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Gedung LPPM Universitas Sebelas April, Jl. Angkrek Situ No.19, Kelurahan Situ, Kecamatan Sumedang Utara, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 45323
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Journal of Regional Public Administration
ISSN : 25487736     EISSN : 27748944     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
The Journal of Regional Public Administration is published twice a year by Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Publik. This journal publishes the results of research conducted by researchers and lecturers in Higher Education. The aim is to disseminate research findings to all relevant stakeholders in order to build knowledge sharing in order to harmonize the capacities of universities, government and society.
Articles 15 Documents
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JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This research examines about the implementation of auditor competence assessment policy at the Audit Board of the Republik of Indonesia (BPK) to assess the competence of auditors in conducting audit that produce high quality and provide recommendations for the managements and accountability of state finances in achieving national goals. The objectives of this research are to analyzing the implementation of auditor competence assessments policy at the Representative Office in West Java, analyzing the factors that support and hinder the implementation and provide an alternative implementation model for improving the success of the auditor competence assessment policy implementation. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and secondary data and the data validity is tested through source triangulation. The results of the research show that there are factors that hinder the implementation, including the limited number of classes used for role training, the timing of role training that may not be suitable, and the lack of understanding between examiners and auditors in explaining audit experiences. These hindering factors can be addressed through the utilization of digital media like online classes and involving senior auditors as a mentor for the examination team to explain the alternative audit procedures.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The purpose of research research conducted is to inform the Implementation of Undang-Undang Number 14 of 2008 concerning the Disclosure of Punlik Information in the Sumedang District General Selection Commission. This Research Method uses qualitative methods. The sampling technique used is side purposive. with the information of Research: General functional technical organizers of elections, participation and humas, Chairman of the socialization division, education of voters, public participation, and human resources, Public functionalities of law and SDM, Technical case of the organizers of elections, participation and humas, Kasubag planning, data and info. As for technical data collections conducted, library studies and field studies consisting of observations, interviews, and documentation while data processing procedures in in inin research, namely data reduction, data display, withdrawal of verification conclusions, and triangulations. Market Research Results, can research research suggests that Implementation of Undang-Undang Number 14 Year 2008 About Public Information Disclosure in the Sumedang District General Selection Commission has been running at a maximum, shown from the Implementation of Public Information Disclosure of Public Information Discuss two ways that are directly and through the online media. The barriers in the Implementation of the Decree Policy No. 14 of 2008 About the Public Information Disclosure in the Sumedang District General Selection Commission has been quite top with the regulation of the Indonesian KPU, there is a lack of human resources in the General Selection Commission. As well as the Trust conducted the General Selection Commission against the Implementation of the Decree Policy No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure in the Sumedang District General Selection Commission on the efforts of the lack of human resources by holding a picket schedule.
IMPLEMENTASI PLATFORM MERDEKA MENGAJAR DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN PENDIDIKAN TINGKAT SMP DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG irma hermayanty; Aqil Septian Setiadi; Bunga Meidy Aprilia; Dini Aulia; Eva Sri Rohaeni; Rachmawati Bela Putri; Tony Abdul Mugni
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to examine the implementation of the use of the Merdeka Mengajar Platform on the quality of education services at the junior high school level at the Sumedang District Education Office which is implemented in Sumedang District. The method used in the preparation of this research report is a qualitative method with a descriptive type. The sampling technique used ispurposive sampling, with research informants: Head of Middle School Education Sector, Head of Middle School Curriculum and Student Affairs, Educators for the curriculum section of SMP Negeri 1 Cimalaka Sumedang, and educators for the curriculum for SMP Negeri 9 Sumedang Data collection techniques through library research and field studies, namely by observing, interviewing, and documenting. Based on the results of interviews, observations, and documentation, data analysis was then carried out and it was concluded that the use of the Merdeka Mengajar Platform at the Sumedang Regency Middle School level itself was still not optimal, however, the Sumedang Regency Education Office was swift in handling the problem regarding this PMM complaint and outreach PMM regularly and well.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The purpose of this study was to determine Human Resource Development at the Sumedang District Education Office. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method. The technique for determining research informants is purposive sampling. With research informants, namely the Head of the Personnel Section and 3 (three) people from the Sumedang District Education Office. Data collection techniques used are library research and field studies which consist of observation, interviews, documentation. While the data processing procedures in this study are data collection, data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions/verification. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that Human Resource Development at the Sumedang Regency Education Office had not gone well. This is because there are several obstacles, namely the availability of the budget for training is still limited, the training facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate, and there are still many employees who have not attended the education and training program (training). Efforts to overcome this by proposing facilities and infrastructure to the Province and budgeting special funds to purchase training needs facilities and infrastructure as well as involving employees to take part in training in order to increase competence and broaden employee insights.
IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM AKSEPTOR KB PRIA DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG deden haria garmana; Lovita Hendrawati; Neng Lina Puspitasari; Osa Nurfitria; Ratnengsih; Siti Anisa Apriliani
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The Family Planning Program is not a program run solely by the central government. In the current era of decentralization, the authority of the central government regarding family planning programs must be properly decentralized, as stated in article (23) paragraph (1) of Law Number 52 of 2009 concerning Population Development and Family Development which reads, "The government and local governments are obliged to increase access to and quality of information, education, counseling, and contraceptive services.” Men's low participation in the use of contraceptives can be caused by internal and external factors. This study aims to determine the implementation of the male family planning acceptor program policy at the Family Planning Population Control Service, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Sumedang Regency, the obstacles encountered and efforts to overcome them. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used by observation, interviews, documentation. The data obtained was validated through: Observation persistence, Data Source Triangulation, Reference Adequacy. Research data are processed through techniques: Data reduction, Data Presentation, Conclusion Drawing, which aims to obtain data to support the final results of the study. Determination of the sample/informant in this study was carried out using purposive sampling, namely as many as 5 people. The final results of this study concluded that the implementation of the male family planning acceptor program policy at the Office of Population Control for Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Sumedang Regency had not been running effectively. This is based on the lack of studies conducted by program organizers on male family planning acceptor candidates.
ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN SIPAJAKDADI DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG teddy marliady nurwan; Adisty Kusdiani; Bagus Brilian; Fadhil Mahbub; Ginalia Amanda; Indra Permana
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the quality of services using the On-site List Health Insurance Participation Service Information System (SIPAJAKDADI) at the Sumedang Regency. The research method used in this study, namely qualitative research methods. The technique of determining research informants, namely purposive sampling. With research informants, namely 1 Social Worker Functional person, 1 Social Service Analyst, 1 District Operator, 1 SIPAJAKDADI Operator. The data collection techniques used are literature studies and field studies consisting of observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Meanwhile, the data processing procedures in this study are data reduction, display data, conclusion drawing / verification data and triangulation. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the quality of service using SIPAJAKDADI in the process of participating in the PBI JK APBD participation service at the Social Service Office has been maximized, but there are still several factors that hinder employees from improving PBI JK participation services, namely poor networks, disruptions to the server, socialization and technical guidance that has not been maximized, and employees who are still lacking. The efforts made by social service employees in improving PBI JK participation services are by increasing internet network access speeds and increasing hosting capacity on servers so that they can be accessed simultaneously by many users, socializing to the public so that services are optimal, making policies regarding the provisions of operators who have followed bimtek, carrying out special training for employees who have not mastered deeply, and the provision of SIPAJAKDADI access to every village /kelurahan in Sumedang Regency for faster service.
IMPLEMENTASI UU NO 16 TAHUN 2017 TENTANG ORGANISASI KEMASYARAKATAN DI BADAN KESATUAN BANGSA DAN POLITIK KABUPATEN SUMEDANG arip rahman sudrajat; Deni agustian; Hilal Mauludani; Indriyanti Afrilia; Muhamad Yunus; Siti Meilani
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Currently in every region there are more and more social organizations formed from various circles. Therefore, the existence of this research is so that people's insight and knowledge will increase because of the need for innovation and an attitude of cooperation to encourage and assist the course of community life and government programs if a good community empowerment organization is implemented. The purpose of this researcher is to find out the implementation of the policy of law number 16 of 2017 concerning social organizations by the national unitary and political unit of Sumedang district. The research method used is a qualitative method. The technique for determining the informants was to use a purposive sampling technique with informants consisting of: the secretary of the Sumedang district national and political agency, the head of national alertness and conflict management, the head of domestic politics and community organizations, the head of ideology of national insight and economic, social, cultural resilience, and religion, and the chairman of the mass organization. Data collection techniques used were library research and field studies consisting of observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. While the data processing procedures are data reduction, data display, data conclusion drawing/verification. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that it had been going quite well in implementing the policy, but there were inhibiting factors regarding the lack of supporting resources in carrying out socialization, and the lack of understanding of CSOs on the Law on CBOs. Obstacles were found regarding the implementation of this policy, namely: there are in terms of supporting resources, participation of mass organizations, and the absence of written sanctions for organizations that do not report. Efforts to overcome obstacles include increasing auxiliary resources, conducting socialization during organizational secretarial surveys, and applying social sanctions.
PENGAWASAN ZONA INTEGRITAS DALAM PELAYANAN PUBLIK DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG akadun; Aprilia Fujianti; Ripzki Fauzi; Winda Nurlaena; Yani Ratnasari; Zahra Hennisa Putri
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This research aims to examine the implementation of supervision of integrity zones in public services in Sumedang Regency, management effectiveness, and monitoring strategies applied to improve management effectiveness. The method used in preparing this research report is a qualitative research method with a descriptive type. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with research informants: Regional Government Affairs Supervisor (PPUPD) Young Expert Inspectorate of Sumedang Regency, Head of Services and Licensing and Public Service Malls Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Services (MPP) of Sumedang Regency, Division of Licensing and Reporting on National Unity and Politics (KESBANGPOL) of Sumedang Regency, and Radar Sumedang Journalist. Data collection techniques through library research and field studies. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the implementation of supervision had been carried out properly. The Sumedang Regency Inspectorate has carried out supervision of the Integrity Zone in accordance with the application of the implementation standards and supervision measurements set by the KemenPan-RB. Observations where there are deviations will be followed up into a draft strategy for evaluation of implementation, and the effectiveness of the implementation of supervision can be measured through output, outcome and impact performance. The success of the implementation of supervision is influenced by the program design that has been determined by the Inspectorate in building the Integrity Zone which is compiled in the Annual Supervision Work Program (PKPT). Factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of the actor's role in oversight of the Integrity Zone in Public Services are supported by the involvement of ASN through monitoring supervision which is attended by supervisory working groups in each Regional Apparatus Organization and the Regional Apparatus Work Unit concerned.
ANALISIS KOMPETENSI PEGAWAI KOMISI PEMILIHAN UMUM KABUPATEN SUMEDANG irma dewi agustin; Atang Harnata; Cucu Karya; Koswara; Popy Andyani; Shella Siti Sholihat
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Employee competence plays an important role in determining performance levels. Some indicators of competence include knowledge, skills and attitudes. An employee who has adequate knowledge and skills can help complete the work and tasks assigned to him, so success is highly dependent on this knowledge and skills. Besides knowledge and skills, attitude is also an indicator that determines the success of employees in carrying out their duties. This attitude is about how an employee faces work and interacts with coworkers. In this study, researchers used the competency theory according to Spencer and Spencer (Sutrisno, 2017) to measure the competency level of Sumedang Regency General Election Commission employees consisting of motives, traits, self-concepts, knowledge, and skills. The sampling technique used to determine research informants used purposive sampling so that the number of informants in this study was 3 people who were employees of the legal and human resources fields at the Sumedang Regency General Election Commission Office. data collection was carried out through field studies and literature studies, then the data was analyzed using data reduction methods, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and triangulation. the results showed that the level of competence of Sumedang Regency General Election Commission employees was said to be quite good. Employees are able to work according to their main duties and functions and can comply with applicable regulations, but not all employees have been given the opportunity to attend training so that the increase in employee knowledge of their work is uneven.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Role is a dynamic aspect in the form of actions or behaviors that carry out rights and obligations in accordance with their position. The role of the Social Service in its implementation turns out that there are still many that are not running because one of the factors that results in the high number of poverty is the character of some residents of Sumedang regency who are not good, namely their recognition as poor people, especially when there are programs from the government, so it is not uncommon for poor people who need help not to get a share in the program. This study aims to examine the role of social services in handling the poor in Sumedang district. This research uses a qualitative approach. The number of informants in the study was 4 people. Data collection techniques are carried out with interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the data validation technique that researchers use is triangulation. The selection of informants is based on that the informant has knowledge, and information regarding the subject matter carefully. The results showed that the role of the Social Service in handling the poor in Sumedang district is seen from the aspect of the government as a regulator in the government's poor handling program that still does not play an active role in improving the economy so that poverty can be explained and resolved. The government as a dynamicator, the Sumedang Regency government in improving the economic quality of the community so that government programs related to handling the poor in Sumedang Regency are still not running well. The government as a facilitator, social service provides good services and facilities, especially in the implementation of poverty reduction programs, but the government as a facilitator has not played an active role in building conditions that are conducive to the implementation of regional development.

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