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Ruth Rize Paas Megahati S
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RADINKA JAYA UTAMA PUBLISHER Radinka Jaya Utama Building 1 st Floor Jl. Kp. Baru Berok RT 005 RW 004 No. 100, Kurao Pagang Village, Nanggalo District PADANG, WEST SUMATRA, INDONESIA 25147
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Radinka Journal of Health Science
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30257751     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
The Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS) accepts manuscripts in the fields of : 1. Medical laboratory engineering 2. Health information management 3. Pharmacy 4. Midwifery 5. Occupational health and safety 6. Nursing 7. Physiotherapy 8. Health promotion 9. Public health 10. Medicine (miscellaneous) 11. Environmental health 12. Dental health 13. Dental engineering 14. Radiology 15. Nutrition 16. Sanitation 17. Epidemiological supervision 18. Health psychology 19. Health technology 20. Health law 21. Hospital management, etc.
Articles 16 Documents
Description of Farmers' Knowledge and Attitudes in Using Pesticides in Koto Tuo Kenagarian IV Village Koto Hilie Kec. Stem Cotton Regency. South Coast. Armein Lusi Zeswita; Agus Teguh Prihartono; Nurlela Sitepu
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Pesticides are biocides, which means they are toxic to plants, animals and humans. Inappropriate use of pesticides can result in serious short-term or long-term health problems. The research was conducted with an initial survey in February 2022 in Koto Tuo Village, Nagari IV Koto Hilie. From the results of surveys and interviews with 10 people, it was found that there are still many farmers who have not implemented the behavior of using pesticides in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. The research design is quantitative descriptive, the population in this study is 320 people, the samples taken are 178 farmers. The results of this study found that the farmer's experience determines whether or not the knowledge and attitude of a farmer determines personal and environmental safety. to use pesticides
The Relationship of Family Support with Compliance Drinking Medicine for Hypertension Elderly in Puskesmas Seberang Padang Abri Madoni LBS; Englardy, N.P
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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The prevalence of hypertension in Padang City in 2019 was 2931 cases and there was an increase in 2020 to 3010 cases. The incidence of hypertension at the Seberang Padang Health Center with hypertension cases was 433 people and 240 elderly people experienced hypertension (Dinkes, 2022). This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and adherence to taking medication in the elderly with hypertension at the Seberang Padang Health Center. This type of research is Analytical Survey with a Cross-Sectional Study design. This research was conducted at the Seberang Padang Health Center from March to September 2022. The population in this study was 240 elderly people who experienced hypertension at the Seberang Padang Health Center with a sample of 68 people. The sampling technique used is the accidental sampling technique. Computerized data processing (SPSS version 2016) using the chi-square test. The results of the study 79.4% of respondents had low medication adherence and 85.3% of respondents had negative family support. Hypertensive elderly who have low medication adherence are more common in hypertensive elderly who have negative family support, namely 73.5% compared to hypertensive elderly who have positive family support, namely 5.9%. Based on statistical tests, a p-value of 0.004 was obtained, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between family support and adherence to taking medication in elderly hypertension at the Seberang Padang Health Center. Through the leadership of the Seberang Padang Health Center, it is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a reference in providing education to families in motivating elderly hypertensives to adhere to taking medication through health education.
The Relationship between Workload and Psychological Fatigue (Burnout) Dina Waldani; Gustina Indriati
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Workload is the amount of work that must be carried by a position or organizational unit and is the product of the volume of work and the time norm. Researchers conducted a pre-survey of 10 employees at Bank BTN KC Padang in the Teller and Marketing section, 8 employees who were pre-survey respondents answered "Yes" or 80% experienced workload with psychological fatigue (burnout), while 2 employees who were pre-survey respondents answered "No" or 20% did not experience workload with psychological fatigue (burnout). The research design is quantitative descriptive. The population is 51 people, and all populations are sampled with a total of 51 people. In this study, the authors used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) scale, and the authors used a workload scale based on the dimensions of the Nasa-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX). The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect of workload on burnout. In this study it was found that there was an effect of the workload variable on the level of frustration on burnout which resulted in employees feeling insecure, hopeless and irritable. Thus it is expected that superiors pay more attention to the intimacy of fellow employees and build a sense of solidarity to avoid the things above and pay attention to the safety and health of employees to build a sense of security at work.
Water Fraction of Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris L.) as Antilipemic in Swiss Webster Male White Mice Ruth Rize Paas Megahati S; Gustina Indriati
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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The research is motivated by whether the water fraction of beetroot can reduce total cholesterol levels in male white Swiss Webster mice. The aims are (1) to determine the effect of the water fraction of beetroot in reducing total cholesterol levels in male white Swiss Webster mice. (2) to find out the most optimum dose of the tuber water fraction variation lowers total cholesterol levels in male white Swiss webster mice compared to simvastatin. The method used in this research is experimental research using Swiss Webster male white mice as test animals. The beetroots used for the research were beetroots with the criteria of 2,900 grams of each tuber weighing 200-250 grams. completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The data obtained were processed statistically using SPSS to determine the effect of the water fraction of beetroot on the decrease in total cholesterol levels which were analyzed using the ANOVA test. The results obtained in this study were (1) The water fraction of beetroot had activity in reducing total cholesterol levels in male white Swiss webster mice. (2) The results of a statistical test of the water fraction of beetroot showed that dose III (6.980 mg/20g BW) had the most optimum antilipemic activity compared to dose I (1.742 mg/20g BW) and dose II (3.484 mg/20g BW). Hasil dari uji statistik fraksi air umbi bit menunjukkan dosis III (6,980 mg/20g BB) memiliki aktivitas antilipemika paling optimum dibandingkan dengan dosis I (1,742 mg/20g BB) dan dosis II (3,484 mg/20g BB).
Relationship between Hot Working Climate and Subjective Complaints in Labor in the Loading and Unloading Section at PT. Teluk Bayur Padang Container Terminal IPC wenny murdina asih; Yeni HERLINA
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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IPC Container Terminal is one of the subsidiaries of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) for container terminal services engaged in port and logistics services. If you pay attention to the working environment conditions at PT. The IPC Container Terminal at the loading and unloading section of goods is not equipped with ventilation/air exchange. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between a hot working climate and the subjective complaints of workers in the loading and unloading division of PT. Teluk Bayur Padang Container Terminal IPC. The research design is cross-sectional. The research population is stevedoring workers at PT. Teluk Bayur Padang Container Terminal IPC with a total of 46 people. All populations are used as research samples. This research took place from February to August 2022 and the research instrument used a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, measurement of the temperature of the hot working climate in the loading and unloading section of PT. IPC Teluk Bayur Padang Container Terminal in 2022 obtained an average result of 32.03 0C for all measurement points, this is included in the high category. More than half of the workforce experienced high subjective complaints, namely 73.9%. It is hoped that the management of PT. Teluk Bayur Padang Container Terminal IPC carried out introduction and acclimatization, planting mahogany and matoa trees, adding ventilation for loading and unloading of goods and providing drinking water plus salt, and providing personal protective equipment.
Technology as A Determinant of Mother's Knowledge About Stunting In Toddlers Aged 1-5 Years Old Tanjung Sari Natar Village Selatan Arfan Syahroni; Tri Adi Nugroho
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Stunting refers to a condition when a child experiences impaired growth and development for his age due to malnutrition. Factors that cause stunting can be found during pregnancy or the early stages of child growth. In this study, researchers wanted to find out about the use of technology as a determinant of mothers' knowledge about stunting in toddlers aged 1-5 years. This type of research is quantitative using a cross-sectional study design. The design of this study was chosen to identify the influence of variables on Android mobile phones and growth and development applications on maternal knowledge about stunting aged 1-5 years. The research population was all mothers who had toddlers aged 1-5 years in Tanjung Sari Natar Village, South Lampung. The sample size using the non-probability sampling quota sampling technique is 50 respondents. The test was carried out using the Pearson correlation test, whether ownership of an Android mobile phone and growth and development applications is related to a mother's knowledge about stunting. The results of a significance value > 0.05 (cellphone 0.195, growth and development applications 0.113) mean that there is no significant correlation between owned mobile phones and growth and development applications, with knowledge of stunting.
Factors for Decreasing Cholinesterase Enzyme Activity in Farmers in Trimurdjo District, Central Lampung Regency Annisa Yusmutia; Meita Mahardianti; Tiwi Lestari
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Blood cholinesterase level is the amount of active cholinesterase enzyme in blood plasma and red blood cells. Early detection of pesticide poisoning is by checking the cholinesterase enzyme in the blood. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting cholinesterase enzyme activity in farmer groups in the Trimurdjo district and Central Lampung district. This study uses quantitative research that uses a cross-sectional approach, and the subject of this research is the farmers of Trimurjo District, Central Lampung, as many as 86 farmers. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between cholinesterase enzyme activity and nutritional status variables, pesticide doses, and the highest risk obtained was the variable use of personal protective equipment (PPE) (PR = 0.205, 95% CI = 0.048 - 0.866) in farmers in Trimurjo District, District of Trimurjo Regency. Central Lampung has been controlled by confounding variables. The results showed that the activity of the cholinesterase enzyme in farmer groups who used pesticide doses that were not under SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), did not use personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when spraying, and had poor nutritional status had a higher risk of experiencing pesticide poisoning or cholinesterase enzyme activity. low. Efforts that can be made to reduce the number of farmers experiencing pesticide poisoning or low cholinesterase enzyme activity are by conducting counseling by related sectors.
Evaluation of Good Medicine Distribution Methods (Cdob) and Implementation by Two Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (Pbf) in Jambi City Fahrinnisa Fahrinnisa Nabila PUTRI; Rasmala DEWI; Rifani Bhakti Natara
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Pharmaceutical Wholesaler (PBF) is a company that distributes medicines to hospital installations, health centers, and pharmacies so that they can be given directly to patients or the public. One of the conditions that has been determined by existing regulations is that each PBF must have a Responsible Pharmacist who is responsible for implementing the provisions for procurement, storage, and distribution of medicines and/or medicinal substances. Good Medicine Distribution Method (CDOB) is the distribution of medicines or medicinal substances that have the aim of ensuring quality when distributing or dispensing medicines and medicinal substances so that they can be properly maintained under the requirements and intended use. Implementation of Good Medicine Distribution Methods at two PBFs, namely PBF X and Y, Jambi City. This research used a non-experimental descriptive design using questionnaires and direct interviews with the pharmacist in charge (APJ) and warehouse head. The results obtained by Good Medicine Distribution Methods from the 56-question PBF X and Y questionnaire fulfill the implementation of Good Medicine Distribution Methods. The research results obtained indicate that the percentage of PBF  
Evaluation of the Use of Antibiotics in Covid-19 Patients at X Muara Bulian Hospital in 2022 Yola Rizky Amalia; Rasmala DEWI; Deny SUTRISNO
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus2 (SARSCoV2). Treatment for COVID-19 is still uncertain, so various treatment efforts have been carried out, including administering antibiotics. This research is a type of non-experimental research and uses a descriptive research design. Data collection was carried out retrospectively. Data collection from medical records of COVID-19 patients in 2022 at Hospital X Muara Bulian. The population of 86 patients, a sample of 46 patients. The research results showed that 69.57% of patients were male, 32.61% of patients were aged 36–45 years, and Covid-19 patients received the most antibiotic therapy, namely azithromycin in the macrolide group at a dose of 500 mg for 5 days with a percentage of 69.57%, The accuracy of the indication, dose, and duration of administration of antibiotics is 100% following the COVID-19 Management Guidelines, Edition 2 of 2020, and no drug interactions have occurred. This research is based on existing literature. It is hoped that future researchers will use a larger sample size than this study so that they can understand demographic characteristics, patterns of antibiotic use, rational use of drugs, and drug interactions that occur.
Literature Review Related to Factors That Influence Adherence to Medication Use in Hypertension Patients in Primary Health Facilities Tricy Opi Zalita; Rifani Bhakti NATARI; Medi ANDRIANI
RADINKA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Radinka Journal of Health Science (RJHS)

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Hypertension is a disease that requires long-term therapy, so patient compliance is required in undergoing treatment to control blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications. Riskesdas data (2018) shows that the prevalence of non-compliance with taking medication in hypertensive patients is 32.3%. This study aims to determine the factors that influence compliance with medication use in hypertensive patients in primary health facilities. This research is a literature review research. Selection of research articles reviewed using the PRISMA method using relevant keywords (adherence to medication use, hypertension patients, primary level health facilities, influencing factors) and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research was conducted at the STIKES Harapan Ibu Jambi Library from May to June 2023. Based on the research results, it is known that the factors that influence compliance with the use of antihypertensive drugs in hypertensive patients in primary-level health facilities are age, education, employment, knowledge, attitudes, motivation, family support, role of health workers, affordability of health services, duration of therapy and comorbid (p-value e<0.05). It is hoped that community health centers will provide education about the importance of compliance with the use of antihypertensive drugs in hypertension sufferers that is easy to understand so that they are compliant in taking antihypertensive medication.

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