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The Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Published by Universitas Indonesia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27985520     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
The Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapypublishes papers that show originality, high quality, and rigour in exploring physiotherapy services (promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative) on human subjects in hospitals/clinics, educational institutions, various related health institutions and communities. The scope of the journal: applied physiotherapy studies. the mechanisms of function or dysfunction; evidence-based rehabilitation; modern therapy methods; best clinical practice; clinical reasoning and decision-making processes; assessment and clinical management of disorders; exploration of relevant clinical interventions; multi-modal approaches; biopsychosocial exploration in rehabilitation; qualitative studies involving physiotherapists. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, also systematic, narrative, and scoping reviews articles are welcomed.
Articles 27 Documents
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The purpose of this case study is to determine the effect of diaphragmatic breathing and endurance exercise in hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). Nosocomial pneumonia that occurs in 48 hours or more after the patient admitted to the hospital, without any signs of pulmonary infection. The existence of clinical manifestations that appear, patients with HAP tend to avoid physical activity which can decrease the functional capacity of the respiratory system and have an impact on decreasing endurance. Diaphragmatic breathing exercise is thought to be able to help reduce shortness of breath, reduce the work of the accessory muscles of breathing, improve breathing frequency and also improve breathing patterns. Endurance training aims to increase the stimulation of the cardiorespiratory system response so that oxygen transportation becomes more efficient and the patient is able to carry out optimal activities. Evidence-based case report is the method of this research, with a clinical question "Does diaphragmatic breathing exercise and endurance exercise have a better effect on increasing endurance in hospital-acquired pneumonia?" To be able to answer this question, a case study was conducted by applying diaphragmatic exercise and endurance exercise, then to support the evidence from the results of the opener exercise, evidence was searched in 2 databases, namely Scopus and Science Direct. The keywords used were “diaphragmatic breathing exercise” OR “deep breathing exercise” AND “reduce dyspnea” and “endurance exercise” AND “cardiorespiratory endurance” AND “metabolic equivalents” with the inclusion criteria of full text articles and publications in 2015-2020. The search found 7 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Then the search stage was continued by reading the entire article and found 3 articles on Scopus and 1 article on Science Direct
Aerobic Exercise Terhadap Peningkatan Endurance Pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Dengan Pemeriksaan 6MWT : Studi Kasus Fuadi, Dela Fariha; Saputra, Andrew Wijaya; Dzatikhulwani, Nabilla Nur Awaliah
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a condition in which the heart's blood vessels (coronary arteries) are blocked by fat deposits. Based on data from Riskesdas (2018) it is revealed that cases of heart and blood vessel disease in Indonesia are increasing every year, increasing the mortality rate. This is due to the presence of risk factors that support the emergence of coronary heart disease. Objective: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the evaluation of aerobic exercise to increase endurance in patients with coronary heart disease by examining 6MWT. Method: This research is in the form of a case study with direct data collection methods. The population in this study were female CHD patients who were treated at a hospital with the age of 65 years. Data collection and intervention were carried out on 30 December 2021-06 May 2022. Results: This report was taken from the case of a patient with the initials Mrs. S with a diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease aged 65 years with the main complaint of fatigue when walking, shortness of breath. After being given physiotherapy interventions in the form of breathing exercises, strengthening exercises and endurance exercises can reduce the degree of shortness of breath from 3 to 1 and can increase endurance from the METs scale of 1.6 to 3.35. Conclusion: Endurance exercise, strengthening exercises and breathing exercises can reduce the degree of shortness of breath and increase endurance in patients with Coronary Heart Disease.
Penerapan Kerangka Acuan Biomekanik Pada Kasus Fraktur Distal Radius Ulna Dalam Kemandirian Membungkus Makanan Gidion, Hermito; Sugianto, Jasmine Putri; As’ari, Mahrus; Betty, Purnama
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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A distal radius fracture is a fracture that occurs when the radius bone, one of the two long bones in the forearm, breaks near the wrist. This paper aims to determine the application of the biomechanical frame of reference in cases of fractures of the distal radius ulna in the independence of wrapping food. This research was conducted by taking the case of a patient, conducting assessment, observation, and intervention on the patient. Specifically, the assessment carried out focuses on range of motion abilities, muscle strength and endurance, pain scale and functional activity abilities. The patient's problems were decreased joint range of motion, muscle strength, and muscle endurance and experienced pain caused by a fracture of the distal radius ulna, so that they experienced difficulties in productivity activities, especially in carrying out food wrapping activities. Occupational therapy provides interventions using a biomechanical approach to help increase the range of motion of the joints, muscle strength and muscle endurance as well as adapting ways for the recovery of patients with distal radius-ulna fractures and increasing the patient's productivity abilities as a food seller.
Efektivitas Manual Therapy dan Ultrasound Terhadap Peningkatan Fungsi Gerak Bahu Pada Kasus Nyeri Bahu Et Causa Bursitis Subacromialis Dengan Parameter SPADI di RSUD Muhammad Natsir Az-Zahra, Fadhilah; Lufitos, Ronal; Djawas, Faizah Abdullah
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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ABSTRACT: Adhesive Capsulitis is a disorder that occurs in the shoulder area in the form of inflammation of the joint capsule which causes a feeling of stiffness and pain. Glenohumeral joint mobilization with the Maitland mobilization technique is using passive mobilization with physiological oscillatory movements which can produce a stretching effect and release of adhesive on the ligament capsule in the shoulder so that the range of motion of the shoulder joint can be increased. Hold relax is an exercise therapy with the principle of reciprocal inhibition which aims to improve antagonistic pattern relaxation, and mobilization, and to reduce pain. In this technique stimulation occurs through maximum contraction of a number of motor units simultaneously and maximally so that there is a decrease in muscle tension around the joint to increase the range of motion of the shoulder joint. This paper aims to determine the decrease in the SPADI (shoulder pain disability index) score by administering glenohumeral joint glide mobilization and hold relax during ultrasound intervention in a 71-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with adhesive capjuangitis ec. bursitis subacromialis dextra. After six meetings there was a significant decrease in the SPADI score.
Single Leg Depth Jump Kombinasi Core Plank Knee To Elbow Terhadap Power Otot Tungkai Atlet Triyanita, Maya; Dwi Tirta, Siti Sardianti
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Power limit training is defined as the movement to get a jump on athletes in doing the maximum jump smash. Badminton requires leg muscle explosive power because it is the muscle's ability to overcome loads and with a high speed of contraction. This study aims to determine the effect of the single leg depth jump exercise, the combination of the knee to elbow core plank, on increasing leg power in badminton athletes. This study uses an experimental design method. This research was conducted on badminton athletes using a total sampling technique of 13 people, namely the Pliometric Simgle Leg Dept Jump Combination Core Plank Knee To Elbow treatment and each group was given exercise 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Measurement of leg muscle power in badminton athletes with the Vertical Jump Test. The research value showed an increase in leg muscle power where the pre-test mean value was 36.46 ± 9.00 increased to 45.54 ± 9.28 during the post test and obtained a value of p = 0.000. It is concluded that the provision of the Plyometric Single Leg Depth Jump combination of Core Plank Knee for Elbow can increase leg muscle power for badminton athletes. Latihan power tungkai didefinisikan sebagai gerakan untuk memperoleh lompatan pada atlet dalam melakukan jump smash yang maksimal. Bulu tangkis membutuhkan daya ledak otot tungkai karena merupakan kemampuan otot untuk mengatasi beban dan dengan kecepatan kontraksi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan singgle leg depth jump kombinasi core plank knee to elbow terhadap peningkatan power tungkai pada atlet bulu tangkis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimen design. Penelitian ini dilaukan pada atlet bulu tangkis dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling sebanyak 13 orang yaitu diberikan perlakuan latihan Pliometrik Simgle Leg Dept Jump Kombinasi Core Plank Knee To Elbow dan masing-masing kelompok diberikan latihan 3 kali seminggu selama 6 minggu. Pengukuran power otot tungkai pada atlet bulu tangkis dengan Vertical Jump Test. Nilai penelitian menunjukan peningkatan power otot tungkai dimana nilai rerata pre test 36,46±9,00 meningkat menjadi 45,54±9,28 saat post test dan didapatkan nilai p=0.000.Disimpulankan pemberian latihan Pliometrik Singgle Leg Depth Jump kombinasi Core Plank Knee To Elbow dapat meningkatkan power otot tungkai untuk atlet bulu tangkis.
Pengaruh Durasi Penggunaan Smartphone Di Kalangan Pelajar Terhadap Frekuensi Nyeri Leher Wibisono, Irawan; Purnomo, Didik; Amanati, Suci
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Neck pain is a musculoskeletal problem that is often encountered in productive age, one of the triggers for neck pain is an unergonomic position for a long time. For example when using a smartphone, the position of the neck will tend towards the front. The use of smartphones in this technological era takes a long time. This is because smartphones have become part of student life. This study aims to determine the effect of the duration of smartphone use on the frequency of neck pain. This research method uses descriptive cross sectional with a total sample of 68 people, while the research sample is students studying in Semarang. The results showed that 55% of the sample used a smartphone with a duration ranging from 4-8 hours and as many as 35% of the sample experienced pain frequency less than 1 time per month and the results of the bivariate analysis of this study found that the correlation between the duration of smartphone use and neck pain was 0.160 with a significance between the two variables of 0.211. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the duration of smartphone use will affect the level of neck pain frequency with the correlation between the two variables being unidirectional, which means that the longer you use a smartphone, the higher the frequency of neck pain and the lower the significance level between the two variables. So it is necessary to carry out further research with a larger number of samples and more in-depth analysis.
Neurodynamic Technique Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri, Peningkatan Grip Strength, dan Peningkatan Kemampuan Fungsional Pada Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Arifin, Safrin; Dheanisa, Fathia
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a syndrome that occurs in 1-4% of the total population worldwide. This condition causes disruption of function and motion in the wrist that spreads to the fingers. Physiotherapy intervention is necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms in patients with CTS. Neurodynamic Techniques are nerve mobilization techniques that aim to restore homeostasis in the nerves so as to reduce pain and improve functional ability. Materials and methods. This research was conducted through searching several databases, found 31 articles which were then filtered and selected as many as 10 articles. However, of the 11 articles, further screening was carried out again based on inclusion criteria. The final result after selection is 9 articles. Results. From the 9 articles that have been reviewed neurodynamic technique provides significant benefits to reduce pain and increase functional ability in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Conclusion. Good results can be obtained if the treatment is done regularly with a dose of 2-3 times a week as many as 3 sets of 20 repetitions per training session and accompanied by exercise therapy performed every day. Neurodynamic technique can produce a positive effect on the reduction of pain in cases of CTS so as to restore the function of motion in the wrist and fingers. Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome, neurodynamic technique, grip strength, functional ability
Efektivitas Terapi Latihan terhadap Kemampuan Fungsional Post Rekonstruksi ACL Grade 2 Djawas, Faizah Abdullah; Prasasti, Prasasti
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction: Anterior Cruciate Ligament rupture is a condition with a tear in the ACL ligament, caused by direct or indirect contact in the knee. Various problems in patients with post-ACL reconstructions include a limited range of motions (ROM), decreased muscle strength, and decreased functional ability. Exercise therapy in CKCE, OKCE, and core stability is believed to improve functional abilities by decreasing pain and improving ROM and muscle strength. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of exercise therapy on functional ability in post-reconstructionACL grade 2. Method: Single case study, physiotherapy intervention in a 19-year-old male. Exercise therapy in CKCE, OKCE, and core stability is given three times per week, with five evaluations. Assessment of pain intensity using VAS, ROM using a goniometer, muscle strength with MMT, and functional ability using IKDC parameters. Result: This study finds a decrease in pain, an increase in ROM and MMT, and an increase in functional abilities. Conclusion: Exercise therapy interventions with CKCE, OKCE, and core stability exercise improve functional ability in post-reconstructionACL grade 2 cases measured by IKDC parameters.
Efektivitas Pemberian Lumbar Stabilization Exercise terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Fungsional pada Kasus Low Back Pain Myogenic: Literature Review Hikhmah, Sabilla Nur; Noviana, Mita; Pahlawi, Riza
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Low back pain is the most common symptom experienced by people of all ages. However, low back pain myogenic can cause pain, spasms, muscle weakness, limited range of motion (ROM), and muscle imbalances, resulting in decreased core and lower back muscles, and limited mobility of the lumbar spine, causing a decrease in ability functional. In Indonesia, the prevalence of people affected by myogenic LBP has increased, almost 75% of them are related to work. From the search results with various databases, 75 articles were found which were then filtered and 21 articles were selected. But of the 21 articles, there will be more. The final result after selection is 5 articles. Knowing the effectiveness of providing lumbar stabilization exercise to improve functional ability in myogenic low back pain case by knowing the dose and method given. There is an increase in functional ability in patients with low back pain myogenic by offering lumbar stabilization exercise at a dose given for 6 weeks, 3 sessions/week, 8 repetitions with duration of 30-60 minutes/session. Providing lumbar stabilization exercise can be an intervention solution to improve functional ability of you pas attention to several things
Analisis Interaksi Postur dengan Peralatan Kerja Menggunakan Metode Rapid Office Strain Assessment (Rosa) Pada Pekerja Kantor X Luthfi, Muhammad
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia or Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Workers in any industry are at risk for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) including office administration workers. This study aims to analyze the interaction of posture with work equipment using the rapid office strain assessment (ROSA) method to assess the ergonomic risk factor. This study found typing is an area requiring ergonomic intervention with chair is more influential (52%) than monitors and other office equipment (48%). Meanwhile other equipment that affects worker posture is mouse and keyboard (62%) compared to telephone and monitor (38%). WMSDs in office administration workers are strongly affected by the chair, mouse and keyboard.

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