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Search results for , issue "Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008" : 7 Documents clear
Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi Tanpa Sensor Kecepatan dengan Metoda Direct Torque Control Menggunakan Observer Recurrent Neural Network Sunarno, Epyk; Soebagio, Soebagio; Purnomo, Mauridhi Heri
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.771 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.88-95


This paper describes about development of sensorless control for three phase induction motor speed which is operated by Direct Torque Control (DTC). Induction motor speed is identified by an Observer. Current supply and Stator Voltage are ruquired by Observer to gain Motor Speed Estimation. Observer for motor speed identification is developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Method and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) learning algorithm. The simulation results using MathLab/Simulink show that on PI controller with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) observer, there are the overshoot 7,0224%, rise time 0,0125 second and settling time 0,364 second with reference speed 77,9743 rad./sec. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Penelitian ini membahas pengembangan kontrol pada kecepatan motor induksi tiga fasa tanpa sensor kecepatan (speed sensorless) yang dioperasikan dengan metoda Direct Torque Control (DTC). Kecepatan motor induksi diidentifikasi oleh suatu observer. Estimasi kecepatan motor oleh observer memerlukan masukkan arus dan tegangan stator. Observer untuk identifikasi kecepatan motor menggunakan metode Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dengan algoritma pembelajaran menggunakan Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Hasil simulasi menggunakan matlab-simulink menunjukkan saat motor diberikan kecepatan referensi 77,9743 rad/detik terjadi overshoot 7,0224% , rise time 0,0125 detik dan settling time 0,364 detik. Kata Kunci: direct torque control, speed sensorless, recurrent neural network
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in FPGA for Maze Tracking of a Mobile Robot Based on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Sugiarto, Indar; Un Tung, Lauw Lim; Rahman, Mohammad Ismail
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.621 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.96-102


This paper describes an application of fuzzy logic to solve the problem of an autonomous mobile robot in tracking the path within a maze. The robot equipped with ultrasonic transceivers to measure the distance between robot and the wall. The information of distance then will be processed using fuzzy-based algorithm and implemented in two chips FPGA. The FPGA has responsibility to formulize the rule of the fuzzy and generate the PWM signals for robot’s motors as the result of fuzzy inference. Implementing all necessary fuzzy logic algorithms will require many FPGA resources. Therefore, we use two FPGAs: XC4010E and XC4005XL. The first one for the fuzzification and rule base evaluation, and it consumes 98% of its resources (CLBs). The second one for defuzzification and PWM output generation, which utilizes 78% of all its CLBs. By implementing fuzzy logic using FPGA, the robot achieves relatively safe tracking the path in real-time sense. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam paper ini dijelaskan aplikasi logika fuzzy pada robot bergerak untuk mencari jalan keluar dalam sebuah labirin. Robot dilengkapi dengan pemancar dan penerima ultrasonic sebagai pengukur jarak antara robot dengan dinding labirin. Informasi berupa jarak tersebut kemudian diproses menggunakan algoritma fuzzy yang diimplementasikan dalam dua buah FPGA. FPGA bertanggungjawab dalam memformulasikan aturan dari logika fuzzy yang digunakan dan membangkitkan sinyal-sinyal PWM untuk mengendalikan motor robot sebagai hasil dari proses inferensi. Untuk mengimplementasikan semua fungsi-fungsi logika fuzzy, dibutuhkan banyak sekali sumber daya FPGA. Karenanya kami menggunakan dua buah FPGA: XC4010E dan XC4005XL. Komponen FPGA yang pertama, yakni XC4010E, digunakan secara khusus untuk proses fuzzification dan menggunakan 98% dari sumber daya FPGA yang berupa CLB. Komponen FPGA yang kedua, yakni XC4005XL, digunakan untuk proses defuzzification serta pembangkitan sinyal PWM, dan menggunakan 78% dari total CLB yang tersedia. Dengan mengimplementasikan logika fuzzy menggunakan FPGA, robot dapat menelusuri jalur labirin secara real-time dengan lebih aman. Kata kunci: Fuzzy Logic, Robot Bergerak Otomatis, FPGA, Pengukur Jarak Ultrasonic
Pemodelan dan Simulasi Dinamika Lengan Robot 3-DOF Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Open Source Sugiarto, Indar
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1664.057 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.57-63


This paper describes an alternative method for analyzing robot dynamics using open source software so-called ODE (open dynamic engine). Using ODE, an arm robot can be modeled and simulated in a simple but accurate fashion. The arm robot which is being modeled and simulated in this paper is the Movemaster EX RV-M1 from Mitsubishi. The simulation is performed after the robot has been completely modeled and the simulation was made so that all links within the robot will move simultaneously forming a straight line and rotating from 0° to 100°. The modeling and simulation result shows that each revolute joint of the robot requires distinct torque and it is found that at the speed of 1.26 rad/s, the elbow joint has the higher torque to move the body at the level of 3101.79 g.m2.s-2. This high torque was due to constraint force when the joint was moving altogether. This research does not produce any visualization effect but it can be extended to enrich any other simulator program which works according to kinematics modeling only. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam paper ini dijelaskan salah satu metode alternatif untuk analisa dinamik sebuah robot lengan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak open source yang disebut ODE (open dynamic engine). Dengan menggunakan ODE, sebuah robot lengan dapat dimodelkan dan disimulasikan dengan sederhana dan memberikan hasil yang akurat. Robot lengan yang dimodelkan dan disimulasikan dalam paper ini adalah Movemaster EX RV-M1 dari Mitsubishi. Simulasi dilakukan setelah model robot selesai dibuat dan simulasi dijalankan dengan membuat supaya semua link robot bergerak serempak membentuk garis lurus dan berputar dari sudut 0° hingga 100°. Dari hasil pemodelan dan simulasi didapatkan bahwa masing-masing revolute joint dari robot tersebut membutuhkan torsi yang berbeda-beda dan ditemukan pada kecepatan 1.26 rad/s, joint siku (elbow) membutuhkan torsi yang lebih besar untuk menggerakkan lengan depan (forearm) dari robot, yaitu sebesar 3101.79 g.m2.s-2. Torsi yang besar ini tidak hanya diakibatkan karena beban link yang harus diangkat, tetapi juga constraint force yang harus dilawan oleh joint siku (elbow) saat bergerak bersama-sama dengan joint yang lain. Hasil penelitian ini tidak menghasilkan program visualisasi tetapi dapat dikembangkan misalnya untuk melengkapi program-program simulator yang kebanyakan dikembangkan hanya berdasarkan simulasi dan pemodelan kinematika saja. Kata kunci: pemodelan, simulasi, robot lengan 3DOF, ODE
Performance of Various Codecs Related to Jitter Buffer Variation in VoIP Using SIP Putro, Iwan Handoyo
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.938 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.103-108


Briefly speaking, there are two popular Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) standards, H.323 and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The first standard was designed by ITU and has become the basis for the widespread implementation of VoIP systems although it was not specifically designed for it. The second standard, SIP, was proposed by IETF and it is designed to connect, communicate and exchange data with the internet applications. In order to deliver voice conversation through packet-switching networks, codecs (coder-decoder) should be implemented to compress and later decompress those packets. In this paper, some of compression algorithms will be compared and analyzed based on its performances in SIP based VoIP system. The codecs that was used in this experiment are SJ Lab GSM 6.10, SJ Lab iLBC-30ms, SJ Lab iLBC-20ms, Microsoft CCITT G.711 A-law and Microsoft CCITT G.711 u-law. These codecs are tested in terms of its ability to deal with jitter buffer variations. The result shows that SJ Lab iLBC-20ms gives the best performance in terms of jitter buffer variation on LAN environment while SJ Lab GSM 6.10 shows the highest performance on wireless networks testing.
Application of a CC-VSI for Active Filtering and Photovoltaic Energy Conversion with a 1-to-1 MPPT controller Tumbelaka, Hanny H.; Miyatake, Masafumi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (104.007 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.64-69


This paper focuses on the implementation of a three-phase four wire current-controlled Voltage Source Inverter (CC-VSI) as both PV energy extraction and power quality improvement. For power quality improvement, the CC-VSI works as a grid current-controller shunt active power filter. Then, the PV array supported by a Look-up Table type of a MPPT controller is coupled to the DC bus of the CC-VSI. The output of MPPT controller is a DC voltage that determines the DC-bus voltage according to the PV maximum power. The computer simulation results show that the system works properly in steady state and dynamic condition.
Perancangan Sistem Navigasi Otonom pada Behavior Based Hexapod Robot Wicaksono, Handy; Prihastono, Prihastono; Anam, Khairul; Effendi, Rusdhianto; Sulistijono, Indra Adji; Kuswadi, Son; Jazidie, Achmad; Sampei, Mitsuji
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.795 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.70-78


Six legged robot (hexapod) has advantage over wheeled robot in its capability to walk over rough terrain. In this paper, hexapod mobility will be tested in order to measure its performance in walk through beam and stair. Behavior based architecture will be used in hexpod, so it can react quickly. Autonomous navigation application has been chosen here in order to prove that the architecture is running well. From simulation result, it can be seen that behavior based hexapod robot has good mobility (it can walk through obstacle that has 10 cm height) and it can accomplish its task to avoid the obstacles and find the light source. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Robot berkaki enam (hexapod) memiliki kelebihan dibanding robot beroda dalam hal kemampuannya melewati daerah tidak rata. Pada penelitian ini, mobilitas pergerakan hexapod akan diuji untuk mengetahui performanya dalam melewati balok dan tangga. Supaya dapat bereaksi dengan cepat, maka arsitektur behavior based akan digunakan pada hexapod. Aplikasi navigasi otonom dipilih untuk menunjukkan bahwa arsitektur tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Dari hasil simulasi nampak bahwa behavior based hexapod robot memiliki mobilitas yang baik (mampu melewati halangan setinggi maksimal 10 cm) dan dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya untuk menghindari halangan dan menemukan sumber cahaya. Kata kunci: mobilitas, hexapod robot, behavior based architecture, sistem navigasi otonom
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 2 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.006 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.8.2.79-87


This paper describes about development of 3 phase speed sensorless induction motor speed controller using Field Oriented Vector(FOC) method. Motor speed is estimated by an observer using Self Constructing fuzzy Neural Network (SCFNN) with Levenberg Marquardt(LM) learning algorithm method, that replaces backpropagation method because this method is slow to reach convergent. SCFNN method combines the fuzzy and neural network. The simulation results show that the system can estimate flux and speed of induction motor and it converges faster than backpropagation method. .The estimation result can be used to identify rotor speed of induction motor with good performance Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi 3 phase tanpa sensor yang dioperasikan dengan metoda Field Oriented Vector (FOC). Kecepatan motor diestimasi oleh suatu observer dengan suatu metoda Self Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network (SCFNN) dimana pelatihannya menggunakan metode algoritma pelatihan Levenberg Marquardt (LM), yang menggantikan metode Backpropagasi karena metode ini kurang cepat mencapai konvergen. Metode SCFNN mempunyai kemampuan untuk menggabungkan Fuzzy dan Neural Networks. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan sistem dapat mengestimasi fluksi dan kecepatan dengan kekonvergenan yang lebih cepat dari metode backpropagasi. Hasil estimasi dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kecepatan rotor motor induksi Kata kunci: pengaturan kecepatan, motor induksi tanpa sensor, FOC, SCFNN observer, Levenberg Marquardt

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