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Journal of Law Justice (JLJ)
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Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) is a Journal of Law for information and communication resources for academics, and observers of Business Law, International law, Criminal law, and Civil law. The published paper is the result of research, reflection, and criticism with respect to the themes of Business Law, International law, Criminal law, and Civil law. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees
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Aspek Hukum Terhadap Jual-Beli Seks Toys Di Indonesia Dominggus Temongmere; Hadi Tuasikal; Wahab Aznul Hidaya
Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Law Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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This research aims to find out what legal aspects are against individuals or corporations who trade sex toys in Indonesia and their legality; to find out the application of criminal sanctions and fines against fines against individuals or corporations who trade sex toys in Indonesia as a business. The research used, through the Normative Juridical approach. The types of data used are primary data, namely data obtained from laws and regulations, secondary data, namely data obtained from literature studies (legal literature) and tertiary data, namely data obtained from legal dictionaries/ legal books/laws and regulations/large dictionaries of the Indonesian language. The results showed that; (1) Legal aspects of buying and selling sex toys in Indonesia. In fact, in legal facts there is not a single statutory regulation or special regulation that gives permission and (2)Application of Criminal Sanctions Against Perpetrators As Pornography Services Who Sell Sex Toys In Indonesia. To impose criminal sanctions for these acts, namely 'pornography services' as a result of unlawful acts, there are 4 (four) legal aspects that can be applied; the first is Article 1 number 2, Article 4 paragraph (1) letters d and e, Article 4 paragraph (2) letters a, b and d of Law No.44/2008 concerning Pornography, the second is Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law No.19/2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE), the third is Article 2.The results of the research show that; (1) Legal aspects of buying and selling sex toys in Indonesia. In fact, as a matter of legal fact, there is no single statutory regulation or special regulation that provides permission and (2) Application of Criminal Sanctions Against Perpetrators As Pornography Services Who Sell Sex Toys In Indonesia.To impose criminal sanctions for these acts, namely 'pornography services' as a result of unlawful acts, there are 4 (four) legal aspects that can be applied; the first is Article 1 number 2, Article 4 paragraph (1) letters d and e, Article 4 paragraph (2) letters a, b and d of Law No.44/2008 concerning Pornography, the second is Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law No.19/2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE), the third is Article 282 paragraph (1, 2 and 3) of the Criminal Code and the fourth is Article 533 numbers 1, 3 and 4 of the Criminal Code..
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Kasus Perdagangan Minuman Keras (Beralkohol) Di Wilayah Aifat Kabupaten Maybrat Jefry Kocu; A. Sakti R.S. Rakia; Sahertian Marthin
Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Law Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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Jefry. Kocu (20183300110) “Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Perdagangan Minuman Keras (Beralkohol) Tanpa Izin Di wilayah Aifat Kabupaten Maybrat (Study Kasus Polsek Aifat)”. Dibimbing Oleh Dosen Pembimbing I Bapak Dr. A. Sakti R.S. SH.,MH Dan Dibimbing Juga Oleh Dosen Pembimbinh II Bapak Marthin Sahertian , SH.,M.H. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui bagaimana tindakan aparat kepolisian terhadap kasus perdagangan minuman keras (Beralkohol) tanpa izin di wilayah Aifat Kabupaten Maybrat dan Apa kendala dalam melakukan penegakan hukum terhadap perdagangan minuman keras tanpa izin di wilayah Aifat Kabupaten Maybrat. Selaras dengan tujuan yang dimaksudkan, dengan ini penulis menelusuri prinsip-prinsip dan tindakan kepolisian dalam penanggulangan terhadap kasus perdagangan minuman keras (Berakohol) di Polsek Aifat Kabupaten Maybrat. maka jenis penelitian ini tergolongan penelitian yuridis empiris dan sumber data berasal dari sumber data primer dan daata sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis, maka disimpullkan sebagai berikut; Melakukan Razia Terhadap Peredaran minuman keras (Beralkohol) secara ilegal. Melakukan sosialisasi tentang dampak minuman keras (Beralkohol) kepada masyarakat. Melakukan penyidikan. Pengledahan barang bukti. Melakukan Penangkapan. Dan ada faktor-faktor penghambat dalam tindakan aparat kepolisian dalam penanggulangan terhadap kasus perdagangan minuman keras secara ilegal sebagai berikut; Kurangnya respon masyarakat, dan masyarakat tertutup memberikan informasi kepada aparat kepolisian.
a Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Sebagai Tukang Parkir Di Kota Sorong Agustina Arusano Gloria Barru; Masrifatun Mahmudah; Rajab Lestaluhu
Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Law Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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This research aims to know the child labour riviewed by indonesian law . To find out about protection of law Against child work as a parking attendant in Sorong City.  The research method used in this research is Empirical research using  method approach Abstract law sociology, The research specs used in this research Is descriptive analysis, processing of the data used primary data collection techniques who are observation and interview. Research results shows that there is no legal protection against The Child who works as a parking attendant in Sorong City. Sorong city administration has not made regulation towards The Children who works in general and specifically children who work as a Parking Attendant
Hakikat Keuangan Perseroan Terbatas Pada Bumn Di Indonesia Muhammad Akhdharisa
Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Law Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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The purpose of this study is to know and explain the nature financial of limited liability company finances in State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia, the system management accountability financial of state-owned limited liability company in Indonesia, the financial legal position of limited liability company in state owned enterprises in Indonesia. This type of research is descriptive analytical with the type of normative legal research. The approach used is the doctrinal approach or also known as the normative approach, which studies and analyzes the rules, standards and legal principles of the nature of corporate finance in state-owned enterprises in the form of limited liability companies. Source of data collected include primary, secondary and tertiary data. Data analysis in normative legal research, data processing is carried out by means of a systematic method of written legal materials. Systematization means making a classification of these legal materials to facilitate analysis work. The result of this study indicated that the nature of limited liability company finance in Indonesia is the company’s finance itself as a legal entity that as separate assets from iths shareholders so that it cannot be called state finance, the state-owned limited liability company financial accountability management system in Indonesia shows that companies with limited liability, not only the ownership of assets by the company, are separate from the money owned by the people who run the company but also the company’s shareholders are not responsible for the company’s debt, and the financial legal position of a state-owned enterprises limited liability company in Indonesia is interpreted as being a shareholder like a shareholder in a limited liability company.
Penghentian Perkara Berdasarkan Restorative Justice Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Pencurian Di Kota Sorong Irfan Ramli; Wahab Aznul Hidaya; Muharuddin Muharuddin
Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Law Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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The main point of this problem is to find out how the process of handling restorative justice in theft crimes at the Sorong State Prosecutor's Office. This research uses emperical research methods by combining existing data in the field and those related to what is discussed in this thesis. The result of this thesis research is to explain or discuss related to theft crimes that can be solved by the process of restorative justice. The conclusion of this study is that the termination based on restorative justice for how to fight to encourage someone who commits a criminal case not to undergo criminal proceedings through joint deliberation is expected to provide a solution and alternative resolution of criminal cases.

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