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Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
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Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics (ISSN: 2987-4548) is scientific, peer-reviewed, and open access journal managed by Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia. Published twice a year on June and December. Mathstat publishes original research and/or library analysis on Mathematics and Statistics. This journal is useful to researchers, engineers, scientists, teachers, managers and students who are interested in keeping a track of original research and development work being carried out in the broad area of Mathematics and Statistics.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023" : 5 Documents clear
Application of Exponential and Logistic Models in Estimating the Population of Bulukumba Regency in 2020-2030 Sulma Sulma; Nursamsi Nursamsi
Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia

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Population data is useful as planning material in making various policies, including avoiding imbalances between the number of health facilities and services and the population in an area as well as other facilities such as schools, markets, and other public facilities. Ordinary differential equations of exponential and logistic models are used in modeling population dynamics in Bulukumba Regency to obtain population estimates until 2030. The determination of the future population of Bulukumba Regency is based on the growth rate and capacity obtained using the exponential and logistic approaches. The results obtained show that the estimation using the exponential model and the logistic model estimation for 2015-2019 are close to the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics. However, the logistic model is more accurate than the exponential model which is more significantly close to the data from BPS. So that the results of the logistic model are better than the exponential. The logistic model assumes that Bulukumba Regency has a capacity of K = 450000, while the exponential model assumes that the population increases exponentially.
Analysis of Spatial Ability in terms of High Self Efficacy Muhammad Saipullah; Azwar Anwar; Hermansyah
Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia

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This research was conducted to find out and describe how students' spatial abilities are viewed from high self efficacy. The type of research used is qualitative with a case study approach. The subjects in the study were students with high questionnaire results from the questionnaire categorization results. The technique of taking subjects is purposive sampling, before choosing the subject the researcher gives self efficacy questionnaire to all students of class VIII Al-Qalam. Furthermore, the questionnaire was categorized, then obtained three subjects with high self efficacy. Researchers collected data with questionnaires, document analysis and interviews. In this study the researcher acts as the main instrument, while the supporting instruments of this study are questionnaires, interviews and documents. The data analysis technique used in this research is by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The data validity test used is credibility test, transfebility test, dependability test, and confirmablity test. The results showed that each subject with high self efficacy has different and similar characteristics in answering spatial ability questions. All subjects can fulfill the spatial ability indicators well. So it can be concluded that subjects with high self efficacy are able to fulfill spatial ability indicators and have good spatial abilities.
Differentiated Learning Approaches in Introvert and Extrovert Students from The Aspect of Personality Type in Vocational School Students Ika Noviantari; Rica Rica
Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia

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The main objective of this research is to obtain data related to differentiated learning for introverted and extroverted students in vocational education/Vocational High Schools (SMK). The research carried out is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The data collection techniques used in this research were interviews and documentation. The questions will develop and be more open but still have the same focus. The interviews conducted in this research included interviews with 4 students as subjects chosen by students in class X of SMK Negeri 3 Tarakan. There were 4 participants in this research, namely 2 introverted students and 2 extroverted students, based on the considerations of guidance and counseling educators. The documentation used in this research is field note documents from guidance and counseling teachers as well as reports on the results of observations of the learning process. The Miles and Huberman model is used to analyze data with data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification analysis steps. The results of differentiated learning research must be adjusted to students' learning needs, especially students with introverted and extroverted personalities. Good activities and responsibilities can be used to design differentiated learning with a process and content approach. The product approach can also be used for students with introverted and extroverted personalities from the aspect of expressiveness. Meanwhile, the environmental approach can be applied to students with introverted and extroverted personalities by mapping the comfortable environment when studying and doing assignments individually or in groups. Keyword: differentiated learning, introvert, extrovert, Vocational High Schools
Cox Extended Regression Method in Survival Analysis; Case Study of Diarrhea Patients Ina Nur Syafitri; Rahmawati Rahmawati; Laila Qadrini
Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia

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The study aims to implement survival analysis at the healing rate of a diarrhea patient using the cox extended regression method and estimate the parameters of the cox extended regression model with variables that affect diarrhoea. The data on this study USES the data of diarrhea patients at the PKM Sendana of Majene Regency 2022. Analysis of variable body temperature and vomiting variables does not meeththe assumption of proportiontional hazard, this indicates that variable body temperature and puke variables are time-consuming. The best model of the regression cox extended model is a model based onhthe akaike informationccriterion value (AIC) of 500.4363. The factors of body temperature and vomiting, where patients who haven't had a change in body temperature have a probability of healing 2.27 times faster than those who have a temperature change. Whereas diarrhea patients who do not experience vomiting during treatment have a probability of recovery of 2.72 times faster than those who experience vomiting during the treatment.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge On Statistics Material In Junior High School Rahmi Ichsan; Muhammad Hajarul Aswad A; Sumardin Raupu; Nasaruddin Nasaruddin
Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Insan Literasi Cendekia (INLIC) Indonesia

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Learning modules designed based on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) are very important to improve the learning experience of students. This research tries to develop a module-based TPACK for statistics in MTs Keppe, Larompong, and Luwu. This study aims to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of statistical learning modules developed based on TPACK. This research is R&D with the ADDIE models. The statistics module was developed based on the needs of junior high school students in Keppe and tested on grade VIII students. The instruments used are expert validation questionnaires practicality questionnaires to assess product feasibility, and learning outcomes tests to assess product effectiveness. The results showed that the TPACK-based statistics module can be feasible to use with validation of 85% by media experts and 87.5% by material experts, with a practicality level of 91%. This module is also effective in improving student learning outcomes with a percentage of 89.5%.

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