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Rani Darmayanti
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Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 29887399     EISSN : 29887399     DOI :
he main purpose of the AJIS: Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies is to publish the empirical original and primary research pertaining to Islamic education across all ages and educational levels both qualitative and quantitative research. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to Islamic educational. The scope of Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies tells us the areas of application of educational combined with an Islamic perspective.
Articles 24 Documents
The Effect of setting up an Irish boarding school on the rights of Adolescence Khozinatul Asror; Subandi Subandi; Jaenullah Jaenullah; Moh Syaiful Bahri
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i1.169


Islamic boarding school institutions grow entirely based on religious motivation. Then, it was further developed to make efforts to broadcast and practice spiritual teachings more effective. The influence and role of Islamic boarding schools on community life are very large, including in developing youth in the community. The community hopes that the Islamic boarding school environment can influence the morals of its teenagers so that Muslim teenagers can be created morally glorious, so the role of cottage boarding school is very important to make it happen. Objective This research was conducted to describe and analyse understanding, habituation and the impact of fostering the Islamic boarding school environment on the moral behaviour of youth in SB 6 Seputih Banyak District, Lampung Regency Middle. Study This is a study field (field research) done in SB 6 Seputih Banyak Subdistrict, Central Lampung Regency is related to the impact of fostering the Islamic boarding school environment on youth morals. Researchers, in collecting the data needed as a source of information, use technique observation, interview and documentation. The data obtained, then collected and processed so that can withdraw something conclusion. Based on the results study, it can conclude that Cottage the Darul Ulum Seputih Banyak Islamic Boarding School has played a major role in developing the morals of the youth of SB 6, Seputih Banyak District, Central Lampung Regency. Activities that have been carried out regularly have been able to shape morals. The child of SB 6 Seputih has gone through much habituation. These activities also have a big impact on the development and formation of moral youth.
Efforts to improve tajwid learning using the An-Nahdliyah method in Diniyah students M. Zahid Mubarok; Mispani Subandi; Muhammad Yusuf; Rani Darmayanti
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i1.197


The essential ability to read the Koran is critical for children, especially students. The information that the researchers obtained was that most of the students still had difficulty applying knowledge recitation, which he studied at the ustadz at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Seputih Banyak. Matter the caused Lots factor Which influences include a lack of motivation to be able to read the Al-Qur'an fluently using correct recitation. In addition, para Students do not believe self And are Afraid of Wrong when they practice recitation in reading Al-Qur'an. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyse efforts to improve PAI learning on the main subject of Tajwid science using the An-Nahdliyah method in class V Ibtidaiyah Islamic boarding school students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung. This research is field research conducted on class V Ibtidaiyah Islamic boarding school students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung, in connection with efforts to improve PAI learning on the main subject of Tajwid using the An-Nahdliyah method. Researchers collect the data needed as a source of information using technique observation, interview, And documentation from data obtained, Then collected and processed so that a conclusion can be drawn. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the method is fast responsive An-Nahdliyah, Which is applied in Madrasah Diniyah method An-Nahdliyah for the moment. This can overcome the difficulties of students and able to improve their ability to use the science of recitation, especially students of class V Madrasah Diniyah. Even though some students still experience difficulties applying the knowledge of recitation, the teachers continue to guide the children until they are fluent. The An-Nahdliyah method is an alternative method for dealing with children who have difficulty applying the science of tajwid by listening to and explaining to the child the mistakes they have experienced and correcting the reading.
Implementation of Tasawuf Education Imam Al-Ghozali Ahmad Fajri; Mispani; Muhammad Yusuf
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i2.198


Implementation of Tasawuf Education Imam Al-Ghozali
Student learning outcomes will "improve" when using counting box media. How significant is the impact of this media? Rani Darmayanti; Miftahul Fikri; Md Anisur Rahman
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i1.223


The challenges of 21st-century education require students to be proficient in learning, digitally literate and have a strong character. As the learning process is still teacher-centered, with the lecture method predominating, students require additional motivation. When delivering educational content, students must demonstrate zeal and pose more questions. Counting box media is anticipated to be a substitute for instilling character through problems that students must be able to solve when learning mathematics counting. The author attempted to implement counting box media to enhance the mathematics learning outcomes of MI students because it aids and facilitates counting. The counting box learning media is a box made of thick cardboard with essential tools and materials added to it. This study utilized the experimental design method with a Pretest-Posttest Control design and Cluster Random Sampling technique. The data collection method utilized in this study is learning outcomes exams. For processing data with SPSS 16. Tests hypotheses using the Paired Samples Test. This investigation yielded exciting findings. In addition to influencing student learning outcomes, counting box media can also help instill character in madrasa students. The characteristics and characteristics of these characters will be discussed in this article.
How applicable are the KuMo and FiC as teaching tools for mathematics content? Miftahul Fikri; Rani Darmayanti; Nazar Hussain
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i2.224


The module operation still seems essential, and not all students are motivated to learn it. In this case, the teaching materials and the learning model are the benchmark for student success in learning. The Plomp development model is used to build mathematics modules. This module is inspired by teaching materials that can be more diverse and interesting. The aim of developing a mathematics module based on comparative fiqh comic material using the Kumon model is to determine the development process and effectiveness of use based on feasibility test requirements, as well as student responses to the development of a mathematics comic module for comparative learning for junior high school students at YALC Pasuruan. The research results on the development of the mathematics comic module show that the module development process consisting of a preliminary research stage, a prototyping search stage, and an evaluation stage of its application to learning comparative material is feasible and valid for use—student responses showing excellence. However, the Kumon module media based on fiqh comics has yet to maximize students’ understanding of concepts as measured by their mathematical abilities.
"Guidelines" for collaborative learning in 21st century education at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Umy Zahroh; Nadiya Itsnaini Rachmawati; Rani Darmayanti; Trisnurini Tantrianingrum
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i2.239


In the 21st century, as globalization expands, education must be able to defend its culture and civilization against foreign culture and comprehension. As a multicultural nation whose society and culture are diverse, Indonesia must be capable of becoming an independent nation in the sense of being able to meet the diverse requirements of society in accordance with its hopes, ideals, and aspirations. This study seeks to determine the significance of collaborative learning in 21st-century education. Based on the objectives, qualitative descriptive research is employed in this study. utilizing library study data collection techniques in which data is collected from books, journals, or other library-related articles. In education in the 21st century, it is well-known that collaborative learning is an absolute requirement. There are numerous benefits of collaborative learning for teachers and students. The findings of this study indicate that collaborative learning can enhance students' abilities to work together and boost their achievement of learning outcomes throughout the learning process.
Implementation Strengthening Education Character Student School Al-Anwar's Foundations Through School Culture Anis Anisah
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i1.296


The government regulates school culture and surroundings to shape students' character. The school creates a positive environment and culture to improve kids' character. National education focuses on cultural assimilation. Cultural elevation improves schooling. Lack of cultural integration in school can alienate students and erode cultural identity. This study examines whether school culture improves character education. We also want to identify barriers and enablers to these methods and study their results. SDN Al-Anwar in Pasuruan City's Panggungrejo District was the site of this 2023–2024 study. Interviews, observation, and document analysis are used to acquire accurate data. For data analysis, we used descriptive and qualitative methods. Summary of findings: Creating a school brand, following rules, including stakeholders, cultivating positive habits, providing a good example, increasing literacy, and supporting extracurricular activities can improve character education in schools. The difficulty of measuring character value embedding, the inconsistency between habit formation and example character values in schools, and teachers' capacity to inspire, motivate, and lead students are all factors that complicate character education. home customs and role models. Parents' dedication, teachers' morality, academic progress tracking, and teachers' and students' character education are crucial. Character education helps kids develop strong religious, ethical, and personal values.
Pizza Vs. PJBL: How mathematics learning media improves high school students creative thinking on trigonometric function limits Rani Darmayanti; Choirudin Choirudin; Saidah Hadiroh; Sumani Sumani; Muhammad Ainun Naim; Adinda Syalsabilla Aidha
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v2i1.313


Math learning issues come when the instructor provides information and then gives practice questions. The teacher then checks students' understanding. Most students ignored him or glanced in both ways. This is because students dread making mistakes. The fear of expressing one's opinion incorrectly, admitting ignorance, being criticised by peers, being disciplined by instructors, and being attacked. This psychological condition hinders creativity. An investigation examined the requirement for a PjBL-based PIZZA learning medium for trigonometric function restrictions to improve students' creative thinking. The study sought to uncover student problems and needs during learning. This research and development project uses four methodologies in four dimensions. This research provides pizza-themed material in vivid buffalo paper "love" shapes for offline viewing. Pizza toppings like peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, and sausage symbolise creativity and analysis. Another group includes religious questions that teach students perseverance, diligence, and self-confidence. These questions can help educators detect learning obstacles and encourage trigonometric function limitation innovation. This research needs improvement to analyse students' and instructors' needs. Student surveys and teacher interviews at a Pasuruan middle school assessed academic challenges and media usage offline. Teacher interviews say pupils must be creative learners. In the survey, 37.5% of students required assistance understanding trigonometric function bounds. It also shows that kids need pizza to learn arithmetic.  
Student growth, qualities, and abilities in developing religious ideals from childhood. Which approach works? Weny Safitri S. Pandia; M. Ainun Naim; Muhammad Siddique
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i1.320


It is well recognized that introducing religious principles during early life is crucial as it has the potential to impact and mould a child's perception of truth. Children possess the capacity to engage in two distinct cognitive processes when considering matters of morality and truth, which vary depending on the level of the child's developmental maturity. The purpose of this article is to delineate the process of imparting religious principles during early life, both within the family setting and early childhood education institutions. The study employed a descriptive qualitative methodology, which involved reviewing pertinent literature from the past decade (2013-2023), including theses, dissertations, and papers indexed by SINTA or Scopus. The research data consists of excerpts extracted from sentences found in diverse literature, which depict the incorporation of religious beliefs during early life. The data was acquired through the utilization of reading and note-taking methodologies. After being gathered, the data was examined using descriptive methodologies. The study's findings indicate that prior research on the introduction of religious ideals throughout early life has reported inconsistent results. Typically, young children are taught Aqidah principles, religious values, and moral standards that are tailored to their growth, traits, and capabilities. These religious ideals are imparted through the means of exemplification, habituation, parables, storytelling, and discourse.
Identifying and solving Islamic religious education challenges for special needs children Weny Safitri S. Pandia; Omar lautzy; Anson Drew
Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. BImbingan Belajar Assyfa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61650/ajis.v1i2.321


To achieve strict compliance and devotion to Allah SWT, special needs children must get a thorough Islamic education. Islam also has Rukhsah, which accommodates labourers who struggle to fulfil their religious duties. This discipline of science studies Sharia law as it applies to people with special needs. Thus, ignoring religion is unjustified. However, teaching Islamic religious education to special needs children is difficult due to their inability to understand abstract concepts and the necessity for concrete explanations. Thus, Islamic Religious Education instructors must use strategies that help SLB students, including those with special needs, understand the curriculum. A literature review of relevant studies examines Islamic religious education learning for special needs children in many special schools. This investigation is intriguing and subjective. The literature review examines PAI instructors and students who work with special needs children. The study covers PAI learning examinations for special-needs youngsters. In contrast, the literature review cites coworkers, guardians, and teachers. Data is collected through observations, conferences, and writing. The information used for the investigation is. According to this investigation, the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Learning Examination for special needs children in numerous special schools may still be educational and learning exercises. Guides and unusually paired students accompany students with special needs during growth. Teachers will help students with special needs learn even if they are not grouped. This essay will analyze the barriers to PAI learning for special needs children.

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