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The Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Published by Universitas Indonesia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27985520     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
The Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapypublishes papers that show originality, high quality, and rigour in exploring physiotherapy services (promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative) on human subjects in hospitals/clinics, educational institutions, various related health institutions and communities. The scope of the journal: applied physiotherapy studies. the mechanisms of function or dysfunction; evidence-based rehabilitation; modern therapy methods; best clinical practice; clinical reasoning and decision-making processes; assessment and clinical management of disorders; exploration of relevant clinical interventions; multi-modal approaches; biopsychosocial exploration in rehabilitation; qualitative studies involving physiotherapists. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, also systematic, narrative, and scoping reviews articles are welcomed.
Articles 27 Documents
Terapi Latihan pada Fase Satu Pasca Operasi Rekonstruksi Ruptur Anterior Cruciate Ligamentum Sinistra
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a surgical procedure involving the grafting of the ACL using tendon tissue. This procedure aims to restore knee stability and joint fixation following an ACL injury. Post-ACL reconstruction often leads to complications such as pain, edema, reduced range of motion, and muscle weakness. The physiotherapy program in this case aims to evaluate the effects of physiotherapy interventions, including quadriceps setting, hamstring setting, straight leg raise (SLR), heel slide, ankle pumping, bridging, and prone hang exercises, in reducing edema and pain, as well as improving the range of motion and muscle strength in the knee joint after ACL reconstruction. This study was conducted on one respondent in phase 1 post-ACL reconstruction, with therapy administered over four sessions. After three therapy sessions, results showed a reduction in pain and edema, along with an increased range of motion and muscle strength. The conclusion of this study is that a comprehensive physiotherapy program in phase 1 post-ACL reconstruction is effective in reducing pain and edema, as well as improving the range of motion and muscle strength.
Perbedaan Pengaruh Media Edukasi Terhadap Kepatuhan Orang Tua Anak Cerebral Palsy Untuk Melaksanakan Home Program
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a condition of movement and function disorders in children that requires continuous physiotherapy. One factor in the successful development of children with CP is the existence of a home program/independent therapy carried out by parents at home. In providing the home program, physiotherapists at YPCP Surabaya gave leaflets to parents. However, this was less effective because it was easily damaged, so the home program media was replaced with video. The effectiveness of both in increasing parental compliance in carrying out the home program every day is not yet known. Objective: to find out the difference in parental compliance in carrying out a home program between using leaflet media or video media. Method: 20 parents of children with CP were randomly divided into leaflet groups and video groups, 10 people each. Each person is monitored for compliance in carrying out the home program for 1 week (7 days). Measurement of compliance with checklists every day. Results: parents in the video media group were more compliant in carrying out the home program than parents in the leaflet media group. Conclusion: video media is more effective in increasing the compliance of parents of children with CP in carrying out home programs compared to leaflet media.
Pengaruh Backward Walking Exercise Terhadap Nyeri Dan Kemampuan Fungsional Pasien Osteoarhtritis Genu
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease that mainly attacks the joints and surrounding tissues, causing progressive damage to cartilage, subchondral bone and synovial structures. Genu OA is the most common OA and can cause disabilities that interfere with daily activities, reduce quality of life and increase the risk of falls. Physiotherapy intervention for genu OA can be conducted using various methods, one of them is backward walking exercise. The study is a quasi experimental research using two group pre and post-test control group design. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of backward walking exercise on pain and functional ability in patients with genu OA. The pain scale was measured using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the patient's functional ability was measured using the Physical Function using Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC). The samples were all patients who had been diagnosed with Genu OA and met the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The samples were divided into 2 groups, the intervention group and the control group. Each group will receive the same physiotherapy intervention, but the intervention group was given additional intervention in the form of backward walking exercises. Backward walking exercise was conducted 2 times a week for 4 weeks. Before administering the exercise, each patient measured their pain scale and functional capacity. The measurement was done again after 8 interventions. The results showed that patients in the intervention group experienced a significant increase in functional ability (p=0.003) and a significant reduction in pain (p=0.000). In the control group there was also a significant increase in functional ability (p=0.000) and pain reduction (p=0.000). However, there was no significant difference in results between the control group and the intervention group in terms of functional ability (p=0.135) and pain level (p=0.490)
Terapi Latihan Dan Ultrasound Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Fungsional Pada Total Hip Replacement
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Total Hip Replacement (THR) is an orthopedic surgical procedure to replace the cartilage of the acetabulum and collum femur with a prosthesis, which is an artificial ball and rod made of metal. This causes various problems including limited joint range of motion (LGS), decreased muscle strength, decreased balance, and decreased functional ability. The application of modalities in the form of ultrasound is believed to be able to reduce pain and the application of exercise therapy in the form of Stretching Exercise, ROM Exercise, Strengthening Exercise, Balance Exercise, and Gait Training is believed to be able to improve functional abilities by reducing spasm, increasing LGS, increasing muscle strength, increasing balance, and improving walking patterns. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of exercise therapy and ultrasound in improving functional ability in total hip replacement. Methods: Single case study in a 64-year-old woman. Therapeutic modalities in the form of ultrasound and exercise therapy in the form of Stretching Exercise, ROM Exercise, Strengthening Exercise, Balance Exercise, and Gait Training with six evaluations. Assessment of pain intensity using VAS, LGS assessment using a goniometer, muscle strength assessment with MMT, and functional ability assessment using HHS parameters. Results: There is a decrease in pain, an increase in the scope of joint motion and muscle strength and an increase in functional ability. Conclusion: This study shows that modality therapy interventions in the form of ultrasound and exercise therapy in the form of Stretching Exercise, ROM Exercise, Strengthening Exercise, Balance Exercise, and Gait Training can improve functional abilities in cases of total hip replacement as measured using HHS parameters.
Indeks Massa Tubuh Dan Obesitas Sentral Kaitannya Dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Anggota Batalyon X
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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A sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity is one of the contributing factors to high blood pressure. Excessive fat can result in tissue dysfunction and is a key factor in the development of hypertension. Military personnel are expected to maintain good health and physical fitness. This study aimed to investigate the connection between Body Mass Index (BMI), central obesity, and blood pressure (BP) among Battalion X members. Methodology: A cross-sectional quantitative approach was employed with a sample size of 62 individuals. The data included height, weight, and waist circumference of the participants. Spearman's rho test was used for data analysis. The hypothesis testing indicated a significant relationship between BMI and central obesity with blood pressure, as demonstrated by p < 0.05. The correlation coefficients were as follows: BMI and systolic BP (r = 0.293), BMI and diastolic BP (r = 0.431), central obesity and systolic BP (r = 0.433), and central obesity and diastolic BP (r = 0.390). In sum, there is a significant relationship between BMI and central obesity and blood pressure in members of Battalion X.
Efektivitas Step Marching Exercise Dalam Mengurangi Resiko Jatuh Pada Lansia
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As age progresses, the elderly will experience a degenerative process which one of the impacts will cause a decrease in the ability to maintain balance in the elderly so that it will increase the risk of falling. To overcome this risk, it is necessary to give exercises to improve balance and muscle strength in lower extremity, one of which is step marching exercise. This exercise has alternating leg lifting movements by following a rhythm or beat. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of step marching exercise in reducing the risk of falls in the elderly. Method: The experimental research method used pre and post test control group design using 24 respondents divided into group 1 (control / placebo) and group 2 (treatment / step marching exercise) with measuring instruments in the form of questionnaires Falls Efficacy Scale-International. The pre and post test results of both groups used the Paired Sample T-test where group 1 did not have a significant difference with a p value = 0.191 while in group 2 there was a significant difference with a p value = 0.000. In the difference test of groups 1 and 2 using the Independent Sample T-test, a significant difference was obtained with a difference value of p = 0.000. It can be concluded that step marching exercise is effective in reducing the risk of falls in the elderly
Jump To Box Kombinasi Core Plank Knee To Elbow Terhadap Power Otot Tungkai
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Leg power training is defined as a movement to get the jump in athletes doing the maximum jump smash. Badminton requires leg muscle explosive power because it is the muscle's ability to overcome loads and with a high speed of contraction. This study aims to determine differences in the effect of jump to box training, a combination of core plank knee to elbow on increasing leg power in badminton athletes. This study used an experimental design method with a pre-test and post-test design. The treatment group was given the Jump To Box Combination Core Plank Knee To Elbow exercise. The number of each group was 13 and each group was given exercise 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Measurement of leg muscle power in badminton athletes with the Vertical Jump Test. The value of the study showed that in the group with increased leg muscle power, the pre-test mean value was 34.69 ± 5.46, which increased to 38.38 ± 5.72 during the post test and obtained a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). It was concluded that giving Jump To Box training in combination with Core Plank Knee To Elbow can increase leg muscle power in badminton athletes.

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