Contact Name
Ery Sulistyorini
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Terusan Dieng Street 62-64, Sukun, Malang City, East Java, 65146, Indonesia
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Business Management Research
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28278267     DOI : 10.26905/bismar.v2i2.10414
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
Business Management Research (Bismar) is a periodical issue containing information and analysis related to management science and business. This journal is of a popular scientific nature that includes both theoretical and empirical research. This journal focuses on the development of management science and business including aspects : Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Operational Management, Strategic Management, System Information Management and Business Applied.
Articles 20 Documents
Organizational Adaptibility Exploration as an Intervening Variabel on the Lingkage of Trandiciplinarity and Computational Skills toward Competitiveness Pudjo Sugito; Tanto Gatot Sumarsono; Kamaluddin Kamaluddin
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i1.6918


This reasearch intends to explore the role of organizational adaptibility as  an intervening variabel on the effect of transdiciplinarity and computational skills toward competitiveness.  The research population is small industries at the district of Malang. The number sample are 70 small scale industries. Further, this research consists of 4 constructs, 14 indicators and 3 hypothesis. All primary data are analyzed by structural equation model  with  help of AMOS program. Based on the data analysis found that transdiciplinarity and computational skills significantly indirect effect to the competitive advantage through organizational adaptability. Event, organizational adaptability significantly effect to the competitive advantage. That is due to the critical ratio value of hypotesis 1 till hypotesis 3 higher than 2.00 and also the probability value is less than 0.05.  It means that all research hypoteses are accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that organizational adaptability mediate the effect of transdiciplinarity and computational skills to the competitiveness.
Sharia-Based Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures for Responsible Innovation: What are the Benefits to Overcome the Grand Challenge? Ananta Wahyu Sasongko; Farhani Kautsar Nugraha
Business Management Research Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v2i1.9716


The grand challenges of poverty, inequality, hunger, war, climate change, and deforestation impede the advancement of sustainable development. These difficulties can only be addressed by fundamental changes in behavior, production modes and processes, and business practices in general. In this paper, we will create the notion of corporate social responsibility disclosures (CSRD) based on shari’ah and analyze the potentials and limitations for the advancement of sustainable development and overcome the grand challenge. This study approach incorporates theoretical and empirical insights into the ways in which alternative forms of CSRD might assist in addressing grand challenges. Thus, the study provides examples of CSRD and corporate governance that might assist in producing ideas that do good and avoid harm in order to solve this worldwide issue. However, this study is limited by the researcher’s subjectivity, which has a significant impact on the outcome of proposing a new form of CSRD to address humanity’s grand challenges.
Analisis Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga, Pembiayaan Mudharabah dan Musyarakah terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah Septa Adi Saputra; Kamala Ira Khumaira; Krisnawuri Handayani; Ery Sulistyorini
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i2.8219


The purpose of this study was to determine how the effectiveness of Third Party Funding (TPF), mudharabah financing, and musyarakah financing on the profitability of Islamic banks. The data collection in this study came from the annual financial statements of eight Islamic banks in Indonesia. This study uses a partial regression analysis technique (Partial Least Square/PLS) through WarpPLS 7.0 software. The results of the study indicate that TPF financing as measured by FDR (Finance Deposit Ratio) and sharia mudharabah financing has a significant positive effect on profitability. While the influence of Islamic musharaka financing has a significant negative effect on profitability.
The Strength of OVO Digital Wallet on Effect of Online Sales toward Purchasing Decisions Alief Yudha Kurniawan; Pudjo Sugito; Christina Sri Ratnaningsih
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i2.6904


This study aims to analyze the strength of effect online sales on purchasing decisions, analyze the effect of online sales on the OVO digital wallet, analyze the effect of the OVO digital wallet on purchasing decisions, analyze the mediating function of the OVO digital wallet on the effect of online sales on purchasing decisions. The sampling technique used accidental sampling technique with e-questionare as the main data collection tool. Based on the primary data from 60 respondents who were collected and analyzed using Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) data processing program, it was revealed that online sales significantly effect the purchasing decision, and it was also revealed that ovo digital wallet significantly mediates the interrelationship. Therefore, the results of this study provide important information for business entities as well as for other researchers who will conduct further research related to purchasing decisions. Also, the results of this research can certainly be generalized, whenever, of course, other research is needed with different objects and populations.
Peran kepemimpinan transformasional, komitmen organisasi dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai Lailatul Hikmah; Alivia Mujaya; Boge Triatmanto
Business Management Research Vol 2, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v2i2.11367


This research aims to analyze the role of transformational leadership, organizational commitment, organizational culture on employee performance at the Malang City P3AP2KB Social Service. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a sample of 60 respondents who worked at the Malang City P3AP2KB Social Service. The analytical tool used is the multiple linear analysis test. The results of the description of a picture in this study state that the independent variable transformational leadership has the highest score (mean) across all indicators of the other independent variables with more agree answers. In this way, the transformational leadership of the Malang City P3AP2KB Social Service has been very good and achieved. The results of the analysis in this study show that transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and organizational culture have a significant effect on the performance of Malang City P3AP2KB Social Service employees. Organizational commitment has a dominant influence on employee performance at the Malang City P3AP2KB Social Service.
Perilaku Cyberloafing: Perspektif Faktor Individual dan Organisasi di Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Malang Sunaryati Hardiani; Guanting Guanting; Chodidjah Chodidjah; Abdul Malik Kumar
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i1.7331


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors and organizational factors on the cyberloafing behavior of employees at the Malang City Education and Culture Office. Data was collected by census through questionnaires distributed online via google form. Multiple linear regression analysis, proves that individual factors from work stress and organizational factors from the work environment have a positive and significant effect on cyberloafing behavior. For this reason, in order to reduce the cyberloafing behavior of its employees, the Malang City Education and Culture Office must have a written rule that prohibits its employees from carrying out cyberloafing activities during working hours, because this is very important so that employees do not arbitrarily carry out cyberloafing activities. it needs to be accompanied by sanctions.
Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Pertumbuhan Aset dan Likuiditas terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang Terdaftar Di BEI) Nanik Sisharini; Maria Helena Roswita
Business Management Research Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v2i1.10040


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of capital structure, asset growth and liquidity on the profitability (ROA) of mining companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. All mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are the research population. Sampling used the purposive sampling technique and obtained 36 mining companies as samples. Data analysis used multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS program. The results of the study show that sapital structure partially has a non-significant negative effect on profitability. Asset growth has a significant positive effect on profitability, and liquidity has an insignificant positive effect on profitability. Companies need to maintain liquidity and develop assets as an indication of growth to increase profits.
Mengungkap Keterkaitan Brand Image dan Cash on Delivery dengan Keputusan Pembelian dan Fungsi Pemediasi Media Sosial Pudjo Sugito; Anindia Eka Pratiwi; Sunaryati Hardiani
Business Management Research Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v2i1.8677


This study aims to determine the function of social media on the influence of brand image and COD on purchasing decisions of skincare products. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The population of this research is students in Malang City. The sample of this study uses a non-probability technique, namely incidental sampling technique or sampling technique based on chance to interact with researchers and is suitable as a data source. Data collection techniques through questtionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis used in this research is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with the Partial Least Square (PLS) alternative method. The results of this study are that there is a positive and significant effect of brand image on purchasing decisions of skincare products. There is a positive and significant influence of brand image on social media, there is a positive and significant effect of COD on purchasing decisions of skincare products, there is no positive and insignificant effect of COD on the media. Social media, there is a positive and significant influence of social media on purchasing decisions od skincare products, social media is able to mediate brand image on purchasing decisions of skincare products, social media is not able to mediate COD on purchasing decisions of skincare products.
Accountability and Spirituality at Work Consequences on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Ria Mennita; Indra Awal Priyanto
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i2.8186


The value of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an interesting topic in the focus of researchers and practitioners. This study aims to examine the effect of accountability and spirituality at work on OCB. This type of research is explanatory research through quantitative approach. The research population are accountants in East Java. Data collection was obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires. The Questionnaire collected were 110 questionnaires. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis to test the hypothesis by using SPSS 26 software. The result of this research found that Accountability and spirituality at work affect to OCB. 
Peran Mediasi Kinerja Keuangan dalam Hubungan antara Struktur Modal dengan Nilai Perusahaan Umu Khouroh; Sari Wenni Nurindah; Maya Mega Puspita
Business Management Research Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/bismar.v1i1.7330


This study aims to examine the impact of capital structure and financial performance on firm value and the mediating role of financial performance in the relationship between capital structure and firm value. The population in this study is a manufacturing company in the consumer goods sector. The sample in this study was 8 manufacturing companies in the consumer goods sector purposive sampling with the largest assets. Data obtained from financial reports that have been published. The analysis technique uses a path analysis model. The results of this study provide evidence that capital structure and financial performance have a major impact on increasing firm value, as well as capital structure which has a major impact on financial performance.

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