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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID)
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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID) is an all-science, open access journal . Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. As such, the journal also publishes manuscripts reporting negative/null results, incremental advances, and replication studies. A multidisciplinary journal.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 35 Documents
The Design Motif of Batik Grafika Indonesia (Batik Pusgrafin) in National Batik Diversity Through Application Subject Nirmana Dwimatra-Trimatra Dayu Sri Herti; Dwi Riyono; Eka Triana; Immanuel Ronald David Mongkau
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research is a continuation of the dissertation on 'Transformation of the Indonesian Graphics Center/Pusgrafin in the Renewal of Educational Media in Indonesia, 1969–2008'. As a government institution in the field of graphics, one of its tasks and functions is to develop non-formal education through graphic training throughout Indonesia. This research aims to memorize pusgrafin as a renewal of educational media through the concept of creating pusgrafin batik motifs or Indonesian graphic batik so that it can enrich the diversity of batik motifs in Indonesia. Motifs with the philosophy of graphical batik motifs from local wisdom become one of the national batik diversities and support the program to increase the creative industry in Indonesia, both in books, journals, and scientific studies. The novelty of this research is that the existence of Indonesian graphical batik motifs as the embodiment of pusgrafin as one of the media to display a new identity or characteristics of a product will be able to contribute value to regional socio-economic growth, especially in the tourism and creative industry sectors. The locus at Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia Kreatif) is one of the vocational education institutions and the only state polytechnic in DKI Jakarta Province. As a revitalization of Pusgrafin, it has a role in developing various superior products, both produced by each study program and through collaboration between study programs. This research uses an art history/historiography research method with a methodology of social science, culture, and creative industry approaches. This research uses the subject matter of Indonesian Batik Grafika motif design in advanced courses: two-dimensional nirmana and three-dimensional nirmana. The results of batik motif design in the future will be applied to fashion products, especially batik clothing and merchandise/gimmicks.
Poetry Kama Nasya’ Works of Samih Al-Qasim (Analysis of The Semiotic Riffaterre) Irwan Mus
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The material object of this writing is the poetry of the Kama Nasya’ works of Samih al-Qasim, Palestinian poet and the object formal is a semiotic Riffaterre. In his theory, Michael Riffaterre introduce two levels of reading, namely the heuristic (the reading of mimetic, based on the dictionary meaning, characterized by (grammatical irregularities) and retroactive or hermeneutics (the reading process of decoding by finding the models, matrices, hipogram: potential and actual to get the unity of the meaning of the poem). The results of this study reveal that the poem Kama Nasya’ in the reading of heuristics is still scattered, fragmentary, and have not focused. In the reading of the retroactivity or hermeneutics, hipogram potential suggests the idea that the author have a supposition full of puzzles. Model (sentence monumental of poetry) is the sentence likun kama nasya’ in the ninth line rinse and the sentence is similar to the title selected by the author in his poem, namely Kama Nasya’. Matrices poetry that is ‘Nationalism’ a love of country. Hipogram the actual into the background of the formation of the matrix is the taste will be stirrings in his homeland attacked by Zionist Israel.
Using Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)Technique to Teach Reading Comprehension for Eleventh Grade Students Sarona Maisarah; Saiful Akmal; Yuni Setianingsih
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research is using the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Technique to Teach Reading Comprehension for Eleventh Grade Students. The research problems of this research are how the use of the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) technique may increase reading comprehension for eleventh grade students and what are the obstacles of the students in using the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) technique in reading comprehension. The purposes of this research are to find out whether the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) technique may increase reading comprehension for eleventh grade students and to know the obstacles the students face in using the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) technique in reading comprehension. The subject of this research was the students of the second grade of SMAN 1 Kuta Baro in the academic year 2017-2018, which consisted of 18 students. The research was started on October 10th, 2017 and continued until October 24th, 2017. This is quantitative research with two research instruments, namely a test (pre- and post-test) and a questionnaire. Finally, the researcher concludes by suggesting that English teachers can use the DRTA technique as a good alternative method for teaching reading. However, it aids students' reading ability and comprehension by making texts easier to understand, making students more interactive, and encouraging students to engage in more active and critical thinking.
Communication Strategies in Raising Awareness Public Awareness of Toddler Immunization Rahmad Saputra; Ade Irma; Rusnawati
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Communication strategy is planning (planning) and management (management) to achieve a goal. However, to achieve these goals, it does not function as a road map that only shows the direction, but must be able to show how the operational tactics. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication strategy, the level of public awareness and immunization of toddlers. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, sampling techniques using purposive techniques. Data collection is done by conducting interviews. The sampling technique uses non-random sampling consisting of people who have toddlers, public health center, Immunization Coordinator, Village Midwife, and Cadres. Based on the results of the study found that the immunization communication strategy is carried out by conducting counseling to the community using media such as brochures, posters, effective communication using language that is easy to understand. To increase immunization coverage, it is necessary to search for toddlers who have not been immunized at home. Increased public awareness in immunization is seen from the number of immunization coverage reports, immunization book guidelines and monthly report results and there are still some people who have not immunized their toddlers because there is no permission from their husbands, where husbands forbid immunization of their children, for fear that their children will have a fever and the issue of fake vaccines that make parents do not want to immunize their toddlers.
Health Communication in Patient Handling at The Emergency Department of The General Hospital Dr. H. Yulidin Away South Aceh District Anis Seroja; Rani; Azman
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Communication is the process of delivering messages from communicators to communicants, both verbal and nonverbal. Health communication is the delivery of messages about individual health. Health communication in hospitals is very important and a critical point in patient safety. The Hospital Emergency Room is the main gate to enter the service with high service intensity, so it has a high potential for incidents as well. This study was conducted to look at health communication in patient management in the emergency department, where health communication is very important in providing action to emergency patients. Because if there is an error in communication, it will cause fatal to the patient. This research was conducted at the Emergency Department of Dr. H. Yulidin Away General Hospital. The method in this study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and observation. The subjects of this study were 18 people, of which 3 doctors, 5 nurses, 4 patients and 6 patients' families. The results of this study indicate that communication in patient management between medical personnel with patients and patients' families is effective in providing information. There are two types of communication used, namely verbal communication used such as oral communication that is easily understood by patients and families of patients, while nonverbal communication such as smiles, using soft voice intonations, and happy facial expressions when visiting patients so as to make patients feel comfortable with the services provided by medical personnel. In addition, in the Emergency Department, communication used to patients and families of patients can reduce and even eliminate the panic of patients who enter the emergency room in a critical and panic state, medical personnel tend to communicate so that patients and families of patients are calmer.
The Impact of Cartoons on Children's Behavior Khalikul Bahri; Yusri; Syahril Furqany
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The phenomena of behavioral changes that have occurred in children aged (6-12 years) in recent years have been influenced by movie shows, especially cartoon films. This study aims to determine the impact of cartoon films on children's behavior. In addition, it is also to find out what are the negative effects of cartoon movies on children in Gampong Seukeum Bambong Delima District, Pidie Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach by analyzing descriptive data analysis. The type of research is field research, using direct observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the impact of cartoon films on children in Gampong Seukeum Bambong, Delima District, Pidie Regency is very influential on children's behavior such as asking parents to buy Boboiboy clothes and new bicycles, fighting with their friends and with their own siblings, often doing bicycle jumping scenes, reckless in playing bicycles. The positive impact of cartoon movies for children such as increasing children's creativity, fostering children's social values and improving children in Indonesian. While the negative impact of cartoon films on children is to make them inattentive, lazy to learn / forget learning time, aggressive behavior, impolite speech, too high imagination, lack of focus, health problems (visual impairment) and irregular emotions. Steps to prevent behavioral changes in children control all children's activities outside the home, regulate television viewing hours and guide children towards positive things so as not to fall into negative things.
Intercultural Communication: Acculturation, Assimilation and Problems Suhardi; Rani; T Lembong Misbah
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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As a cultured human being, it certainly requires communication, as for the communication that is established, namely intercultural communication. Singkil sub-district has a variety of ethnic groups, languages and different cultures, the tribes in the area are Javanese, Acehnese, Singkil tribe, Jamee / Minang tribe and Nias tribe. The object of research is the Singkil tribe and the Jamee / Minang tribe, because among the tribes in Singkil District the most dominant are the two tribes, so that the differences of opinion between the two. Therefore, this research was conducted to examine how Acculturation, Assimilation and also Enculturation exist in these two tribes, especially in Singkil District, and what are the problems or problems between the two tribes. The type of research used is qualitative research, the data collection techniques used are: observation in the field, interviews, and documentation, the respondents are the people of the two tribes in Singkil District. The results of this study prove that the Minang people find it difficult to understand the language of the Singkil tribe so that there are differences of opinion and perception between the two.
Analysis of Aceh TV Programs in An Effort to Preserve Aceh Culture Zulqaidah; Zainuddin T; Arif Ramdan
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The problems contained in the problem formulation are (1) What is the vision and mission of Aceh TV. And how Aceh TV realizes the vision and mission. (2) What programs are aired by Aceh TV related to the preservation of Aceh culture. (3) Does the program broadcast by Aceh TV support the preservation of Aceh culture. The purpose of this research is to find out the vision and mission of Aceh TV, and how Aceh TV realizes the vision and mission in preserving Aceh culture. To find out the programs aired by Aceh TV related to the preservation of Aceh culture, and also to find out whether the programs broadcast by Aceh TV support the preservation of Aceh. This type of research is qualitative research with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study found that Aceh TV in realizing its vision and mission is by re-exploring Aceh's cultural values, so that people can learn about the culture. Aceh TV programs aired related to the preservation of Aceh culture, namely Ca'e Bak Jamboe, Meudikee, Ratoh, Seumapa, Seumeubeut, Piasan Aceh, Akai Bang Rusli and Keberni Gayo. The programs broadcast by Aceh TV support the preservation of Aceh's culture. And these programs are also still within the limits of Islamic law. The recommendations in this study are that Aceh TV is expected to add more programs related to culture. It is hoped that Aceh TV can reduce the Aceh song playback program, and it is also hoped that Aceh TV can improve the quality of the programs aired.
Ngengkun Method for Children of Farming Families in Gayo Lues Culture Dahlia; Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin; Hardiyansyah A.S.Th. I
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Ngengkun comes from the Gayo language which means parenting. Children are entrusted by God to parents to be educated and guarded so that they grow and develop into good children, parents are leaders in the household for their children to educate their children. However, in caring for children, problems often occur due to the lack of economy and knowledge of both parents, which results in a lack of guidance and guidance, causing children to be disobedient and unmotivated in education. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the parenting pattern in Tengkereng Hamlet and how the efforts of parents in Tengkereng Hamlet in parenting children. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach that describes accurate phenomena about the facts found in the field. The data obtained in this study are based on the results of in-depth interviews with research respondents, observation, and documentation. The results showed that parents in Tengkereng used primitive and authoritarian parenting.
The Role of Pidie State Special School in Assisting Children with Special Needs in Pidie District Dara Maisun; Inayatillah; Musdawati
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Children with special needs, known as ABK, are children who are educated to train and increase their potential. Special special schools play a role in providing assistance in understanding the situation that occurs around ABK through religious education assistance to form good character and assistance through the development of existing skills in ABK. The research aims to find out the role of SLBN Pidie in assisting children with special needs in Pidie Regency with a qualitative approach, collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentary study techniques, and completing the results of the research the author also uses literature review. The results of this study show that the role of SLBN Pidie in assisting children with special needs has not been running in accordance with the procedure, namely: (1) the number of general teachers who teach at SLBN Pidie, (2) the mixing of students with various disabilities in one class due to lack of facilities, (3) the absence of parental involvement in the mentoring process carried out at school. Researchers suggest that schools often conduct training for SLBN Pidie teachers to improve teacher competence in the education of children with special needs.

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