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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID)
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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID) is an all-science, open access journal . Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. As such, the journal also publishes manuscripts reporting negative/null results, incremental advances, and replication studies. A multidisciplinary journal.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 35 Documents
Achievement Level of Students Who Join the HMI Organization Darisman Solin; Fauzi Saleh; Musdawati
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research answers the formulation of the problem, namely: 1. How is the level of achievement of students in FUF and FTK UIN Ar-Raniry who follow the HMI organization, 2. What are the supporting factors for student achievement in FUF and FTK UIN Ar-Raniry who follow the HMI organization, 3. What are the inhibiting factors for student achievement in FUF and FTK UIN Ar-Raniry who follow the HMI organization and their solutions. The data collection techniques used in this research are Library Research (library data), namely: research conducted by collecting library data, this is done to get theories that are closely related to this research and also to see previous research, and Field Research, namely: research conducted to obtain primary data related to research, by using a questionnaire. The results of this study are: the average grade point average of all respondents for each semester has increased positively. Based on the documentation data, it was found that in the middle of the management, the respondents experienced an increase in the achievement index. Whereas in the following semester, the respondent's achievement index decreased but was still higher than the achievement index from the beginning of the management. Supporting factors for FUF and FTK UIN Ar-Raniry students who join the HMI organization include internal factors consisting of intelligence, motivation, talent, health, psychology, and achievement maturity. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the largest contribution to internal factors is psychological with a percentage of 23.52%, motivation of 22.05 and intelligence of 17.65%. While external factors consist of: financial support of 22.5% teachers, facilities and infrastructure, environment of 20%, and organization of 17.5%. The largest contribution to external factors as a supporting factor for the achievement of FUF and FTK UIN Ar-Raniry students who are active in the HMI organization is the funding support factor with the highest percentage, namely with a percentage of 22.5%.
Socio-Economic Correlation of Scavenger Community in Religious Life Delta Aria Rudi; T Safir Iskandar Wijaya; T. Murdani
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The problem in this research is about how the impact of the socio-economic life of the scavenger community on religious life, and what are the obstacles that exist in the scavenger community in religious life. to answer the above questions, the author uses a qualitative research method with a field approach method. The research location is Gampong Jawa Landfill, Kutaraja Subdistrict, Banda Aceh City, while the data sources come from direct observation, in-depth interviews with (twelve) selected respondents from all groups of waste pickers in Gampong Jawa Landfill as well as additional documentation data or archives of the waste pickers. Then the data is processed, analyzed in an easy-to-understand descriptive manner. The results of this study indicate that the socio-economic life of the scavenger community is still vulnerable to poverty, as for the income obtained to meet household needs from scavenging in the landfill has not been able to neutralize the needs of life from the sale of used goods, aqua bottles, cardboard, atoms and so on. Economic inequality in meeting household needs has an impact on religious life, including, scavengers who are on landfill land when the adhan arrives are still preoccupied with collecting used goods, then attending houses that die with the Gampong community is often not well realized. So that the values that blend about worship are not well realized in every scavenger's daily life.
The Impact of Tourism on Social Change Dewi Puspasari. T; T. Safir Iskandar Wijaya; Muhammad Sahlan
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The development of tourism in Simeulue resulted in social changes in the Nencala Village community in Simeulue, shaping the mindset and habits and lifestyle of the community changed in a relatively short time towards a modern and consumptive life, social change also had an impact on village development, thus making the village more advanced, especially in tourism development which became more well maintained and preserved. The purpose of the research is to find out, describe and analyze the social changes that occur in community members and infrastructure in Nencala Village, West Teupah District. This research is descriptive qualitative research in the form of field research by taking the location of Nencala Village, West Teupah District, Simeulue Regency. The techniques used in using data are observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study concluded that the development of tourism was well received by the community in Nencala Village. The factors that influence social change are the acceptance of new elements, acculturation, migration, acceptance of changes in living habits from traditional to semi-modern, an attitude of respect for the work of others and the desire to progress. tourism development in Nencala Village, West Teupah District turned out to have many positive impacts rather than negative impacts on local communities both from the physical, socio-cultural and economic aspects. Thus, the development of tourism in Nencala Village, West Teupah District, Simeulue Regency can improve the standard of living of the community for the better.
The Role of Teachers in Increasing Interest in Learning Arabic in Madrasah Aliyah 6 Aceh Besar Yulia Maisari; Nurhalimah
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Madrasah Aliyah Negri 6 Aceh Besar has one of the compulsory classes, namely Arabic language classes, but many students still have difficulty following Arabic language classes. Therefore, the role of the teacher is very important to increase students' interest in learning Arabic, because with the role of the teacher, students will be more active and easier to follow the learning process. This research was chosen based on the nature of the material in the form of direct field observations and real events accompanied by interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, researchers came to the conclusion that the role of Arabic language teachers is very important to increase interest in learning in students who are still bored with their learning activities. Teachers are motivators and drivers of student learning. If the teacher is not effective in teaching, students will be bored in participating in learning activities, so here the researcher takes the role of the teacher in educating students. interest in learning Arabic subjects so that students are not bored in learning.
Development of Microsoft Powerpoint Learning Media on Chemical Bonding Material Hamas Abthal
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This Research has been conducted to development of Microsoft Powerpoint media on chemical bonding material. Based on observations and interviews with high school IT students Alfityan Aceh Besar shows the use of instructional media on chemical bonding material is still not applied in learning students that cause difficulty understanding about abstract material. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of learning media developed and determine students' responses to the development of Microsoft Powerpoint media on chemical bonding material. The design of this study is the design of Research and Development (R&D). The subjects of this study were 13 high school IT students Alfityan Aceh Besar. Data collection techniques using validation and questionnaires. Validation and response data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques. The percentage of validation results obtained by the media expert validator was 77.9% and the percentage of material expert validators was 92.2%. So the Microsoft Powerpoint learning media is categorized as suitable for use in chemical bonding material. The results of student responses to the Microsoft Powerpoint learning media that is 94.9% of students responded with very good criteria for the development of Microsoft Powerpoint media on chemical bonding material.

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