in each division to work better again in accordance with their duties and responsibilities
Pengembangan Kapasitas Nelayan Dan Pengurus Bumdes “Kanturu” Untuk Konservasi Dan Wisata Bahari Di Desa Koroe Onowa, Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara Sariamin Sahari; Efi Noferya Mahufi; Muhammad Musrianton; Heru Santoso
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i1.41


Kesulitan yang dihadapi terkait dengan mengembangkan rencana terbaik untuk memaksimalkan potensi alam sebagai sumber daya yang berharga untuk mendiversifikasi objek wisata unggulan lainnya, melestarikan lingkungan, dan mengelola destinasi ekowisata bahari. Dalam rangka pengelolaan destinasi wisata bahari dan pembuatan transplantasi karang, pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan kemampuan baru kepada nelayan dan BUMDES “Kanturu” Desa Koroe Onowa. Konseling, lokakarya, dan implementasi di tempat adalah teknik yang digunakan. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, PT. Telkomsel dan PT. Wakatobi Dive Trip, Kelompok Nelayan yang tergabung dalam BumDes Koroe Onowa, Akademi Komunitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, Bengkel Rekayasa Teknologi Kelautan Wakatobi, Penyuluh Perikanan Wakatobi, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, dan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi adalah mitra dalam penelitian ini untuk memberikan peningkatan kapasitas. Durasi pengabdian masyarakat ini kira-kira dua bulan, dan jumlah peserta 50 (lima puluh) orang. Hasil dari kerja bakti ini menunjukkan bahwa para nelayan dan/atau pengelola BumDes "Kanturu" Desa Koroe Onowa terampil membuat pohon koral, transplantasi metode laba-laba, dan rak pipa PVC. Kemudian, para nelayan BumDes “Kanturu” Desa Koroe Onowa menerima alat AIS Wakatobi, alat penyelamat kapal nelayan di laut
“Pawon Urip”: Pemberdayaan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Pejarakan dengan Tanaman Keluarga Nur Hidayat; Muhammad Ficksan Nurrohim; Mohammmad Luthfi Arifin; Dewi Indriani Agustin; Fajriyatus Saniyah
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i1.42


Program Pawon Urip di Kabupaten Lumajang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan sektor sosial ekonomi masyarakat desa Pejarakan dengan mengedepankan gizi masyarakat dan ketahanan pangan. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi fisik, observasi sosial, wawancara, dan analisis deskriptif eksploratif. Perekonomian masyarakat Desa Pejarakan tergolong menengah ke bawah yang tidak dapat dihindari dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan dan dampak pemanfaatan lahan yang tidak efisien. Fenomena sosial masyarakat yang apatis juga tergambar ketika masyarakat tersebut terlalu asyik bekerja dan akhirnya tidak dapat meluangkan waktu untuk bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat lain. Masyarakat memang mendapatkan sesuatu dari menanam pawon urip, meskipun tidak banyak; namun, semua prosedur yang harus diikuti agar hasil dapat dinikmati berpengaruh pada pengetahuan, psikologi, dan ekonomi mereka. Harapan penulis agar masyarakat dapat berdaya dengan tanaman Pawon Urip ini terutama dilandasi oleh konsistensi. Kelanjutan keberlanjutan program ini juga bukan tidak mungkin; dapat menjadi focal point atau bahkan landasan bagi masyarakat untuk terus mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki saat ini, khususnya dalam aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat desa Pejarakan yang menjadi fokus utama penelitian
Organized Marketing and Product Design Training for Flower Cracker Producers in Sidoarjo post Covid-19 Safarinda Imani
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i2.43


MSMEs in Sidoarjo that experienced the greatest impact of Covid-19 were the food or beverage sector due to declining consumer purchasing power. This analysis is significant with one of the Ngelom villages in Sidoarjo district, where MSMEs must be better known to many people. The type of business in Ngelom village is raw cracker food in the shape of a unique flower; besides that, it has the high creative power to produce this product, which can compete with other MSMEs. Hence, the a need for synergy with practitioners to organize marketing training and product design for flower cracker producers so that they can be recognized by the wider community with the unique characteristics of flower crackers with high selling power. From the results of the training, flower cracker producers themselves now have initiatives regarding packaging and marketing methods by way of us providing socialization about the use of social media and direct marketing. In addition, the product is attractive to buy and creates an aesthetic impression with a high selling price. We assist in making packaging using the Corel Draw software application. Thus, it can help improve the economy of flower cracker producers in Sidoarjo after Covid-19
Revisiting the India’s Southeast Asia policy: An Outlook of the Comparative Study about India’s NDA-UPA Governments Joyprokash Mondal; Swaraj Das
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i1.44


From the end of Cold War India has been accelerated to review her foreign policy and also learned specially to revive neighbourhood thinking around her territories. We know, India’s Look East Policy has been accessed now as Act East Policy towards Southeast Asia to East Asia. Now here arises a question why did India need to join with Southeast Asian Association? To explain this paper, we have three objectives like: a) to investigate the roles of different government of India about foreign policy; b) try to search the different approaches from different government if any; c) to draw a layout of India’s Southeast Asian policy. So the research paper will be further search the sufficient role and strategy of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government from then to till now
Counseling on Transportation Logistics Curriculum Level III Jabodetabek Region Rutinaias Haholongan; Sri Handoko Sakti; Ginanjar Syamsuar; Bayu Pratama; Irfan Arif Husen
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i1.45


Logistics transportation manages and provides transportation facilities and infrastructure for smooth logistics distribution. Logistics activities or freight forwarding services refer to the management and distribution of logistics goods obtained from users, stored in logistics warehouses, sorted shipments, and transported and sent to the destination address. Logistics activities have an important role in a business company, but the important role of logistics transportation is also major in distributing goods. This activity aims to produce graduates of experts who are reliable and best in transportation and logistics and have a reputation for ready-to-use labor. The methods used are lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. The implementation of the training activities of the participants was no obstacle in conducting counseling, and the internet connection was not interrupted. In support of infrastructure, facilities are adequate, namely the availability of laptops or personal computers from participants so that all participants can take part in counseling optimally
Early Childhood Education Management: A Study on Effectual in Village Institutions of West Bengal, India Kaushik Chakraborty; Joyprokash Mondal
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i2.86


The objective of this study is to discuss some methods that can be helpful for the development of Montessori as well as the Kindergarten Approach to Education. Our research work is based on an unstructured questionnaire and observation method. To imply adequate qualitative and quantitative data, we searched the goals and objectives of Kindergarten and Montessori education policy from local concerned institutions of West Bengal in India. Our field study was conducted on some villages of Midnapore and South 24 Parganas District of Bengal. Early childhood is a stage that requires an overall holistic development model. These two approaches deal with that, but there are some methods related to language and communication that can easily develop the quality of the approaches above. It is shown with projected lesson plans and timetable management. This study explores and discusses such methods and points out how these methods can bring changes to those approaches. This paper also inputs the Indian state education policy about it.
Stunting and Quality of Life: The nexus between Malnutrition, Community Empowerment and Economic Development Nana Danapriatna; M Fakhran Ramadhan; Purnama Putra; Nazma Riska Zhafiraah
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i2.134


The community service program was implemented to overcome the stunting problem in Lenggahsari Village, Bekasi Regency, West Java. Stunting due to malnutrition causes pollution to become a problem in this village. The government has taken serious steps with the national stunting prevention movement. The method used is socialization and training about stunting, which aims to change mindsets towards a clean and healthy environment, support zero new stunting, and improve the quality of life. The flow stages of implementing this service program include preparation, stunting socialization, and evaluation. The results of implementing the community service program are increasing knowledge and changing the local community's mindset regarding the dangers of stunting and reducing the stunting rate in Lenggahsari Village. The socialization of stunting prevention is a step in contributing to the government and the state in the economic growth and development of the country; stunting prevention is a long-term investment in the next generation.
Increasing Student Competency Through Catia V5 Software Training Muchlis Sulistiyanto; Siti Nurhidayah; Hasan Basri; Ummi Khoiriyah; Puput Putrianika; Dian Desty Widyowati; Nazma Riska Zhafiraah
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ecd.v1i2.135


The current era demands that all aspects of engineering be carried out automatically, including creating technical drawings, which were previously done manually, now being replaced with drawings using CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, which offers automatic drawings. This problem impacts the industrial world, which requires skilled workers in the field of design. In the manufacturing industry, Catia V5 is widely used in product designs because it is faster and easier to use than paper and drawing tools. This Catia V5 Software training aims to improve students' 2D and 3D drawing abilities. This activity was done online in 6 meetings via the Zoom Meeting application. The impact of the success of this program is in the form of increasing students' knowledge and understanding of 2D and 3D sketching via Catia V5 and being able to operate the features of Catia V5.

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